Shit… My life in a nutshell. I’m sorry honey.
You’re def not overreacting. You have every right to feel the way you do.sometimes you just want to know that you’re family thinks about you the same way you think about them. Little gifts her poor there doesn’t make you materialistic at all.
Nope I never get anything either because my kids Dad is the one that stays home. However he did earn some Money n got me a pedicure foot soak machine n a bluetooth speaker. However it has been may christmas birthdays n anniversaries w nothing. U r not alone
Teach him! Every year for Mothers Day, or whatever holiday you want appreciation, just tell him for ‘Mothers Day I want this or that’. What do you want for Father’s Day?
Same way teach your kids, if there’s other mothers in your environment with whom you interact, tell your kids they need to do something for them, a postcard, a detail. And tell them is to show appreciation along they way.
You have every rite to feel upset. I would say either let them know that you feel hurt or stop the gift giving for them and see what transpires from that. Of course that probably goes against everything you are as a wife and mother. If you want them to know this hurt you then tell them!! Don’t hold it in! You can be calm about it and make it a teaching lesson for them when they are grown!!
Its important to speak the others love language, and your husband is not speaking yours.
I would express very directly that you are hurt because x, y, z and you feel unappreciated and unloved because of x, y, z and in the future you need x, y, z to feel loved and appreciated.
Feeling feelings regardless of what they are or why they are is valid and they deserve to be recognized and treated as important even if the other party disagrees that that is how you feel, or that you shouldn’t feel thay way for whatever reason or if they think they wouldn’t feel like that if they were in your place.
Im on strike right now because of this . My birthday is on the 22nd, so he better pray he’s doing something extra special to make up for Mother’s day.
He gets nothing for Father’s Day. Problem solved. And from now on buy yourself something. Teach your boys that their partners should be made to feel special. Correct the behavior your husband is showing so their wives or partners don’t feel neglected. But don’t buy anything else for your husband.
Communicate, if you haven’t told him it’s a problem how is he supposed to know? I might get hounded for this comment but I don’t believe you should have to give gifts for every occasion and if he’s working hard and providing for the family honestly he could just be tired and exhausted and it all just slips his mind. But he can’t change anything he doesn’t know is a problem, so I would talk to him calmly about it and see if it changes. Tell him you feel unappreciated and unvalidated. To me it seems like your love language might be gifts (not expensive or even material) but simple things as a card maybe? But if his love language isn’t that he doesn’t see it that way so we have to all communicate with our partners. My boyfriend and I know our love languages of each other and that’s because of communication. Neither feel unvalidated because we communicate in the way the other would want. But bottling it and ranting to strangers won’t fix it. Wish you the best of luck!
I didn’t get anything either Mother’s Day is just another day for me my kids are little who cares every day is Mother’s Day I don’t need anything because I know I’m a good ass mom…!! And my kids love me that’s all I need my kids dad don’t get anything either it’s just another day don’t take the shit to heart eventually your kids will be old enough to buy there own things for you
It hurts to feel unappreciated by those you love & do so much for. Have you tried talking to him & your kids about how you feel?
Happy Mother’s Day! I’m so sorry they didn’t at least make you something! I would be pissed I’m a mother of 7… he would at the very least be making his own diner this week an laundry! Not ok
Your husband probably didn’t see that as a child. Dad’s should teach their sons how special their mother is. If they are young and money is tight maybe help them make something for her. Hubby should make a meal and let her have a special day. I am not his mother,but I am the mother of his children.
You are allowed those feelings for sure. Mine would be hurt too!
You set the standard on how you want to be treated. You’ve allowed and tolerated this for years… once you raise the bar and show him you’ll no longer tolerate this kind of behavior… there may be some hope… if he cares enough… it will happen.
I understand im going through the same thing and we been together 21 years
Key words are husband and sons. They don’t think. started buying your own. You will like that better. Then take the day off. Watch tv in bed all day
I know how u feel I’ve been married 45 years and have never gotten any gift from my husband either .I have 2 girls and 3 boys I get gifts from but not from my husband so for every occasion I buy myself what ever I want and I tell him thanks for it and of corse he won’t say anything about it . He knows his in for a argument if he does lol!
Plan your mother’s day brunch and invite them
Yes even a hand made card would of made the difference
That stinks.
First I’d talk with him about how it’s hurtful and even a card or flowers would make you feel appreciated and loved.
Next set reminders in his phones calendar for the next 12 months each month with each holiday etc.
then go book yourself a spa day! Maybe take your mom or good friend with you.
Enjoy pampering yourself. Nails, toes, full body massage, lunch. Etc.
Make him some brownies with a laxative- Just because
No, I’d be pissed too!!
Forget that I’d be pissed even if they didn’t get u anything they could have maybe let you sleep in cleaned the house and made dinner to do absolutely nothing is ridiculous and u better not spend a dime on him for father’s day or do anything for him
It’s up to you to correct it! Let him know going forth you expect a Mother’s Day gift you expect a birthday gift you expect a Christmas gift and if he can’t put forth the effort then he won’t get anything for Father’s Day his birthday or Christmas. But as far as the kids go it’s up to you - you show them how to make you a nice card, you show thim how to make you a nice gift or you give each one of the money and you take them to the store and show them how to buy something for you to wrap it and then how to present it to you. You don’t want them growing up having unappreciated wives and or girlfriends.
Went thru that for 26 years, painful.
Don’t get them anything for any holiday n see how they feel n jus tell them that’s exactly how u felt
Quit buying him gifts on certain occasions. He’ll know how it feels. I did this for 19 years. He never got the hint so bye bye. Know exactly how you feel.
Ooooh girl, SAME!
But they made me breakfast, after I reminded him that mothers day was Sunday when we went grocery shopping
Happy Mother’s Day
And absolutely you have a right to feel some type of way. All those men in your house…they should have spoiled you at least on Mother’s Day. Im upset for you.
I don’t get my husband anything for Father’s Day. He’s not my dad, he’s the father of my children. We don’t get each other anything for Valentine’s Day, or any other made up holiday.
Yes u have every right .forget him on theses days an it may take pa few occasions but if he does not respond then forget all about it. Go out go to the salon do your hands an feet .get a dress .get a friend an girls nite out
Rude he’s just plain rude!!!
He needs to know how you feel and if that doesn’t change things , change the way you treat him .
U have EVERY right
Going thru this as well… some guys are dumb and don’t know how to be romantic… I literally just told my man the other day that he’s the most unromantic person I have ever met
I would change things this year and I wouldn’t acknowledge Father’s Day
Some guys have to be told. Tell him how you feel. Let him know you are hurt. You need to keep the communication between you guys open.
If my husband or my children showed no appreciation of what I do for them 365 days a year they with no doubt in my mind would hear about it.
Stop doing it for him.
Just get it for yourself …say “hey guys, this is my gift for Mother’s Day” and get yourself a new Louis Vuitton
You order whatever you want online and thank the hubby for it when it arrives. 16 yrs with my hubs and I’ve learned to not sweat the gifts lol sometimes he brings something home but he works out of town sun night - Friday night.
Give him a taste of his own medicine indeed . I’m so sorry you married someone like that. I’m not sure if you’d know actively at time of marriage these things? Geeeeez…being A STAY AT HOME IS ALOT OF WORK…Especially with 4 kids too. Waaaaaay harder than a 9-5 job ANYWHERE.( HOMEMAKING/RAISING KIDS IS 24 HOURS A DAY 365 DAYS YEAR.) Like he possibly has? I know cuz I’ve done both… (RETIRED LIVING NOW BTW). You sound awesome . He doesn’t deserve you in my opinion.
No you are not over reacting you deserve so much more than that
Very different love languages.
This is exactly how i feel! To a (T)!!!
I don’t expect my husband or 19yr old son to get me gifts on mother’s day.
Actually, I don’t expect or want any gifts for any of these " *** days" ( mothers day, Valentine’s day etc) .
I am just thankful that I have my small but happy family.
I’d prefer a random act of kindness, out of the blue, as I feel that they were thinking of me in that particular moment and not being prompted by constant reminders on the telly or social media or the radio.
I am sorry that you didn’t get to celebrate Mothers Day.
You have every right to be pissed!!! Father’s Day is coming up In June. Don’t get him a damn thing and if he has the audacity to actually say something about it, just say “well you didn’t get me shit for Mother’s Day. Now you know how it feels asshole!”. You deserve a hell of a lot more appreciation than you get!! Your sons and your husband could at least each get you a card. Damn! I’ve never had to remind my husband about my birthday, Valentines Day, our anniversary or anything that’s coming up. He remembers all on his own and he’ll get me gifts for no special reason. Just because and I really like that he does that. You deserve more and should be getting better. Lots of luck to you
This is my “husband” to the T. It does get very old…i too didn’t get anything for mothers day except a drunk husband n dirty house when i got home from work
Go on strike… no mom duties … til they get it…
God loves you even if others don’t show it he takes care of you
Get how you feel its not about the gift it’s the appreciation and being reconsied for everything that u do. I dont like buying anything for myself. I not q fan of having arguments but I do love a good payback. My birthday is before my partners and if I get nothing n whatever then that’s what he gets. Never done anniversaries or vday or anything like it.
Stop buying him stuff🤪 there ya go !
Same… Im now divorced from him
The most important thing is to ensure your boys are brought up better than that…make sure that they never make any woman feel the way that you are feeling now
You have allowed this to continue for 14 years that’s on you. If it’s been a problem during your entire marriage you should’ve nipped in the bud in the beginning
I would let him know how you feel about it …some dudes just don’t get it…if it doesn’t change then it’s an issue of respecting you and your feelings! Everyone needs to be acknowledged at a point in there life to feel “alive” and appreciated…mom’s usually take the hits most of the time unfortunately…not out of anyone not caring it just becomes a habit to expect it …mom is supposed to be the glue I think all to often we put on a bold tough appearance and it leads some guys down the wrong path of thinking we don’t care either way best way I can say it I suppose
Put up a BIG calendar with everything marked. When he misses it… point to the calendar and hit him with a frying pan. He’ll remember next time…lol
My husband always told me I wasn’t his mother! He doesn’t buy for anniversaries, Birthday’s, rarely for Christmas. It use to really hurt…I 'm a romantic at heart but after 43 years of marriage I learned that if I want something to buy it myself. I know he loves me, he just isn’t the gift buying type.
I wrote out this long comment and deleted it… long story short, this is one of the many reasons I divorced him after 19 yrs. Good luck sis!!!
Personally, I’d have a family meeting and tell them how hurt you are. I’d remind them how much you love and do for them and then I’d tell them that you expect changes immediately. Those boys could have asked their dad to take them shopping for mothers day so they are bear responsibility here too. Dont put up with this.
Your feelings are very valid, you didn’t mention having a serious conversation with your husband about him be neglectful of your needs.
I would go out and buy myself a beautiful gift and thank them all very much for my beautiful gift,that I bought for mother’s day,maybe they will get the hint? it would make me feel sooo good to know I was loved,and appreciated.
Communication!!! I obviously don’t know the whole story but if you want something to change nothing will without you doing your part. Which is communicating. Our children are not responsible for making us feel special that’s our job to them. Our husband’s job is to make sure we feel appreciated, if he doesn’t know you feel like you aren’t appreciated then he won’t change. MY love language is gifts, it’s something my husband and I have been working on recently. Some men didn’t get taught how to show appreciation for a women by their fathers or mothers. If that’s the case we shouldn’t punish them, we teach them. It’s hard, hurtful, takes time and practice. As long as there is open honest Communication things can change if they are willing to put in the work.
Now if you have communicated and he hasn’t shown appreciation or effort in any capacity… then he ain’t for you.
Tell your husband the way you feel and if things don’t change, then stop doing for them. “Happy Mother’s Day” from one mom to another! Chin up! You’re amazing!!!
Go do a mom day pamper your self get a massage, pedicure and nails or facial. You deserve it.
I would definitely be skipping Father’s day. Screw him. He could have had the kids make homemade cards or taken you out to dinner…something to show appreciation! Not like he had to go buy something
Speak up for yourself, don’t bottle it up where it becomes bitterness inside of you. I understand you’re hurt & that they should know/do better, but you also need to make sure to communicate your needs & expectations. Sometimes men, like children, have to be taught & have it all spelled out for them. Draw them pictures, if that’s what it takes. They’re quite daft with some things, tbh.
With 4 boys, a husband & the household to take care of, you’re an absolute rock star & should be celebrated.
My kids either… My oldest son didn’t even call! My boyfriend took me out for brunch
Welcome to the club. I have two boys teenagers. My husband is a great provider and my boys are generally good kids. As the second half of parenting you need to balance with your spouse. Both my husband and I grew up differently socially but I enjoy doing things for him but why wait for a specific day to want to feel appreciated that should be taught from an early stage. Eg. My older boy saying thanks for dinner mom or the younger one fixing something broken in the home. You need to know your situation and ensure that they are aware Everyday what both parents do for them. Also appreciate yourself and your hard work
Going through this too. Although I’m not a stay at home mom. I work 40+ hours a week and still do most of the house work and kid stuff. And feel often that the kids and him have no respect or understanding of how I feel and why I feel like I do. With all I do for them. Guys just seem to be clueless and need direction. I’m pulling the same crap on him this year for fathers day…(at least I have thought to my plan for him lmao)
Your husband learned that behavior from his father. My son who is grown up with a wonderful wife and baby daughter bought my one of those digital photo frames this year so I will never miss a picture of my granddaughter. Covid has really kept our family apart so I had the best Mother’s Day present Teach your children to respect their mom and they will reward you in due time
I was one of them moms when my husband left me for somebody else I had to start working n take care of my kids there dad wasn’t there for them n now I thank him for giving me the chance to be there when they were babies when we divorced my kids were 15/7/5 n I am proud to say tht now my kids love the hell of me n yes before I wasn’t getting gifts but now they buy me for every occasion they are grownups 30/22/20 n guess what tht makes me feel good now I work n feel good doing for me so prey one day you be number one mom
I’m not a mother but I’m not the type to keep my mouth shut. If I’m doing and trying my hardest to show my family how much I care for them and they can’t even acknowledge my efforts, especially my husband. Then we are gonna have some words. Some men are like that, even if you tell them straight out. They won’t change and it sucks. You’re right, relationships are not built on material things but sometimes it’s nice to feel appreciated. You’re not overreacting.
I know the feeling. I have my 2 adult son’s and one of their gf’s living in my house and I’m the only one who’s working 7 days a week and paying the bills and not one of them could even be bothered to wish me a Happy Mother’s Day. I have never felt so hurt by my kids before. Oh but mind you the little bitch living in my house made a point of wishing mom’s on fb a Happy Mother’s Day.
Absolutely not! Special occasion are just that and there is no reason that you don’t deserve to be treated special on those days, especially if you do it for him. He should be teaching his boys how treat ladies as well. We all deserve a special gift or a nice dinner from time to time.
Don’t expect more than what he is willing to give, you won’t be quite so disappointed.
Take your self out boo! Leave em all home an go do you next time.
Wait for Father’s Day and do nothing
And really if you are buying what makes you happy and feel good he benefits
How old r ur boys? They should buy y something
My father would give me money to go buy a gift for my mom that he could give her. No one ever fessed up, until years after he died, I mentioned it. (He said I would know more of what she would like than he did.)
Buy yourself a gift !
Nope not overreacting
I am a huge believer in if you don’t like something, say something. If receiving gifts on Mother’s day makes your day, say so. If nothing changes, then you have something to be upset about. Been married 11 years (together for 17)and the #1 hardest thing to realize was that my husband could not read my mind like I could his. #2 was that we have two, completely different love languages. Once we were able to be open and honest with what we need to feel loved it has been a lot easier. It is always a work in progress, but as long as you work as teammates towards the common goal, you will always win!
Your absolutely NOT overreacting! Your husband might be a hard worker, but so the he’ll are you!
You have carried,grew,birthed and are easing 4 human beings. He should show some respect for that, and raise his boys to be kind, respectful men by teaching them that women are special. Sadly,if they don’t learn with mom, their wives/partners are in a Lot of trouble later in life. I say this as a wife and mom of one adult son.
Not trying to disrespect your husband at all, but cannot, housewives/stay at home moms never leave work behind or get to be away from the job (we love)but come on! Show some gratitude! You and every women deserve it!
My husband was like that for many years and the kids were too young to care but I stuck it out and continue to show them what getting was about and when the kids were old enough to do stuff on their own I got my first Christmas present from the truly from them it was a music box that I had always wanted and I had listened to what I said when I talked now t h e n my husband started to to buy me gifts after years of marriage but he did right up until the day he left for him
Nope, your not over reacting. From now on, I wouldn’t do for him if he’s not going to do for you.
Nope everyone forgot my birthday an I was so hurt considering his was the week before and I made sure he had a cake etc…all I wanted was a store bought cake so I got sung happy birthday…my daughters birthday was the day before so I got the one cupcake put put a candle on it and sung it myself before everyone realised
No, you are not overreacting. They are taking you for granted. Everyone deserves to be appreciated. He is not setting a good example for his boys. Would he want his Mom or his sister to be hurt? You should be the most important person in his life other than God. It is about caring for others.
Well it’s been 14yrs…
Do NOT buy for him this year.
I left a “husband like that!!!
So sad all these mothers not getting anything and not feeling appreciated want to wish you all a belated mamas day and go out and buy yourself something even if a bottle of cheap wine
This fathers day don’t get him a gift either I def know how you feel
Coming from a single mother of a boy, I make it a point to teach my son to be considerate. No advice for the husband tho
Relate Sasabihan kapang walang kwenta ng asawa mo
You have every right to feel that way now you need to change things your husband is selfish your children are spoiled brats your very precious so don’t buy them anything ever and see how they feel .make them respect you and don’t be there for them they need to learn and you are there to teach them …
get your own gift and then thank him for his thoughtfulness…
I’d take a hard working man that provides for me to be a stay at hime mommy over a Mother’s Day gift any time.