I didn't get anything for Mother's Day - Just needing to vent

You’re right not appreciated for all we do sometimes

I told my husband “ this is what I’m getting myself, but I want you to do this for me” and that was it. I bought myself something and he did some landscaping for me.

Sometimes you pick someone who is not really romantic with that stuff. And that’s okay, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. Try to see him loving you in every day ways, in his ways.
I have a guy like that, for nearly 20 years I’ve been relatively disappointed in his lack of thoughtfulness. I always want a special effort, however small, an ‘i thought of you’ gift. I never get that. I do get what I ask for (within reason). But I have to ask, and sometimes he even bitches. Haha. Thing is, I STILL wouldn’t trade him for the world. It can be frustrating on holidays but when I need him to drop everything for me, he does. When I need him to hold it together for me, or hold me up, he’s there. And I think it’s just that he’s so comfy with me and us, that he can show his true, unromantic, unbothered by gifting, side because at the end of the day, that’s him. He doesn’t show love by flowers and candy, he shows it by daily, unfaltering effort and that’s okay with me (but I’m still going to pout, probably)


Buy yourself a new car! Make sure it’s a 2 seater! When you feel down, leave them all home and take a nice ride for a few hours. That should get his attention! Lol

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Have you actually told him directly how you feel? You said it’s not about the materialistic things; but you’re upset you have to remind him and you want him to make the effort without being told to. To a man that can sometimes come off as confusing. Sometimes just having that conversation openly and honestly does wonders. Most of the time people don’t do things with bad intentions. We don’t always realize the importance and significance our actions or inactions have on a loved one.

I don’t care much for giving or receiving gifts. My love language is quality time. I didnt get my husband anything for valentines day this year and he was genuinely hurt. I didn’t think it was a big deal until he told me. Now that I know this I can ensure I try my best to do something for the special occasions. I honestly could care less, but I’ll make sure I do it for him. :woman_shrugging:

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You have the right to complain . Your husband should get you gifts especially on Mother’s Day.

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Has he always done this or is this new. You’ve been together 14 years so your children must be close to 14 why are they not taking it upon themselves they’re going to end up treating their wives and girlfriends the exact way your husband treats you

I’m pissed for you! The kids could have at least made you something!


I’m so sorry for your pain you are not alone :pray:. Do not expect people to give all you give :pray:. I would kind state that it hurts and I feel unappreciated :sob:. I hope you find peace with the situation :pray:

I agree with you, especially because you’re doing everything you can to get them gifts.hes not a very good role model for his sons .when they are grown and have a significant other they will do the same as their father. I was very fortunate my husband always tried to make every holiday special and bought me gifts,now that my son has grown and married he does the same for me and his wife and children. Hopefully yiur husband will see how much this hurts you.

I don’t want one day to feel appreciated for an entire year :woman_shrugging: I let my man know when I am feeling down and he doesn’t have to buy me anything just give me his time and help me out with the nightly tasks every now and then … sometimes I get in a funk too where I feel like I’m invisible but I give that over to hormones and let my man know :tipping_hand_woman::woman_shrugging: communication is key and so is having a medical marijuana card lol

It’s not the gift itself that’s is upsetting its the lack of consideration, the feeling that you are taken for granted, that on this day no one took the time to think hey we should get mom some flowers or something for mother’s day. Very valid feelings. I think you should talk to your husband and make sure you make it clear it doesn’t matter what the gift is it matters that they thought of you. It doesn’t even have to be a purchase, cook a meal, do the dishes, fold the laundry, clean the floors just so mom doesn’t have to.


I have felt this way in the past and it you talk to your partner about it , it could get better

You married him and allow your kids to understand appreciate you. Answer is simple, you allow them to do that.


I was hospitalized for having a infection after surgery. I hadn’t seen my husband and kids since the wed before and my husband calls to tell me he is going to see his mom for mothers day. Which really hurt my feelings. Here I was crying bec I hadn’t seen any of them, no happy mothers day to me nothing. I had to suggest he pick her up so he could see us both. Then tells me her forgot mothers day? I dont normally say anything but it hurt deep bec I was like how do u miss mothers day but tell me ur going to see ur mom for mothers day? Obliviously ur lying and told on urself. But he did get me a card and flowers after. Sometimes men are @@@holes.

I don’t think you’re overreacting. I’ve been there too. Didn’t even get a handmade card for any of my kids last year! It was a miserable mother’s day, and I have sense made it clear to everyone exactly how I felt. It still hurts to remember it.
They apparently didn’t think it was a big deal, and now everyone makes sure mom gets gifts.
I’ve got a hard worker too, and he will forget everything. Holidays aren’t important to him, so unless I make a stink at least once, I’m all outta luck. I think some guys are just like that. Man, it doesn’t make it any easier sometimes tho. I don’t think it means they don’t appreciate us, they just have a different priority order, and sometimes holidays don’t make the list.
Hang in there mama. Sometimes it feels absolutely overwhelming, it’s okay to let it out. I know that can be hard too, people arent always very understanding. You’ll be good Tho, at least I think so. You’re a tough lady, and it sounds like you have a wonderful heart. They’ll all look back one day and thank the powers that be to have been blessed with a damn good woman. Sometimes we just gotta have patience. Just wanted to let you know I understand. Long distance mom hugs!

Ive been with my husband for 40 years. Every day he makes me feel special a look simply a touch or all caome home to a clean house. Garden ready t plant laundry done. So every day could be a surprise. If you want to be noticed a little more try leaving Friday night come back. Sunday or go for 3 day week end Don’t leave instructions make him fumble around. Expect a mess when you get back but they will apperate you more

We all show our love oir own ways! You are very kind to always do things for him, but very materialistic to expect gifts as a sign of love.

I make a huge deal about getting my man gifts, he sometimes just doesn’t think to het me things bec im not very materialistic. I prefer a nice walk together and a ha d picked flower over extravagant affairs. I think you are simply expecting materialistic displays of affection

After 14 years of marriage he should be your absolute best friend and yall talk this out!

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Aww mama xoxo Next year get a calendar mark the special days you want him to remember! Problem Solved :woman_shrugging: that’s what I had to do for my dad to remember everyone’s brithday lmao :rofl::joy:

It will never change no matter what you do or say, I went through the same thing for 33 years

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You are not over reacting but if you know he only gives gifts when asked then you have to ask K guess

Buy it yourself. I get cards. Your kids have zero excuse to not at least great you with a Happy Mother’s Day.

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Just don’t buy him anything on his birthday, fathers day I bet he will change.


I didnt get anything for mothers day either from my 2 girls :woman_shrugging:

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No you are not overreacting. My husband tries but in the past he has struck out. When my momnwas aluve she always took care of the special occasions. I received a piece of jewelry from her for every occasion. Eventually I started buying my own gifts or giving him specifics on what I wanted. This Mother’s Day I asked for a Gardenia Plant. He made a special point of getting it for me. Sometimes I think they just need help.

Then you need to speak to your sons and let them know this is what you should do for these occasions they are learning what your husband is doing if you don’t want this to continue change it now Happy Mothers day you are appreciated :blue_heart:they just need to be showed n told what nd how to treat a woman

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Your way to nit picky. I am glad we do not act that way. Your husband provides for your family gees. Yes you all should celebrate fathers day. I glad I am not nit picky.


I tell my children that I don’t want gifts but I accept a telephone call and now they are use to do it all the time

I didn’t get anything, my son died… be thankful that you and your children are healthy !

I’m always broke and still managed to save up almost 200 to take my mom out and spoil her. Its important to be appreciated. I have no children, but appreciate every women who has, you should get treated like a Queen on your birthday, Christmas and mother’s day for sure. I’m sorry you feel less than appreciated

No, you’re not. Stop getting him gifts, and tell your kids that they hurt you. Just being a hard worker is not enough. They’re all under valuing you, taking all you do for granted.


You have every single right to feel the way that you do! If you are comfortable asking and giving him the reminder that something thats coming up that’s important to you then speak up. It may not be ideal and he’s a man so it might be something you always have to deal with but those are your boys and you need to talk to them and break that cycle. I’m also totally for not getting him anything at all but at the end of the day you do you and keep being the rocking momma you are!

I know the feeling :cry:

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Happy Mother’s Day.It’s about effort and letting your wife know how much you appreciate her.

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Just don’t Cheat… These are some of the symptoms that can lead to infidelity…
The only missing ingredient is a stranger in your ear…

No your not over reacting and you shouldn’t have to ask him to do anything for you he should want to for all you do for your family! He should not take you for granted and show you some appreciation…good Lord! Bless your heart.

I’m sorry :person_tipping_hand:
the hear that don’t appreciate you enough being stay home mom
Is it easy it’s hard work everyday the same old thing it’s endless so yes you have the right to feel sad and unappreciated u need to write on calendar big red writing around
the date so they know it’s special because you are very special woman have a wonderful mother’s Day I sent you flowers candy champagne :grin: :bouquet::chocolate_bar::champagne::clinking_glasses:

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He is showing ur sons how to treat there future girlfriends and wife he needs to set n example be more greatful and appreciative


Just stop doing everything for 1 day, I mean everything, cooking laundry and do not be home when They all come running, don’t answer phone nothing, see how fast they be crapping their pants!


I buy myself gifts lol men don’t understand and the quicker you understand that, the quicker your feelings won’t get hurt.

Yup always bought myself something.Now I have daughter in laws who are always bringing me things.

No, youre not oberreacting. Stop buying stuff for him and see if he notices.


Have you missed any meals, lf not considered yourself lucky


He can also write you a note saying how much he loves you and appreciates you. My husband has. We’re married 37 years. He can pick up flowers or balloons at the darn grocery store and pick up dinner too.

I got the opportunity to wake up & live another day. The love of my children & a great day with the other moms in my life. I’m grateful for that.

You are definitely entitled to feel the way that you do no one can tell you otherwise, its unfortunate lot of women feel this way when it comes to their men, but I would definitely agree with others when it comes to not recognizing things on his end for a while, let him feel what you do maybe something will change…:heart::pray:

You think those.mortgage payments, car expenses, utilities, insurance payments, food, clothing and amenities that he shoulders might be a show.of appreciation? Jeez

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A man should always find time to set an example for his boys. He needs to teach them to see what their mom does for them and stress to them that’s why we celebrate mothers day. Its purely to teach the boys to respect their mother & woman in general. Even if dad just encourages a group art project to give mom. Then when fathers day comes around, it is the responsibility of the mom to teach her boys how hard their dad works & to show appreciation for ALL that hard work on fathers day. You’re a team! Support each other.


You are not over reacting and you so deserve more…part of me says don’t do anything for their birthdays and see what they say to you and another part of me says, it’s their deficit-be who YOU are and just go treat yourself to what you would like to be given. Buy a huge bouquet of flowers and when they ask, if they do even ask, say I bought them for myself for Mother’s Day.


Yes u do & your right

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I think the problem is that we spend ALL our time taking care of EVERYBODY else and its taken for granted. Our struggle is to get the ones we do everything for to do for themselves. We get so tired doing it all the time we NEVER take time out to care for OURSELVES. YEARS OF THIS we lose. The desire to do it. Then those WE HAVE DONE EVERYTHING FOR. go on with their lives and we feel abandoned and lost. We have ALWAYS. Been the care givers and when OUR. Time comes for care the ones we took care of have NO CLUE how to do it. . Im 67. I guess what Im saying is you have to put more responsibility on your family from the younger years on up. Maybe take time for yourself NOW. GOIN A GROUP IN SOMETHING YOU ARE INTERESTED IN. GET OUT OF HOUSE. . TAKE A WEEKEND SIGHT SEEING TRIP. LET THEM FEND FOR THEMSELVES. EVEN A TEN YEAR OLD CAN NUKE THEIR OWN FOOD. CLEAN UP AFTER THEMSELVES. KEEP THEIR ROOMS CLEAN. HELL TEENAGERS CAN DO THEIR OWN LAUNDRY. I GUARANTEE YOU IF YOU DO EVERYTHING FOR THEM AS YOUNG ADULTS THEY WILL NOT BE ABLE TO FUNCTION BECAUSE EVERYTHING WAS DONE FOR THEM


Take some time off and have a girls day out with friends or a quiet spa day that is over due…


You’re not overreacting. How you feel is very much valid and matters. The best solution to this is to stop doing things for them. If they don’t appreciate it. Stop doing it. If they can’t even be bothered to get a mothers day card at the bare minimum. Stop doing things for them. No more cleaning their mess. Washing their clothes. Hell, maybe even just leave for a few days.

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I can bet he doesn’t even remember when it’s father’s day or his own birthday . Plus you remember for him so he doesn’t think of stuff like that . Without knowing it you trained him that way . I wish I had someone to remind me of birthdays and holidays …lol.

I don’t think it’s an overreaction to want to feel appreciated for your work I mean as people have stated you do have the house payed for and food in your belly and you don’t have to worry but that’s like your “paycheck” for cleaning that house over your head and for cooking that food he bought and making it a meal… for birthing his children and for driving those kids to every appointment and practice… and doing their dirty laundry and kissing all of their boo-boos the one in the ER when they have major boo-boos you get to be part of the family for the work you put toward it… so comparing being a mother to having a job… gifts are like getting a bonus or even as a “sales percentage” of the work you put in… you do things for them they don’t do for themselves… so I agree with a few of the other ladies… if he won’t give you any bonus do less work for them and take yourself out instead… gain an interest other than them and I bet they’ll pay more attention to you


Your not alone on this one.


It’s not just you it happens to a lot of moms but you let it happen this long. You need to talk to your husband not rant on Facebook. And that’s the role you took as a stay at home mom I was one for a long time. Moms do everything and never get a thank you it’s the way it is if you don’t stop it early enough.


you are not over reacting.

the problem with kids and so many adults is that everything is about themselves and no one else.

i wish my mom was alive today.
I lost her at a young age.

Just remember that one day they will wish that had remembered you.

All that really matters is that God loves you and always will.

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I would be pissed and tell them so. Hope they like cooking for themselves for a while! Make them say sorry…lol


You are not over reacting. Your children could have at least given you a hand made card or said Happy other’s Day to you. Your husband should remember your anniversary at least.


I know exactly how u feel

I feel for you, I got upset that my son didn’t call or send a card, and I gave him up for adoption, found him in 2017, at first he was remembering me on mother’s day but not lately.:confused: I would feel like you, hurt that they do not give you any appreciative flowers, cards or treats to dinners.

U totally the right to feel that way just in case no one told u you are doing an amazing job and you are appreciated keep ya head up things will get better

Sad. You think of all you do for your kids and they act in such a selfish way. It hurts.

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The only time my ex gifted me was if we if were spending a holiday/celebration at his brother’s and the rest of the family were going to be there. He did give me fine jewelry or electronics in front of his family. It made it hard to feel happy and grateful for his occasional gifts he gave as show gifts.
He never ever celebrated my birthday or our anniversary much less give me a gift.

Go on strike !.Then they’ll appreciate how much you do for them.

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Like Ashley Madison says, life is short, have an affair!

It’d be grab your own tucker boys for the whole day and maybe a few more to boot…you are not appreciated honey!
Kick some ass!

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You have every dam right to be upset and mad! You should leave the kids with your husband for the entire day! Let him see what you do every day all day for once then maybe he will understand what you go through!


Mother’s day is intended to celebrate your mother. Tell your mother you love her if you can. That’s it.

Send me information, illget you something special…you deserve it…!!:kissing_heart:

Go buy yourself something that you want!!

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Don’t do shit for a few days and see if he gets the point lmao


You have every right to feel the way you do

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You should have mentioned it,this big boys rarely remember, know or think about some of these things.
Raha jipe mwenyewe

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Forget their birthdays for 1 year and see what happens next. You’ll be pleasantly surprised


Yes and no. Yes you have a right but I also feel mothers day is commercialized to make women feel like shit. Your a bad ass mom who’s doing their best. Keep your chin up love. When your boys are in there 30’s…they’ll come home with all sorts of gifts and thank yous…

It really hurts especially when you are getting older…and you are married for the longer time… your husband doesn’t even prepare something especially on occassions like this…when you do the opposite for him…and it’s even more awful when everyone you know was surprised by their family…

Stop doing what you’re doing. They’ll need you before you need them


Dont do everything for them. They need to learn to appreciate their mum. Miss their special occasions and I’m sure they’d soon wakeup.

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I think you should have a talk to your boys about appreciation and that you felt hurt. Your not your husbands mother, your boys could have done something as simple as make you breakfast or weed the garden or better yet cleaned their rooms and did the dishes. It doesn’t cost a thing to show appreciation. And explain to your boys that it would of been nice if they had done something for you to show they appreciate what you do every day for them. As women we raise our sons so you can’t really complain when they dont act appropriately, another woman taught them it was ok to act that way. I have 3 boys and 4 girls, you cant expect them to know what to do if you dont teach them.

Men need strong hints and firm reminders !!