I Don't Know What to Do About Trick-or-Treating This Year Due to COVID-19: Advice?


I saw a post about the age your kids were when you took them trick or treating. It got me thinking, this year with COVID-19/the coronavirus, what are your thoughts?

I want to, but I’m nervous. My husband says, ‘what’s the difference if they go trick or treating when our oldest son is in school?’

I’m in a moral conflict with myself. I know there isn’t really a difference, but somehow in my mind, there is? Hearing your choices and thoughts may ease my mind."

RELATED QUESTION: If You Are Not Trick-or-Treating, What Other Fun Things Are You Doing With Your Kids?


“The difference is that some people are deliberately avoiding children who are attending school due to immune conditions. I’m avoiding it this year just out of respect for those who are nervous, not because I am. Instead, we are doing a haunted house with the kids and grandkids at home. We’re going to do a lolly hunt in the dark with red flashlights.”

“No, none of my kids will be going this year. They are not even attending school or going to public places.”

“We’re going trick or treating! I agree with your husband. I don’t see a reason not to. Most of us are working with the public. Some children are back in school… We’re all out shopping at the market. Touching items and buying them. I don’t see a reason to stop the kids from having their normal Halloween.”

“Absolutely! These kids have sat out on enough. If it’s safe to get mail, it’s safe to get candy.”

“Nope, my daughter doesn’t want to go. She made the decision herself. Really never understood the concept anyway, we tell our kids not to take candy from strangers, but then we go and let them take candy from strangers. We will be having Halloween movies, candy, pizza, and desserts at home.”

“My daughter is 8 months old. I’m not missing her first Halloween. But since she doesn’t get candy we’ll only be doing visits with family and friends who want to see her in her costume. But I wouldn’t have a guilty conscience if she was older. Kids have been stripped of so much normalcy. If they can face school which is an infestation of germs, then I wouldn’t strip something that would bring them a little light. Especially since its a holiday that masks are normal. They aren’t entering homes. All the candy is individually wrapped and should be checked over anyway. So a quick wipe is no big deal. I personally don’t see any harm in it. My town also only has 2 cases out of 50’000 people. So maybe if I was in a high-risk area I’d rethink my decision. But if you decide door to door is something you want to skip, there are so many festive things you can do to make up for it. And still bring so joy to them.”

“If your child is in school, it doesn’t matter. Might as well not rob him of Halloween! My son is too young to go this year but if he was, say 2, I wouldn’t be participating myself. As he wouldn’t be exposed currently so why expose him. But I’m a stickler with COVID.”

“Nope! We will enjoy baking, plenty of activities, movies, games, etc. all at home. Something new and different. My kid won’t eat all that candy anyway. No need to expose ourselves. We don’t live in “fear” either BUT we have been extremely careful this whole time, not risking it for couple pieces of free candy.”

The CDC has issued guidelines about Halloween and trick-or-treating in 2020 with COVID-19 as a factor. Read our article about it here or visit the CDC’s website.

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Let them be kids!! Take them trick or treating. It’s pretty much social distanced anyways :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Go trick or treating

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Why would you go to doors and let people put candy In The treat bags ?
Germs germs


No none of my kids will be going this year. They are not even attending school or going to public places.


Absolutely! These kids have sat out on enough. If it’s safe to get mail, it’s safe to get candy.


I’m taking mine. I will not let the Rona stop my kids from having what little normalcy they can have. And my girls already picked out what the wanna be. They are excited and ready. Plus there is a way to go without being worried about exposure.


We go everywhere else… So we are going.

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I say go but if you are really worried mask them a mask to match there costumes. I’ve already started seeing all kinds of cool mask on pinterest and Facebook.

I guess it will really depend if people open the door when they knock. My kids go to school. My son has a Dino costume from last year that completely covers him. My daughter isn’t sure. We will have candy if someone knocks. I think as long as you’re healthy and wear a mask it’s okay. Faith over fear.

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I refuse to live in fear personally. We will trick or treat and use sanitizer, same as for flu season


Hell no. We are going to have plenty of fun without coming into contact with dozens of strangers. We are doing a small party at my mom’s house. We all virtual school and pretty much stay home all the time, so they’re the “safe pod”… but no. No trick or treating. Just pumpkin painting, lots of cool snacks, a candy scavenger hunt, and ghost stories around the fire pit while we roast marshmallows. I’d much rather do this every year, honestly.


Yes since Walmart and other places are open so why not

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We arent letting this virus hold us back from anything. My kids will be trick or treating if they want to. They are 4 and 2. I also dont make my kids wear masks at all. Just the way I feel about it. :woman_shrugging:t5:


We will give your kids a treat if you bring them. I think WRAL has a zoning map to where you can trick or treat per normal…or something in between…

Me personally I am not taking my 3 yr old trick or treating I’m goin to dress her up and take her to family’s house but that’s it it sucks not risking it tho


Yep no use living in fear . Wear a mask


We are. She also goes to school and dance full time :woman_shrugging:
We typically opt for church/other events as opposed to door to door. Not many people do door to door here.

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Honestly, I think if people want to have Christmas with family they need to forget Halloween.

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My daughters’ girl scout troop is thinking of doing a drive-thru type trunk-or- treat event :jack_o_lantern::ghost: all candy would be in ziploc bags to easily pass out at each stop

Not we are dressing up, doing Halloween movies/music/games at home, roasting marshmallows and buying lots of candy


I have every intention to take my son trick or treating this year. He’ll be 4 and he’s so excited to go this year


Nope! We will enjoy baking, plenty of activities, movies, games etc all at home. Something new and different. My kid don’t eat all that candy anyway. No need to expose ourselves. We don’t live in “fear” either BUT we have been extremely careful this whole time, not risking it for couple pieces of free candy


We are choosing not to.


Nope. Home Halloween :jack_o_lantern: this year.


We are trick or treating

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Waiting to see if there’s going to be a new law about it.

This is like the safest holiday to take for corona imo… tons of costumes have masks and gloves. Everything’s individually wrapped I mean you can sano spray the outsides and good to go!


I’m not but it doesnt have anything to do with covid. My oldest is autistic and my husband has to work. I cant take both boys out safely.
We’re having a party the weekend before.

My kids are teens… so whatever they want is fine with me.

Let them be kids! Take them trick or treating!

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I have a 2 year old and will have a newborn at that time too so we will not be going. They do Zooboo at our local zoo that we might do though!

We wouldn’t miss it! My 4 yr old is so excited! Even my 16 ,14 , & 13 year old! :hugs:


Yup we will take ours

Edit #1: a quick update, since some have voiced valid health concerns. This will be a completely “touch-free” experience for trick or treaters. There will be a sign at the bottom of the tube showing them where to hold their bags and buckets so the candy can drop right in. I, personally, will be wearing a mask and changing gloves frequently, and the candy will be from a factory-sealed bag that I’ll open outside by the candy chute.


I plan on taking mine, should they want. Otherwise, we’ll plan a little neighborhood thing in our cul-de-sac.

there is literally no difference except that theres actual social distancing during trick or treating vs at school lol

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Waiting to see if were even allowed to here in ontario. Havent announced yet if its cancelled or ok.

Home Halloween for us. It’s really comes down to what you feel is best. But Halloween can be celebrated without door to door trick or treating, people did it all the time before COVID so I don’t understand people having such an emotional reaction to it now

The difference is that some people are deliberately avoiding children who are attending school due to immune conditions.
I’m avoiding it this year just out of respect for those who are nervous, not because I am.
Instead we are doing a haunted house with the kids and grandkids at home. We’re going to do a lolly hunt in the dark with red flash lights.


I’m taking my little girl but we’re also doing something different about handing out candy as well, im going to tie strings to the tree branches with clothes pins and have candy on the clothes pins, that way they can pick their own treat and don’t have to come up to the door, I worry about kids falling on my front steps every year so this helps ease my anxiety about that and keeps them socially distanced too.

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I wonder if leaving the candy in the bag for a few days would let the virus die. Or put it all in the freezer?

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We aren’t. I have a little girl who wouldn’t survive that virus. We are going to do ‘The Halloween Tree’ themed party here. Turning our big tree into the Halloween tree. Making all kinds of goodies to eat. Having games, movies, and a candy hunt with flashlights. Why risk it when we can have even more fun at home?

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Absolutely, no use in not participating in the most COVID friendly holiday :joy: I mean most of the costumes have masks, there’s not really to many people in one area at once.

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Idk if it will even be allowed here but either way we aren’t handing out candy and we are having a fun night at home with our son. He will dress up and we will get him some candy and hide it around the house and we will watch some Halloween movies.


Nope & nothing to do wl the virus either

If your child is in school, it doesn’t matter. Might as well not rob him of Halloween! My son is too young to go this year but If he was say 2, I wouldn’t be participating myself. As he wouldn’t be exposed currently so why expose him. But I’m a stickler with Covid :slightly_smiling_face:


Nope we won’t be going out. Sure they’re going to school with alot less interaction then trick or treating. We’ll have our own little thing at home. crafts pizza and junk food. And they’ll still get a costume.

We are going to paint some Easter eggs orange and black then put a couple pieces of candy in each one. We will tie/tape them along our fence so trick or treaters can each grab a halloween egg without contact

My 9 yr old is going where we live. Our 3 littles will pass out candy with me :slight_smile:

Yup, taking my 6 year old. We are all healthy so no reason to stay home.


Yes my girls 4. She was chucky when she was 1. A witch when she was 2. Never went last year she was sick. And this year she wants to be a zombie lol


Our schools are shut down, along with the small businesses and the governor said it’s cancelled this year. I have no idea what we’re doing but I know several people who feel strong opinions on both sides. -WA sucks-2020 sucks-

We’re going trick or treating! I agree with your husband. I don’t see a reason not to. Most of us are working with public… some children are back in school… We’re all out shopping at the market. Touching items and buying them. I don’t see a reason to stop the kids from having their normal Halloween.


I wasn’t planning on it because my mother is severely immunocompromised and we handle her grocery shopping and such, but it was canceled here anyways so we’re doing a pit fire, decorating masks and pumpkins, making popcorn balls, watching disney+ Halloween movies, and doing pinatas. Lol

I’m throwing a Halloween party that still makes it feel like Halloween without other ppl my son is also 1yrs

We will be doing it Easter style! Dress up and go find your hidden candy!


But we’re having our own halloween party dressing up n will scout the neighborhood out

Yes I’m still taking my kids!

Still going over here it’s literally the only holiday where you font have to be near or around a ton of people and costumes already have masks so I mean a win win situation😂

We aren’t TorTing. My kids aren’t going to face to face school either.

I am not taking my son truck-or-treating nor am I handing out candy. We’re still in pretty strict social distancing guidelines and large groups tend to gather when trick-or-treating near me. Instead, we are making Halloween a month long affair. We are carving pumpkins, doing various crafts, making fun and spooky snacks and desserts, doing a Halloween candy search (think Easter egg hunt, but spooky), doing several costumes for at home pictures, etc.

We are dressing up for sure! We haven’t decided what to do after that! Maybe drive to grandmas house and ask for candy… lol

The last two years we did a candy hunt in the house. Two years ago we had just moved to the area and last year it was just easier for us. We’ll be doing the same thing this year.

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Absolutely!! There is no reason not too!!

I will have a newborn ( if he ever shows up) and my son who will be 3 loves it. I wont take the baby, but still going to try to find away for my 3 year old to go.

My daughter is 8 months old. I’m not missing her first Halloween.
But since she doesn’t get candy we’ll only be doing visits with family and friends who want to see her in her costume.
But I wouldn’t have a guilty conscience if she was older.
Kids have been stripped of so much normalcy. If they can face school which is a festation of germs, then i wouldn’t strip something that would bring them a little light. Especially since its a holiday that masks are normal. They aren’t entering homes. All the candy are individually wrapped and should be checked over anyway. So a quick wipe is no big deal.
I personally don’t see any harm in it.
My town also only has 2 cases out of 50’000 people. So maybe if I was in a high risk area I’d rethink my decision.
But if you decide door to door is something you want to skip, there are so many festive things you can do to make up for it. And still bring so joy to them.


My small town will still be doing trick or treating and my friend is having her annual party

If you are concerned about it spreading from the candy, you can always quarantine the candy for 10 to 14 days before they can eat it. I think I will take my kids, assuming it’s not cancelled or too cold. It snowed last year.

If I lived where there was still corona I’d be having a Halloween party at home

I’m taking my daughter out. She’s only a kid for so long and I’m not going to have her live in fear and stop her from doing normal kid things like trick or treating. Plus she doesn’t have to have contact with anybody. People can leave bowls out on the porch or even do individual bags of candy. I don’t want her to see other kids trick or treating and be upset because she can’t, so I’m letting her live her normal life as a kid. :heart:

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We are just doing a Halloween party at home for the kids

My son is 15 months old so luckily he won’t remember this year. I still got a costume (less than $25) and I have a matching headband. We’re going to do a trick or treat “candy hunt” in our backyard and then possibly knock on our next door neighbor’s in our cul-de-sac, but nothing further than our little safe zone. I don’t want to risk it this year!

Nope, no door to door for my household. This year has given me the boost I needed to go more traditional with the holiday. Cooking food on the grill, bonfire, glow in the dark candy hunt in the backyard(while wearing costumes), pumpkin carving and some games. I lost my father at the end March. Due to the current situation, there hasn’t been a funeral or a memorial. I’m hoping that a Samhain ritual will help with some closure.

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Nope, my daughter doesn’t want to go. She made the decision herself. Really never understood the concept anyway, we tell our kids not to take candy from strangers, but then we go and let them take candy from strangers. We will be having halloween movies, candy, pizza and deserts at home.


None of our kids are going out trick or treating. However we will ALL be getting dressed up! I’m going to go out and buy their fav Halloween candy and split them between the 6 of them. Gonna do games, movies and crafts.


We just went to Cleveland zoo yesterday,so we are taking them trick or treating. It’s outside,and plenty of room to social distance.

100% yes I am taking my kids. There isn’t even a question about it in our family.


I felt the same my oldest two go to school but they are very careful at school and so is the staff I’m keeping my kids home and doing a little bbq and party just me my kids and my husband with some scary movies and family fun

We are doing a spooky Halloween party for close family and friends! I’m going to get a ton of candy and do a candy hunt in the backyard (like bags with glow sticks in them for them to find in the dark), make some Halloween treats, do a costume contest, and since it’s on a Saturday make some cool adult drinks for the parents.

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Undecided… Our development might be doing something but I just don’t know. Last year it rained so bad, it was miserable for everyone.

I think ppl will be be careful and its all packaged candy… i dont have small kids anymore so i will leave candy on my porch… :wink:

Yes I am just dont let them touch the candy until you disinfectant the wrapping

My town is still doing it. I’ll be taking my daughter, just going to make sure she washes her hands like usual before eating any of her candy. Most costumes come with masks anyways so its perfect for this. Then those that are uneasy about it don’t have to participate

Hell yes my kids are going!

We are skipping Halloween this year not that it’s much of a hit in our area anyway.

Iam going to wear gloves to help ease some minds so the candy i do touch will not b contaminated

I am! It’s honestly a lot safer than going to the grocery store lol

My 2 youngest kids are 12 and 13 this year and it will probably be the last time they want to go trick or treating with me so we are going.

Yes!!! Safer than taking them to a store

as long as you disinfect everything no reason why they shouldn’t ? Most costumes come with a mask and if not you can still make
Halloween fun hide candy around the house and give them clues on how to find it lol

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We’re going trick-or-treating!

We will be doing the same as last year. I setup a table with sensory friendly toys, allergy friendly candy and regular candy in my drive way as we walk around our neighborhood.

But the people are still touching the candy. What if the are asymptotic.

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Kids in my fam aren’t going. And I wouldn’t participate in candy giving. I work with the public, id hate to get a kiddo or their parents/grandparents sick because I thought I should give them candy.


Dress up as a zombie surgeon :mask:

Kelly N John Moten
If you need to make comments, please don’t make spelling mistakes

Where I live we are “covid free” so I’m not worried about it but if we weren’t I wouldn’t be taking them, what If someone has it and the virus is on the sweet wrapper?? I would just do a candy hunt instead (like Easter eggs) and have a grewsome day :joy:

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since our local area is in lockdown again, locals have planned to draw pumpkins in their windows and when a child sees a pumpkin then the parent gives them one candy in their bucket. it’s a fun way to go trick or treating without actually coming close to other people x

Unfortunately children are bug carriers and it is not just about them enjoying themselves it is about them passing it on to someone vulnerable. Children often have the virus with no symptoms and are spreading it, yes I want my little one to have fun but in good conscience I can’t risk a neighbours life for some trick or treating.