I do not like the idea of having a blended family: Thoughts?

Be miserable while your ex finds the love of his life and has a big beautiful family…& your child is gonna love her blended family on her Dad’s side…


You shouldn’t be a parent if you can’t accept someone else children as your own but expect someone to accept yours! I am raising my 6 year old step son and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. He has 2 younger siblings from me and his dad and is treated no different! He would be in the system if it was for our blended family


When you meet the right one it will be worth the work .

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Blended families are amazing. Your kid gets double the love. You get double the help. As long as everyone is mature, its great


Those are your feelings right now, and it sounds like a very angry place. I’m sure your feelings will change down the road, hang tight. Self healing does a lot to the mind, give it time :heartbeat:


You don’t know until it happens, you might change your mind later unless you can tell the future :upside_down_face::joy: and I don’t think its a bad thing “to do to” your child! Its more people to love her and be loved by her! It can be a blessing

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It’s 2020 I think there are more blended families than the “ proper families “. What we envision in life sometimes doesn’t happen. My family is blended and all 4 of my daughters are very happy. I think you will change your mind.


I can completely understand how you feel bc I felt like that in my own situation, But I knew it was because I was hurt and angry and didn’t want to feel like left behind in a way if that makes sense .I think once your divorce is final and you have sometime to be you and to one day be happy again , it’s possible that you might change your mind… I know right now it’s like ya no way !!! I come from
A blended family and it’s awesome to have more siblings… don’t cheat yourself out of having happiness again or your child you all deserve it

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I grew up in a blended family and I’m sorry but we suffered more with my mom as a single parent than we ever did having step siblings and a step parent. I can’t even believe what i just read. I get wanting to be single for awhile to get over everything but to bash a blended family all together and say you won’t force that on your daughter is just stupid. Sometimes a blended family is the BEST thing to happen to a child!


That’s a really old fashioned mindset. In other words, unintelligent. With that being said- i sometimes wish my children all had the same last name. That’s about it. I think everyone dreams of having just one family with one person but if it doesn’t work out that way, then it just doesn’t! And you get yourself a “blended” family. Lol


“Suffer” that’s gross, I LOVE both sides of my blended family! Giving me 4 parents and 10 siblings!

I’ve previously LOVED my exes kid as my own.

Like what part of a blended family is awful to you?

This is a disgusting mind set🤷‍♀️


I got divorced and swore I would never have anymore children or ever get married again because it was all so terrible and traumatic. But I got remarried less than a year after I got divorced. Found an amazing man who loves me and my son when I wasn’t looking.
It will change


Your denying her a sibling because YOU don’t want a blended family. Isn’t that kinda selfish? Denying things that could possibly help her later in life. I’m just saying to put your feet in the shoes you want her to walk in. Blended families have great bonuses.


I have a blended family and my son has it on his dads side also. We refer it as bonus parents and siblings, not step.


When my mother remarried when I was 13, I got 3 siblings and eventually 2 half brothers. It was great! We all had the same rules, and it was a lot of fun to be in a “real family” with 2 parents and other kids. Only children are often lonely.


What did I just read?!??!??!??


I love my step daughter as if she was mine and my husband does the same with my son. IMO it’s the only way to make it work. We have zero issues, everyone gets along. I hit the jackpot.


You sound like you’re probably not mature enough to have a “blended” family. Its probably best you dont breed again.


If you were going to do it the “proper” way …you wouldnt be divorced
But hey if you wanna cheat yourself out of happiness and more children who am I?


I love my big blended family!
I have 6 brothers and sisters, 4 wonderful parents who love me and im about to have 10 neices and nephews by August. More love to go around. And even though some are step siblings or half sibling I love them all the same.


I have a blended family. And yes at first it was difficult I had my daughter (her father was in and out the picture then just out of it completely). And he had his Son. We didnt rush into anything and just took things slow. At first me and my step sons mum did not get along. But then one night we had a chat and I told her I wasnt trying to be her sons mum and I would never try to replace her i just wanted to be his friend. We got along much better after that and nearly 8 years on we all still work together and talk, its not easy but we manage. My daughter now calls her step dad just dad and she decided that on her own after she hadnt seen her dad for a while she recognised my partner as her dad and asked if he would be her dad and of course he said yes and even for me it was strange hearing her call him dad, she was only 1 when we met and she called him dad then but we always corrected her and encouraged her to call him by his name but when she was 5 she decided she wanted him to be her dad and not the man who left her. The kids were one and 3 when we got together the are now 10 and almost 8. Yea they fight like crazy the fight more now than they did when they were little. But they are also super close. We have a daughter together also she is five and she is the glue that sticks us all together through her we are all connected its beautiful :heart: and i have so much love for my step son, his mum and her family. It dosnt have to be horrible but it wont be easy either x

I come from a blended family an I love it
Have never been treated different from any body in our family
My kids are also half siblings but in there an my eyes there just brother not half brothers
My partner is also not there dad an you know what he loves my kids treates them better then there so called dad’s ever have

I don’t get why people are being rude but I think it’ll change once everything settles. You’ll meet someone who is too amazing not to go for and you’ll be happier than ever and your kiddo will love it

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They are half not step if you have more kids.

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blended families can be challenging, but speaking from my own experiences I have to say they can be really awesome and full of so much love and happiness :heartpulse: Wouldn’t trade mine for anything :revolving_hearts:

I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this way! Every time everyone says oh you’ll find somebody, I’m just like no I’m good being a single mom and giving my kids all of my attention

I grew up with a blended family and I will never consider them my “step siblings” they ARE my brothers and sisters! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


My daughter has two sets of parents and loves them equally her boyfriend has two sets of parents we all get together for the holidays and any other time go on with life

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After reading that disaster the only one screwing up your kids is YOU🙄


You gonna be lonely as hell all your life with that mindset


If that’s how you feel :woman_shrugging:t2: I don’t want anymore kids because I don’t want my kids to have different fathers. I also would prefer to date a man who has no kids because I just don’t want to have to deal with baby mama drama so I understand. I feel like if that’s how you feel then that’s what’s best for you, doesn’t mean you might not change your mind in the future and if so that’s okay too. Now I don’t agree with your statement that “a blended family is just second best” because your not settling if you move on, your not betraying your daughter by finding a better suited partner. You’d be doing her more harm having her grow up with a bitter mama who can’t accept love because of one failed marriage.


Darlin I understand your feelings and I honestly think that you feel this way because of how bad you’ve been hurt, give yourself some time to heal because I’m gonna be honest family is made by love not by blood, my son has 2 older brothers (same father different mom) and I love those 2 little boys just as much as I love my son
Theres no such thing as a blended family or a step family, its just family, because all it takes 2 people to fall in love that makes a family
Honestly if you would deny a family because you cant accept another person’s children that’s messed up hun


I decided not to live with a man (or marry) until my daughter is out of the house. After 15 years with her father he remarried 90 days after our divorce was final. He moved 4 times and had 3 job changes and then got divorced all in 3 years.
I gave him 15 years so that’s what I’m doing for my daughter. I don’t want to risk putting her through another divorce, or unnecessary changes. Some of the happiest families I know are blended, but being to old to have more kids helped with my decision as well.

I know there is a lot of comments on here but I can say being a child of a blended family its hard at first adjusting to change but now almost 20 years later and im so glad that i had step siblings and i love my stepdad almost as much as I love my biological dad. Now I’m with a guy that I had 2 kids with and he has a 13 year old son. At first I was nervous about being a possible step mom but after I allowed myself to open up to the idea it wasn’t so bad. So I understand both sides of being the child and the parent. Yes its a little uncomfortable at first but it turns into such a blessing later. Just be open❤

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Nothing bad with it my kids are its more to love

Yikes lady. My step sister is my sister and my step dad is my dad! He is a papa to my kids. We sure as heck are not suffering. My step mom is pretty freaking amazing. I can understand being bitter about what your going through right now but dont fester in it.

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Trust me I don’t want a blended family either…

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We were a blended family before my husband adopted my oldest :woman_shrugging:t3: I don’t think anyone wants to have to start all over with kid(s) but I don’t think it’s second best. I found my true love and family. It’s probably because of what you’re going through and you don’t want anymore pain and want to protect your daughter

I have a blended family but never say it there is no half, step or blended we are simply a family and a team
My partner stepped up and helped me raise my kids when their dad let them down
In my eyes it takes an amazing man or woman to step in and take on that role
Yes it’s hard we bicker we argue but I wouldn’t want it any other way

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There’s absolutely nothing wrong with a blended family. I am apart of one and it made my support system that much bigger. I love all of my family and have never once seen them as anything less than a blessing.

You are entitled to your own opinions and feelings…but the way you wrote this kind of comes off as you’re attacking blended families! And that’s not really fair… What works for one person may not work for another person and if you don’t want a blended family you don’t have to have one! My significant other has a child from a previous relationship and I have three children from a previous marriage our family has the best dynamic for us! both of our exes have moved on and had other kids with other people… But he and I will not have any more children we have the four children between the two of us and that’s perfectly fine! It makes me sad how many people are saying really mean things about this but honestly that’s something that you’re going to have to figure out yourself maybe in a few years you’ll feel differently it may not even take that long… Or you could never change your mind at all and not have a blended family and that’s fine too! But please everybody stop judging because what works for one person may not work for everybody else and some people just can’t have the same dynamic in a blended family or just being alone and raising their kids! My only comment on this that would be considered negative is it’s fine anyway you feel about the family you want but you probably shouldn’t call the thousands of people that have blended families second best… Because it may be second best to you but it is the best thing for us! Nobody should be judgmental about how somebody else wants to live their life :woman_shrugging:t2:


I’m not in the situation but I totally get it and honestly, right now in my life, agree with you.

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What is “the proper way” these days ?. Concentrate on co-parenting and how your kids are psychologically. It’s about them, not you.


I felt the same way during my separation but the feeling went away over time once I realized that no matter what, my daughter will be loved and she will know who mommy is and who daddy is. No one will take our places. The new wife/hubby will be there to love and care for them and I’m ok with that. I wasn’t before lol but it’s reality and all I hope for now is my ex to find a good woman who will be good to my baby but also respect me and the boundaries


Hopefully your feelings will change. Blended families can be wonderful.

I grew up in blended and I would not have it any other way. My parents were toxic to each other 1000% . I was 3 when they divorces and still remember bad things about them being together. My actual memories, not what I was told. I had four awesome step parents that I would not be the person I am today without their love. I’ve also been the step mom to five amazing boys. The first four, their mom constantly attacked me because she could not accept anyone else having anything to do with raising her kids (notice the HER not THEIR). I ended up leaving because I was terrified she would harm the boys and was tired of constantly having to file police reports and nothing being done. My stepson now, because of the first, I refuse to meet his mother. My SO has residential and according to everyone in his family I was just what my stepson needed.
Blended families are more normal these days than they were in the past. You may change your mind, you may not…but heal yourself before you make that final decision :sparkling_heart:

I couldn’t even finish reading all this ignorance. :woman_facepalming:t2:


I was married to my “highschool sweetheart” for 8 years with him for 15 years … had 3 of the most perfect babies in the world …when our youngest was 2.5 I got a call from cys to come and pick up my 2 month old cousin… it ultimately destroyed my marriage bc he didnt want more kids … landed me in a divorce … broke my heart … but here I am … with the love of my life engaged to be married … adopted that beautiful innocent baby … have a 5 year old step son … a crazy blended family … and yes it’s crazy but it’s a beautiful crazy … my ex husband and I are best friends now … our kids are the happiest they have ever been and they love my fiance with everything they have … they tell everyone they are even more special because they have 2 dads :heart::heart:

Give it time…dont sell your life short bc you are angry and bitter over how your life is right now :heart::heart: don’t shut doors that shouldn’t be shut forever :heart::heart:

I can’t say your the ONLY one who feels that way, however I do not feel that way. I am trying to wrap my head around your statement, but life may have other plans for you and your daughter dear. No one can say, I just hope you don’t hinder your own happiness thinking your making the right move for your daughter by not finding love. God Bless

I think using the word suffer(ing) to describe a blended family is alittle dramatic.


So, having the possibility of another person loving your daughter as their own is “2nd best” or “not proper.”… yet, you’re going through a divorce…
I’m confused about your ignorance. :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:


Blended families can be hard .
I’m having issues as well . As he expects me to be everything he wants me to be to his , while he treats mine like absolute crap . It’s to the point I resent them all . I am looking into leaving and raising my children alone . I was happier alone anyways .
Plus I dont like cleaning up after 3 more people plus my own 3 children .
Doesnt sound like youd do good in a blended family. Just do you girl .

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Your child will suffer from you’re selfishness. Ask the girl what she wants, she might enjoy having sibling.


Blended families can be amazing! Adding people to a child’s life is a good thing! Can’t have too many people that love and care for you :heart:

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I’m really surprised that someone would actually think a blended family is somehow lesser than a non blended family. That’s just an absolutely ridiculous mindset :woman_shrugging:

My father remarried and I GAINED a loving stepmother and 2 wonderful stepbrothers and even got a half brother out of it. A blended family is in no way shape or form lesser or second to a non blended family. I have a daughter and chose to stay single for years because I wasn’t sure if I would be comfortable with adding a man to our life and eventually more kids. But I never felt like if i did then it would be lesser or second to staying with her bio dad. I remarried and had a son and our family is the most beautiful thing in the world to me and I wouldnt change it for anything.


You do you at this moment!!! it’s probably what you need now, you may not always feel this way❤️

Second best? You’ve gotta fix that perspective. My family is blended and it’s the most happiness I’ve ever had in my life. My children love his children and they love them and our 1 child together.


Lmfao oh lady, you might not want to say things like this out loud because someone will end up reacting, and you will not like it when they do. Also, in no way is my family second best, and my family was made the “proper” way too I was married and had kids with my ex husband, and now I’m remarried and have kids with my husband too. I have 7 kids total. And we have a PERFECT family. I love having a blended family (my husband has no other children besides the ones we have together). There is ZERO anything wrong with blended families you dense prude. If that’s how you feel, I’m glad that you’ve decided to stop reproducing.


Second best :roll_eyes: I disagree with that but each to their own ways. With that mindset though it seems ur closing yourself off to being happy because of one failed relationship and that’s way worse than how you perceive a ‘blended family’ to be!

Your perspective is what needs some adjusting. Blended families are not second best. Idk if what i have is blended, but my husband is adopting my son and life could not be better

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You may change your feelings one day after the dust settles and you work through the pain of getting divorced.

Or you may not…

Don’t focus too much on your family and friends comments about settling down again one day. They’re just attempting to comfort you. Just smile and say thank you and go on!

But I will say this, being surrounded by “extra” people who love you is a blessing and your child(ren) will always benefit from being surrounded by people who love them.

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I think that’s completely incorrect. I too thought I’d only want it to be me and my daughter forever and then the “man of my dreams” came in when I least expected with 4 kids and two others. I cannot imagine my life any other way


Your in the thick of it you said yourself your in the middle of a nasty divorce. Yes there are challenging times your going through currently and will be in the near future. Your spinning in the negavity of your situation right now. Tomorrow is a new day.

Song look up : A little bit stronger by Sara Evans. Music therapy: youtube divorce playlist.

Books: for future relationship reference
5 love languages
The Love Dare
Love and respect by Eggerich

A beautiful Design by Matt Chandler

Find peace, get counceling. It will get better with time and what you do with that time. A year from now your whole life could be different.

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I have a blended family. I have 4 children 2 are from my ex boyfriend as a teen & young adult & 2 from my ex husband when I was 25 & stupid lol & my boyfriend has 2 from his ex wife. We have 1 boy on the way & is due in 3 weeks & he will be the last piece of our puzzle. Between us theres 6 kids, my 2 oldest live with us full time, my 2 little ones go to their dads once every other month & are with us for a month so there’s a little break. His kids go to their moms 3 days a week, we have them 4 (he has primary custody) it’s a big blended family & it just works for us. There’s no step, half or any of that talk… they are brothers and sisters & they all love each other. They range from 9,8,7,6,5 & 3 (4 this week) and in 3 weeks we’ll have a newborn.

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A few years ago I just wanted it to be my boys and I and we were perfectly happy with that. Until I met my now husband who has a daughter. Now our family is complete. My boys adore her and their stepdad, so life couldn’t be better now. Our blended family is great!


I barely got 5 lines in and wanted to throw my phone at the wall… Second best? :fu:


Wow imagine thinking like this.


I come from a blended family and I felt this same way for a long time after I left my son’s father (not that I thought less of blended families) I just didn’t think it was for me. Feel the way you feel and if it changes that’s fine also :blush:


I am part of a blended family (with my parents), and my children are also a part of a blended family. I absolutely LOVE my bonus children, and the kids love all being together too. The way I look at it, it’s just more people to love and support my kids, and they are happy as can be. You don’t need to rush into things by any means (I waited months before introducing my kids to my significant other). But taking it slow and being completely opposed to it are two totally different things.

I mean, you’re entitled to feel how you feel, and if that’s not something you want, then I guess the single life is the right choice for you. But I’m telling you first hand, I am WAY more happy with my blended families than I ever would have been when the situation wasn’t right. You’re really missing out on having such a closed mind.

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Don’t try to figure it out today. Get thru what you’re getting thru, and give it time. If you decide not to, no big deal. But maybe your mind will change.

I know a lot of people with amazing blended families. And some that have a horrible time.

Just let the dust settle and see how you feel. They hardest part about the separation is the fact that there are so many unknowns. I was driving myself bonkers trying to figure it out.

Honestly, I am in your camp with the never again, not because of the blended family, but because I just need some me time.

Just breathe.

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I’m sorry but this is absolutely ridiculous.


Wtf are you even talking about? Are you saying you would choose favorites based on who your child’s father is? Cause that’s what it sounds like.


I think right now you’re in a very upsetting and hurting place. Divorce brings out a lot of ugly feelings in people who are trying to process and adapt to life they didn’t expect. Please go and see a counselor or find someone to talk to, because this isn’t a healthy way of thinking. Even if you don’t express it, you’re going to pass that attitude along to your daughter and she doesn’t deserve that kind of negative thinking.


My life started with a (half) sister and I also have a younger brother, 30 years later my parents are divorced and remarried to people who also already had children so now I have an older sister, 3 older brothers and a younger brother.
I left my ex with two young kids, with my husband I had two more.
My life now is 100% better than it was before. Their life isn’t second best it is better!

Honestly, being apart of a blended family is the best. My parents split when I was 2 (26 now) and remain very good friends. Both got remarried, both made my life so EASY. We have had holidays together, my siblings are friends, my father is almost like a mentor to my moms other kids and my mother has helped out with my stepmoms kids.

Being apart of a blended family is NOT awful. Now, I know my blended family is different than some. I don’t have “steps”. They’re my brothers and sisters and that’s that. It’s what you make of it. If you go into it with a negative outlook, that’s all you’re going to have. And if you’re negative about this in general, you really need to ask yourself some major questions. You’re looking at it the wrong way. Think of it as something you’ll GAIN. Not something to be ashamed or uncomfortable with.


I had my first child when I was 22. I was in a bad relationship for 11 years with the guy when it ended right before her 4th birthday. He went to prison and I went into a deep spiral. Life was horrible. I always wanted more kids but never wanted more than one baby daddy! Well life started to get good I pulled myself out of the hole I had lived in miserably for too long. I ran into an old friend and we started hanging out. We got married 2 years ago and I have 2 more kids another girl and a boy. I felt the same way back then even going as far as to want more kids with my first daughters dad and crazy shit like that! Thank God I didn’t. My advice is don’t go looking for anything just be a mom and a woman and happiness will find you one day. My experience is not a bad one. My best friends is not. She loved this guy since she was 14. Years later he’s divorced with 2 boys. They get back together and start a family. She has 2 kids with him now too but first wife is a horrible miserable human thats made my friends life hell. Communication between her and husband would have made it better but he was afraid of 1st wife’s unstable bullshit

We are a blended family. I have a beautiful “stepdaughter” who is the light of my life. She is never second best in my mind… even with my husband and I having OUR first. I am a girl mom to two amazing girls. It’s all about perspective… we are a whole family.

You can certainly feel like this now, that doesn’t mean you will kn the future. Especially having to go through a tough divorce… one day at a time

If you had more kids with a new man, I don’t really see that as blended? They would be your child’s siblings no matter what. Not that anything is wrong with step siblings either. I just don’t understand how any of that would be hurting your child? Kids get hurt from parents separating sometimes, that’s true but that part is already done. You def should not take on any step children if you don’t think you can love them like your own tho and that’s fine if you can’t.

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sounds selfish, or like this person thinks a divorce and moving on again is for the scum of the earth.

Why would you not want more people to love your child? Step parents and siblings can be such blessings, just make sure to find ones that love your child

I grew up in a blended family I’m the middle child and have 3 half siblings and I love them all so so much my family I have is also blended my older 2 are not my husbands bio kids but he loves them the same nothing wrong with it everyone has their story and the reasonings behind it

What did i just read? Alrighty then :joy:🤦🤷

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A blended family is not second best…if it is the right person it just means that your daughter will have one more person to love her and for her to depend on

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You need time to heal and children are resilant. Blended families can be a blessing. My two oldest are from my previous relationship. And now they have a stepfather who is so amazing to them and they have a baby sister through us and there father has finally met a wonderful woman so they have 3 step Brothers and sisters. We all get along for the most part. But it wasn’t always like that for me and my ex it took 10 years to get this pot.

So I’m currently in a blended family. My SO has 3 boys, I have 1 boy and we just had a daughter in June. Are their times where the kids don’t get along absolutely, but that’s with ANY family. Do my bonus kids not always respect me yes because I’m not their parent. It’s been 3 years and they have gotten better with me being around. The older 2 their mom legally has zero rights to them. I have always been open with them and told them that I am not their mom and I will never replace their mom but I’m a mother figure and if they need something they can always come to me. They don’t go to their dad for things they come to me for 99% of their needs. Blended families aren’t always easy, my youngest bonus kid, his mom is a drunken POS and has told her son he doesn’t have to listen to me which has caused issues in our house. But his dad has told him that’s not acceptable and he’s gotten better. My son shares my last name, my daughter shares the other boys and her dads last name. He has voiced to me many times he wants to be a Simino (SOs last name). My son just turned 6 and doesn’t know his bio dad (his own choosing to not be around) so my SO is the only dad he’s known since he was 2 and he calls him dad. Blended families can work and be a good thing.

Are you an only child :face_with_monocle:

I grew up in a blended family. Me and my brother are full siblings and we have two sisters that have a different dad. We never once called each other half sisters or step sisters. To this day I never refer to them as that. They are my sisters and I’ve never looked at is as a damaged or not right. As a teenager sometimes I would even go with them and spend the night at their dad’s house with them. Family is family.

2nd best? Are you freaking serious??
There is nothing 2nd best about blended families. Most of Those families love unconditionally, Choose each other as family and work together to make a happy family.
Those that didn’t get along and have issues is what broke the family so who’s really 2nd best???
I have seen blended families and people that aren’t even obligated to act like family but are better Then even their blood family. Your family is who you make it.
I have seen stepfather’s and step parent step up and be the best thing that ever happened to children.

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I just… I cant … Second best. Wow. I have so much to say and im not sure how to say it all

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Very close minded. Sorry.

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I think going through it and having such strong feelings because it’s fresh is normal. But I don’t agree with blended families being second best. I think what’s “second best” is staying in a relationship that isn’t working and trying to force it to work for years and having your kids grow up seeing mom and dad miserable and fighting all the time instead of being happy and your kids seeing what a healthy loving relationship looks like.

I am part of a blended family and so are my kids. I have a son and my boyfriend has a daughter. My boyfriend and i have 2 boys together too. .

You sound like a great person :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: I guess ppl who adopt or foster are also “second best”


Right now, you are allowed to mourn the end of a marriage. You are mourning the idea of the family you imagined and that’s ok. I would not remarry or bring someone else into my home if I were to separate from my husband either and I am a stepmom. They are grown adults now and I am very close with his son but distanced myself from his daughter. I also notice you have only one child and I get that you don’t want her to feel alone in this because according to you, she would be the only child going in between two different family units. Don’t see it that way. Family isn’t just blood. I love my stepson very much and we have a very close bond. I’m not trying to convince you, just letting you know that it’s ok if you do eventually have a blended family and it’s ok if you don’t. Focus on healing from this marriage and then heal yourself before you meet anyone new. Years from now you might meet a man that will change your mind.


Just don’t rush into a new relationship and don’t introduce them to your children right away. Yes, some step parents suck you just have to be extra careful who you choose to be with and make sure they love your kids as their own. The trouble comes when people over look asshole traits because they don’t want to be alone and then the kids suffer.

I think a lot of that is mourning the loss of your first choice. I honestly never thought I’d want a blended family either. I was extremely happy to just be me and my dauguter for our whole life. I still don’t want more kids. But my boyfriend has a son and I have zero issues with that, because he is the right fit for this crazy situation I’ve got.
People calling you closed minded are ridiculous. You’re allowed to want what you want. Id rather a woman say she is uncomfortable being with a man with kids than be with one and resent it.


Your ex husband is lucky he isn’t going to be stuck with someone so close minded like you anymore :slight_smile:


Dear, you sound extremely young and naive. Once you grow and experience life a bit you’ll understand. Until then, sounds like you’re not ready for much of anything

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Why do you feel a blended family is bad?