I didn't get anything for Mother's Day - Just needing to vent

He needs to learn about love languages

You’re an asshole if you buy him something for Father’s Day. I was married to one of those unappreciating bastards. Those five boys including your husband I wouldn’t buy them shit for the rest of the year. I’m talking about Christmas too bump all of them. He’s teaching your sons how to disrespect you


No your not over reacting.


It would be a week of silent treatment and everything he hates for dinner :angry::rage::-1::fu:


That’s deliberately hurtful. He knows he’s deliberately making you feel devalued.
Throw the whole man in the bin.


Ma’am the problem here is your husband. Your boys are learning from him how a woman should be treated. Him failing to do anything nice for you is why the boys don’t either. You can talk to your kids and correct them. But he also needs to change his ways as a father and husband. All the best :sleepy:

You not over reacting…you right…sorry

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I totally understand how you feel I am that mom too When mine were young if I got something it was what they made in school or what my mom got for them to give to me Now that they are older I send them txt messages everyday Saying “8 DAYS until ____ Then 15 Days until _______”(Mother’s Day then My Birthday in the same month) Hoping they all get the hint But now a days I will just enjoy the phone call an hearing their voice They are 22/24/55 yes husband is my kid too haha

Yes I make sure they get something for every holiday That is how I was raised As the saying goes It is better to give then to receive So if I only get them socks an underwear for the rest of their lives I am happy But to be honest that is the gift they LOVE the most LOL

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If they wanted to they would. It literally only takes less than 10 mins to walk in a store and get something or order something online.


I almost married a man just like this … he went out and got his buddy a Christmas gift and didn’t even get me one … for Valentine’s Day I got a note on one of his bills saying “ I owe you” happy Valentine’s Day!!! Yeah I got rid of his ass too

Mother’s deal with Everything Everyday. So sorry I’m telling you this late but next time do what I do on Mother’s Day. Spend it ALONE. Go eat breakfast, lunch and dinner ALONE or with girlfriends NO KIDS ALLOWED. HAVE A YOU DAY!!! On Fathers Day, do the same thing. Because on Fathers DAY it’s the day Fathers should do everything for their children. It’s their day. It won’t hurt.


I didn’t get anything either n I’ve been married 23 yrs. it doesn’t get better dear

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I feel hurt as well. Not even a text message :sleepy:

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I can understand why you feel hurt. I have been there and done that. I have been married 21 years. When I tried to tell my hubby how much it hurt to not be appreciated or acknowledged, it did not help. In fact he started getting the attitude of “there is a holiday coming up, what is needed so you don’t go crazy?” That was it! It felt so not genuine. I started buying my own things and celebrating me. It helped with the build up and let down process I dealt with every year. So I was expecting nothing like every other year and my teenage chikdren went out and got me things for Mother’s Day. Nothing big…but things they knew I would enjoy and I went to the local nursery and got some flowers. My husband nay not get where am am coming from, but I am happy to say the kids are figuring it out.


Your totally justified, I pray that the boys are taught by you to appreciate those they love, learn that even the smallest things in life are wonderful signs to show they care. I always explained to my children the things they went out of their way to do on special days was far more meaningful than things they could purchase. I’m spoiled now that they’re grown.

Mother’s Day is everyday, be happy and enjoy


You are teaching your boys how to treat others and yojr husbamd is being disrespectful period and the only way to change it is to have a conversation with them.

What YOU allow, will continue…
See, once not having time or maybe finances aren’t right…etc. but ANYTHING would HAVE spoke volumes! I don’t think your asking for too much. But you’ve allowed to be treated like this for so long now… HE DON’T GIVE A SHIT :100::100: SORRY. IVE HAD IT HAPPEN TOO. ITS UGLY

I was married to a Man that never gave me anything foe any occasion! I put in my 50% of marriage! We are no longer Married! It was all about him! Yes you have a right to be unappreciated!!

You are hurt by the lack of appreciation and they should be ashamed of themselves, buy something for you and give it to him on Father’s Day! And just smile!


Go get yourself something and always tell him what you want as a gift :gift:, you deserve it and some men are just like that but have other good qualities like being a good provider. Blessings :pray:,

He’s teaching his sons how to treat u an their future spouces I’m so sorry. A bouguet of flowers from the yard an a few sweet words in a piece of paper cost nothing but mean the world


Men do what they are taught as boys. All you can really do is teach your boys that women are as important as men. Remind them not the dad to draw you a picture or give them a few dollars to buy you a card before a birthday or holiday and make a big deal about how you feel seen and appreciated when they show their affection.

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I’d go on strike and see how they like that.

Girl, that is why you make it happen on your own. Self love, buy you a gift, pedi/mani, get a back massage. Grab a friend a do lunch…treat yourself good. Do not wait for others!


Feel some type of way girl. Don’t make dinner a night and tell them that it’s THEIR turn. give them the laundry basket and tell THEM to do it. as a stay as home mother there is NO excuse or reason to miss mother’s day. i love separate from my mother, different towns too, and we made a plan for this week because mother’s day was a work day for both of us. there is no excuse and post your address or p.o. box. i’ll send you some flowers momma :kiss::kiss: please stay amazing

Sometimes we have to realize that we are worthy… Maybe instead of giving your husband a Father’s Day gift have your boys make simple lists of the the things that make him a good dad, at the same have them make the same list about what makes you a great mom. Give both lists to your husband on his special day and see if it works as a wake up call. Then you should buy something special for yourself and open it on Fathers Day in front of everyone. They all may get the hint if not explain that every year he gets a gift and you get nada on Mothers Day so it was simply your turn. Good Luck! YOU ARE WORTHY! Don’t ever forget that.

How old are the kids? I’m a widow and my sister used to grab things for my son to give to me for Mother’s Day. But the last couple of years since he’s a little bit older he’s actually bought stuff for me. He’s 13 now. As far as your husband goes that’s super shitty even a card or breakfast in bed or some thing. Being a stay at home mom is like 10 full-time jobs. So the excuse that he works really hard doesn’t fly


Girl that happened to me too from 1 of my babies fathers one gets me the world and the other barley said happy moms day! So bump him I already told him to not expect a thing from me and he took my daughter away for the day to spend with his mom and gma (that’s fine) but he didn’t do sh!!! for me! So NO you’re not over reacting

Lead by example. On your birthday, Mother’s Day and any other special YOU day. Take the day to spoil yourself. Have dad watch the kids or find a babysitter. When your boys see you doing this they will expect it and hopefully encourage it in there relationships. And maybe your husband will notice it and encourage you to do so as well.
When we treat ourselves better, we are better for everyone around us and it doesn’t go unnoticed. It is hard to do. It’s something that I still struggle with because I feel guilty. But you need to take care of YOU.


I^m sorry that you are taken for granted, I found out you really miss the ones you love when its too late. Put a letter on the fridge let everyone know your feeling, the result will give you the answer you need. I wish you all the luck you sound like a Mon i would love to have

How about some communication, maybe tell them how you feel it could go a long way. It’s possible that they have no idea how you feel.


Don’t listen to these ladies who downing your husband… For one you stated this is normal… Why would he do something outside of his character if you’ve never openly say I want more gifts… Also, if you’re a stay at home mom, maybe he feels that’s your gift… Just communicate with him… Say I don’t feel appreciated and see how it goes… He may use words, providing, and hugs as his love language, not gifts like you… Also, do you not feel appreciated at all or is it because of this “holiday”…

This broke my heart for you. It may be time to give them the same energy they give you. I did this with friends and family and guess what, nowhere to be found. Stop putting in that effort with them! It’s gonna be hard, because like me you will want to but YOU HAVE TO TRY.

I guess I’d forget Father’s day this year and make plans for yourself and be out of town. If he doesn’t even notice then it’s not important to him and move on and don’t ever do anything again for him.

I may be in the minority here but I couldn’t help but notice you said he doesn’t get gifts for any occasion unless you say something. To me that reads as you knew this was how it was going to be. No one voicing their opinion on here knows who he is or what he’s like so they have no idea if there may be a history for him where gifts weren’t a big deal in his household. To say that he’s teaching your son’s how to view you as well is taking away all your influence in there as well. Depending on your son’s ages schools make a big deal of gifts as well as friends and even just seeing displays in stores they go to. I understand being upset by it but if this really isn’t anything new then why the need to voice it now? If it bothers you that much it’s your husband you should be ranting to, not Facebook.

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It’s not the gift that counts it’s the fact that they thought about you and knew you well enough to get you something special because they wanted to make you feel special. It’s not the monetary thing it’s the thought. I understand how you feel.

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That’s so wrong for him to be so selfish

Yes, take some special time for you. Next time make an appointment for your hair and nails. Buy yourself an outfit. Sit the boys down and have them make you a card and have them display it in a special place in your home where everyone will see it. Take control of your happiness.

I would go on strike.but sometimes that makes harder on you.so any wsys HAPPY MOTHERS DAY.


Communicate with your husband sister. This mother’s day, we went out to eat, but i didn’t get flowers. I told my significant other, it was a good day however i didn’t feel special because I didn’t get flowers, as spoiled I may sound, i let him know that mother’s day is my favorite amongst other important holidays. On mother’s day i want to feel special, so the next day he took me to a Brazilian steak house and gave me flowers. Men would tell you, they can’t read our mind. I’m sending you love and hugs. Happy mother’s day❤

Is this a particular person that we could build up and bless​:thinking::thinking:

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I would like invite you to be apart of my nationwide Sisterhood Gift exchange if your interested inbox me or Kathleen Gillies ASAP :rose: :100:

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Buy yourself shit. Smack your own ass, pull your own hair and scream your own name. I went thru the no appreciation/gifts shit for years. I stopped worrying about what they weren’t doing for me and started doing it my damn self. Chin up. Shoulders square. Love yourself. It’s not selfish!!

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You have the right to be hurt. Has it always been that way. If it has you should have talked with them a long time ago.


You have that right hun.
I got called names and told all kinds of horrible things. BY MY DAUGHTER who is 30 and lives in MY house with her children. It was an awful day. I’ll never like Mother’s Day again after what they did to me on Sunday. So yea. Moms do more for their kids than they’ll ever know. So we deserve to be special at least that one darn day. Sorry. Still hurting over it.

My daughter went through the same thing for a few years and would call me crying every holiday/birthday. Eventually she just started going on Amazon and getting stuff she wanted using his card!

If you’ve told him more than a couple times and frankly you shouldn’t have to tell him about your birthday or Mothers Day and all the rest but do you have access to the finances/credit cards, etc? Get yourself the gifts you want Simple. Enjoy

Sure you have the right to vent! I am a Great-Grandma & the only ones who called or did something special was my Hubby (my kids step dad) & also my youngest!
But my daughter sent me a disowned letter w/ a big good bye! & she specified it was for Mother’s Day too!
My other Son simply walked out of his apartment w/ the clothes on his back! Leaving his car & all his possessions & his daughters possessions behind too! He moved in w/ his sister & I didn’t hear from him either!
Holidays & my bds aren’t remembered either & if I get a phone call as soon as the greeting is over I get dumped on!
Now I have multiple health issues which some are serious & this constant stress & turmoil has caused 2/3 of my hair to fall out! Not to mention the added RXs from all this that has caused my body to speed up in all the wrong ways!
It’s not to late to explain to your children to be more appreciative towards you! Start putting up BIG hints up on your refrigerator or even their bathroom mirror!
If you don’t start right now someday their mates will blame you for the same thing! You have more influence over them being a stay at home Mom!
At least I did hear from one Son & even a gift!
But he knows he says you only get one Mom! He says that often

How old are the boys, by not saying anything to them, your raising them to do this to their wife’s.


There is nothing wrong with what you are wanting and hoping for. Seems like gifts is your love language, there are 5 different kinds; read into them alittle bit and have a conversation with your husband about it and how it makes you feel when he doesn’t do these things. Bring up to him too that you take the boys to go and pick out gifts for him but how he doesn’t seem to care to do the same for you. Let him know how it hurts you and how you need to be loved in your love language, nothing wrong with how you want to be loved.

Don’t excuse his behaviour, even for a minute. I bet he is capable of all sorts of initiative taking at work. I bet he wouldn’t let his boss down by forgetting things there. It’s about what he values as important.
And also about the example he sets for your boys.


Let him know how you feel. Mother’s like to know at least one day a year that they are appreciated.

It all starts at home. If recognition is always given for what simple reason, everyone catches on and spreads the love. We’ve always made a big deal of all birthdays and other holidays, do I’m a very fortunate mother of two very caring daughters with families of their own. Even though we live far apart, there were phone calls and video chats from both of them and I feel their love every day.
I would definitely talk to your significant others and let them know how you feel.
No one should ever feel unappreciated. Spread the love and make every day a special day.

No you are not over reacting! Shame on your husband for not instilling on his boys the importance of their mother. The boys should have also done something, even a hand made card! Geeze!


I could definitely feel what you are saying, my husband of 26 years was the same exact way. I can say he never bought me anything or gave anything until I mentioned it to him. We have 4 grown kids already and yes my kids fill me with gifts and hugs, my husband still doesn’t by me a gift, but he does spoil me with anything i want and he will take me shopping or a family dinner for whatever occasion we are celebrating and I love it. We have small dinner dates every Friday night I get ready, wait for him to come home from work. He knows that I love Starbucks and takes me on a run to get my Starbucks and knows my favorite drinks. Now he even just takes me on random care ride.So yes you are not wrong in feeling like that we deserve to get treated special, so we can keep providing them as we do and giving our family all the love and attention they need from us. We have to take care of us if they don’t. Definitely talk to him and tell him how you feel. Happy Mother’s day beautiful :two_hearts:

No you’re definitely not overreacting stop the madness with the boys before they turn into men who also don’t appreciate their wives we are the responsible ones who teach them how to treat a woman I understand a hard working husband we have been married for 14 years as well and he takes our daughter to pick something out or just gives me flowers just because it’s amazing how much it makes us feel it’s the little things that matter girl say something or you’ll eventually resent him and the boys you deserve so much more then that just Because you’re a stay at home mom doesn’t mean your not deserving that’s a full time job too

This here is just sad:(. I would start buying my own gifts. My boyfriend buys for birthday but not for Christmas. That truly makes me upset. I need to talk to him about it because it does bother me tremendously and I will just lash out if he does it again. I’m sick of it already. I’m so sorry for you:(.

That is so crazy!! You do so much for the family just like he does and you deserve to be appreciated!! Here is the way I would deal with it. Go in his wallet and get one of his credit cards, One day when you have no kids go get yourself a manicure pedicure massage facial go buy yourself an outfit and a new pair of shoes get your hair done etc. and then when he comes home model your outfit and shoes and new self in front of him and say hey honey how do you like the new me. And if he asks you where you got all this new stuff say oh you got it for me for Mother’s Day remember?? And then if you wants less $$ spent on you the next Mother’s Day or occasion then tell him to get something for you or you will keep doing this every holiday or birthday because you deserve it!!

I do not receive gifts for any occasion either. My husband sounds very similar to yours.
You are not alone

Don’t buy him any gifts or your kids

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I’ve gotten to the point in my life that I always buy myself the gift. I am never disappointed nor does it have to be exchanged for being the wrong size. My gifts are always fabulous! And if my husband buys for me - well then thats bonus. Don’t count on anyone to validate you, treat yourself - and well because you deserve it!

You definitely have the right to feeling hurt and neglected…it doesn’t take much to feel appreciated, it’s nit the material things that count, it’s the thought…and you’re not getting that even. Your husband may be a good provider but he also has a responsibility to being a good role model for your 4 boys, and he’s not making you feel special and appreciated and they are seeing this. Speak up and let your husband know how you are feeling, a little bit of gratitude goes a long way.

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Social media is not the place to resolve this. There can be so many mitigating circumstances that we dont know. I know. I’ve been in your shoes.

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That is awful. They take you for granite.

Hunny he’s not a mind reader, most men are so exhausted from work and then most men on the weekends they’re doing yardwork and anything else that needs to be done around the house. I’m sure he still loves you just as much as the day you two met, you also gave him 4 beautiful children.

I’d tell them plain and simple you have feelings just like they do. If they like getting stuff especially on special days then so do you. They really need to start getting you something or you should conveniently forget their special days just to show them how you feel. Even something as simple as them making you a card or pretty picture would have been better then what you got.

You are definitely right to feel some type of way. Unfortunately so many of us feel the same

I have 4 grown sons and I received nothing. I know how you feel.