Legally the baby is your husband’s. If you do nothing, unless the guy you fucked goes and files with the court and goes through with a DNA test, he will have zero rights. If your husband is cool with it, I say tell the psycho nothing and move on with your life. Tell the kid when they’re 18. Write a letter and put it in a safety deposit box until then. With names and contact info. Then they can do what they like.
He doesnt have rights bc you and him are not married to establish rights he would have to go through the courts to get a paternity test then file for visitation, however if you can prove all the things he is doing then chances of him getting any would be slim or if he did it would be with supervised visitation
Of course he has rights it’s his baby oh dear what a pickle your in cant believe your husband has stuck by you wow must be some guy
Did you make him this psychotic by telling him the baby is his and them telling him to stay away from you both?
… i hope thats not the case but i often see people make other lives hell till they snap, call them crazy and then question how they got that way.
I mean it’s his baby… ethically yes he has rights… but if you put your husbands name on the birth certificate then he will be considered the legal father.
Of course he has rights hes the father. Just because you have a husband doesn’t mean he doesn’t exist😂
The father does have rights and it’s wrong to not tell him, but if you have proof he does these things, you can take to court to have his rights stripped
As a married woman, the baby automatically gets yours and your husbands last name. That doesn’t name your husband as the father unless you have him sign the birth certificate. If you have your husband sign the birth certificate knowing there’s a chance it’s the man you cheated withs child; then there are ramifications for that. The man can request DNA, but he would have to take you to court and pay attorneys fees and such. I hope you and your husband are ready for this battle
He had rights until he became an unfit parent. Hope you have that documented.
Good luck, gotta say, that was a moment of weakness!However get your tubes tied…the child nay need more help than you know…baby May ve the same as father “DNA”
Well of course he has rights. He is the father.
I wouldn’t have told him anyways if I had a husband and he forgiven me. Say you lost the baby and walk away with your husband as the dad .
Get a restraining order for you and the baby. Put your husband on the birth certificate
He has right and he will probably get supervised visitation. The judge would decide ig you have proof like pictures and stuff cause you know he will deny everything you say and say that you just donr want him in the picture bevause you are married
Dont put him on the birth certificate put your husband down as the father
I’m so sorry you’re going through this. The guy sounds really crazy. I would try to get a PFA against him. I’m glad you’re husband has forgiven you. Also, I can’t believe the amount of perfect, non sinning, people on this thread. It’s amazing. I thought Jesus was the only perfect one?? I’d love to meet all of you, your lives must be soooo perfect.
Just get an abortion tf
why did you tell him??
just put your hubby last name on the birth certificate do not tell this guy that you are prego with his kid and let things be.
He’s the dad!! He has rights especially if he request dna test etc!!
Your all wrong. Its supposed to be in the best interest of the child but if you live California it doesn’t always work like that cause ive been through it twice.the first time lost my ass and lost my child because i was the only one working and our courts are corrupted and biased you would hope for a 50% 50% when it comes to children involved but it dont work that way in California courts if your the breadwinner the you get fucked. If the mother was the breadwinner the the mother gets fucked cause they make the breadwinner pay out the ass and they want the none breadwinner to file for welfare and thats way the state goes after the breadwinner to make them pay the welfare back and they get payed back twice as much cause they charge intreste on the money the give out
First of all I applaud your husband
Not many men forgive cheating
Unfortunately I know nothing about laws in other countries because I’m in South Africa
But all the best babe
Your husband is legally the child’s father until proven otherwise in Alabama
You might want to check the state you live in. That will help a lot with it but i know that when i had my daughter, her father had to sign other paperwork so he could sign the birth certificate since we were not married. It was because they didnt want me putting just anyones name on it But that is in cali.
Actually depends on the state you live in some states if your married then legally bio dad or not your husband will be the legal father in the eyes of the state so id suggested looking up your state law first ik this because someone close to me has experienced having a child with a married woman so yea.
Look at all these facebook attorneys!
Looks like my comment was removed. I know i didnt bash anyone. Im sure i stated facts not feelings.
Everyone is telling her to commit fraud.
The bio father has rights. We’ve adopted 4 kids and our last is 1. Bio father had to terminate rights. Do it right the first time, because in 10 years he can come and prove paternity
Yes he’ll have rights to the child as he is the biological father but from what I’m hearing it sounds like you can apply for full custody and win because of how unstable he is! But good luck hun
He will have rights… unless he signs them away. Tf
I think paternity test to be done and see who is the father, decide what’s best for You and your unborn child.
If he does not take a paternity test he will not have legal rights
You made a mistake. But your child and its bio father shouldnt lose out because of your mistake.
If he files for a DNA he will have parental rights
He is the father he will have rights.
Depends on the state. But I mean If he crazy and violent take it to court cause u can get a restraining order for ur family especially if he stalking and slashing tires. U can also get full custody as well. Jus be careful keep documentation of everything and make sure u r never alone. If he being this crazy u never know what he could end up doing
Has he shown up at the hospital and your house to talk to you about the baby? Did you sleep with him, get pregnant, then just decide to have nothing to do with him anymore? He has every right to know how his child is growing and to have equal custody when the baby is born. Slashing tires is a incredibly stupid thing to do, but so is having an affair. Doesn’t make either of you unfit to parent. That’s great your husband has forgiven you, but the baby’s biological father has right to the baby. If you try to keep the baby from him without proof of him being “psychotic”, that mean you a horrible person. Grow up, own up to your mistakes, and do 50/50 custody. Co parent like adults.
I was a product of an affair. 41 years later, I haven’t forgiven my mother. I never will. I was born a bastard and given a name that was never really mine. Do what’s best for your kid!
he has rights as the birth father unfortunatley
100 percent he can have right. Court ordered DNA test
He has the right to the baby and so he should shouldn’t of laid down with someone else he should have rights to the baby also even if it’s supervised it’s his child
Yes he will have rights. You will have to prove he’s not fit to be a parent.
In ohio if you have a child with someone you’re not married to, dna, child support still do not give the father rights. You are not married to him, he does not have to sign birth certificate. He will be taking you to court to prove that’s his baby & even then he will have to prove he’s fit to be a parent.
Write everything down. Take it to a lawyer. Get an official opinion. In Michigan your husband goes on the birth certificate. It’s dumb, but it’s the law. Unless you get a DNA test done and prove he’s the father.
Ummmm its his baby…of course he has rights. Better start researching laws and get a lawyer, dna test, and get ready for what may be a battle
get ready for a shit storm
Get a restraining order
Sorry but thats a stupid question of course he does…its HIS
In most states no. If you’re married your husband is automatically on the birth certificate. If your husband has forgiven you etc, just let him go.
Unfortunately, yes. He has all the right. Your husband will have none. Unless he signs them over or you can prove him unfit(which is nearly impossible). Sorry honey
People make mistakes. It’s no one’s business besides yours and your husband
I would say that if he pursued his legal rights you’d be withholding his child and also legally in the wrong.
You’re literally keeping his child from him … how did you figure he was going to react? You can’t undo having a baby with someone by pretending he doesn’t exist?!?
Wow bunch of judgmental assholes on this page. She asked a question not to be stoned. Must be great to be so perfect.
I suggest you seek legal aid to be sure what rights are involved in this situation. I do believe the guy has rights to the child it is his. But pray about it honey and get help now. Good luck.
Your husband is legally the father until aeither a dna test is done or he and your husband sign an acknowledgment/denial of paternity.
Im in texas and in this boat except we have been separated almost 3 years with no divorce yet. My husband is legally though not genetically my sons father until paperwork is filed.
Keep your business quiet, dont tell anyone, and have your husband sign the birth certificate. Done. Otherwise if you air out your business, your only to blame for your lawer fees.
You and your husband worked it out, why are you still stuck on this guy. Let him sign and move on.
Of course he has rights to the baby, at the end of the day he ja the father.
Does he want rights? If he does… sorry but its his kid too. I don’t know legal ‘rights’ but morally yes it’s his child. If situation was reversed and the dad was trying to withhold the child from the mother the advice given would be very different. Maybe the biological dad is psychotic because you’ve told him he has no rights to his own child? I don’t know about anyone else but I know if someone tried to take my child away from me I’d be psychotic to. Not judging its a tough situation but maybe all three of you need to sit down and come to some kind of agreement or arrangement where all three of you work together to raise this child with the child’s best interests. Yes mum made a mistake, husband chose to forgive you, that’s awesome, but don’t keep a child away from his or her real father because of your mistake, for the sake of your marriage. Thats not really fair on the kid or the dad. Eventually children grow up and they will learn the truth and I think the child might end up resenting mum and husband for keeping them away from their real dad and betraying their trust… i dunno, I hope things work out for you guys.
I understand that if you are married that your husband is the legal father. Make sure he is on the birth certificate. I’ve heard of cases where even when divorce happens the husband has to pay child support because he is considered the legal father. If you can not afford an attorney call your Legal Aide office and they will advise you for free.
It’ll depend on what state you reside in. I’d ask an attorney for advice. Good luck!
If you dont put him on the birth certificate, no
Easy. Get a no contact order. Even if he legally pursued you. Write down every encounter with pictures for proof. Any judge can see a man doing these things is not fit to have rights for a child.
Have ur husband sign birth certificate.
If not listed as father on the birth certificate no
How do you know it’s his baby, and if it is don’t tell him !
I don’t understand why you even told Mr Psychotic.
No my daughter didnt cheat her and her husband were seperated though and planning on divorcing, she got pregnant before divorce was final. For the babies daddy to have any rights what so ever her husband had to sign papers stating he was not the father, or the father of the baby could. So I dont see if you are married how he would have any rights to him legally, now morally if he is the babies father.
It depends what state you live in. If your husband is willing to take responsibility for that child then great but don’t deny the bio dad from his child. There are also 2 sides of the story. You are only saying one side and making him look bad… we don’t know what happened with you and him. Once again don’t deny bio dad his rights as a father if he wants to be apart of his child
A lot of places just put the husbands name down, I would talk to a lawyer about getting a restraining order if you are scared of the bio dad and talk to the lawyer about what your options are.
Of course he would have rights to his baby. I cant believe this is even a question.
Good luck sister prayer. I’m pretty sure he has rights. Get a lawyer asap and document all the crazy shit he does. Sending prayers your way. Much love:pray:
Either get a restraining order or dot keep the baby… the father will always have rights until he signs them away
Rosie Hurman those comments
Does this guy have proof that you slept together or had any extra marital affairs? If so, then he could technically get a judge to rule on a paternity test and of course would have rights to that child if he wants them.
Unless he knows about the baby and takes you to court, not really. Since you’re married the hospital will have your husband sign birth certificate. It all depends on how much he pushes
No He don’t have no rights if your husband sign the birth certificate
some day you will have to be honest with that child. That her father really isn’t her father.
If it’s his and he finds out then yes he most certainly will have rights to the baby.
There are no “automatic” rights, but if u told him, and he decides to pursue paternity, then he will have rights if he is found to be the biological father
In the state of Pennsylvania he doesn’t have rights because you’re married.
He can force a paternity test but he will have to pay for it.
If your husband signs the birth certificate and you give the baby your husbands last name, it automatically makes him the father.
The other guy will have to do some major fighting. But make sure that’s what you want to do because you will be called out for adultery in court if it is pushed. That may give him more visitation
And then not sure how that would work
No your husband has all rights unless the other man presses DNA.
In ME your husband would need to push for a paternity test. If he signs the B.C. he is by all rights the father but if you get divorced he can push for that in order to not pay child support
In most states because you are married your husband’s name will go on the birth certificate at birth. The other man would have to file for a DNA test with the court to gain any rights over the child!
He has rights if you give his last name, or go for child support. Keep a log of everything because he can only have legal rights if he takes you to court for a paternity test
I’m not a follower, but a friend is and it popped up in my feed. Some terrible advice getting thrown around in here. Alienation experts! Why exactly is dad “psychopathic”? Just a thought, and only because I’ve seen it with other fathers I help in my fathers group for the last ten years, but, does it have anything to do with you at all lying to him like your husband? Maybe you made him think yall had a chance, and once you got busted, broke it off to save face, or because he isnt as financially stable, and now to keep from looking bad you want to keep him from his child? I’m just spitballing here. In any state, the father has rights, if he pursues them in court. But just keeping him from his child simply because it’s easier for you, is alienation, a form of child abuse. I’m only using deductive reasoning here. But your story has holes. Like “he shows up at the hopsital”. So he knows, has come to the hospital, because he somehow knows when your appointments are (you told him, cheaters will be cheaters), or, hes hella stalking and you’ve yet to do the only intelligent thing to do there and get a RO… and to all of you claiming he has no rights unless he signs the BC. He has an average of 1 to 3 years depending on the state to request a DNA test and challenge it.
Don’t tell him n if hubby signs birth certificate he legally becomes the father. I never put dads name on my girls birth certificate,stalker psycho. Theyare in there thirty’s now n don’t want contact
I hope you are filing police reports on all of these events.
He can get a court order for DNA
Once paternity is established who ever the father is has all rights. And the father can petition the court to establish paternity even if your husband signed the birth certificate.
I believe in florida if your married the husband takes responsibility
If he’s crazy why tell him it’s his?
Unfortunately he has rights as the father. You can however tie this up in court almost indefinitely. He would have to request and pay for a paternity test. The you can get child support. He would then have to go to court and request that there be a visitation schedule ordered by the court. This you can fight. I suggest that you start a diary and gather evidence as to his wildly inappropriate behaviour. Write every little thing down. Not just for stuff that he does, but if he is with anybody journal about their behaviour as well. If you dont ask for child support, DHR will usually get that ball rolling on their own after the paternity test. During all of this you need to make sure that neither you nor anyone in your family do anything off the wall to give him leverage. I wish you all the luck in the world with this. It is a long hard journey. Just stay strong and remember why you are doing this… for your child. If he acts crazy and does not ok stuff to you, how will he act to a child that cant defend themselves? Just be strong and keep your head up.
Since your married they will probably put the husband down as the father. The man will only get rights if he takes you to court for dna testing to prove hes the father. File a report every time he shows up, file harrassment. If he messes with your car destruction of property and get a restraining order on him. If he does take you to court the judge will see the reports, he hes granted anything, you can request that it be court supervised visits. He would have to pay for each visit with the child and if he shows up by your house or anywhere else it’s a violation of the restraining order and court order if hes only to see the child threw state supervision. If then, file another report.
since you are legally married, your husbands name will be on the birth certificate. the only way the birth father can have rights or visitation is if they, themselves file and take a paternity test. highly recommend documenting any and everything that he does to you bc it will help your case in court
Do you WANT to bring a “psychotics” child into your life?
Ahhh this is just a great read, I personally would have let you have your new man and went on with my life, but that’s just me.