As long as it isn’t canceled by officials then yes, we will go
Nope. Treats and movie at home.
Take them trick or treating!!!
I’m going me my husband and out r three kids 17,11,&3 momths
Let them go! Mine are going!
Nah, instead we’re doing scary movies and making treats
My 3 kids are going. I’m sick
of the government controlling everything.
Ridiculous- yes we will be trick or treating.
Heck yes!! Absolutely no logical reason not to!
Mine is definitely still going
Our church is hosting a drive through event.
Private Halloween party for us!
We are going out and receiving
Uh… Gotta wear a mask either way! Lol
No, we aren’t going this year.
We will trick or treat as usual
I want to take mine. But idk honestly
yes they are trick or treating
Stolen*** And shared***
I keep seeing all these posts about trick or treat. Our governor said yesterday we could proceed. But what if we don’t just proceed? How about this year, we all make an effort to make this the best trick or treat these kids have seen? Turn every porch light on. Give away extra candy. Sit in your driveway with a costume on. Decorate your house more. Play music. Be extra spooky. Buy the BIG candy bars. Go as far as to set up a drink station for adults (we like trick or treat too). Give away hot chocolate. Make every house a party! Don’t get mad that there are kids from other neighborhoods showing up. (They may not live in an area that has trick or treat) And for Pete’s sake let the kids who may be older come and have something normal that they can enjoy. So many of these kids are struggling for some normalcy in their lives just as much as the adults. This is the year to just LET THEM BE KIDS! This is such a small way we can help some kids feel like kids again! And if you are one of those parents who doesn’t have a place for your child to go, let me know, and you can come to mine. #Halloween2020 #LetsGetSpooky
***Editing to add, no negativity please. You can certainly do this safely while not putting anyone at risk!
We won’t be going this year. I’m immunocompromised, so it’s not worth the risk. I’m going to make Halloween themed treats and let them wear their costumes and watch Halloween movies.
It’s ridiculous to keep kids home… this whole ‘pandemic’ is ridiculous…time to take our “rights” back and live our lives without fear…
Take them out its not like your inside with a bunch of people, Christ sake stop being afraid I’m out and about all the time,I’ve even worked thur all this,besides if there gonna catch it, it will be from school let the kids go out
Someone’s doing a candy shoot!
We are! And we’ve already started decorating!!! I really hope we get trick or treaters. We have one of the best neighborhoods Halloween
I saw this on another page I think this is a good idea
This what someone has suggested in our area of Bristol
We will be celebrating and trick or treating. I mean, the same kids we will encounter are the same ones he sees at school every week day, football games, and church. We’re going to wash our hands, avoid sick people, and live and enjoy life. Corona isn’t going away, and we can’t live in a hole forever. But, I think it’s a personal choice, so kudos for whatever anyone decides.
My cousin said she doesn’t want someone with COVID to give her kid candy… But you’ve never worried about someone having a cold, fever, or cough handing out candy before this year??? Um, OK… As long as there is no curfew, we’ll be out.
For everyone saying no why? U go to work, they go to school, they go to the store so really why not? If ur still passing out candy ur not helping prevent anything bc still coming in contact. It’s been hard enough on the parents let alone the kids who don’t understand. So why not let kids be kids and have fun. Put masks on them and let them be kids
My husband doesn’t want them to go out this year so I will find ways to make it fun like
Halloween candy hunt
Pin the nose on the witch
Get each a bag of their favorite candy
Make a special Halloween themed meal for them
Watch Halloween movies.
I’ ve talked with them about it already so they know what to expect. And now they want to help come up with the meal idea.
You have to do what is right for your family.
I LOVE Halloween… Like, I do Halloween like some super enthusiastic people do Christmas. I am the physical embodiment of Jack Skellington. I spent 15 years working in the haunted house industry. I decorate September 1 inside and October 1 outside. It’s our biggest holiday of the year.
THAT being said… No… I’m not taking my son trick or treating this year.
Covid19 numbers are BAD in my area. And as much as I loathe the idea of denying my little guy his favorite night of the year (he’s already been talking about it for months!) It’s not worth the risk for us.
HOWEVER… I am still decorating. He still gets to choose a costume. I’m still buying candy. We are going to do a haunted candy hunt instead of trick or treating. I found some Halloween theme plastic Easter eggs and I’ll be stuffing those with candy and small dollar store trinkets like slime, rings, bracelets, etc. We’re going to hide the eggs, dress him up, give him a flashlight, and let him hunt for candy.
We’re going to do Halloween treats like popcorn balls, candy apples, witches fingers, eyeball eggs (deviled eggs with black olive slices to be pupils) cider, and decorated sugar cookies.
We’ll watch Hocus Pocus, Halloween Town, Nightmare Before Christmas, and Its The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown.
We’re going to make a whole day of it and probably be dressed up all day for all of our activities.
I also got some Halloween crafts at dollar tree and 5 below to paint and craft.
It’ll still be spooky fun, but SAFE and social distanced.
We’ll have candy to hand out to anyone brave enough to trick or treat anyways, but I have a scoop and wont be touching any of the kids buckets/bags.
I’ll wear gloves and a mask and pass out candy and I will allow my kids to get candy wearing gloves and a mask too, no candy comes in any wrapper that their bags and contents can’t be sprayed or wiped down before they eat any of it. Our kids need a normal
Holiday and being this one takes place mostly
Outside I’m all for it.
Absolutely I’m taking my kids trick or treating.
I refuse to live in fear. They can’t stop people from handing out nor can they control you on dressing up and walking around.
Growing up has never come the easier way. It comes with lots of challenges like lost marriages, lost love, financial and job problems and so many more, but still there has always been a solution to every challenges that we face in life. Life has been so difficult for me these past few months and I had given up on myself knowing that I will not find love or true happiness again. Two months ago I found out I was pregnant and I was so happy and excited to have my own baby and I didn’t even call my boyfriend. I just wanted to take the results to him and show him face to face and share the good news together. But when I reached his flat I saw his car parked outside and knew he was home so I went straight to his room. When I knocked, he allowed me to enter because he wasn’t expecting me at the time, but when i opened the door I nearly fainted because I caught him ready handed with another woman in his house. I looked at them and closed the door and ran away, he followed me saying his sorry and the woman is just a friend and nothing else but I knew he was lying and I walked away. I reached home and cried a lot until i told my best friend everything and she told me to fight for my man and not loose him to another woman. She gave me Sir Marere contact +2348109805184 email is: marerespells@gmail. com and told me Sir Marere will bring back my boyfriend to me and love only me. So i contacted Sir Marere and told her everything, he made a love and binding prayers for me and in 1 day of the prayers my boyfriend came to me with that woman I saw him with and knelt down and begged for my forgiveness and told the woman that am the love of his life and he doesn’t ever want to see her again. The woman walked away and that evening my man came back with a baked cake and gifts and flowers and asked for my forgiveness again and promised never to hurt me again and I told him that we are having a baby, he cried and smiled with joy and happiness. We are back together and so much in love and waiting for our baby to arrive. Thanks so much Sir Marere your prayers indeed work. You can call or whats-app Sir marere on +2348109805184 Email: marerespells@gmail. com incase you are passing through the same situation. Don’t be discouraged by what people may tell you that even don’t know the situation you are going through, all that matters are the results so feel free to contact him.
Yeah I am and we are not wearing masks either.
Go let them be kids!
Hopefully. Just winging it rn
Yes just in our neighborhood
I’m taking my kids
No. I am buying them candy…
To me honestly halloween is the safest. Alot of costumes come with masks or look ok with masks on. Plus you would basically be social distancing anyway. I think people handing out candy should totally have a mask on for their safety as well as everyone else’s. Its my daughters first Halloween. I only planned on really taking her to family anyway. So its not a huge issue with me.
My daughter is 2.5 and it’s the first year that she’ll start getting it and understanding trick or treating so I still want to take her. Before corona was even a big deal I had already asked somebody to make her a special costume for this year. She’s so little that she’s not even going to end up hitting a whole block anyways, it’ll be a few houses down one way and a few houses back so I’m not super worried.
We are trick or treating but probably just going to stick to family and close friends.
Not because of the virus though just because my kids get so much candy from family and friends that they don’t need to go anywhere else.
I dont see the concern. Most kids will ready be in a mask. My daughter is going as Wonder Woman, I’m having a mask made to match. She’ll wait to the door is clear to go up. Have the adult put the candy in the bucket… we come home we wash. She can’t touch candy for 24 hrs! That’s my plan
My areas getting hit hard from the virus. On the radio last week someone called in saying shes going to hide candy for her kids to find in their costumes like an easter egg hunt. Then watch Halloween movies and make a Halloween kind of dinner (spaghetti worms, meatball eyes, etc). I thought that was a great idea!
Weather permitting (in the midwest so you never know) and plan to take my kids (11&7) and grandbabies (2 & 10 months). We won’t go as crazy as in previous years but we live in a small town with no cases that we are aware of - other than my husband who tested positive but was asymptotic last month. The other 3 adults in our house tested negative, including me and we slept in the same bed until his results came in - then he was banished to his man-cave for 10 days.
Personally I’m not doing it because I’m immune compromised. There are plenty of other activities we can figure out at home for us.
You can have close family come over and do trunk or treating out of your trunks, decorating your trunk, or if you have a good sized backyard can have table stations decorated and pass out candy that way. Between family should be good this Halloween, that’s what my family is doing
Enough has been taken away from our kids this year I’m not taking that away too unless I’m made to. They’re outside they can social distance. Trick or treat
There are rumors that our city will cancel so were not sure what’s going on. If they don’t cancel we will be going trick or treating. My daughter is 12 and disabled so she wouldn’t understand why its canceled so if it is canceled we will pretend. She will knock on the bedroom doors and I will give her candy anyways
As long as we’re “allowed” were going to go out.
It’s a freaking Saturday too so im stoked about not having to rush back and stay in my direct neighborhood all night aha
Honestly Halloween is the easiest holiday to social distance. I’ll be taking my kids out they’ve been looking forward to it for so long.
Hey at least now we have an excuse to take our kids candy… Sorry kids but mom had to take a few pieces out because it might have the Rona… As I pick out my favorite pieces of candy
Absolutely taking them. Its time we got back to normal and got over the fear.
My grandkids will be going trick or treating and we will also be passing out candy. Our light will be on.
Taking my 10yr old. I think the kids need this. Like Jakoby Lynn-Anne Arney said, most costumes have masks and a lot of them even have gloves. I say if you dont want to participate stay home and keep your porch light off
It’s not safe anymore!!! Now it’s having a party or school carnival!!!
My 7 year old will be trick or treating …
Hoping to trunk or treat too somewhere…
I’m going to buy my son’s candy, and have an after dark scavenger hunt instead.
Going to take my son and go out to my old neighborhood.
Yes My kids are trick or treating
I am but im buying her another bucket the same color and im getting her favorite candies and putting them in there when we get home she gets that bucket her trick or treat candy goes back outside into the dish we leave on the porch for other trick or treaters. I do this every year covid or not.
My daughter is 14 she is to old to go this year but I was thinking about taking my grandkids cause their mom is working
Were going. My daughter plays volleyball and is all over the place. To us theres no difference
Yup. As many nights as we can!
I’m taking my 6 year old
I’m definitely taking my 4 year old
I’m not my 9 don’t really like to anymore and my baby is 17 months old
Our neighborhood is putting out Purple Pumpkins if you are participating in Halloween
We are, masks and all, candy goes in the bag. No touchie and we sanitize it when we get home. I’ve even seen thy made this candy tube slide folks can put the candy in, at least six feet apart and slide it down to the kids bags. I hope we run into one, it would be cool to see.
We are going to have a Halloween birthday party for my daughter and the kids since the trick or treat alternatives will not be happening this year. I feel this is safer than going door to door this year and I strongly recommend not going door to door this year bc its too many people who could be sick or just a carrier of covid-19
Our daughter is only 3 and she has only been up to our church trunk or treat for the past 2 years. They are doing a drive through where you still get candy and then we are going to let her wear her costume all day so she can show it off. She honestly won’t know a difference
If your children go in a store, then there should be Trick or treat. These kids need something to look forward tooo. Yes to having Halloween.
We are not but only because we don’t know what’s being allowed here in Michigan so taking kids to a water park
We are having a Halloween party for the kids instead with a piñata and games to keep them happy
Not this year. Buying the kids treats for home.
Buy them scrub they all can be lil Dr and nurse’s with there masks on
Put some kind of tube on your stairs the kids come put the bag to the tube you slide the treat down social distancing
Still got more to put out
I would say it depends on what labour hood you live be safe