I don't want my mom taking my son to the beach: Help!

Tell her no just nicely :sun_with_face:

Is the feelings that none can take care of your babies like you do. I feel the same! But one day my sister take my daughter without my permission for some days to the beach, I was mad at the beginning but everything was fine and they have had a lot of fun…

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How old is he ???

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Your baby your choice!

You cannot hung on to him for ever let him go he has to learn and I am sure your mom will take good care of him


Just communicate with her. I’m assuming she knows you well as she’s your mom and you trust her with your son. She should understand where your coming from.
I get your fear. I was nervous when I took mine to the beach for the first time as well. Your a good momma !!!

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Just let him go and have fun !


Tell her you don’t want him to and why and have conversation. If you really don’t want her to she should respect that


That’s your fear. Not his. Face your fears. And if you can’t, certainly don’t micro manage a beautiful place; such as a beach…by taking that away from your son, through stress and fear. Alongside lacking peace of mind and being all uptight. Cmon now. I’m sure you don’t enjoy this phobia. Why make him have the same fear?


I am a grandma as well and if my son or daughter in law didn’t want me to take the kids some where I would be fine with it. Just tell her the truth.


Ugh, let her take him.

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Say no beaches without my presence. Just set a boundary. It’s your child, it’s what you say. Those things can happen and you have to receive the call if they do so you’re well within your right to say no.

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Do you trust her? I only trust a few people to be able to save my kids life in the event that something were to happen.

Don’t let your fears keep your kids from enjoying life. My mom was that way and it wasn’t easy.


I’d try to trust her a bit more. If I didn’t let my daughter do all of the things I’m afraid of, she would be in bubble wrap and never live life. that’s not healthy for either of us.

But you can express your fears to your mother, make sure she knows that you trust her but want to know she is aware of safety precautions – even for your own peace of mind.
And maybe another time if you can take off work and go with them, you can see how safe your mother is being for your son even if you don’t get in.


I think u need to get yr self into therapy. Ur projecting ur fears on to ur child and that’s toxic. Seek help. It works.


She’s your mum so should have a good understanding of your fears, if she doesn’t then tell her but you can’t pass your fears to your child as that’s not fair


How old is your grandson? Does the beach have lifeguards? So many questions. But if you’re not comfortable then tell her that and maybe the three of you go another day.

It’s your call, but if you don’t want him to go, take off work. She shouldn’t have to miss out because she’s doing you a favor.

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Your kid, your rules.
Tell her.


So you’re projecting and blocking his experiences because of your fear. Please don’t do that but please seek therapy.


Former lifeguard and swim instructor here.

Are there lifeguards at the beach?

I’m guessing that either you had a close call with drowning or you don’t swim. I recommend taking some adult swimming lessons. Group lessons are fine; you’ll find your classmates very supportive. You can also ask your instructor to go over some basic water safety so you feel more prepared.

If you’re afraid of the water, your kids likely will learn that from you.

Most drowning incidents occur in apartment and condo pools, because there’s a false sense of security. I see it all the time: parents enveloped in books, paying zero attention, etc. Beach issues usually arise when alcohol is in play or among very strong swimmers who push their limits.

If you trust your mom, and there are lifeguards at the beach (meaning it’s a safe place to swim to begin with), your son will be fine.


Tell her you don’t feel comfortable with him going. Talk to her about the reasoning behind you not wanting him to go.

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If you trust her, let him go.

It’s good practice for you girl!! Find a way to cope…


So is your kid take a bath?

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Get your son a coast guard approved life vest. I love the ones with the arm part and piece that goes around their chest and clips in the back. They can move in them and it keeps them on their stomachs and helps them learn to swim. It gives me so much peace of mind with my kids near any water.

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do not put your fears off on him, trust your mom and let him go


Grandma’s are super mom’s, one thing out of order and she becomes Super mom.


Let him go. He will be fine.

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I’m guessing your mom took you to the beach when you were young and guess what? You are still alive…


I completely understand your fear.


Your still alive aren’t you? She raised you, don’t let your fears stop him from experiencing things…

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Don’t impose your fears on your son. He will miss out on life because of you.


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I am a grandma explain it to her tell her you are working on it but until then no trips also with monkey pox’s I would not allow it

You need to let him go. Your anxiety will hinder his life and cause him anxiety. Get your anxiety under control and let him go


Your child, your choice, she will get over it, you never will if something happens. Or go with them. :purple_heart: I understand your fears

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…easy to understand, however… compromise

Suggest you both take him. Also…PLEASE teach your children to swim. I don’t understand why ppl allow their fears to affect their children. ( not that you are doing this ). I suffer with anxiety too, it takes deliberate effort to let go.

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You still alive right?

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Kindly say no. Maybe another day when I’m off work.

Look, I struggle with anxiety too, particularly about letting other people take my 7 and 10 year old boys swimming. But I recognize that not letting them go swimming with my Dad, who I 100 percent trust, would be robbing them of some of the fun, normal childhood experiences that they deserve. Their lives shouldn’t be limited by my problem. Let them go.


let him go and overcome your fears🥰

Go get therapy. All you’re doing is taking opportunities for fun memories away from him by shoveling your fear onto him. Knock that shit off. Get therapy and take a swim lesson together.

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Get help for your phobia so you don’t pass it on, and let your mom take her grandson to the beach. Maybe your doc could prescribe some anti-anxiety pills the time they’re gone while you work on your irrational fears and anxiety. I’m sure your mom has a healthy respect for the power of the ocean and will keep him safe, along with lifeguards. Not sure how old your son is, but most toddlers are afraid to go past the shallowest parts.

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