I caught my daughter inappropriately touching our dog

I wanted to ask how to handle a situation with a 12 year old girl. My12 year old was caught playing with our dogs genitals. Not aggressively but just touching it. She said she didn’t know why she was doing it. I told her that’s not ok, and she seems to understand it all. I just don’t know if I should be concerned or not. We’ve talked about having sex and about other people’s bodies so I haven’t kept her out of the loop, but I just want to know if that’s normal or not.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I caught my daughter inappropriately touching our dog

She’s probably just curious… your talk should do the trick…


Not normal … take her to see someone… if she does not have some kind of disability…


Was she more like curious about them versus actually wanting to? I wouldn’t say it’s normal persay.


I wouldn’t say normal, but as long as she does understand that is not ok. I think the talk should help.


Baloney! She’s 12 yrs. old and very curious! Unless you sense there is more to it, don’t panic!!


I believe she was just curious… I had a similar experience and once we talked about it, it never happened again to my knowledge.


Someone might be touching your daughter inappropriately. You should talk to her and make sure she knows that it’s safe for her to tell you if anything is going on.


Kids still get curious even if they’re “in the loop.” She probably was just genuinely curious. And dog genitals are weird looking. Lol I wouldn’t panic. She’s a kid and still exploring life.


I don’t know about normal but as long as you talked about it and you don’t think there’s more to it I wouldn’t worry unless you see it happen again. Then she will definitely need some kind of therapy or something.

She’s just likely


I think she’s just curious… unless she was touching it for a long time, you know?

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I would make it absolutely clear this is WRONG!
I taught my kids right from the start. Privates are private. Not for anyone to touch.
It’s wrong n against the law. Bad ppl go to jail becuz of such things.

Educate her.


I wouldn’t make a big deal out of it. See if the talk stops it and if not then perhaps a therapist would be the next step. I’m sure she’s just curious. Don’t let these comments of omg she’s this or that scare you. I think she’ll be fine.


I say she is just curious, and I would just monitor it. She is 12 years old. If your having the talk about body change and sex, then I will continue the talks. Remember, puberty is coming.

Probably just curious. You told her it wasn’t ok and she said she understood. Problem solved.


Not sure its normal but its curiosity none the less. Talk gently dont embarrass her it can lead to trust issues/bigger probs later in life. Show her exactly how to handle/pet the animal. Maybe dont leave them alone for awhile if you can help it


She is 12 she should know better just my opinion js. That’s a cause 2 get bitten by the dog also


I don’t think it’s a huge concern. She’s 12, she’s aware of and knows about body parts, etc. A male dog genitals are weird looking lol. I’d chalk it up to curiosity. I say, if you catch her doing it again, after talking to her, I’d dig deeper.


as a 12 yr old, touching a dog’s genitals is NOT normal. If you said your 4 yr old or around that age, did this, yea, I might say that child is curious, but not normal for a 12 yr old. Talk to her a little more


While it’s not typical behavior, that age is full of curiosity. Just reinforce that it’s wrong and don’t stress over it right now


It’s not normal persay but with saying that, you have spoken to her explaining it isn’t right. If she understands your talk she won’t do it again. If she does it again, than I would be talking her to talk to someone. Watch what she’s doing not only with your dog but with others. What is she looking at online, what are her and her friends doing/talking about, are they talking about sex in school? There is so much happening at a younger age, children aren’t sure about it and are very curious and they don’t want to ask because they are usually afraid of being made fun of or called names. Parents need to listen and watch their children to see if there is something more going on

At her age I’m sure she knows what it is…id be horrified


She is learning many things. I wouldn’t get upset, it is an opportune time to say, If anyone touches you inappropriately, tell someone immediately, and ignore any threats. You will not be in any trouble.

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I wouldn’t make a big deal out of it. If you have gone 12 years without inappropriate sexual behavior with your child than this was probably a curiosity thing. You did the right thing by addressing it but let it go and don’t embarrass them. If this seems to be a continuous thing therapy would help but kids are curious at that age so talking about things is always a positive


Honestly 12 is a bit old to be touching a dogs private area, when i was twelve i knew what was wrong an right at 12 you know more then what your suppose to ( from other kids listening to adult convos to just plain curiosity) so her being 12 an knowing that touching other peoples privates are wrong especially animals then id talk more to her about it an if she has a phone or tablet go through her search history and see what she watches maybe that can lead up to why she did it if she was 6 or something i would blow it off an correct her but shes 12 going on 13


At 12, she should know better. Honestly it’s not a normal thing at all


12 years old is old enough to know that is NOT normal. Even if curious looking and touching are very very different things. I would talk to her and maybe talk to her doctor about it and what they think as medical professionals.


Probably just curious…but one time I was looking out my kitchen window and saw my mom by the poo stroking my cars balls with one finger as he walked across the edge.
I mean they WERE fuzzy but damn momma.

Beastality… My 6 year old would not do that or my other children in my opinion that’s not quite right


Probably just curious. I wouldn’t stress about it too much. Just have a chat with her about it and move on.


Michelle Jeffrey what u think

I’d get her into counseling and not leave her alone with the animals.


I think this is not normal behavior, and should be a cause for concern. As they say everyone starts somewhere right??

Definitely don’t just over look it.


I wouldn’t have talked to her about sex at 12… kids are doing it younger and younger these days. But back to the subject. If she has only done it once I wouldn’t worry about it. But if she keeps doing it, I’d have her talk to someone

OMG my little brother used to thump our dogs balls. So gross. :laughing:

I definitely don’t think this is something every 12 year old dog owner does. I would honestly keep the dog away from her for a while. I know my state passed laws on stuff like this. I would stress to her this isn’t safe behavior and I would explain consent to her and the fact that animals can’t give it.


I mean maybe she was curious? I don’t know bc I myself was never curious about that. Keep an eye on that one…:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Not normal for a 12 year old. I would say past 4 years old they know better. That is not good


I think its just curiosity. When we’re young and going through puberty with all those hormones, we do dumb stuff and fixated on strange things. I’m sure she’s perfectly fine, just keep an eye out for any more oddities. Worst case scenario, she gets a little counseling


Are you kink shaming right now??? Rude.

I saw a child eat dog food right out of the dogs bowl. She ate it not because she was hungry or it looked good, but because she was curious. This could be said for the same situation. From the sounds of it it sounds like it was just a one time thing.


This is a big deal and I would educate her that privates are private and that you could go to jail and is against the law because this is wrong and something more drastic could happen like another child and you can be charged at the young age of 12 here in Canada touching someone inappropriately. Teach them young :100::100::dart:


I would be concerned. It could be a curiosity thing but I have never seen it before. Maybe speak to a child psychologist? I would be concerned about what could be happening with her. Better safe than sorry.


There are age appropriate books. She obviously is curious about bodies. So find her a book, read it yourself and answer her questions honestly.


My 12 year old says that they don’t like seeing buju lick his coco nor do they like him licking them after he licks his coco.

This kinda curiosity is concerning. She’s 12!

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Honestly, I’d be asking her doctor what they think. I have a 5 year old and we have a golden doodle boy puppy. He’s never once been curious about the dogs wiener. And he’s just a baby. When my niece was a baby we had a German Shepard, also a boy. She is autistic and she didn’t ever touch his weenie either and she grew up with him.

She’s almost 13 touching animal privates. Definitely not normal. :woozy_face:.


Clearly just curious. Sounds to me like probably extremely uninformed. She needs to be educated. She probably has questions and doesn’t know how to ask. A lot of kids will try and find the answers themselves when embarrassed to ask parents. Unless it happens again, I wouldn’t be too worried!


Shes curious some of these answers are just wow shes a curious 12 yo girl


Honestly that’s not normal behavior I would find a good child therapist. And find out if something else going on to why she is doing that


Id keep an eye on that and get advice from a medical professional.


Maybe check in with your daughter that nothing has happened to her. I hope not but just incase. Xxx


I can’t believe we are seeing this on social media WTH


My son never did that to his dog at any age. Definitely not normal


12 is to old for this behavior and I honestly wouldn’t just brush it off, at 12 I knew what sex was and had no interest in fondling a dog, please re-home your pets or don’t leave her alone with any of them ever

Definitely not normal.


I wouldn’t be to concerned. I would definitely have a very firm conversation with her. But then let it go. But watch.


If it is a one time thing, still not normal but, you’ve spoken to her since. I think you try to pretend to forget because she may be embarrassed that it crossed her mind like do human boys look the same? She probably regrets it. If it happens again. I needs to addressed seriously and quickly. Don’t make it obvious but try to keep an eye on her not just with her but her changing body language and levels of curiosity in things.


Wow. All these “experts”.


This kinda makes me feel sick. Not normal


I mean my baby sister once grabbed our dog by the balls but she had no idea what she was doing :joy::joy::joy: but at 12 that’s a little odd

Honestly it’s a time that her body and everyone around her is changing. She probably has some idea of how sex works but not exactly. Animals are similar but different enough she was probably just curious and confused. I’d explain how it’s not an appropriate behavior. Ask if she has any specific questions and let it be. My goodness this world is scary. Every one sex shaming a 12 old cuz she doesn’t know how a red rocket works.

It’s always the ones saying my kid would/could never that wind up dealing with something similar!! Kids can just be curious! It might just be that or it might be a different issue…do what you feel is best!! And don’t listen to everyone who’s making such a huge deal out of it!! Maybe let her talk to a counselor and see if there’s some other stuff going on…good luck!!!


If she can’t explain why she did this then it could be impulsiveness or curiosity…have a gal to her about it and also when she isn’t around maybe discuss it with a Dr


How sex positive are you at your house? I asked because it could be curiosity if she’s never been educated about bodies and sex. I feel like 12-year-olds should know better but some kids also model the behavior that’s being done to them so I would sit her down somewhere safe and ensure that’s not the case. I don’t pretend to know that’s just what I would do.

Maybe she can be a veterinarian. Get her some books on the anatomy of animals :heart:


Oh please don’t embarrass her or make her feel bad. She is 12 and that is a hard age. They want to be strong and independent but they wear their heart on their sleeve. If you see her do it more then tell her not to but don’t permanently scar her soul over it. Trust me I remember being curious about stuff when I was a kid and I still remember the scars that adults left me over it. I never would… beastiality…:rage: Oh my God I can’t believe someone actually said that about this. And the fact they had a 6 year old!? Just wait till their child gets old enough to search for answers to their question. Maybe your 12 year old will end up being a vet!!!

You need to go into to full body /anatomy education she is JUST CURIOUS and alot of these answers are outrageous and farfetched


Is everyone really making touching a dog’s balls into sexuality wtf has this world came to :woman_facepalming::woozy_face:… These kids play with fidgets all day long I’m sure she was just being a kid not realizing what she was even doing and nothing intentionally sexually whatsoever but if you talked to her about it already I’m not sure the purpose of this post besides to embarrass the kid… but what do I know most of these mommas are experts :thinking:
"My kid didn’t do it so definitely not normal " really…do we see out kids 24/7 !!!

Dogs peepees are weird. Prob just curious let her know it’s not okay to touch things like that and move on.


Kids are weird. That’s probably all there is to it. I’m sure u did some stuff as a kid that your parents were like wtfff


At that age, curiosity. We all go through it. As parents a small part of us kind of cringe a little, but also appreciate it the same because it is a part of growing up. It is completely natural.
Don’t make her feel ashamed for her curiosity, but do explain to her that going about it that way with pet or a friend is inappropriate however she can come to you openly without judgement for questions and/or concerns about anything on her mind. My mother had an open door policy and I am the same way with my son.


At twelve, that is NOT normal. It may seem extreme to others, but I really think you should get your daughter into some kind of therapy & definitely get some anatomy books for her if she’s curious.


Curious kids look online, or magazines, or books, they do not molest animals. I’d find a psychologist ASAP, her pediatrician can give you a referral I’m sure.


This is absolutely disgusting and not normal at all. Seek help for your kid wtf


Interesting answers all around. My question to you without judgement is do you feel like you have a really good open communication relationship with her, and be honest? If so just keep the lines of communication open for her to tell you any and everything without judgment. If you don’t then find her a good counselor and let her be open and honest there.

Just because your child didn’t do it doesn’t mean this 12 year old needs a therapist…she’s curious she said she didn’t know because saying she was curious to you probably made her embarrassed, talk to her keep and eye out but no need to rush off to the therapist she’s 12 and all kids are different and not all kids are the same level of sex curiosity. At 11 I like boys and had bf even tho I was not allowed my daughter is 11 and I asked if she thought any boys are cute or anything and she was like ewww mom no I don’t want a bf, she asks me questions but shes just not there yet :100::ok_hand: just talk to her :blush:

Possibly just curiosity about genitals. You haven’t said what gender your dog is. Explain that PANTS applies to everything, not just people and that it’s not OK to touch private parts!

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I would say curiosity :woman_shrugging:t4: idk that’s weird but kids are fucking weird anyways regardless of the age… a lot of people are saying “ MY CHILD WOULD NEVER” STFU you just ain’t catch them :joy::joy:

When my two youngest kids were 4&5 I got male kittens and because they had never seen an intact male before they were curious so I had to explain everything to them. But at 12 and most likely growing up with the dog I don’t see how it could be curiosity since she’s old enough to know what genitalia is whether animal or human. I’d talk to her pediatrician about her seeing a counselor find out why she did it because she may not be fully comfortable talking to you and definitely look into if she’s been touched.


Speak to a professional physiologist before doing more or less. Public opinion is just opinion, many time our opinion are biased, based on our experiences in life.


Kids are curious. Especially curious about 12 years old!!! Yes, time for her to learn about human bodies…and animal bodies. Great mom!!!


Lmao yall are so overthinking this. Have yall had the talk yet. Or does she just know girls have vag and boys peens lol. Some of you are absolutely hysterical saying not normal go to the doctor. Time to get down and really talk about it all… there is nothing wrong with you daughter. Lol


Of course it’s not normal behavior :roll_eyes: & at 12 kids tend to explore sexuality in different ways & get curious. Saying she needs therapy is kinda overboard & cr@zy to think unless it’s recurring. She just needs some sex education books & books on positive ways to explore sexuality. I pray some of yall don’t treat your children so negatively as what I’m seeing in the comments.

Uh. Not at all normal. She might be mentally ill. I would talk to a Dr about it.


What’s normal in today’s world? I have come across many children who have done this in my line of work, they are normal and curious, don’t shame her, but do sit and talk to her about what was going on for her at the time and discuss calmly about your boundaries and hers and your pets.:hugs:


She wont talk to you now but thats not your fault. Shes embarrassed and shamed and knows that she has done something wrong. Find someone you trust to have an open conversation with her. Maybe an aunt, older sister, or even her doctor. Not about that but about boys and curiousity. Leave books laying around. Let her see you reading them too. Books with educational pictures. You may have had the sex talk with her but she may have questions about the specifics. Like what it means for a boy to have an erection, things like that. I left my human anatomy books out. It allowed the girls to look at the pictures and ask questions that I could answer from a technical perspective instead of coming at them as just their mom having an awkward conversation.

I would say it’s curiosity, my 9 year old will “hump things”. I’m going to assume the dog is a boy? She’s probably done bits of sex Ed at school and that adds to the curiosity

I would suggest counseling to find out what’s going, she sounds like she might have some molesterish tendencies


Maybe she did it for a reason besides sex!!! All you people going straight to condemning this child. Maybe she grows up to be a vet! Quit saying perverted things about this kids!!! You all are the ones that went straight in the gutter!! Hey I have to clean my horses sheath if it gets crust stuck in it!! Calm down pervs I’m not fondling him it’s necessary for his health!

I am a Grandma, seriously maybe she is just curious as to how things work!
Maybe she will be a Veternarian.
Yes, talk to her about it put don’t shame her, if she was a boy what would your do?
We have all done stupid little things on our lives, don’t make this a Big Deal!


Under 10, I’d say “normal child curiosity” but 12, some girls start menstrual cycles. I think you should bring up to her pediatrician. God forbid she’s already encountered some sort of abuse.

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Idk at 12 I was very aware and knew sexual intentions towards animals was wrong. You wouldn’t have caught me touching a dogs dick/vagina at that age for sure.

I’m guessing curiosity. If she showed other behaviors I might be concerned but if not maybe it’s just time to have a whole conversation about genitals and how they work. I some parents are against it and that’s ok but I never held back with my kids. The more they know and understand the less likely they are to get taken advantage of and less likely to “explore”. I would definitely keep an eye on her behavior with animals though just to be safe.


I think that 12 is a little too old to be doing that and it being chalked up to “being curious”. I mean at this point she will be going into 7th grade I’d assume? My daughter will be 11 in April and knows that wouldn’t be appropriate…


At 12 years old, that is definitely not normal. I would make an appointment with a therapist to see about getting to the bottom of it.


First I wouldn’t leave her alone with the dog for a while. The dog could bite her and do some damage and then it’s the dog who will have to pay for her “curiosity” as so many people are putting it. I get being curious hell I was when I was that age but I never was curious or had a urge to touch any of my pets like that.


Thats normal shes just wondering what they are just explaining the talk to her might help seriously :neutral_face: be open with that stuff or else she will have someone else explaining it to her and THEIR version of it!