I Don't Know What to Do About Trick-or-Treating This Year Due to COVID-19: Advice?

In speaking with those close to this; Those involved with the city planning for the second surge and those running hospitals devoted to corona during the first surge -they are petrified about Halloween. Everyone should make their own decisions but to me the question on the table is if Halloween is worth schools being shut down? Unfortunately I think that is the seesaw we are on


We kept our first grader out of school due to our entire family getting EVERY covid symptom in January which put our two week old into the hospital. Doctors were baffled of why her oxygen level was so low, turning blue and couldn’t breath, and congestion. Our other two older kids were already in a extension program for school. We are almost positive it came from our kindergartener from school. We can’t relive everything we went through again. We eat at home, we do not sit at a restaurant any longer, we wear mask if we must go out, we pick up our groceries. This year for Halloween we are staying home, dressing up, and making a fire for hot dogs/ s’mores.


Honestly this sucks soooo much, but we as family decided not to go this year. We are doing in house party and my kid will get to do tricker treating hunting lol we will be hiding the candy all around since this is the safest way to have fun.


I’ll be trick or treating family and close friends only with my two youngest. Doubt there will be trunk or treating this year. Too difficult to social distance those, and I’d hate to put other people at risk in their own homes. We’ll just dress up and visit loved ones only.


Yep life doesn’t stop because of any virus! I take measures to protect my child and this year has been a shit show! Pardon my French and pensacola just got destroyed by a car 2 hurricane (almost cat 3) with catastrophic flooding and I’m tired of negativity and struggle! I’m over this whole year! My baby needs to enjoy herself!


I think if they can go to school and ride the bus right next to kids n the same seat as well as being able to go to Walmart with it packed it is fine I won’t take more from my kid than what this virus has already taken just wash hands often n take hand sanitizer as well as making sure all packages r sealed up n making them let me unwrap the candy and put n a container to eat out of instead of them touching every package so no eating candy on the way to other places they must wait which I always make them wait till I have checked it all


Everything was taken away from them, don’t take Halloween away, let them be kids and enjoy it!!! It’s bad enough they were cooped up inside and couldn’t visit friends, playgrounds closed, etc so let them go trick or treating.


I feel like If we can go to the store with our kids wearing masks go to eat now that some places are open wearing masks than you should be able to trick or treat and honestly everyone has there choice you do you if you want to do it we have already missed out Halloween :jack_o_lantern: is something to look forward too best of luck :heart:


Our neighborhood has decided to hold a Halloween Protest. Kids will make signs and wear costumes and march all around the neighborhood. And the houses are going to protest the protest by throwing candy!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:


For those saying we will just be having friends over to our home or will be getting together with our neighbors or only visiting family members homes… unless those people aren’t human, you are still risking the spread of covid :woman_shrugging: Just because you know them doesn’t make them any less likely to give you the rona!


We’re not. Partly because of corona partly because a little boy in our “bubble” has a severe peanut allergy and doesn’t go. We’re doing a Halloween “treat hunt” in our backyards for 4 littles (ages 4 to 7) with costumes, games, plenty of
Treats and a movie on the back deck instead.


No, we will stay home. We’re going to watch some Halloween movies and bake cupcakes. We’ll put a bowl of candy and a bottle of hand sanitizer on the porch for those that choose to participate.


We have immune compromised family
Members, in stating that we’ve chosen to do a scavenger hunt with age appropriate candy/toys for the babies in our house with the cousins joining in. Keeps it fun, they get candy,books, toys and other items, and they get to dress up it’s a win win while keeping everyone safe!


We are having a social distancing bonfire with friends instead. Our children will still get to dress up and receive candy bags. (Note: I am high risk so my 6 year old child doesn’t want to trick or treat, it was her decision.)


If my neighborhood as it then my kids are going. I doubt anyone will do trunk or treating since it’s a big crowd and close together which is what we normally do. I’m fine with them going door to door. They can wear costumes that come with masks and gloves. If anything since a lot of costumes already have that then it’s practically the safest fun outing my kids will have in a lot time. We are excited and hope to see many of our neighbors participate. I’m going to do the honor system and leave a bowl by my front door for any who come to our house :grin::jack_o_lantern:


Well there is really a difference! :roll_eyes:Your children will be coming into contact with lots of adults. Even if they don’t come into direct contact, they have touched all the treats they are giving your child!


I say the kids have given up so much already .let them be kids and act like it for one night of this year. I stand for trick or treating


Nope staying home, halloween costume for a homemade Halloween celebration Halloween gingerbread houses, pumpkin painting, pin the face on the pumpkin, ghost bowling, piñata and pizza ending with snuggles and Pete the Cat on Prime.


I think I’m just gonna buy a shit ton of candy and gets my kids costumes and have a Halloween party at home for them. It’s always cold and raining where I live anyway


I’m not sure yet. But I know older people who so look forward to seeing the kids in their costumes every year. It’d probably lift their spirits to see them.


Yes we are going trick or treating. If it is canceled, we are planning to have a get together with friends and family and do our own trick or treat. If the mall can be open, and the movie theater, and they can have games and practices, they can trick or treat!


THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!! Reading through the comments. Jesus christ. Cancel halloween because of this “virus” but yet go to Walmart, food shopping, diners etc. Get a grip. Dont even start the conversation of “I’m not taking my kids trick or treating because xyz” you dont wanna go or take your kids that’s FINE. “Germ infested candy bowls” get a GRIP. And newsflash you and your kids NEED GERMS!

Cancel halloween and I will throw a massive halloween party at my house for every single kid to attend. GERMS AND CANDY ALL AROUND. HUGS AND FUN!


We are not. In my mind, it’s about the total exposure so even though they are going to school, I feel that’s more of a necessity. Trick or treating, not a necessity.


Yes we are and so are a lot of others in my town. These kids have dealt with enough this year. They deserve to have some fun. :orange_heart::black_heart:


Taking my 4yr old. Halloween costumes you wear mask no difference then having to go out in public wearing a mask. Heck Halloween 2020 we all will be nurses or doctors lol


Give your kids their lives back. Let them go trick or treating. No one stopped them from going because of the flu. Quit with the fake fear


The kids have lost so much already let them have 1 normal night to be real kids.


My daughter is distance learning. My kids won’t be going trick or treating. We will be don get a Halloween egg hunt with other Halloween activities for them


We aren’t taking our kids trick or treating. We’ll be doing something else.


We aren’t trick or treating this year. I figure people probably don’t want a bunch of kids showing up to their front doors. We are doing our own thing at home.


I will be taking my kids trick or treating.


Let the kids have some fun and enjoy Halloween while still staying safe. We can’t keep living in fear.


So I just took my son tricker treating there is a camp ground that holds I big hollaween fest and I felt safe. Kids need something normal


If you pickup fast food there really is no difference between trick-or-treating. Keep a 6 foot distance and chill.


Its definitely a personal preference. Where we normally go is packed theres no way to do 6 ft apart so I’m doing a halloween party complete with games and halloween PJa


No my children will not be…buy a pinata filling it for them instead. My kids are also doing cyber school.


We’re most likely skipping this year. We go with a friend and I dont think she’s ready to do anything like that at the moment.


I feel like if people can go to crowded stores, restaurants, parks, travel, school, church…then it’s not much different walking down the street. We are cautious but don’t live our life in fear. :orange_heart::black_heart:


My opinion is one concept of trick or treating is to wear a costume (mask included) so neighbors have to guess who is in it :person_tipping_hand:t2:


Nope going to dress up still, look at houses and throw them a Halloween party, but I had decided this after last years Halloween experience. I have 4 kids (now 6,5,3 and 1) they tukered out so fast we ended up just cruising around to look at the spooky houses and going to sonic :woman_shrugging:


No. The talk in private county groups reveals a few things… anti-maskers who kindly plan to turn off lights and not lure treaters, anti-maskers who laughingly say you get what you deserved for knocking on doors, and others planning on “disinfecting candy” before it is handed out. It’s more dangerous given these situations…


I’m not taking my daughter trick or treating this year ( covid and I’m having foot surgery which I won’t be weight bearing for 8 weeks) but my street is doing a trunk or treat (I live on a cul da sac) for the 7 kids on our street. We have 5 SUVs/ minivans that’ll be decorated and separate little goodie bags with each kids name on it instead of reaching into one bucket

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Were making a “Halloween trail” on our property for our close family. So the kids get to have the experience. A little different. But I’ll put out a bunch of stations and activities. And itll still be a fun day❤️


Yes trick of treating and all fun for kids just try to be safe about it !!

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We are staying home i have a 3 and 1 year old my 3 year old is sad Bout it but I’m going to make Halloween treat buckets for them kinda like Easter but with Halloween instead and we will do some other fun stuff that day

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I’m taking my kids trick or treating it’s my daughter’s favorite holiday. And I take both of them to Walmart or any other stores I have to go to so I don’t really see the difference.


Yes. We will be trick or treating. We were hit by Michael 2 years ago and the kids haven’t had a normal Halloween since bc of the repairs and dangerous debris. We will absolutely be trick or treating.

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My Kids won’t be going trick or treating. We will be dressing them up and they will se their cousins that they see everyday we plan on getting them a Halloween pinata so they can still get some candy and doing little games for them. With my mother in law doing chemo for Brain cancer we can’t risk my kids getting sick.

I feel the Exact. Same. Way. and can’t decide either. I know that doesn’t help with your decision, but hopefully it helps knowing others are feeling the same way :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Half the people I encounter while out shopping cannot figure out the complexities of properly wearing a mask… No freaking way I’m trusting them to wear one while opening their doors and handing out candy with washed hands. All it takes is one sneeze in a candy bowl.
Humans are disgusting. :grimacing:


Nope my home is on quarantine until my daughter’s test results come back. Her and brother went to dad’s for two days and she came back sick definitely was a wake up call for me, I’m hoping it’s negative but if not then looks like we won’t be going to the beach anymore(only place outside of our neighborhood that they go) or going to dad’s since he doesn’t take precautions to keep them safe and healthy. Hard choice but even if she comes back negative I can’t risk it, i can’t work until I get her results(COVID pay only is 1/3 of what I get paid) and I can’t afford to be out of work again.

The last few years we have put up our gazebo and made it all spooky. We usually do games like what’s in the box ect. Obviously we won’t be doing that this year but we will still put up the decorations and have the music and lights. I’ve bought little individual sweet bags and will be filling them with some treats the kids can just pick up an individual bag each and that way no one is cross contaminating a bucket of sweets. It’s been a weird old year. We need to have somthing to enjoy.

I say do it the flu is far worse than the covid bs and the flu has been around for a long time and yet people including myself have taken my kids every year

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We probably won’t go traditional trick or treating because my daughter is only 13 months old, but we will dress her up and take her around the family’s houses

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So most kids wear masks AND it’s outside. I would say it’s one of the safest activities that could take place. We are most definitely going to go trick or treating and so is everyone in our neighborhood.

Yes I’m taking my son trick-or-treating and we are going to social distance and wear face mass and of coarse do you know wash your hands and what not when we get in the house but kids are going to school these days and I’m hoping they all are safe and healthy but trick-or-treating is a little more safer than even going to school

My kids are young adults now. However, with COVID still out and about, I would be leery about taking them trick or treating if they were small children. That’s just me. With whatever choice someone makes, that’s their choice if they want their child or children to go trick or treating. Futhermore, I’m not gonna be on the sidelines judging anyone for taking or not taking their child or children trick or treating. If you decided not to take them, maybe you can put on some type of fun Halloween “party” at home for them? :person_tipping_hand: It doesn’t have to be an expensive one.

Mine are, I don’t believe in all of this corona crap


Get them a costume thta includes a mask or face shield and gloves! Tell them not to eat candy until they get home and they should be safe. This pandemic has taken so much from us already. We cant let it take everything from us. You could even make a bucket that extends so they can keep.distance. like a hobo stick that has the basket on the end or a witches broom or sword with the bag tied to the end!

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For me all depends on the weather. If its cold we won’t be going cause I have a newborn she will only be 2 months old then. If its decent to have her out then I will. We skipped last year cause it was to cold for my baby last year. So I’m hoping this year will be warmer.

We spend time teaching our kids not to take treats from strangers, the rules don’t change for Halloween. I might do a treat hunt at home for Miss 4, but she doesn’t need to be seeking treats from strangers (covid or not).

In my little town we are going to hiding pumpkins filled with sweets so that the children can walk safely with they parents and find them.

Not a chance. Definitely not take my kids to a bunch of peoples house and risking them being exposed.im just gonna do a little Halloween party at home with the kids and plenty of candy to make up for it

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Well we’ve only been in our neighborhood for two months. The only people with kids on our street are us and our two neighbors. We don’t really talk to them. My kids will dress up, take pictures, and I’ll buy them some candy. Maybe watch some Halloween movies.

There is a post going around Facebook for people to put pictures of pumpkins in their windows and then the children can go on a pumpkin hunt and each one they find the parent/carer gives them a treat.
Hopefully it will happen and lots of people will get onboard like they did with the rainbows during lockdown

If my neighbor hood participates then we will go. I’ll bring Lysol wipes and sanitizer. When we’re done I’ll Lysol all the candy… if they don’t participate we’re going to set up a Halloween candy hunt like Easter but Halloween for her lol

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I’m fairly certain my area will cancel all trunk-or-treats, but door to door trick-or-treat i see as fairly safe in comparison. Minimal contact with other people, outside the whole time, many costumes have or can be paired with masks and gloves, and candy can be left to sit for a safe amount of time before eating since it’s packaged. We will trick-or-treat as long as my city doesn’t cancel it.

Halloween is literally the only social distance holiday we have!! You all want to cancel the best holiday ever because of c-19? Kids wear costumes, travel with just their families, and don’t actually touch anyone. The candy is wrapped and safe. No more dangerous than taking your kid to the store. I actually think it’s better than taking your kid to the store. Seriously!! Happy Halloween everyone!! :bat::orange_heart::black_heart::jack_o_lantern:

Our city is still up in the air about Halloween, but it will likely happen. My kids are 3 and 5 months. Pretty sure they will require masks and the adults hand out candy; no grabbing from the bucket. My 3 year old won’t wear a mask, but I’m sure that adults handing out candy will adhere to the rules/protocol.

We will be celebrating! My kid’s already got their costumes. If its "cancelled then we’ll do something with family

My therapy group is going to Amish country together for Halloween. I REALLY want to do a haunted maze together. I think as long as your wearing a mask, your fine.

Take the kids trick or treating justifying let them eat any landfill they get home and u inspect it all. And wear a mask the good kind .don’t touch the candy let the people put it in your bag. Let them have fun.the kids need it. And as for older kids let them go to I see adults trick or treating sometimes more than kids .crazy .now days.

My sons 1, almost 2, and my daughter will be 5 months. Of course theyre nit going to remember but i plan on taking them to friends and family weve seen and keep seeing to do a trick or treat deal so they can have fun

I’ve been working in homes since this whole covid thing started. And myself or my family haven’t got sick, we will be wearing masks and still trick or treat this year.

So sad to even be talking about no Halloween. We will make Halloween with friends if needed. Kids have had so much taken away from them already enough. If you are afraid than stay home and turn out your lights and shut your shades. Certainly see no shortage of Halloween candy!!:angry::angry:

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We sure as hell will be trick or treating. Its not government run. Whether the city tries to cancel or not, half my city says if their lights are on, come on up


No, husband has cancer and will not pass out candy. Safety first even if it means no Halloween for one or two years. Life is long if you can stay alive. One or Two years off is nothing. To many more years to come.

We will definitely be trick or treating… our neighborhood has a lot of kids and we’ve all pretty much agreed to do it.

One of our friends is debating having a small party with crafts and the parents can each hand out goody bags to the kids. This way they can still dress up. Actually, if that friend backs out I might just have the party myself.

Taking my 2.5 year old trick or treating. He loves Halloween and getting candy in his bucket from close friends in my hometown

I’m taking my kids out if the community we live in has trick or treating. So far it looks like it will

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Kids give up
Way to much already however
I’m sure many people won’t be handing out candy Bc if all this

Nope ! Going door to door with kids is irresponsible in the current situation and I won’t be answering my door to anyone. We will do decorations in the garden and some Halloween treats.

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Halloween’s is my daughters birthday. She’s 2 going to be 3 this year and usually since she’s small we just forget the party and get our friends and trick or treat. This year how ever We’re throwing a Halloween party in the afternoon then going trick or treating on our block only. Skipping the other neighborhoods

I’m taking mine I’m a oil nervous too but we use masks going in the store so why not truck or treating?! Plus we need to get back to some kind of normal!!! Everything shouldn’t be ruined😕

Not going to chance ot with all the riots amd hate out there right now nor will I answer my door . We are decorating the backyard this year for ourselves and avoiding the crazy pll

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No as i don’t think there many answering the door due to covid I take my daughter every year but we have explained things are different this year due covid. Also I dont think its going be allowed

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Nope just gonna have a party at home safer.


Probably not as we now have a baby that has his birthday on Halloween so will more than likely celebrate his birthdays instead of trick or treating but with this COVID thing I wouldn’t let my kids anyway

Don’t know how many children you have BUT my daughter in law is going to make a party at there house for her 4 children think outside the box dollar store make four box’s a shoe size box put a whole in cover for little hands to fit thru make spaghetti for Brains then think of other creepy stuff donut on a string

I think we should all go trick or treating & stop cowering to this fear culture mentality


Candy hunting in the dark with flashlights in our living room for us. Along with Halloween music to dance to and Halloween movies. It’s my babies 2nd birthday so she’s celebrating with all of us that live there. In her whole life she hasn’t gone trick or treating but here’s hoping I can take her next year :black_heart:

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Please let them dress up and trick or treat. Put on a mask and social distance. The kids have been dealt are raw deal like us adults. We had our fun years ago…:blush:

It’s our daughter’s first Halloween and I don’t think base housing is going to let people trick or treat. Our daughter will be 10 months old. Instead I’m getting us outfits instead of costumes and we’ll be watching kid friendly horror films while I eat candy lol.

I’m throwing some candy in my mother in laws yard and having the kids dress up and go get it.
Halloween can’t be canceled because it’s not just a holiday , it’s a feeling. And I’m feeling Halloween this year.

A friend told me go trick or treating in ur own house two parents two doors let ur kids continually knock on the doors the parents dress differently each time they knock in ur own house

no, one of my great grands is having a 4th birthday party that day… so I plan to take the other two, ages 3 and 4 and a half, to her party!

The parks, schools, swimming pools, theaters have all been taken from the kids, we aren’t going to take Halloween from them too…
We are taking our kids trick or treating :100:

Trick or treat. Rona or treat. Please give me something good too eat. Not the flu smell my shoe Rona trick or treat.

Yes! My town posted it was on so we’ll be taking our almost 3 year old and our 7 month old

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