I cheated on my husband and got pregnant: Will the dad have rights to the baby?

Legally he has rights as its his dna inside u maybe get some lega protection and shut ur legs

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I can’t help but wonder if he’s being irrational because he wants to have his child in his life. You mentioned her comes by and has come by the hospital. Does he know you’re pregnant? Have you already given birth? Are you blocking access? I’d sue you for rights AND custody, if it were me. I don’t know where women get off thinking they can play with someone’s feelings like that. If you were the one being cut off, how would you feel? You think a father would feel less or should have less rights to his child JUST BECAUSE you cheated on your husband? What kind of sideways logic is that??? Grow up! That’s insane. On the other hand, if he is legitimately crazy what were you doing having unprotected sex with him? How’s your own mental state? Should YOU be raising a child??? SMDH


One… that’s horrible. It IS his baby… wether you like him or not, just because it’s uncomfortable for YOU doesn’t mean anything. Gosh that’s heartbreaking. Maybe step back and think of the reasons the affair happened, selfishness… learn from that and grow up. Rights automatically go to the legal husband in some states but the father can file for paternity testing and get rights that way.

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You need to make police reports to document his behavior and get a restraining order.
Congratulations on the baby. I hope the baby gets all the love that every baby deserves.

Mother of god… Islam is right about women


Happened to me Shoot the bitch

Remember when they burned witches?

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If the biological father had not started up any legal proceedings. She can have her husband sign the birth certificate and she can give the child her husband’s last name. (I am not saying that this is morally right or wrong) Legally she has those rights if the other parent has not filed an order for paternity. Also the husband can start up adoption papers and if she does not know current location of biological father the law is on her side. She would have to put the adoption court record in the newspaper for 2 or 4 weeks. If biologic father does not come forward the adoption process can start up for the husband. She also could have just stayed quiet and not said anything (not that I’m saying its morally right or wrong) Also the biological father is the one who on his own would need to request a paternity test and he would need to request a court hearing for rights to the child. These rights are not just automatically given to the biological father especially if it is contested by the mother.

Shouldn’t have messed around i I would, would never, never ever raise another mans child he is responsible for his actions and i I would kick her to the side. She made her bed now lie in it,tou you did the deed now own up to it!!!


It’s absolutly amazing to see how women give that cheater even legal advice on how she can exclude the biological father, while tie down some poor for the rest of his life with a cheating woman.


my opinion really depends on what would create the best environment for the child in question. If the mother and her husband can and will raise the child together as their own then providing a stable traditional nuclear family is probably what’s best for the child. (but the husband must choose to be father of the child in all aspects) in which case the bio daddy should step back and give the child a norma upbringing. Just because he’s a genetic donor doesnt make him a father. Now if they can’t provide a stable nuclear family then as biologically the child is his then it’s his responsibility to step in and help protect the child from harm.