I don't want my sister in law around my baby: Advice?

Handle it like you want because it’s YOUR BABY! Your mother in law will respect your wishes or also lose out. Keeping your child safe is the first priority. Pretty simple.

Your child , you say who you want around that child . You shouldnt even hace to explain yourself . If your mother in law doesnt agree then she doesnt get to look after your child alone either if she cant be trusted to keep to your rules for your child . Just because they are family doesnt mean they can do and say as they like when its your child in the middle of it

Tell her to stay the fuck away from your baby or you’ll cut that bitch.


Get a restraining order period


Why are you asking the internet for advice? The answer seems obvious :woman_shrugging:


Your baby, your rules.

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Tell her calmly. If she is reactive tell her to get it together or don’t come around. Simple communication.


How old is ur sis in law???

Make it clear that she isn’t allowed around the baby and just don’t take the baby anywhere that she is. Simple.

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Don’t take your baby near her. :woman_shrugging: family or not. If I didn’t want my baby around someone, I wouldn’t take them around that person.

You both are adults? So it should be easy, JUST DON’T HAVE HER AROUND, or LEAVE when she comes around you…


First of all see if you can have her commited! Next, I’m with Doreen; your baby, your rules! Also, I really, really hate to say this but absolutely no one especially grandma is going to follow your rules when you aren’t there! In this case , rather than confront your sister-in- law, they will step aside and let her have her way and hope she behaves herself! I don’t mean to scare you from letting grandma baby-sit but it really sounds as if sister-in-law is not stable. Your baby cannot defend herself and it is your job to keep your baby safe! Before the baby gets here you and hubby need to commit to being on the same page about this situation.

Sounds like you need to have a talk with MIL and let her know that the first time you find out SIL has been around your child SHE will never be allowed to keep the baby again.

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If your mother-in- law cannot understand this request then she is a qwack too and now you know you can’t leave the baby alone with either of them!

Your kid, your rules. You don’t have to let anyone hold the baby if you don’t want to. When I had my kid I allowed a whole 4 people outside of myself and my husband to hold our baby. You don’t have to explain yourself either. If they don’t like it tell them to take a walk.

I would suggest your sister in law goes and gets help soon or put on med

Shit tell her stay the fuck away it your baby you have every right to keep them safe from crazy people


Stand your ground! Will the MIL be babysitting? If not then it will be easy just don’t call either to babysit if she is then I’d find another babysitter. My sister in law got caught taking my youngest daughter to a party that was distributing drugs. My daughter was only 9 I cut off all ties with her immediately and wouldn’t let her back there unless my husband was there.

I wouldn’t let the baby be alone at their house :woman_shrugging:t4:, If she refuses to hear your concerns there’s nothing you can do to make her listen.


Uh yeah… from the sounds of it. definitely don’t let her babysit…

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Point blank tell her crazy ass!

In this instance, you don’t need to care about how people feel about it. I wouldn’t let my crazy ass druggie sister around my children no matter what. I don’t care about family . I care about who’s safe to be around and who isn’t.

Move far far away -like on the opposite side of the continent and never invite her or be somewhere you know she will be present or get a baby sitter and leave you kid there before going to anevent where she will be present .

Both you and your husband tell her together. If she asks why tell her the truth. If she freaks out call the police.
Your child i relying on you and your husband to keep them safe


Handle it with grace hun, make sure you have your husband on board & put down your foot. It may hurt for a minute but the family will understand

Ithz Rushii Bae come here

Get a restraining order for her!!!

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The word is no. If she is this out of control and your MIL cant see it, maybe she needs to not watch baby either.


Mother in law needs to visit baby in YOUR home… YOUR BABY…YOURE RULES!!!

Your baby , your choice-period!

Never visit then pretty simple why would u want yourself around someone like that let alone a baby
Get her help also

Your choice simple as saying your not allowed around because we feel you dont know how to control your attitude…once we see you’re doing better then maybe we will reconsider…

Just don’t let her be somewhere she could be if you are not present
Leave if she is acting up

Just don’t bring the baby around

Honesty is the best policy

You should pay a cousin to whoop her ass like she stole something. She will then be humbled

Get a restraining order and have her place is a psychological behavioral hospital for those behaviors she is clearly a danger to her self and others

YOUR BABY YOUR CHOICE. I won’t allow my sister around my kids without someone else there

She might turn out to be the only one who loves your baby the most in your family! Maybe your family is doing something wrong towards her and she doesn’t know how to express it in a calm way as you already have made your conclusions without finding the root cause. You must help her in order to make your family happy and that is what the kids needs when they grow up. Curious minds are what our children have, they will ask you questions later on and you will be a bad person in their eyes if they realize that their mother didn’t help someone in need. Someone who is supposed to be a close family member

Have someone in the family bring her to a psychiatric hospital ward

Do not let your MIL bully you. You are allowed to have those concerns. Stand your ground. Don’t allow your MIL to bring your SIL around.


Just don’t allow her around unless one of you two are there. It’s for the protection of you’re baby. Non negotiable.


Ummm how old is this sister in law? If you don’t want the sister in law around your baby you don’t have to let her around your baby.


its your child period, we cut my mother in law out of my son life its going to be 2 years soon! and its been best ever!! its ur kid you know better no one else does…

Your baby your rules :ok_hand::ok_hand:


Sounds like your mother in law can’t be around the baby without you or your husband present either.


Nothing to do with the MIL its yours and your husbands baby so its what you say goes. Protect the little bubba at all costs…the SIL sounds mad!

If the mother in law wants to try and control this, cut her off until she learns her place. Your baby, your rules.


If it was me I’d say its not happening its your child your choice

If she wanna do that to ppl. I’d protect my family at all costs.

Don’t let your mother in law babysit at all, if she is not listening to your concerns then she will hide things from you about who’s around/etc in my experience


Ban her from your home & nobody watches her if she has free reign to come & go. Including the MIL.


Keep baby away from MIL too and see how quickly she changes her tune…


Straight up tell her

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Your child your rules. Non negotiable.


Sounds like she’s a Mona- Lisa Saperpstein :grimacing: It’s your choice! Lucky enough you can just blame Covid for now and say it’s doctor’s orders that you have no visitors! Gives you enough time to come up with a better reason or watch their actions to see if they change. :heart: Good luck :+1:

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Just don’t leave your child with family when y’all aren’t around … Problem solved.


She’s doesn’t need to be around your baby with you all being there. Don’t let anyone bully you into changing your mind, stand your ground.

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Neither get to babysit. You can’t trust either and I dunno why you’d want either in your lives any way if they are like that. Too much risk

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Both your husband your yourself are in agreement. Mother in law won’t respect those wishes, then one of you needs to be there for all visitation. I am in a similar situation with my in laws.

What does the mother in law have to do with this

Stay the f away from them period.


I wouldn’t let her in full stop after knowing that stuff :flushed:

No! Don’t allow her around your baby. If you and your husband live there, get your own place now! If you don’t live there, don’t leave your child alone with them.

It’s not your mother in laws decision…and if she can’t agree to your terms, then mother in law doesn’t get the baby unsupervised either.


How old is the sister-in-law

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How old is your sister-in-law? Is she a minor or is she an adult bc if she’s an adult then she needs to be put in a mental hospital.


I wouldn’t allow anyone to watch my child that would have her around

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Don’t let the baby around anyone who isn’t going to respect your rules


ummm just wondering … why isn’t the sister in law in jail where she belongs ? … chasing people around with knives should be considered threatening with a weapon …

And that’s easy … Tell the mother in law that if she can’t respect your wishes then she won’t be allowed around your baby unsupervised


Then don’t leave your baby alone with the mother in law or the sister in law. ???


You flat out tell them and if they get caught going against what you asked then the baby doesn’t come around anyone. I have the same issue because my sister-in-law is absolutely toxic even to herself. So after she’s out of prison there will definitely be some major restrictions.


It’s your baby. Your decision. Nobody else has the right to tell you how to feel about the safety and care of your child.


I wouldn’t let either one of them around the baby then :woman_shrugging:t4:

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It’s your child your rules


Get a restraining order ASAP…


Your child your rules ! Plain and simple !


Why is someone laugh reacting this post?

Easy…dont let her around the kid. Had same problem with 7 year old niece threatening my 7year old with a knife. Banned the kid from my house. MIL didn’t like it,but me and hubby put our feet down and she moved out to his sister’s where could see the little brat as much as she wants. Win win…me and her didn’t get along…lol


Stay the fuck away … period.

Your baby your decision just don’t take her around. But I’m confused… Do you live with your MIL or you plan on having her babysit? Because I wouldn’t if she doesn’t think that kind of behavior is an issue

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Well I certainly wouldn’t want to piss her off while she is in close proximity :joy:. Seriously I wouldn’t even allow my mother in law around the baby either


Anyone who does not understand or respect your wishes should not be left alone with baby either. If you and your husband agree, there is no one else’s opinion that matters.

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Sister in law sounds like a younger kid.
Do you live at your MIL?

If not - don’t go there. Problem solved.

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Retraining order ASAP… also tell your MIL that if u guys find out ur SIL was around YOUR baby without either u or ur husband around she will not be allowed to see the baby anymore. Protect your baby


Umm tell the crazy inlaw exactly that! No one can tell me who what and when will ne around my kid nope

You move to the other side of the country. Just kidding… sort of. If it’s an option for you I would go to those lengths. Otherwise, maybe a restraining order? It sounds like she has real issues.

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Dont allow baby to go to her. It’s your child

Get a restraining order.

Dont take the baby around SIL. If MIL doesn’t like it or is planning to have the baby around SIL, then tell MIL shes not going to be unsupervised around the baby. If she doesn’t like it, oh well then I guess she doesn’t want to see the baby. If you dont feel it’s safe its your choice her feeling dont mean a thing.


I have the same issue with a sister in law thats threatened me before. The kids do not go around them at all point blank and anyone trying to do so behind your back gets cut off too. Its about respect for you as the babies parent no one should question what you do. Its a sad situation but you do what you think is best for that baby

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Only allow visits at your home :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Maybe none of you should be around her. Sometimes you have to step the fuck away…even if it is family!
I’ve been there! It’s hard but you have to do what’s best for you and your baby!!

My mother in law couldn’t respect my boundaries as a person or a mother. We stopped having anything to do with her and her daughter. They have since spread so many ridiculous made up stories about us that nearly the entire family abandoned us. Good luck, but children first!!

Your child your rules , those who can’t respect your rules cant be trusted to watch your child . I realize its easier said then done but your child is why your going to be making most decisions from here out and you should stick to your guns . I have had to make similar choices and I am glad I did . Follow your gut instinct.

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Don’t let your baby be without any of you at all times…

You are the Mom…period. It’s your JOB to protect your child. Stand up for yourself and your child…YOU are worth it ! I’ve made those desicions too. I also explained to anyone who wanted to know why I made those choices including my children when they got older…My kids ALWAYS knew I would protect them no matter what or who​:grinning::+1::heart:

Don’t make a big deal about it just make sure it doesn’t happen. I had to not let a family member around my daughter.


Your baby, your rules … Plain & Simple.


Tell her straight up that you guys don’t want her around your guys baby without one of you there

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