I caught my boyfriend sneaking around with his ex: Advice?

What is your gut saying? Go with it and Don’t Look Back!

Too many “fish in the sea” to deal with that BS. If you even question his faithfulness, you are in the wrong relationship. :woman_shrugging:t4:

Move on. You dint need people to tell you. He is nit trust worthy. Make a life fir yourself

Get a new boyfriend If he cheated with you he will cheat on you

Girl…he lying. Your gut is telling you and God is saving you, listen. :heart:

Do you think your child deserves to have an idiot for a mom Who would bring a child into such a messed up situation You need help to find why you do something like this I hope your child doesnt grow up as screwed up as you are

Wth he’s playing with the both of you!!!

Face up to it . You know what it is…

Tell if u can doitsocanI there. Other fish in the sea

Drop him like a hot potato.

Get out while you can. Sounds like hes a narcissistic lieing, cheating, asshat.

Once a cheater always can never be trusted, at least in my book. Kick his butt out for good, you & your son
just might be better off!! Do,R have any more child with this dod !!

Follow your instincts

Yeah my ass. Leave that bitch!

get rid of him you will never trust him