I don't want my sister in law around my baby: Advice?

Simple. Your baby your rules. What you say goes. And if your husband is on the same page I don’t see what the issue is. Your job is to protect your child not other people’s feelings. Don’t ever feel bad for doing what you think is best for your child. Stay strong and always go with your gut. :ok_hand::100:

Your baby. Your rules :woman_shrugging:t5:

Who sends in these questions? Teenagers? :woman_facepalming:t4:


Anyone who associates with your sister you should keep the baby away from them to because what if they let her near your baby and something happens . And get a restraining order to keep her away from you and you family. protect your baby your child comes first not a crazy person.


Your baby - your rules

Tell mil that if she bring sil then she doesnt get to see the baby. Male it known you will press charges for child endagerment and ban mil from EVER seeing the child and any future children (if u have any more) if she goes against ur wishes

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Erm Wtaf - this is a RED FLAG.
Ban her from your LIFE

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Is this really even a freaking question???

Don’t leave your baby with either women.

Make sure she has no weapons. Hide everything before she comes around. Go somewhere where there are no knives to wield.

Simple… avoid her…

Your baby. Your decision who is around the baby. Point blank! If the mother in law can’t respect that then she don’t need to be around the baby either. That simple!

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It’s YOUR child and what you say goes. Point blank, period! The SIL clearly can’t be trusted to be alone or around the child! Stand your ground!

Maybe buy a tazer and electrocute her when she picks up a knife.
I’m certain it will bring you much satisfaction and you can claim self defence.


Don’t take the baby around her simple


You need to ask how to handle it??? Seriously?? Keep away from your SIL Don’t ever let her into your home, don’t socialize with her.


She sounds like a psycho. I’d get her locked up. And your baby your rules. I’m very protective of my own baby from my IL’s aswell but they don’t run around with knives.

Simple…tell her to stay the fuck away. Or better yet avoid her altogether. Why even ask how to handle this.


Don’t let your mother In law have your baby without you guys. Also, they don’t have to see your baby if they can’t follow the rules you, as parents, set forth.


If they can’t respect your decision, just don’t allow them around the baby. Follow your gut instinct for all your worth.
If it feels unsafe to you, then your not in the wrong.

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Get a restraining order :+1:t3::kissing_heart:

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No need for explanation just stay away from her period

just tell her to fuck off

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I would let the mother in law and husband let everyone know who u do trust not to leave her unsupervised with baby and if just once someone does no more and if they still don’t listen tell me them if they can’t respect ur wishes u and baby out of there lives or they can only be around unless ur around is the way I see it or just tell her to fuck off if don’t want to deal with it

How old is the sister inlaw?

WTH? Is this a real question?


Does the sister in law have something medically wrong with her?? Chasing people with knives and snapping out is usually an indication of schizephrenia thats untreated


Why are there so many questions like this on this page lately?

Don’t take the baby around her if they can’t listen don’t let them be in the baby’s life

Your child, your rules… Period


Your baby your choice. You make the rules. Clearly Shes not mentally stable. KEEP THE BABY AWAY. If grandma doesn’t wanna follow the rules than she doesn’t see the baby either. Maybe she will finally take you seriously


Ummm don’t let her around. That is ur choice. But if someone chased someone around with a knife her ass would be in a psych ward and definitely would NOT be around my kids

Keep your baby away from her. If she persists, get a restraining order.


I wouldn’t let your in-law see your baby either. It’s your child and your choice. If they can’t respect your decision on the safety of your child they shouldn’t be near the child at all.


Sorry but Why isn’t she in treatment ???!!!


At the end of the day you and your husband are responsible for the safety of your child. Don’t feel bad for not wanting your child in a dangerous or hostile situation. Why risk having CPS called on you from a stranger for something that you could have prevented.

It’s ur life, ur choice. If u don’t feel safe w her then set boundaries with her regarding ur own life n ur baby, what u decide is the right thing to do. No one has any right r can tell u how to live ur life.

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I know some people like that to

Obviously she’s a Democrat, so maybe try sitting her down and in a very soothing voice talk to her about why she feels the way she feels??

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No is a complete sentence


I usually like your content but some of it like this, is really stupid. The answer is: don’t let her. Throw her out!:roll_eyes:


Let HIM lay down the boundries and tell them if they cant respect HIS wishes then they will not see the baby unsupervised. Stay consistent and you let him handle his family.


Why has this page turned into advice line???

Hiya mother of 4, please do what you think is best whether it hurts someone else’s feelings or not. You are the guardian, protector and advocate of that baby. Do your job to the best of your ability.


Get a protection order

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Its your baby who cares what the mother in law says or thinks do what is best for you and your family especially a baby

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You just stated how you were going to handle it, just fo that, don’t worry about what someone else thinks

Your sister in law is a psycho path


Probably a stupid question and even stupider post

Don’t let her around the baby. You don’t need to explain yourself.


Your choice I’d tell all to stay away

Its your child. Its not up to anyone but you. You dont have to talk to anyone* about the decisions you make for YOUR child


Unfortunately it sounds like grandma cannot be trusted to keep crazy away from the baby so she can’t be left alone with your child


I have to ask do you live in the same house ? How old is your sister in law? Simple solution if you don’t live together…don’t open the bloody door? If she’s a moody arsey teenager make rules if it’s your house if she’s a grown woman I’d say she needs some help


Keep ur mother in law away from the child w/o your supervision too sounds like she would allow unsupervised time between them if she won’t even listen to y’all’s concerns

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Don’t let her around your baby…

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I’d tell grandma she can’t be around baby either if she can’t follow directions. Simple as that. Your kid, your rules.


If the mil can’t respect ur wishes then she don’t need to be around the baby without u or ur husband there either


Beat her ass. Period. You said no, he said no who cares what their mom says. She can take her crazy ass daughter somewhere else


I wouldn’t ever let her over or around my child…ever

Do what you believe is best for your child. I had to separate myself from my mother because she enabled my heroine addicted brother to be around my child leaving used needles where my kid could see it or even grab it. I currently live with my daughter’s father even though he and I had broken up over 9 years ago but he makes sure that both my daughter and I are safe and well maintained. I still keep in touch with my mom but I don’t have her near me anymore cause she allowed that behavior from my brother and I refuse to allow that to happen again. We’re currently states apart and I’m happier knowing that my best friend and I have our child’s best interests at heart and we work together to make sure she’s safe and that she is our first priority. You got to do what is best for your child even if it means keeping certain family members away. Trust me, them being around will only bring you stress and give you depression and you don’t need to be like that around your child. You want your child to grow up in a safe and healthy environment no matter what the cost is.

Do not let her around your child without you or your husband present. It’s your baby your choice, stick to it. Sounds like she’s a bit unstable and your decision is best.


Don’t have your baby around her family get together is one thing but to like babysit then nah it’s your baby!!

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Stay away completely

If she is dangerous its safe to not let her near you. My worry is doing that will make her hate you and the baby sometime she will end up doing sosothing bad. Just reason with her in an amicable way may be he will hear you out.

Tell SIL how you feel. Tell MIL as well. And if either one disrespect your concerns, then they ought be allowed around your child.


Move out and live separately. Your home your rules. ! Don’t worry about anyone 's judgment! Stand up for your decisions! All will be okay

Why do you need advice from people about YOUR child?! Trust your motherly instincts and if the mother in law has an issue, then cut her off too :roll_eyes:


Your kid. Your rules. End of discussion. If your mother in law doesn’t like it oh well not her kid. Now if your sister in law starts doing that around the baby I would have the police involved. Oh though I would suggest not bringing the baby around her at all even if you are there.


Simple solution, do not allow the baby alone with any family members who do see her as a problem.


Don’t have her around period. This sounds very dangerous


Your husbands sister get him to tell her i wouldnt involve mother in law
Better yet do it together and tell her why

Are we sharing the same sister in law??? But definitely voice your concerns. Mine isn’t allowed near my kids without “adult” supervision. At all.

Just flat out say no, disrespect the wishes have her removed from the property for trespassing. IDGAF when it comes to my babies on who you are, if you’re a danger, I’ll take all measures to make sure you’re not around my kids :woman_shrugging:t2:

Flat out tell her that


Your baby your rules


Its your child and your home/space you control who enters and who doesn’t and who has access to your child. It would be a absolute no and no questions

Clearly the SIL has some mental health issues I would just suggest not allowing anybody that can’t respect your wishes to be around the baby either. I would set a boundary with everybody in the family and make sure the sister-in-law knows she is not allowed around your child without you or your husband because of previous mental health issues & if the grandmother or other family members can’t respect your wishes then I would just not allow anybody to be around the child at that point.

Don’t open the door to your house!!!


Keep that baby away from everybody that don’t respect your boundaries


F* her.
You shouldn’t even be around her.

Its ur job to keep ur kids safe, u do what u feel is in ur child’s best interest- nobody else matters!

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If your mother in law won’t honor your wishes, don’t allow her to keep your child.

Feed her with a long spoon and limit her time around the baby…
Your baby your rules


Do you really even have to ask!! Wtf!


No one should be around the SIL at all so your baby your rules and anyone who disagrees should be kept away from the baby too


this is YOUR child. not your sister-in-law’s or mother-in-law’s, it’s YOURS. you have every right to say who is and who is not allowed around your child without supervision. don’t be afraid to put your foot down and set boundaries. if they don’t like it, they can get over it. :woman_shrugging:t3:

It’s your husband’s family. He should take the lead.


Live in your own house, with your own rules and your own family and don’t answer your door for no one…


Omg. I can’t believe this is really a thing. :woman_facepalming:t3:

Are you guys living in the same household? That’s the only thing I can think of that would make it hard. If not it’s your baby not hers, don’t stress over it.


Prob just move very far away and tell no one


Yeah this shouldn’t be something you’d even have to ask


keep her away. its your child, do what you have to do to keep the baby safe. if that means keeping the baby away from family or friends then tuff titties.

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Is the sil a child !?

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Tell her and your mother in law they needs to change before the sister interacts with the baby that’s your baby you make the rules they don’t you have the baby life in best interest besides what would the courts think if she did something crazy you two would get the blame right along with her for endangering your child

If nobody respects your boundaries then don’t allow them near that baby! She sounds dangerous. Keep that baby safe. Sounds like SIL needs a evaluation & possibly a nuthouse🤷‍♀️ just saying. I hope everything works out for you mamas❣

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First! Can’t believe you are even asking that question!!! Second! Since you did ask NO! Don’t let her even look at the baby through a window! Third! Bye bye mother in law for even thinking for 1/2 a second that her daughter should be allowed to be around your baby! MIL is obviously unstable as well! Narcissist: Google the definition because you’re dealing with that!

Ehhh yeah, if you AND your husband agree that use do not want her alone with baby l… then thats it. Your child, your real life concerns. I’d let her know what it is and if she don’t want to come around because of her actions then so be it. But u til she proves otherwise, I’m with you on never letting her alone

If it was me I would just tell everyone the same thing period! I mean also because of sicknesses

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