Having gone through infidelity personally, I do think that majority of the time someone that does that does not change…BUT it is possible. I say that because I was the unfaithful partner & I never did it again. It’s been about 15 years since we went through it & just celebrated our 21st anniversary. We’re in a great place in our relationship. It was definitely hard for awhile. My husband said that eventually it came down to deciding if he wanted our relationship to work. Fortunately, he did and we BOTH did the work required to move past it. I honestly think we’re more of an exception tho because most couples I know that have dealt with it did not stay together. I do know that it will never work if BOTH partners don’t put in the effort needed to move on. That effort has to be genuine and consistent. Once my husband forgave me, that was it. He didn’t bring it up again, throw it in my face or anything like that. I still wish everyday that I could go back and change it. I was young and so stupid. I guess what I’m trying to say is…yes it’s possible for someone to change, but there has to be a very real and genuine love with tons of communication for that to happen.
If he works out of town, there’s a chance he’ll do it again, but, just learn how to hide it better.
Sounds like he’s sorry he got caught.
of course you believe him when he said he was sorry because you are nieve
When you get another womens phone number drunk or sober why do you think he did that …
Because he liked her silly and he plans to hook up with her…you only get her phone number for one reason and one reason only …for sex…
Then when he was drunk he texted her how stupid is he…
And you believe him because he said he was sorry …did he delete her number probably not
But it dont matter because next time he will just meet up with her at the bar
What was he texting her did you read it
Go into his phone and delete her number and block her
And check out his other messages
Check his dam call records to see how many times he has called her
And keep checking his phone
Download a spyware on his phone so you know who he is messaging
Like p c t a t t l e t a l e
You say he works out of town that is the best cover for flings
Definitely once a cheat always a cheat
Does he think he’s West Texas single or…. I’m just saying because I live in the area and mofo’s be having the excuse that they are drunk
Baby girl the only thing he is sorry about, is that he got caught!!!
Why would he even exchange numbers in the first place?? He could’ve quite easily said “no, I’m married/have a girlfriend (etc) thank you, but I’m not interested” and that would’ve been that… Why on earth would he exchange numbers in a bar with a girl he just met? Does she think he’s a single guy? Has he told her he’s single??
He sounds like a liability to me…
To answer your question yes a man can change
Are you serious
Run girl run
How many times has he done this that you don’t know about
Girl, dont be dense. ya man is a cheat!
I’d sneak in his phone and get her number and text her and find out
I’d have smashed the phone on his dome but hey if you want to believe he’s sorry that’s your decision
SOME men do change. Me and my boyfriend played the heck outta each other nearly 2 years ago, then stopped all communication for almost a year … now we been goin on 7 months stronger than ever❤️
BUT if he apologized right when he was caught, he ain’t sorry.
The men that do change take time to realize what they want and that they wanna settle down with one person
Someone who cheats can change but it doesn’t happen over night. It takes commitment, time, and usually some counseling to help both parties involved… I would say give him a chance if you feel like you can forgive him, but keep a close eye on things and if his behavior doesn’t change then leave. If he continues going to bars and getting drunk without you around that’s a red flag also.
How many other times he got drunk and exchanged numbers ? That would be my question to him. Is there more? Idk it’s up to you to trust him.
Someone who has been unfaithful (whether it be emotional or physical) can change but it takes some work. I would personally be concerned that he found it acceptable to even accept a number from another female though. This likely isn’t the first time it’s happened.
In my experience, once they cheat they’ll betray you again, just a matter of when. Cheating doesn’t just happen. They didn’t just randomly exchange numbers in a split second decision. There must’ve been enough flirtatious interaction for them to feel like they’d want to exchange numbers. He got caught this time and chances are he’ll be smarter about it the next time he cheats. Cheating is an automatic deal breaker for me. Tbh, sounds like you deserve better.
Once a cheat always I was with a serial cheat 11 yrs same excuse
Sometimes it doesnt matter if they cheat again or not. That trust is broken and you are going to go crazy every time he is out of town for work now.
Men can change… so can women… sometimes the change comes too late and most of the time it is a whole lifestyle change… but it does happen… you need to have a serious talk with him about what he did, how it made you feel, boundaries, respect… and he needs to stop going out drinking with his friends out of town… period… if he can’t respect your boundaries than it might be time to talk to him about child support and splitting holidays?
Men are only sorry they got caught.
But men can also change for the woman they love.
Broken trust takes a very long time to repair.
But if your feelings for him are gone, do the right thing by you and the kids and leave him.
Eewww girl, he’s clearly lying. He did way more than just text her! And he’s not sorry, he’s only sorry he got caught!
If a man truly loves you and wants to be with you he will change. So many people say once a man is a cheater, he will always be a cheater. I used to believe that too, till I went through my husband (boyfriend at the time) just talking to girls behind my back. Once I found out he then started to change foe the better, granted it took some time but our relationship and now marriage is better and stronger than it was before.
Don’t ever just stay for the kids, i did that for years and they pick up on it no matter how old they are. YOU deserve to be happy too.
Once a cheater always. There is probably more !
Some men can change but if he is a narcissist then no he wont
Have him get tested for diseases. And if you really wanna make it work he needs to her number and never text her again
A drunk man is truthful. Your man is cheating.
He’s sorry he got caught. “Works out of town” will you be able to trust that he isn’t with other women while it at"work" or"or with friends"? That’s a deal breaker for me personally. I tried forgiving a cheater before and they just continued lying and cheating.
Once a cheater always a cheater
Eye for an eye I say. He texts you texts
First off if his job requires him to be out of town voila First ingredient to cheat second if he had been exchanging numbers second ingredient and the third is if they were already exchanging text messages of course they will engage in making soup together. Some women don’t care if they are married or with kids. That’s the facts of life unfortunately.
All people can change, if they want to. So find out if he wants to. Have him text her, in front of you that he is sorry. He has you and kids, and will no longer be talking to her. If he is unwilling, he has told you what you need to know.
Oh hell
. Have respect for yourself. You won’t be able to trust, sorry but, leopards do not lose their spots.
Good Luck!
Do you truly believe he hasn’t cheated? Do not stay married for the kids.
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He’s a cheater. Married men can drink without passing out numbers. I would leave
Nah I def wouldn’t let that slide, what if next time he gets the chance to do more
I caught my SO doing the same 5 years ago…like 5 years to the DAY and I caught him doing it again. We just had a baby in september…my girls and I are moving out.
People in general can change if they want to, so it’s really if he wants to.
Kick him out to show him your serious about what he’s done. Let him back in a week or two when you’ve been able to process this a little more and figure out if you want to be with him and if you do the steps he needs to take to get you to trust him again. Talk to him, maybe there’s something missing in the marriage that’s been pushed off to the side since the kids. It’s hard work trying to be all the roles we have to be in life and it’s easy to push things aside and focus on “more important things” like your kids. Your marriage should be important too.
I’m not telling you to stay or leave, I’m telling you to give yourself a break and figure out what you want to do. If you can’t forgive, don’t stay for the kids. If you decide you can try to move past it, know you’re in for a roller coaster of emotions but might be worth the fight. Just don’t stay for the kids… that’s not teaching them anything good. If you leave, your showing them your happiness is important to you. If you stay, you can show them things are worth fighting for. But if you’re miserable and stay… your teaching them to settle.
Good luck with whatever you decide! I’m sorry you’re going through this.
(There’s also groups on FB for these situations you could join if you think that could help. )
Cheater!! At least till they are too old to care about it!!
He did this once he’ll do it again . Being drunk is not an excuse .
time to get out n move on w your life
Just go with your gut!
You should leave him he’s a dishonest person
Your husband is only sorry he got caught—since there’s a pretty big likelihood that he would still be texting her if you didn’t see any of it.
Since you may still have her number, you could text her and get her side of things—guessing he said he wasn’t even married when they were carrying on at the bar together. Some things are not worth your peace, and now constant doubt—your husband may be one of these things.
Trust always your gut. Someone once told me “the things you do when you are drunk are the things you always wanted to do but didn’t have the balls to do it while sober”…. Being drunk is just an excuse, he probably been doing it for a while. Love yourself and your children , the pain that cheaters cause is not worth it . You deserve to be happy and feel secure around someone.
He just got caught this time. Sock away some funds if you need to and get a lawyer. A good way is to get cash back every time you go shopping and put it somewhere super safe. Good luck. He just doesn’t want the comfort of his home disturbed. It need to be, because you deserve better.
Make him delete and block the number
It’s true if the cheater doesn’t want to change. I wouldn’t believe his excuse, but you’re fortunate to have gotten an explanation. In my experience, when you drink that’s the truth coming out
Nope! I would be long gone! I don’t put up with that period! I give 0 second chance when it comes to stuff like that!
Don’t stay for the kids. If he wants to change he will, I’d still leave though. Cheating is cheating. I know plenty, men and women, who are married and drink and they don’t give randoms their phone number.
Actually call the Girl and find out what she has to say then u will know or hopefully get peace
Don’t hold the door when you hopefully throw him out.
When are these women going to learn to not give second chances to cheaters!?
He is only sorry because he got caught.
Your kids are witnessing everything and they rather see you happy alone than miserable with their father.
Dump him. Drunk actions are sober thoughts.
I will play the Devils advocate in this,
Men are not blind they see beautiful women and that’s ok. Next up he had a few to many and some girl probably hit on him, which in turn made him feel Manley, like he still had qualities of being attractive and approachable (those endorphins don’t go away they just settle) Maybe his friends egged him on? Who knows exactly the circumstance. But the real question is Do you still make him feel the way that other person did? Do you truly love him? He came Home to YOU didn’t he?
I’m not a jealous person so my opinion is outside the box of wanting people to change after the relationship stage gets started. I like the challenge of being what my significant other wants and needs and if infact as time goes on I’m not that desire. The Door is always open He can go look elsewhere, life is to short for anyone to be miserable, Love yourself first, be your own happiness. It’s no one else’s Job to make you happy, loved,confident or important. That comes from within yourself first. Good luck, may your joy always come from within.
From my experience once a cheater always a cheater
You two can work on your relationship together or you can leave. That trust issue, that gut feeling you know is right will always be there. He will do it again when he’s drinking.
Oh girl! That does not sound right! Is he sorry or sorry he got caught! Did ya see what they were talking about? Does she know he’s married with kids? The best way to predict future behavior is by looking at past behavior. In my experience once they get away with it once they will more then likely do it again.
If he was doing it then he’s done it before or will do it again ,
And don’t let him use being drunk as an excuse because it’s not , we manage to keep our privates in our pants when we’re drunk
Reread what you just wrote…Now theres your answer…Cheaters always gotta blame it on something or you…He is sorry because he got caught…
I could maybe understand working with him if he got drunk at a bar and carried away and got someone’s number. (Depending on how drunk we are talking and he would def never drink again) but the fact that he is still texting her after the fact shows intentional infidelity and that’s where I would have to draw the line.
I’m really tired of societal pressure telling us it’s better to stay because we have kids. No. I refuse to waist my life. If I’m not happy then we gotta figure something else out. But that’s just me.
BIG DEAL ,get over it
Women allowing their guys to “work out of town” then wonder why the men cheat and text other girls.
Look. If he’s texting other girls… it shows intent… he will… If he hasn’t already… cheat on you. Stop whining about it and move on.
Now that he’s been caught… let him know that you have lost some trust in him. Let him know that this makes you sad. Let him know… don’t do it again. Then let it go, be watchful, but let it go
From experience once a cheater always a cheater as in fact they get away with it because you take them back like a fool
He’s sorry you found out. Think to yourself what would have happened if you DIDN’T find out… There is no reason they should have even exchanged numbers to begin with… he’s MARRIED. That being said though… I think cheaters can change. My ex husband was a cheater and to my knowledge he hasn’t done anything wrong since he has married his new wife. But he also doesn’t go to bars anymore either. It depends on the person I think but trust between you guys will never be the same as it was. It will always be in the back of your mind. That was the hardest part for me because I tried to make it work for another 3 years after I found things out but it never really felt right again.
Yep…once a cheater always a cheater given the opportunity!!! Expecially if alcohol is involved. You deserve better
I’m just saying everyone is sorry after being caught guilty not before.
I bet he is seeing her and more than just talking
He’s only sorry because he was caught
I’m of the mindset that once you criss that line there’s no coming back. That trust is compromised and when my trust is compromised you don’t get that back usually.
Once a cheater always a cheater is a lie i know this from experience men can change my boyfriend of 6yrs cheated for while I finally had my fill packed my stuff and let him watch me leave I didn’t say a word about 3 months later he realized that I was done he figured out what he really wanted in life we talked started dating and everything is wonderful now we are now married 5 yrs its called communications and and wrkin out problems
What would have happened if u didn’t find out. He wasn’t sorry when he was doing it behind your back
It sounds more like he makes poor decisions when he is with his friends. Have you noticed a drinking problem when he is with you? There is medication or at least there used to be medication prescribed that causes people with alcohol problems to get sick if they drink while on it. Just a thought. It does sound like he has a problem with alcohol or is on the road to having a problem. He may have nothing else to do than hang out with his buddies and drink after work.
Can he get a job closer to where to live? Can you move and be closer to where he works? It doesn’t sound like he’s done anything other than alert you to how lonely he is. Before things go further, do you want to save your marriage? If yes, move closer to him or encourage him to get another job.
I would ask her myself what’s going on. I don’t believe nothing happened. And why did he exchange numbers? Shady asf
If youre still going to be with him use condoms and dont get overly attached just to be on the safe side
Throw the whole man away
I’m so sorry you’re going thru this. Nobody can tell you what to do. You have to do what you’re comfortable with. The doubts suck really bad and for some/maybe most it doesn’t go away. You may feel like you’re just waiting for it to happen again. Good luck .
Why is he exchanging numbers tho. Seems to comfortable. Also he can’t blame everything on he was drunk. sober thoughts are drunken words. So if he is doing it while he is drunk then he is thinking about it or actually doing it when he is sober. People do change but very seldomly do they stop cheating on someone…
Tell him you don’t trust him and see what he does to fix that
I wouldn’t want him to drag that stuff into my space. Time to circle the wagons. Enemy approaching.
From personal experience they are only sorry when they get caught.
99per cent ,is usually continue to cheat
Men can change. Mistakes do happen and people can grow and learn from them. We all make mistakes but they do not define us. If you love him, work on the relationship. In time, things do get better
Young one , the trust will never be the same once it’s broken.
Once a cheater always a cheater
He’s not sorry. He’s sorry he got caught
If he was brazen enough to do it close enough to you to be caught then I’d hate to think of what he’s doing when your not around!? Xx
He’s sorry that his jig is up…
It’s not a gender specific thing when it comes to once a cheater always a cheater. Ppl do in fact change. BUT, if he was ACTUALLY sorry, he would’ve deleted her after the FIRST time
Sue Johnson,you are wrong,i used to cheat and met this man 30 years ago and there’s no way i would cheat on him.
He is sorry he got caught
He’s married and exchanging numbers with some girl at a bar?! Tf? NOT OKAY. I would never feel comfortable with him going out to bars with his friends again. And you shouldn’t have to feel like that.
Never changes. They just learn to lie better.
Sit down and make him watch the Lorena Bobbit story with you. Then just look at him and smile.