For the safety of the baby & yourself, tell that guy the baby died, & you, husband & your family move. In the mean time, put a restraining order on him. You should have never told that psycho
If You Don’t Acknowledge being in sexual relationship …the courts will not intervene
Put ur husbands name on birth cert and get a protection order for your saftey
You are married and your huaband automatically gets put on birth certificate. Unless he pays for paternity test and protests it he has no rights at all.
His behaviors alone need to be legally documented with police reports and a restraining order. At birth your husband is legally the father and will be able to sign all papers for his child being born during his marriage. Legal and biological are not the same thing. But legal and a stable, healthy home environment looks 100 times better in court because judges will look at what is best for the child, not yours or bio-dad, just the child. Biological dad can challenge this of course, but if you document his violent behavior with legal reports and unhealthy choices, you will more likely be able to build a case to remove him from your family’s life.
He is the father. Yes he will have rights.
Have you had a DNA test done
Unless he takes u to court and makes them do a test ur husband will have ths rights
By Law he has rights …suxs his been a f#*@k wit we all make mistakes honey good luck for you and your husband
Don’t put it out on Facebook and don’t tell him.
Don’t tell the crazy guy.
Whos to know…only you…stay quiet about it…unless he already knows because you told him…otherwise he wouldnt know only you do…
He has rights to baby n if you put husband on has dad is fraud you both can be held accountable
Why does he need to know
Married , hubby has rights
If you don’t tell him he will never know. Is he the kind of man that would contribute to the support of that baby? Or just be dead weight???
Depends on the state get a restraining order keep record of everything he does if you got to court you need to prove he’s unsafe
Unless a paternity test is done the rights go to who ever is on the birth certificate, he’ll only have rights if you give them to him so keep it hush hush and don’t put it on social media for christ sake
Yes the father who got you pregnant has parental rights. Since you screwed up once, do right by the biological dad and your unborn child and inform the bio dad and make sure bio dad is put on birth certificate. Have positives come out of this mess you created.
Is this even a question yes he will have every right,he’s child’s father,you can’t take that away
The guy can claim rights if he does a paternity test and it shows he’s the dad (you might want to know family history also). If he decides he doesn’t want anything to do with it, you can get him to sign off rights and your husband can adopt. Best advice is to see a family lawyer and the consult should be FREE. You can go from there, this is a mistake that you could be paying for the rest of your life. Good Luck
Sorry to hear the mess and anxiety you feel but we all make mistakes, its a difficult one truth always comes out in the end, i would do the right thing and get legal help if he is causing criminal damage and also go through the right channels you cant spend your life looking over your shoulder.
Of course he has parental rights he’s the biological father. He’d have to give up his rights
The father has rights and can sue for visitation and/ or custody. If you claim your husband is the father, a DNA test will quickly clear that up. Good luck.
Yes he has rights he has as much right as you do because he’s the father he can run you through DHHR with a free maternal test and there’s nothing you can do about it
And really did you have to post this on Facebook all you had to do is talk to a lawyer and get a free consultation I’ve no idea why people want to tell their personal business on Facebook
Dont worry about the negative commets. I guarentee 98% of these peeps have done something like this( cheated anyway) just don’t tell him. Period.
If his name is on the birth certificate
Yes he has just as much right to that baby as you do.
If you choose to keep this seceret from him, to protect your child, it may bite you in the ass later down the road. Even though your intentions may be in the interests of protecting your family, secerets like this seem to end up hurting the one you thought you were protecting. Eventually the child will find out.
Me personally, if I truly felt my child would be in harms way, then it would be my seceret to keep forever.
If bio dad found out I do believe that he would have to pay for paternity tests, he would have to pay for the legal process for paternity rights.
He will also have to pay child support… He may sign over his rights. On the other hand he could file for custody himself, does he have a fat bank account… He could win custody. He will have every right to what ever parenting plan you all come up with, and could make life hell all the way around.
Honestly if bio dad is unstable, I would probably pack up my family and move far away. And I would be wrong on a lot of levels, but the peace of mind would be worth it … To me
And lets hope your husband loves you enough, and is willing to stand beside you throughout this process, without holding seceret resentments towards you and throwing shit in your face during the rough times.
Sounds like you are very lucky to have him.
Good luck to you and your family.
Well legally the child will be considered your husband’s , unless the biological father requests a DNA through the court system, there is nothing from saying other wise.
Simply answer is yes he does
Do not add him to the birth certificate. Add your husband.
He doesn’t have parental rights unless HE begins a custody case, which will cost him big $$$ and will need to start with a DNA test.
Document everything this man does to harass you so you can protect yourself and baby… you can use it to terminate parental rights IF this man opens up a case and you can file for an order for protection.
But! No one can just start a custody case against a mother if her husband is on the birth certificate… at this point your husband would be adjudicated the father.
The law states “best interest of the child” so if the man does open a case against you- Google the 5 points to win your case with this law. Just because he may be the biological father doesn’t mean his involvement will be in the best interest of the child.
I personally wouldn’t say anything, I’d move on with life and let my husband love this baby.
I wouldnt really.know I’m not a lawyer.but.before.u.go any further u need to go see a lawyer or call for a fifteen.minute consultation especially.if u feel the dangerous u gotta fix this.mess not.good
In the state of Michigan the husband is legally the father and goes on birth certificate if you are married and the husband or actual father have to go to court from there to change that
Not until he is declared the father
Why would you even tell the psycho that he is the father? Or that he is even the potential? Keep far far far aaaaaaaway from him.
In Washington Paternity is automatically established if the parents are married to or in a domestic partnership with each other when the child is born. The husband or domestic partner is the legal father and his name will be on the child’s birth certificate.
In Washington, if the parents of a child are not married to each other or not in a registered domestic partnership when the child is born, the child has no legal father until paternity is established. Once paternity is established, the father’s name will be placed on the child’s birth certificate. the father will gain certain rights to the child, and will be under a legal obligation to provide financial support to his child.Paternity in Washington
Depending on the state you live in different laws but in Texas because you’re legally married that is your husbands child and he can’t do anything lol same goes vice versa if a man impregnates another woman while married his wife can go get that baby and now it’s hers
He can ask for a paternity test, if he is the father then you might want to get the courts involved
He will have rights as long as hes the biological father.
In the judges eyes the baby is your husbands until paternity is established.
Why are you hash tagging relationship? Poor guy poor guy and yes that dude had every right to his baby. !!!
Depending where you live if you are married your husband has automatic rights to any baby you have and is put on the birth certificate. The other guy can ask for a dna test but if you and your husband say it’s not his they wont do one.
In MA the parents on the birth certificate have rights to the child. But I’m pretty sure he could press the issue to prove paternity and then at that point he would have rights.
Tech he could if he pays to get a dna test and shows the court he is stable enough to have visitation to the child. With all you’re saying about him, the most I see a court giving is supervised visits if that! If he knows he’s the father and try’s to take you to court etc, he could end up with some rights to the baby.
Why would u even tell the other gut
Yes he is the biological father You chose him for your baby daddy now you are stuck unless he signs off his rights and someone else adopts the baby.
Yes if he files for rights and a paternity test is done.
Bio dad will have rights unless he doesn’t want them, or you can prove he’s unfit to parent.
Does your husband plan to sign the birth certificate? Here your husband would go on the birth certificate and the bio dad would have to request testing to establish paternity but its different in other states from what I hear.
Are you planning to have a paternity test done or is your husband fine with claiming the baby? As long as the man doesn’t pursue a test or custody but how does he known the baby is his and not your husbands? How do you know? Do you not have sex with your husband?
Poor guy. I wonder why he did that … doesnt justify anything but why do married couples stray then get pregnant nd then end up back with they spouse and then wanna cut off rights with the biological father. I’ve read alot on this page like this and its bs.
Ofc he has rights to HIS KID LIKE HE SHOULD.
Being married to someone else has 0 to do with the fact that this is his biological (the fling) childs. He will have rights if he asks for them. I assume you’ve filed a police report and have a restraining order since he has slashed your tires and shown up places ? If not I suggest you get one
.in the end, he will still have rights unless a judge says otherwise
Don’t tell him your pregnant and just go about you and your husband being the parents. Ya ya, every dad should have rights. Not if they are dangerous. I personally would keep it to myself and move on w my life. I’d prob move too. That’s just me. Unless u want him to be responsible and involved. I’d have to weigh what the future would hold w him being involved or not.
Uh yeah he will. And he should unless safety issues. Reading what he’s done to you we can’t even trust since you aren’t even trusted in your marriage
It depends on where you live. Generally speaking if your husband is on the birth certificate and you are married your husband would be dad BUT if this other guy wants to push it and take you to court to prove he is the father and get rights he can do that.
Not if you’re legally married, your husband is legally the father unless your husband takes a paternity test to prove he’s not the dad.
Does he even know the baby is his? If not, if he is as crazy as you say I wouldn’t tell him and just go forward as if it is your husbands actual child
He can sue you. And it wont look good to the court if you try and deny him when you obviously know hes the father. Married or not, hes the father. Just because hes a dick to you doesnt mean he cant be a great dad.
Im so glad you got pregnant. Now you have to explain multiple times on multiple occasions exactly what you did haha. #karma
Catherine Elizabeth Murray shed some attorney light on the matter please.
I had a friend in this situation. The woman was married and he was the bio dad. She put her husbands name on the birth certificate and he had to fight like hell to even see him- in the end he has no rights whatsoever. This is in Ohio/WV so I’m not sure what happens by state. I won’t judge you because I’d hate to be in that position. Be honest with everyone involved and focus on your health for the baby.
It depends on which state you live in. Some states will automatically give the husband paternity rights regardless if it is known that the father is not the husband. I know Ohio is like that.
Your the one wrong not your husband not the other man. No wonder he’s acting crazy your not letting him be in his kids life why if he wasn’t letting you see your kid how would you act?? Omg. Your wrong and I’m sorry your the crazy one. And if your husband doesn’t leave you your lucky. Your a bad person.
The husband has all rights to that baby until he takes it further and does DNA. Once DNA is established then he’ll have rights.
Only if he goes to court for a dna test and custody rights.
I wouldn’t tell him. I wouldn’t put him on the birth certificate.
If this guy takes you for custody and the dna test states hes the dad he will have rights… however your husband is automatically listed as the father since you’re married
He has full rights: but you can document in regards to him not being a safe person and that will be considered during decision if visitation.
Yes of course if he proves that the baby is his
yes that man has a right to his baby. You slept with him so now figure out how to share custody or if he is truly that dangerous then you should start filling harassment reports and restraining orders now when he does those things. Paper trail is important when trying to get full custody.
In the state of Michigan…a child born or conceived in a marriage…Is a product of the marriage.
Put your husband on the birth certificate.
He could have rights…where I’m from your hubby is assumed father since you are married…but nothing is stopping the guy you cheated with from taking it to court and stepping up
I’m sure it depends on the state but in most your husband is the assumed father and the bio dad can’t do jack shit about it. You’ll need to find out the laws that specifically apply to you.
Depends on the state. In Illinois, if you’re married, your husbands name goes on birth certificate and you’d both have to petition to have it changed if you wanted. My youngest sister has a bc that says my dad is hers because my parents divorce had not been finalized. Once it was final, they petitioned the court, and she was issued another bc with her biological dads information on it, after DNA testing.
Does he know? Is the husband ready to accept as his own? If he is and wants full responsibility he can sign the birth certificate.
if ur in married it is legally ur husband’s baby. I have been through this. I had a paternity test and let him have rights to see her I didnt have to.
She’s a horrible person
In many states your husband is the legal father until the biological father files for a paternity test and it shows him to be the father
Don’t tell him! problem Solved!
I mean, he can petition the court for a dna test and visitation. And I hope he does. You say he’s all these things now but was he these things when he was shooting his load in you? You’re scum.
My question is this are you sure the baby is the other man’s?
Depending on what state you are in. In some states he would have no rights since you are married
Wow you don’t have a single brain cell do you
Idk the laws to all this I just want to say your baby and its father deserve to be in each others lives unless hes truly dangerous then make that known to the court. Sometimes people crazy af when you’re caught in a love triangle but it doesnt always mean they will be a bad parent. If you think hes dangerous petition the court to make him go through mental health.
Your husband is the legal father. The other guy is the biological father if it’s proved. If you put hubby on birth certificate and he signs then only way other guy has rights, is if he goes to court himself and filed paperwork. If you do nothing and he does nothing then it’s hubs baby
Um yes. Your husband isnt the dad and doesnt deserve rights. The actual father does regardless of yout bad decisions.
Your husband will automatically be put on the BC BUT he has a right to fight for rights and if he is the bio dad he will get them
You play you pay. Good luck with both daddy’s
Lmao this is the stupidest shit EVER!
He definitely has rights. I’m going through a divorce currently, and I’m pregnant by my boyfriend. (My husband and I were split when this happened, and I’m in now way judging you because I’ve cheated before too.) BUT, my boyfriend is signing an acknowledgment of paternity affidavit saying that he is the father. This allows the actual father to be on the birth certificate. The father can also order a DNA test through the child support agency closest to y’all, and that will also relinquish your husband from any father rights. So, basically yes this other man can have all the normal fatherhood that any other man can with a simple signing of a paper and a DNA test.
Because you are legally married you can put the husband as the father. The biological father can petition the courts for a dna test to get his parental rights.
Idk if he would have rights or not. I would guess yes since the baby is biologically his. But just in case this goes to court, I would start documenting everything that he has done or continues to do so that you can prove that he is a danger to you and your child! Good luck to you Momma!
Sorry everyone is being fucking assholes. Your husband is assumed the father until otherwise proved. Don’t tell the biological father, move away, never talk to him again. It’ll be fine dude
I would file a restraining order and start getting documentation he’s dangerous if he tries to get rights to the kid
Either have habby sign or dont list a father on Birth certificate. He has no rights until paternity gets established. Also get a protective order in place for yourself and document everything if/when he tries to go to court for visitation.
He would absolutely have the same rights as any father to any child. The fact that you’re married doesn’t take his rights away. Now the fact that he is psychotic as you mentioned, that may have his rights taken away or reduced if he cant be an emotionally stable father. You will.need to see a lawyer asap
Nope. That baby will legally be your husbands. I will say though you should give father a chance to be a father. Just bc you cheated dont mean he loses his chance of being a father.
Don’t tell him. Put the husband on the birth certificate. Get a restraining order as well so IF anything comes up in the future, the courts will see hes been unsafe from the beginning.