I co-signed on my sons fathers car and now he is behind on payments: What can I do?

I am no longer with my son’s father. We were never married. My son is with me full time. I pay for everything for my son, and I’m ok with that. There’s only one problem… 5 years ago I co-signed for his car. He always paid on time until about five months ago. I have asked him multiple times to refinance the car to take my name off, but he hasn’t. Now he has fallen behind on payments, and they are threatening repossession if the amount due is not paid. I don’t know what to do because I do not have the money to pay the amount due, as I already have put $800 of my own money towards the amount due last month. I live paycheck to paycheck, working full time to support my son. I have worked really hard to keep a good credit score and ALWAYS pay my bills on time. These late payments have already dropped my credit score, and I don’t want a repossession on my credit. I’m trying to figure out what to do to either get the money to pay the amount due or force him to pay or take my name off of the car?? I had to use my own bonus at work towards a car that I don’t even drive. I’m very stressed out!


Take the car and sell it for whats left owed on it? Maybe even get back what you have had to put in it.


Never ever cosign for anyone.


Go take the car. It’s also in your name. If he can’t pay them take it back.


Ur screwed. The loan is now ur to pay


Take him to court and do not ever cosign for another person again. Not even your own kids. Bad idea.


I’m in the same situation as you are. Never co sign anything while not married. I learned my lesson on that. Since your name is legally on it you are still responsible for payments. You can go to the dealership where you got the car at and negotiate with them. Or take legal action.

Have the car towed back and sign it back over. It’s in your name too

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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Long story short - you’re on the hook.


That’s why he needed a co-sign. At least you learned a lesson. I’d try to sell it. Or he can maybe trade it in on something he can afford without your name.
You’re stuck as far as it hurting your credit. Sorry.


Take the car since you cosigned for it you can get it back. Your name is on the title too if not the first name on it.


Repossess the car for yourself and sell it.


Never co-sign on anything!


Never do that again!

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Take the car and don’t give it back unless he pays. Your name is on the title too


Are you the only one working and concerned about credit?

Even after my divorce and the judge saying I was free and clear … it’s still in my name and he still refuses to pay on it

When my ex keep being late on payments on the truck I co-signed for I told them go pick it up. when I told him that he suddenly had the money to pay it off. Lesson learned never co-sign.

Take the car back sell it & pay off the loan Dont cosign again!!!


You can’t do anything but make the payment or let it get repoed.
You could also try to sell it and either pay it off or have the buyer refinance it.
This is going to affect your credit and it’s definitely a lesson learned.

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Take the car. If you can get what is owing against it give it to the dealer where it was purchased and give it to them

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I had this happen and when my sons Dad and I broke up…he took the car. The loan company sued both of us and when I was the only one to show up to court…they went after me solely and said we were both equally responsible no matter who has the car. I tried to explain my case to court that he doesn’t even pay me child support but they didn’t want to hear it. They attached my paycheck for 25% of what I made til it was paid. It was up to me to sue my ex after I paid it. I never did, I learned a lesson. If the person can’t buy it without a co-signer than they shouldn’t buy it at all. I live in Maryland …I think each state law might be different on the matter…good luck

Legally you can take the car. Either sell it or drive it. Call the finance company also; usually they will work with you if you explain what is going on. I learned this lesson the hard way as well. Don’t ever co-sign anything ever again; no matter who it’s for.


Legally it’s on you but that also means you can take the car and it do whatever you have to do to save face …

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You stuck lady. I’d take the car or beat him.

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Smh. You should never have co-signed on the car. He obviously doesn’t care about your credit. You may have to just take a loss and get it repo’d. The longer you sit around and wait. The more you’re going to be screwed.

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If he can no longer pay tell him to give the car up so they dont come after you. If not you will be responsible to make the payments

Why would you cosign on a car for someone who doesn’t pay you child support?


You only have 2 choices.

  1. You go get the car from him and sell it and try to pay it off that way.
  2. They repo it.
    Either way it’s going to affect your credit there is no way out of that. But if you take it; there wont be that big of a hit.

You learned a hard lesson.

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Yes take the car from him since he is not paying for it I would resell it to pay it off


Get your name off that car.


Consult an attorney to see if you can take possession of the car and sell it


if you take the car and you paid for it you get the car don’t give it back to him if not girl you’d have made a

If he needed a co-signer back then and is behind in payments now, chances are he won’t be able to get it refinanced on his own. I’m not fully clear on what your rights to the vehicle are as a co-signer. But if the other people on this thread are right, it seems like your best course of action is to take possession of the car and sell it. There is no way you should’ve had to take your bonus, money from you and your child, to help him pay his car payment. He shouldn’t have even let you do that!!! And while you’re at it, get a child support order in place. He should be providing for his child.

Sorry to say it but you’re learning a very costly lesson. Ive had many arguments when I’ve been in relationships with people who don’t care about their credit. They expect you to risk yours for their benefit.


Have it repoed. The bank will sell it at auction. Sometimes u even get money back if it gets auctioned off for more than is owed on the vehicle. Look st it this way…u can either be stressed out for years until the vehicle is paid off and have it effect ur credit score…or u can have it repoed NOW and stop the stress and have it effect ur credit score. There is no way around it. U might as well get it done and over with now and consider it lesson learned.

Go cancel the rego and remove your name

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5 years ago ? How long was that loan ?

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First and foremost, sign him up for child support. Second, why has he been paying on a car for five years??? Wow.


The whole point of a co-signer is if the other party fails to pay… you can’t get out of it. Depends on what state you live in and what the title actually says. If it says you “and” him, you can’t sell it without his authority and vice versa. If the title says you “or” him, you can take that puppy and sell it without his consent… find out what the title says and take it from there. Your lender can help you if you just call them.


Take his ass to Judge Judy, she’s not a fan of things like this and best believe you’ll win as long as he is at fault. You may not win by being civil with him. Involve the law. It’s never good to co sign for someone.

I would say get your name off that policy one way or another and then tell him it’s his issue not yours

A person who participates with an idiot loser becomes another idiot. Contact the loan company and tell them you can no longer make payments on a car you don’t own. Ask them to repo the vehicle and arrange a refi with only your name on the title. Can’t be much left on the balance after 5 years…you can then sell the vehicle to pay off the loan. If the idiot gives you any grief go to the free family support division in your county and file for child support. Ask for supervised visitation he must pay for if he tries to get any custody/visitation. Use your leverage and get the idiot out of your life! Good luck!

What you can do is no NO co nothing with any man period


Never heard of a car loan beyond 5 years. And go after him for child support


Tell him to surrender the car. They take it and auction it off, you’ll owe remaining balance. It’s better than getting it repossessed, they will add thousands for fees.

Sue him for the car and sell it for whats owed


Call the creditor and explain what’s going on. But mostly likely you are stuck. I don’t know why you are ok with paying for everything regarding you son. Even if you can support him financially on your own… living pay check to paycheck doesn’t sound like it though… doesn’t your son deserve a college savings?

You should never have co signed.if u were never sure.hebwas trust.worthy this is a very.costly mistake go to the.bank have your.name.taken.off.or.go to court

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And incel 's wonder why we don’t trust men.

He’s not even supporting his own child,
as a stereotypical situation for single mom’s.

You can take it good thing if he doesn’t keep up with it. When you’re a co-owner, you have rights to the car if he can’t pay it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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You’ll probably have to take him to court to recoup your lost money!

Counter sue him and go get your car


you can sue him, you can take the lumps and let them take the car (if he even still has it - he may have sold it, pocketed the cash and left you to pay the note) or repossess the car yourself since you’re paying for it and you drive it, sell it to pay it off, etc.

Get it repoed. Call the car place and have them pick it up

Also depends on how title was done. You might need his signature also

What you sign 5years ago how long was the contract for?Guess at the least you have learnt don’t sign for anyone unless you are going to pay. and willing to be disappointed

Now you have learned a valuable lesson,that’s what these jokers do,use people,go to small claims court

Talk with an attorney and see if you can REPO the car and sell it for what’s owed on it. Pay it off and keep your credit somewhat from being trashed. LAST…a lesson learned, do not co-sign unless you can afford the payments or do not ever do it again. :slight_smile:

You are the dumbass…yay you


Your fucked with that whole car situation

Go to the sheriffs station with the bill and proof that you co-signed and ask a deputy to escort you while you pick you the car from him . It’s yours now to do as you please . Pay it off or sell it

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Take the car, sell the car

Go get the car and sell it

Tell the company you don’t have the money or the car.

Get your name taken off. Kids these days are so irresponsible. Mine aswell

Take possession of the car and sell it

Relatives are the worst. Learn from this and have a no policy borrow or co sign for anyone . I had to learn. Just let them repro it. You can build your credit back up. Being kind does hurt sometimes.

You should get legal advice. You co-signed so you’re responsible. I’m not sure what you can do to get your name off. I’d try to get the car from him and sell it to pay off the loan.


Well you can’t take your name off the car, especially when it’s behind on payments. At that point, they’ll ask you to forfeit the car and take a deficit.

You can pay the payment lol. And then tell him to sell it or you are getting an attorney

Hopefully this will teach you a lesson on not to co-sign for people, especially a baby daddy.


If it doesnt hit ur credit to bad just let them repo the car u shouldn’t be paying on a vehicle that isnt urs. And since ur paying ur Bill’s on time ur credit will build back even if they repo it


Imo he knows you’re going to pay it so he doesn’t seem to worried. I wouldn’t pay the $800 or any other amount due. Take the hit and learn your lesson. He is the one out a car when they repo it and you can fix and rebuild your credit. Don’t use that money on him when it should go to provide for your child.


Nothing but pay the bill

I would never cosign a thing for anybody

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You co-signed on that loan so you are just as responsible for the payment as he is. You should try to get some legal help.

You are in deep doodie. If he fails to pay, you signing as cosigner means you will have to pay. You might be able to get the car but I doubt it. Good luck, it will be a lesson that I hope you never forget and your credit rating is already being impacted!

You can pay the past due off and sue him through the CRT or you can pay it off and repo it and keep it or you can let the company repo it and call it a loss. Sometimes calling it a loss is better in the long run.


Do a volunteer surrender. Tell them where it is and give the keys if you have a set


Seek legal advice because there is a difference between co-buying and co-signing so you may have all right to take the car and do with it as you please .


Take the car. I had to do the same. I took it back to the bank and did a voluntary repo. He was 3 months behind and let the insurance laps too.


5 yrs? Should it be payed off by now?
If your making the payments and you’re the co-signer you can have him taken off.


If you have a key you can take the car.

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Take the car from him.

You repo the car and sell it or give it back to the dealership.


Since it’s been 5 years the car should almost be paid off. Find out what is owed and take the car from him and sell it for what you owe so it doesn’t hurt your credit


Depending on the state you can take the car. And sell or make the payments. My moms friend co signed for her nephew and he quit paying so she took the car and sold it. There was nothing he could do

Let them take it. It’ll screw him more than you.

5 years?? Why in the world is he still paying after 5 years what kind of car is this??


Alot of times when a vehicle is repo’d they will take it as account paid in full. Happened with us lol abd we still owed like 10k on it.

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Guess you are paying for the car :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: Don’t co-sign for boyfriends or baby daddy’s.



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Take the damn car. It’s on YOUR name

Some of yall’s answers are awful judgemental. It’s not really that ridiculously unusual to be paying on a car after 5 years… I just financed a vehicle for 72 months. 6 years. Also, sometimes you live and learn. If you’re in a good place you don’t always think about the worst case scenario. Maybe she’s stuck with payments but at least she’s asking for advice/options now, and has asked him to take her name off… Some of yall are just plain rude.


Umm, let them repossess the vehicle.

You can take the car but you can’t sell it without his permission. His name is on it too. So unfortunately you can’t just take it and sell it like people are saying. This is a live and learn, sorry!

if they pick it up and sell it-you will have to pay what is owing on it-never sign for nobody- if you don’t pay they will garnish your wages

If you are on the tittle you can take possion your self and sell the vehicle to pay off loan.