I didn't get anything for Mother's Day - Just needing to vent

The greatest gift is the ones you give yourself

Nope and just let fathers day pass and don’t do a darn thing do this for everyone for a while they will start to understand. I went through this yours ago. Stay strong.


You are not overreacting …your husband sounds so clueless fathers day is coming up do nothing at all and when he asks tell him the truth


Our husbands teach our boys how to treat a woman by the respect and care he gives his wife. By allowing this you are saying. Mom is not an important person in the family. Remember the treatment we get is the treatment we allow. Maybe you can try to communicate with him that he is paving the way for the way your sons will treat a lady.

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You need to teach your kids the importance of these days. They won’t know until you teach them. I raised my kids as a single mom the whole time and each holiday they always got up and made me breakfast and cleaned the house.


He could have bought A simple card signed by the kids showing their appreciation … I’m sorry… happy mothers day to you… you’re appreciated :bouquet:

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Do the same to him if he can’t go out of his way why should you? Also voice how you are feeling as wel

Absolutely you are right

“The five love languages describe the way we feel loved and appreciated. Depending on our individual personality types, we may feel loved differently than how our partners do. … there are five love languages: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch.”
Everyone deserves to feel loved and appreciated, and everyone is different and has different needs. I would communicate it and maybe research your love languages to see how you can both make eachother feel more appreciated. He really might just be oblivious to how you feel. Also, get a calendar and really highlight holidays to make sure everyone is aware

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U have every right hun

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You knew who u married n been dealing with this for 14 years :woozy_face: (couldn’t be me) females really need to stop settling just to “have a man”. Thats what it sounds like it was from jump n him not getting u gifts is not new. U need to just start speaking up in order to get the gifts u desire

For many years I was made to feel like mothers day was no big deal because my husband had a terrible situation with his mother. It’s taken many talks for him to understand he’s appreciating me as the mother of his children and that’s it.

You have every right to feel how you feel.So sorry you didn’t receive anything maybe tell your hubby how your feeling it just might make all the difference.Good luck😊

I also have that husband. And I’ve been with him for almost 32 years. In his defense, I guess I let him get away with it​:roll_eyes::disappointed:. But for the first time in my son’s 20 years of life,he actually got me flowers this mother’s day :blush::rose:. I always just treat myself, guess I’m used to it. It’s not the end of the world. Sounds like you have everything you need. Family,a home,and your health.

You are not overreacting same thing in my house. That’s why I buy what I want whenever I see something.

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Why do u post this dumb shit? Show us :nail_care: :nail_care: nails


As long as u don’t say anything it will continue. I have been married 28 yr. He is a gift giver but we had other issues. That were my fault because I let him get away with it and allowed things to happen. That way for many many years. When I finally had enough it almost cost me my marriage and Still may because I let the resentment build for so long. He is going overbord trying to show he is making changes (of course it’s not the issues that concerns me most but the one s that are easy for him) which make me resnt the behavior more makes it seem fake and forced

Welcome to my world, I know the feeling. Been like that for 46 years for me😢

I know because I am in the same situation that you are.

He needs a class on Balance!! I wouldn’t get him a darn thing for Father’s day!!

So for father’s day buy him stuff you want ie a day at the spa, a bra, a day at the hair dresser he may get the hint if not what a great treat for you


Everyone has a different love language urs is gifts , his may be doing things or working hard for you guys no , but I get u,:slightly_smiling_face:


Here I was thinking I was the only one with this exact same issue. I know how you feel.


Not overreacting. My husband was a complete asshat on mother’s day and I plan to return the favor on fathers day.


I feel like u just explained my life (not as many kids) but all the same n as weird as it sounds I get myself something whn I take the kids to get him stuff n I go all out for even the little holiday like St PADDY’S day. I know the feeling I too got NOTHING for mother’s day. I’m sorry luv I truly know how u feel but as much as it doesn’t make up for it spoil yrself a little next time u bring the boys out to get him something

No! By god you have the right to be hurt! He’s been out in society long enough to see how things are done his actions are BS and he is showing his boys how to act! IF HE feels it necessary to be reminded then do it even though you shouldn’t have to. I’d sit them all down and tell them how hurt you are, then the boys we realize how actions really do hurt people no matter who you are

F that. I’d be all over his rumpus, telling him he needs to get his chit together. There are millions of reminders for every possible holiday and occasion and he’s a whole grown man. And then I’d buy myself an expensive gift and explain that it’s making up for all the damn gifts that he has thoughtlessly forgotten to give you.

From this day on don’t by no more gift for anyone until they get how important you are


All i can say is that U are not alone.


Stop doing for him and he might get the picture

You’re not overreacting sweetheart. You deserved some flowers at least :pleading_face::heart: you’re doing a great job momma! :heart:

My husband doesn’t buy me gifts unless I ask. Past 5 years I ask for something specific.

Start buying yourself some really nice things and lay it out for yourself to “find” the next morning with a note that says “to: mom.” Then gush over how thoughtful it was of them to think about you and how much you love the gift. I’m sure they’ll all accept the “thank you’s” and just assume that one of the others bought it. Also, stop getting your husband gifts. It’s his money anyway so if he wants something, he can go get it himself. And finally, talk to your husband. Ask him if he’s upset at the fact that you’re a stay at home mom and don’t bring any income into the home. Sounds like he’s not a gift giving person at all. Maybe explain to him that it hurts your feelings that he doesn’t think of you on special holidays or even randomly. Gifts don’t need to be expensive; it just needs to show you’re paying attention and you’re thinking of that person.

Definitely have reasons to be in your feelings. I do think you should bring this to their attention though

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terrible…I dont care if my husband isn’t a gift guy…but I made sure I told him to take my boys to get me gifts over the years…its the right thing

Yeah I feel you, I have two kids & one on the way, been married for 8 years & I didnt get anything for mothers day either… oh well…

I felt the same exact way on Sunday, then was hard on myself for feeling that way.

Your not overacting but you been dealing with this same cycle for 14 years. You should be used to it by now. If you want change, speak up, tell him you NEED to start feeling appreciated and loved by getting gifts on special days. If he doesn’t respond, stop buying him gifts. Closed mouths don’t get fed

I have learned that if you want something you gotta get it yourself! I am married but I buy all my own presents for all occasions, birthdays, Christmas, valentines, Mother’s Day. My husband has ALWAYS forgotten! Every year! I even pick out my own cards. I don’t mind, that way I get what ever I want. Jokes on him, every time I buy something it gets more expensive. He can EASILY fix that by simply remembering and buying something himself, but he chooses not too so :woman_shrugging: more goodies for me! Going on 7 years of this… :gem: :rose: :ring: :wilted_flower:


Same here! Same scenario but i work! I got crap!

Every holiday special day for a year take a vacation for yourself just think about you and let them feed themselves a couple days a week don’t acknowledge their special day at all.


I agree, ur not alone…it’s frustrating. Like damn get me something :woman_shrugging:t4:

I can definitely relate. I didn’t get diddly this year… from anyone. Mom of 8. I feel very unappreciated all the time. Even more this Mother’s Day. It’s cool tho!!


Sorry you were not treated like the Queen you are I can’t say I can relate to your situation but I was hurt that my Dad didn’t text me Happy Mother’s Day

Go out and but yourself some flowers!!! U know what your worth! You don’t need anyone to remind you. Take them home and put them in a vase on the table. When your husband asks who their from tell him thank you lol he might get the point!!!

Totaly relatable - also I’m divorced and ALWAYS make sure my girls buy something for their dad so there’s that…:unamused::thinking:

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Read the book Five Love Languages. It may help understanding. If appropriate.

Tell him how you feel about everything. If he don’t know he won’t fix it. Pray everything goes well for ya. Many experience in this…some things are better to let our men know and usually things could better if you don’t give up. He probably has a lot goin on on his head…this pandemic does not help matters just saying…anyways I’m sure I’ve said too much…praying for ya​:pray::pray::pray:


Psht get up before everyone else, quietly get dressed and grab the money, and leave a note and take yourself out for the day. You don’t have to break the bank, and eating alone can be extremely relaxing lol

You should absolutely feel exactly how it makes you feel. You need to have a conversation with your husband. He probably is clueless that not receiving a gift makes you feel undervalued. Gifts don’t have to be monetary. I once wrote a note once a week saying What I appreciate most about my husband or memories and presented it to him for his birthday.

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Not ok, i think you should all go out and by yourself something nice.

Did you tell him you feel unappreciated and hurt?

U are not over reacting. Mother’s Day is a single day to show appreciation for all that we do for our families. Even a simple thing like make U a coffee in bed is all the needed to do. We do so much and give so much of ourselves to make our families lives happy and safe, it’s not hard to show a little appreciation.
I for one am lucky that my ex made the effort to send my kids shopping (with his bank card) to get me something. My current bf even did something for me to show his appreciation for all that I do for his kids. It’s really not that hard and I am sorry Ur boys and husband didn’t think to do the same. Perhaps when father’s Day comes around, don’t bother. Make it just another day :person_shrugging:

I feel your pain. This is so hard as I was a single momma for awhile and helped the kids make my gifts but now step mom takes care of me on presents with the kids. I don’t want anything bought I want hand made things that I can keep forever. Idk how to fix the issue but I feel for you! :heart::heart: hugs momma.

I feel you. I didn’t get anything on mother’s day and I was really hurt by it

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I’m super sorry for your situation. You are 100% valid in your feelings.

I see your point as I’ve felt the same way, years ago. Now that I am older. sure something spontaneous without having to pick it out myself would be great. But… BUT…

I’d rather NOT get anything than to have to mention it. Then if by chance there is this odd moment he does something for me, then I know it truly comes from his heart, and HE THOUGHT ABOUT IT. We’ve been together since 1987. I know of only 6 times he has spontaneously done that. But with each moment that was endeared to my heart.

i watched too many STUPID women on the phone at break when I was working, calling their men and reminding them to send flowers or something to them. If you have to do that, then IT IS NOT WORTH IT. It’s all for show when it’s like that especially at work. I hated these women for being so self-centered that they had to feel special by making their guys send them something to their job.

I know honey you want to feel loved and wanted. I’m sure you are. Some guys were not brought up to show emotion or do those things. That’s not their fault. It’s how they were brought up. Maybe sit and tell him in a moment you are both open and receptive to talking, how you feel. After that, never mention it again.

Next special day that rolls around, get something, even flowers for yourself and have it delivered with a card. Tell yourself on the card …THANKS FOR DOING ALL YOU DO FOR YOUR FAMILY. YOU ARE SPECIAL. :slight_smile:

With 4 boys, don’t expect it to get any better! I have 2 sons…all holidays, are spent with the girlfriend, wife, whatever’s family…never with their own Mother!

Just do the bare minimum around the house, nothing more maybe they’ll appreciate you in the future.

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Don’t buy them shit, no more gifts. Simple

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I am sorry that you were not treated special on Mother’s Day and I am sorry nobody bothered to even give you a flower or a card or anything at all. In my old age I begin to realize not all people are givers and that maybe it isn’t typical to be married to a giver. I was single for over 20 years before I met my present husband and remarried. I began to take care of myself… For Christmas …surprise, surprise,. there was always a present under the tree for me and since I was Santa Claus I knew exactly what it was and I knew exactly that I loved it and wanted it. And So It goes we are not always appreciated for who or what we are~~ so be good to yourself, I still am good to myself and when I got a plant that I wanted desperately bad I brought it in I set it on the table I turned around and I hugged my husband and I said… Thank you, thank you I love this Valentine day present!!! It is so beautiful!! :grin:

I would go on strike until I’m appreciated which they should be doing regularly anyways.


Not overreacting but this is the kind of thing you should’ve brought almost 14 years ago.
At this point, yes frustrating, but you’re asking him to do this after he’s settled into never doing it.
I always remind my guy.
If I don’t - he forgets.
It’s not for lack of caring about me - it’s for lack of his brain. :joy:

Same here , my son is a adult I wasn’t even told Happy Mother’s Day.


Who cares what day it is…you should want to feel appreciated at any time.

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Hell naw you ain’t over reacting them mfs should appreciate all that you do!!


Have you told him this?

It’s ok to be in your feelings. Have you told him you feel hurt and unappreciated when he does things like this? If not I would start. I don’t know you or your husband personally so it’s sort of hard to give someone advice that’s tailored to them.

Father’s day is coming, do the same in return :rofl::rofl:


What a shame your four sons are going to grow up to be just like their father they won’t go that extra little bit for their wives either.

Go get yo nails done take a bubble bath pour a glass of wine and light some candles make him watch those kids I’m a mother four boys also with a man I have been with for five years I have been feeling like that but I put on some make up to make myself feel beautiful got my nails done and took a bubble bath with a cup of wine and some candles and I feel great relax take a break it’s not easy being a mom of four

His momma didn’t teach how to be a giver. Nudge him! Go buy yourself something and tell him Thank you!


Continue to teach your boys how to treat your husband/their dad on Father’s Day, you don’t want them growing up carrying on the same behavior that he’s displaying. Have a conversation with your husband again, maybe often and let him know how you feel. Start teaching your boys (if you haven’t already) to acknowledge and celebrate all of you all’s special days and occasions i.e. Birthdays, Mother’s, Father’s, Grandparents and Siblings Day, Anniversaries etc. Hopefully your husband will catch on, if not, at least you’re teaching your children that these things are important to you and they will carry on the tradition. You have a right to feel some type of way, we’re humans☺️.


You have every right to feel the way you do. People get busy and take the most important people in their lives for granted. And being parents, we hold our tongue. We would be the last ones to act selfish. But we need to be at least “noticed” on Mothers Day. I am so sorry you are in the position you are in. And everyone else that accepts this behavior as well. We are mothers, wives, sisters, aunts, cousins, but most of all we are people who give more then 100% when it is needed, I hope the boys go pick you some flowers and your husband wakes up and smells the coffee. Someday he may notice you are gone.


I would totally go on strike. No laundry no cooking no nothing. My husband would never and I repeat ever live that down. So while you’re at it go out and buy yourself something expensive.

I didnt get anything from 2 of my 3 kids. Do i mind? nope. as long as they call me and tell me they appreciate me is i need. They suggle with me all the time so I dont need a day for material things

You are not overreacting! I am the mother of a 30yr old grown woman who didn’t even send me a text for mother’s day. Am I feeling sorry for myself? Maybe. Did I raise her wrong? Could be. All I know is what I feel. And I feel like she owes me something to bring her to age 30 without killing her. Lol

You should tell them all how you’re feeling. When you’re a Superwoman…people feel like you’re always ok and never need anything. Superwomen need to feel loved and appreciated at times as well. Not just on Mother’s day but other days too. Tell them. Make them hear you.

I would definitely try saying something. You deserve to feel loved!

I’d be pissed off too.

Your not alone. Married almost 40 yrs. and had been like that for years. This year changed and he has told me he never really understood everything that I did until he retired … our kids get lost in their own life. But as long as I get to see the grandkids I’m good with it.

I swear this is my life :sob::sob: i hate that another mother is living this life too…


I know the feeling. I literally bought myself a gift for Mother’s Day bc I knew my husband wouldn’t come through. It’s a very hurtful feeling bc there is no limit to what I would do for my kids and husband.
Next time treat yourself… you will get exactly what you want and he’s paying!

Skip Father’s Day, and any upcoming birthdays too. If no improvement in a few months, skip Thanksgiving and Christmas.


You have every right to feel disappointed and hurt. Im so sorry your husband didn’t get you a card or gift for Mothers day too. Your feelings are valid.


Me either…I never do :sleepy:

Same here. Im the one who’s stays home cooks, cleans, etc. And take care of our 8 months old. I dont get no appreciation for ANYTHING!!!

Get out of the relationship

Exact same here girl!

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My two grown sons live with me & a husband. I didn’t even get told Happy Mother’s Day. Matter of fact I overheard my oldest say “f*ck Mother’s Day , idgaf about Mother’s Day .”

Apparently it wasn’t enough for you to teach your sons to have that attention with their father. It’s unfortunate your sons don’t get it. If any of them are married and you have daughter in laws didnt do anything fit you that’s messed up. Speak up loud and clear. It’s not about the actual gift its the thought. And there wasn’t any thought. If your boys continue to think it’s okay to be thoughtless they’ll do the same when they’re in their own relationships. It’s for their you yell at them


As for your husband…clearly it’s too late and there’s no hope for him. But as for your boys…fck that. You need to teach them!!! Make it a big deal to them! Let them know you’re feelings are hurt by them not doing anything for you! Teach them to respect and honor the women in there life! If you let them get away with this crap, then they will grow up to be the same way as your husband…not giving 2 shts about the women in their life!

  1. Talk to your husband
  2. His money is the money so start buying yourself gifts. You’ve been married long enough to know how he is and you’ve allowed it to go on for too long. Just inform him your won’t go crazy spending buying diamonds and shit but you can spend $25 at bath and body works because you deserve to treat yourself.
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Who the fu@k cares if you didn’t get anything for mother’s day. Your kids are alive and you got to spend it with them, alot of mothers I know ow didn’t get that luxury :woman_shrugging:


STOP acknowledging Father’s Day, his birthday, his Christmas, his ANYTHING. He doesn’t deserve anything from you anymore!!

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Hell no, stop doing the special stuff for him!! Being a mom is hard and needs to be recognized

I thought I was the only one that did not get anything either. At first I was furious then sad. Nothing new he blames his up bringing on why he never buys me gifts on special occasions. My life in a box do everything at home yet I get no special gifts on occasions.

Your feelings are valid. If it were me I’d be hurt too sorry mama

No you are unappreciated. Switch it up. Take money( and don’t give a damn what happens) buy a spa day and book a hotel for just you. Get up early and leave. Leave a note that says See how you enjoy living without me. Since you don’t see me. And ghost. Maybe that’s bad advice but I am selfish these days because I was just like you. Today I choose violence :joy: