I cheated on my husband and got pregnant: Will the dad have rights to the baby?

So if hubby signs your lies jusr continue. Awesome

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If hes as crazy and dangerous as you say then he will probably only get visitation rights. But you’d have to fight it in court and have proof. Good luck! :heart:

If it’s his child for sure why wouldn’t he have rights?


Sucks for you but yep he will have RIGHTS. :rofl::joy::rofl:YOU DID IT TO YA SELF


So much judgement…wow.

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In our state if you are married and the child belongs to another the one you are married to signs the pw…
And people really yall gonna be ugly, theres not a person here on one comment that has never sinned, so stop being ugly, just answer or dont…
And worry with your own sins.


If you haven’t told him you’re pregnant, then don’t, ever. Don’t put his name on the birth certificate.
It depends on where you live, but generally, whoever is listed as the father on the birth certificate is the one who has rights. If you don’t list any father, and he finds out about the baby & suspects, he can fight you for a paternity test and rights if he wants


That’s not only your baby, that’s his baby too. Of course he’ll have rights. As he should.


Seriously you gotta be immature af!
Karmas a cunt so you what your attention seeking ass wants too :joy:
Either way you gonna end up with a completely different baby daddy raising it.
Hubby will come to senses hopefully!

Fuck you, fuck hubby & fuck the sperm donor!

Poor kid !

First of all… get some legal help…an attorney. Also…get a restraining order. If he does have a history of psychological problems…then your whole family is at risk.
Don’t rely on advice you get on FB. A lot of these people have problems and judgements too. They won’t solve the issue you are dealing with.


He has rights. Get an Attorney

Does he know about the baby? If he Doesn’t then i wouldn’t tell him.


Alotta you women commenting are unbelievable lmfao


He has every right to see that child I don’t know who would tell you no just because your married… Should have never cheated… Sorry but not sorry karma is a bitch


We all make mistakes .
But I think he would have to
Go to court for any rights

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Don’t tell him! Raise the baby w your husband & work on your marriage & hope you learned a lesson


Only if you list him on the birth certificate if you don’t he could petition for dna to establish paternity and that could buy you some time BUT eventually once dna is established he’ll have rights. Move get off social media and change your name :woman_shrugging:t2:


I would act crazy too if someone denied me my child bc THEY (WHICH IS YOU) FKD UP! ALL OUT FKN WILD CRAZY ALL THAT! That’s so heartless and a REAL MOTHER would never deny their childs God given father an opportunity to be just that. Fk your tires I would have…!! Better be careful playing w ppl kids you gonna see alot more crazy

He has legal rights. Seek legal advice to know what your options are.

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As you already know you fucked up,thankfully your husband is going to stand by you!!! Unfortunately yes he has rights,you will have to fight it out in court. Luckily though if he is as bad as you say that will play into your favor. Main thing though is love that baby. Best of luck in your situation I hope all works out.

Sounds like a LMN movie. Go to bed with someone that turns out to be Norman Bates.
Before getting involved with someone take care of your problems first.

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I can’t even fathom the trauma some of these ladies are going through in their own lives that they feel the need to judge another soul. You messed up as we all do even if it’s something different, I am truly disgusted at all of the negative energy rising in the comment section. Be kind always. Remember what you put out to the universe is the results you will get in return. So be positive and kind and understanding of others and watch and see if you don’t start to feel positive. This is sad and my best wishes are with you…

Put your husband name on the birth certificate. I hope you have a restraining order against this guy. If not get one today! Now! ASAP!!!

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As biological father, he has rights. And for the child it would be better if he/she knows his/her biological father. But if you can prove he’s psychotic, his rights still will be the same, but he might not see the baby when he wants to. At least not on his own and the child can not stay with him. You can not punish him for your mistake.

And…he has to pay for the child. Maybe that makes everything ok?

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Research your state laws because everything varies from state to state. In most states he will have rights because he is the father. Ask for a paternity test. I hope your husband doesn’t sign the birth certificate if he isn’t the father.

If you are married by law your husband is the legal father who automatically goes on the BC in most starts. However if the other guy know he can take you to court for a DNA and establish rights.

If he’s the father, yes he has rights. It dies not matter if you are married. If he is abusive, you do need to get a lawyer and may want to find him unfit. I never put my youngest child’s father on the birth certificate, and yes, he still has rights.

For one. Your. A dumb dork.
And 2. He has rights to the baby Asswad.and you dont love your husband. Get divorced and take care of that baby by yourself. He should take you to court for cheating and getting pregnant.


For those of you saying don’t tell him… y’all are the type of women to fuck up your kids. God damn!

A. You need to keep a documentation of everything happening. Make sure you’re filing police reports. Take him to court for a custody battle.

B. You could refuse to let him in the room, therefore keeping him from signing the birth certificate. If he doesn’t sign, he legally has no rights which would make it easier - I believe to take him to court to keep him away. Bc if he does have rights, he can - and sounds like he would take the child away while going through the process.

C. What in the fuckery is up with everyone and cheating.


Yes he has rights. If he’s doing What you said he did go to the police get an order against him

Sorry to say but he does have rights … next time don’t break you’re vows


Why tell him? If you did not voice it to anyone no one would know. Keep your personal stuff private.


Get dhhs involved explain to them and get them to do everything because he’s such a danger they will surely point you in the right direction my ex was like this they have wiped all rights away because of how violent he was and because of the abuse he put me an the kids though

Lord have mercy my problems just got a lot less fucked up…girl…I’ll pray for your ass :woman_facepalming:

Its his baby of course he has rights

He is the biological father so as far as I know your marriage is irrelevant and he still has rights. However if he is that dangerous and if you have proof he has done these things you might be able to remove those rights from him. If he doesnt already know about the baby I wouldnt tell him and either have your husband sign the birth certificate or just leave it blank and claim you dont know who the father is.
It might be more beneficial for you to go the hard route and take him to court and remove the rights. This way down the road you dont have to worry about him trying to take you to court and using the fact you withheld the child from him against you. Good luck hun.


Noone should judge you hun everyone makes mistakes but unfortunately he has rights as a father but you can go get full custody n keep your child and u n your husband safe go to courthouse explain to them your situation and get a restraining order first for your protection then while you are at the court house tell them you want custody papers and go for full custody and try to keep him away but people like him will find ways always keep your guard up never stop fighting it will all work out in the end it was a mistake and thank God your hubby forgives you u must have a very strong bond with him and that’s amazing keep fighting for his trust u will get through this love has powerful ways of working I pray for you and your family it’s ok girl u got this stay strong and stay possitive and noone has the right to judge you we all make mistakes we learn from them keep your head up :wink: be strong and possitive

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You need to tell him, what if there is a medical emergency and he is a match for something this child needs. Legally he has rights to this child.

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One it all depends on where your state stands on legality. Here if your married the child is automatically given your husband’s last name and he is the one with the parental rights. If he knows your pregnant and you know for a fact it is his let him take the steps to get visitation. Let him go the extra mile and file the paper work and let him pay for the dna test. If he don’t then you have nothing to worry about if he does then do what you gotta do with him as far the baby goes. If he’s as crazy as you say I hope it’s documented that he is unstable.

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Why wouldn’t he??? And why wouldn’t you want your child to know it’s father?? I mean seriously. OF COURSE the father has rights. More importantly YOUR CHILD has a right to know it’s real father. If you don’t tell the father and do what’s right by your child. It says a LOT about your character as a human being.


Your husband’s name automatically goes on the birth certificate.

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GO GET YOURSELF A LAWYER! Get yourself off this page…then both you & your husband need to find a really good therapist. Start there & work on being a good Mom. You can be happy, have a good loving marriage…but not if you follow any the comments put on here!:roll_eyes::clap:t4:

Have you tested to see who the daddy is?

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This kind of post makes me want to shake ppl and ask wtf is wrong with you ??? Js


Legally he is not the father, your husband is the the legal father but he is bio dad. He does not have rights. Based on what u said about him THIS WONT BE PRETTY.


That’s not your baby, that’s y’alls baby!
Good luck because you about to go through hell for a long time.
He wasnt psychotic when y’all was f’n tho


Every state is different!! In CA if the child is born in the marriage it belongs to the marriage. I can tell you from first experience with my now ex! When I met him he was separated because his wife cheated on him and got pregnant by the other dude. Once the child was born,
Cps made my ex responsible and so did the judge. Even after I paid for the DNA to show he was not the father. CPS and judge didn’t care and made my ex pay child support and be responsible till this day. (CPS was involved because his ex wife had issues going on at the time). He was told by the law that any child born into the marriage, belongs to the marriage. Regardless if the real father is identified. Till this day my ex has custody and is held financially responsible. The real dad simply walked away. A lot of people don’t know this law. And we were told that my ex had only 6 weeks from the time the baby was born to get a DNA and show he wasn’t the father and file a
Motion in court to not be held responsible. Well he didn’t know that,
as most of us don’t. So lesson learned. Check with you state laws is my advise.

Psychotic, …You being married? if the other guy knows that it’s his baby he can request for a DNA test but if he doesn’t? Then you can pass it off as your husbands

If he takes you for a DNA,then yes. If your husband signs the BC that may help


Yes he does have rights he’s the father!?? And he has rights also. Maybe next time you don’t cheat and commit adultery which is a damnation in moral eyes! Smh :roll_eyes:

It’s his DNA so …if he requests a DNA tests it will show its his abs probably will. If he doesn’t know …don’t tell him and then you can just say it’s you and you’re husbands and he would be non the wiser .


I think because you are married your husband has the parental rights automatically … unless the other guy takes you to court and wants to pay childsupport establish paternity and request visitation thats when it gets complicated

We all make mistakes. Don’t beat yourself up. You need to focus on your new baby. Do have your husband sign the birth certificate. Contact the police about any stalking or threats you receive.


She says he is a nutcase but we don’t actually know that he is. We only have her word for it. I mean, she cheated on her husband so she’s obviously not the most honest or trustworthy of people. If she can lie to her husband, lying to a bunch of strangers on social media would be a cakewalk for her. If I was the husband there’s no way I’d sign that birth certificate without a DNA test showing its mine. Could be her plan anyway. Of the two of them, the husband is the most responsible and has more money. So she has baby and leaves him or cheats again after and then boom! Husband is financially responsible for the baby that’s not his til it’s out of college

He can always go to family court and ask for a DNA to prove who is the biological father. If he is he can have a court order to state that on the child birth certificate. Since you claim he is unstable you do have a long journey to prove that to be able to keep him from visiting with his child. Also do any of you think he’s acting this way because first she cheated with him and then got pregnant and now wants her husband to raise the child because their working it out. When is women go crazy on a dude we claim the guy must have made us do it. Well this situation might make anyone act out. We don’t know the full story. Just saying.


“Because you are married the law presumes your husband to be the father of any children born of the marriage. More than likely you will be forced to put your husband’s name on the birth certificate because by law he is the legal father. Your boyfriend’s paternity must be proven.”

Ok, so we can’t do anything about the past, but this is one of the many reasons why you don’t stray. You went and got pregnant by someone who isnt your husband, and on top of that the guy turns out to be a psycho? He actually will have rights to the child because he’s the father… sorry to tell you but if he knows he’s the father, your problems may have only just begun


You are an absolute moron


Just want to wish you all the best. I did the same thing. My then husband chose to list her as his. When we divorced, he tried to use it as ammo to get my new hubby to leave me. Also told my daughter. She and i are still close. Just remember as long as baby is loved, nothing else matters. Her real dad knew about her but respected my request to not be involved. They have been in contact and she doesn’t want to meet him.

No he doesn’t have any rights. If he tries anything go to the police and get a restraining order.


I cheated 6 times…thank god all after I had a hysterectomy…


Yes the father will have rights


If you gotta cheat… leave. My hubs and I have that rule as we believe the same thing.

Omg the judgmental attitudes!!! And you are all perfect??? We all make mistakes. Look at the laws in your state. Most of the time the child is considered the product of the marriage. As for these judgmental people please remember that we all do things we regret. Does not make us bad people, just human.


Yes dear. I believe it fair to say you’ve inlarged your family. Prayers for all involved

Unless he take you for a DNA test which has to be court ordered. Even then in the states eyes they usually see that even if your husband isn’t the biological father he is still the legal father. So just try and relax and not to worry. Also ask a lawyer if you need more advice or find a law library and look up state laws and federal laws. A lot of time they will have attorneys there that you can ask questions too. Also if need be I would set up a guardianship too so that will cover you in the e vent something happens down the line. Also document everything. And I would advise you get a restraining order and learn some kind of self defense or even get a taser or pepper spray.

Well hell yes he will it is HIS baby! Not your husband’s! And not only yours! Very selfish of you to even ask such a dumbass question!


How long were you astray to have unprotected sex with this psycho…seems to me like you had a relationship with this guy, you were that comfortable with him.

Not touching this one. Sorry. Good luck


Given the situation, the best course of action would be to abort the pregnancy, as much as im against that option. The father has a right to know he has a child, and the opportunity to sign the birth certificate which will give him RP. He also has a right to contact with his child unless you can prove hes a danger. If he took you to court he would be awards RP and contact.
Raising a child and lying about their parentage will be extremely detrimental to their mental wellbeing.
If you cannont come to terms with allowing the father to be part of his childs life, maybe the child shouldnt be born into the situation. I hope you do what is best for your child, whichever route you choose.


Yes he does because you married dont mean nothing he still does same has any dad does


How do you know the baby isn’t your husbands ?


Yes, he does. And nobody’s perfect. Ignore the remarks from the idiots here. Tell him you lost the baby.

Have you taken any legal action against this abusive person? Restraining order etc… you must call the police and document every violent act against you


What a cunt slut , you must have a simp of husband you have. He sales all men in this world no wonder men are going MGTOW, with cunts like you more and more men will just walk away from you Ladies

I wouldn’t have even told him to begin with.


The answer is no. When you’re married your husbands name legally goes on birth certificate. He will have no rights till he takes you to court and files a paternity test. Until it’s done through courts, it will be considered yours and your husbands child. Any attorney will tell you the same.


Yikes, you should have told him the baby is your husband’s, you will need to get a restraining order, I would suggest moving

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You’re a cunt if you raise that child to believe another man is it’s father.

You made your choice. You clearly don’t respect yourself or your husband. At least respect that child enough to not screw them over, too.

Your husband will be the legal father bc you are married, however the biological father has rights. He would have to go through the courts to have a DNA test ordered and then once proven to be the biological father he would have rights to your child.

Not every state has that law. I would check with your local courts. With that being said I’m wondering when you plan on growing up. Most people grow up before marriage. And here you are married, admitting to an affair where you got pregnant, asking if it’s ok to keep a child from their biological parent because of the situation you caused. You say the bio dad is psycho. Yet you’re the one who chose to lay down with him. We don’t know how he really is. For all we know he just got angry because he didn’t know you were married. So you’re asking us if it’s ok for you to bury your self inflicted problem. What happens when the kid grows up looking like their bio dad or ends up with health problems that don’t run in your husband’s or your family? Every child has a right to know where they came from. Personally I think if you can’t keep your legs closed and stay faithful then you have no business playing wife.

No he will not have rights…look it up…if you are legally married and pregnant your husband has all rights 2 the child and it would be a mission for the guy you cheated with to obtain rights

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I’ve had several friends go thru this so i know first-hand

And yes he can get a dna test and prove he is the dad but he will still have 2 jump thru flamed hoops and im sure he wont do that

Sorry honey, you made your bed, now you get to sleep in it!! Haha pun intended :tipping_hand_woman:t3:

I have ZERO sympathy for cheaters… You should’ve aborted the fetus if you’re that worried about his rights over the baby… what a horribel situation to bring that baby into… just sayin…

Call me evil, but look what she did… I mean… That poor kid.


Of course the biological father has rights.


Of.course biological dad always has rights. But those.can easily be removed from him by the courts.

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file for protective order


He doesn’t as long as you tell him its your husbands baby!


I know your not the only woman that has gone through this…your husband has legal rights…I’m sure an unstable person will have none if he tries to take you to court…your husband sounds like a good person …I’m sure he will stand by you and your child …

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I wouldn’t have told the guy the baby was his in the first place. If he’s doing all that I’d get a restraining order and call the police every time he’s near you.


We all make mistakes. I’m proud of you for choosing life :heart:


I would not tell him he’s the father.


It is NOT about the rights of the parents , but the rights of the child .
My son was told this by his solicitor.
Every child has the right to know who their biological parents are & to know the circumstances of their birth . However , being part of producing a child does not make a decent parent .

He has rights to the baby.

Move far away for your safety…

Your husband will have assumed rights as your husband and as probably the person who will sign the birth certificate. If these are never challenged, he will remain legally the father. However, if at any time the real father formally requests paternity be done, you will be ordered to comply. Once DNA is established, there will be a hearing scheduled to determine things such as the child taking the father’s name (if it’s a boy, resign yourself to this fact now, he will take his bio dad’s last name, whereas girls are given a little more flexibility under the assumption it will be changed anyway with marriage), visitation, and support. If an agreement (typically state shared custody standard guidelines - you should familiarize yourself with your state’s guidelines now) can’t be reached, mediation will be ordered and an ad litem assigned to investigate both parties and their claims against each other. The ad litem recommendation for visitation is usually followed, but it is rare that they will ever order a complete no contact unless hard proof of danger is established. Prepare yourself at minimum for supervised visitation several times a week, or him having the freedom to pick the child up and go off alone for up to two hours several times a week.

You should also prepare yourself now for the questions about why their name is different from everyone else’s. Why they have a different dad and sometimes live at a different house. Why your anniversary and their birthdates don’t add up.

I’m not trying to be mean, these questions will come up and it’s best if you’re ready for them when they do.

Put your husband on the certificate. If the guy wants rights he will have to fight for them. Depending on your state… Ours declares the husband the father even if it’s know to be different. The other guy doesn’t have rights because of the marital bond. . . It’s assumed the husband Is the father.

Went threw this my husband and I were separated for 2 years I got pregnant with a man who then tried to kill me in a road rage incident talked to my husband who agreed with me to keep the baby raise him as OUR own he’s 11 and is the best son a parent could ask for my husband and I are still separated but our son is loved and cared for just like our other 2 sons! I choose life and it wasn’t a mistake and I’m not a Whore because of it people should take their rude comments and shove em some people can be honest and not pretend to live in a perfect world shit happens!

He has rights, don’t tell the other guy, probably best for all involved

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