I feel alienated and shunned by my family

When I got married a few years ago, I invited all of my family. But no one came, except my father and step mother. Even though my family lives less than 30 minutes from where I live. It was a very relaxed. We wanted people to come and enjoy themselves, verses making people be uncomfortable or feel they had to dress up. My husband and I had both been married before. So our service was more for enjoyment than for hype. Well my sister got married recently and my ENTIRE family went. It was over 2 hours away from where they live. My aunt, uncle, multiple cousins, their spouses, and all of their kids went as well. Her service was large, expensive, and her first marriage.
Years ago I had a falling out with my step mother and she can’t keep her mouth shut (which was part of the reason for the falling out). I am sure she has drug my name through the mud with all of family, without a second thought. I have been told by family members some of the things she says and it makes my blood boil. My aunt and my step mother are close. I feel that’s the reason the entire family went to my sister’s wedding and skipped mine. This is a VERY short version of the long story that has unfolded over the last 8 years between my step mother and myself.
I am having trouble letting these feelings of betrayal go and moving on. My family has never been close and I’ve always felt like an outsider. Even though we lived close, I was never invited to any family functions. I don’t feel as though I can trust them and I feel as though it’s time to cut them out of my life for good. But is that too drastic? Am I overreacting? Was it an honest mistake? I overthink everything and I may be doing it again. This is something I can’t come back from or take back if I do it. Maybe it’s best I just keep my distance and let things fall where they may. Advice?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I feel alienated and shunned by my family

Hmmm… I don’t think you’re wrong. Also here’s the thing WHY would your biological family believe anything your Stepmom said about you? Without first asking you. It seems they’re in the WRONG for that one. Shame on your Stepmom for trying to create controversy between you and your own family and shame on your family for allowing that.


Your stepmom actually SHOWED UP to your wedding, everyone else made THEIR own decision not to
I would cut out the people that obviously don’t care and cut out the toxic stepmom
It sucks, it hurts, and it’s hard not having family but sometimes that’s what’s healthy


Im sorry your family practically ghost you. I’d just cut them off. And if some of your family tries to talk to you ask a few questions as to why they didn’t go to your second wedding. Like you didn’t even have to dress up. You be strong, I know what it’s like to be a black sheep in the family…


Love them from a distance, it’s best that way with no drama :blush:


The 1 thing you will never regret walking away from for your own heart is someone that does not love you. You allow God to take control of who is present in your life … he will remove toxic and bring in the sunshine.

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Just because someone doesn’t have a pure heart of love doesn’t make your heart any less loving by walking on. God will guide you to who is good for you and to you. Love attracts love. Hatefullness attracts hatefullness


Walk away. Don’t give them anymore of your time, your heart or headspace. Family can be toxic and you are best away from it.

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Bin them all! You have your little family, the one you created for yourself :heart: they are the ones that need your love and attention, the rest have shown their colours and you don’t need that negativity in your life! Congrats on getting married by the way :heart::black_heart: I wish you many years of happiness


You’re not sitting them off as they’ve already done that it seems. You’re just accepting the level of involvement that’s been chosen by them. They made a choice and while I’m sure it hurts it’s time to fill your family with people who care about you versus people who are a familial link to you.

By your own admission: second marriage for you, first for your sister. They didn’t see it as big a deal as your first which they did apparently come for. Stop being petty.


Did they all go to your first wedding? :thinking:

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When my son graduated from high school l had an open house and invited all my family including my Mom that didn’t drive so unless she came with someone( they all lived about 45 minutes away) she couldn’t come. Not one person from my side of the family came. They all had excuses. I have since quit going to anything graduations or weddings for any of them but just send a card. We only got together at Christmas for my Mom but since she just passed in May😢 we probably won’t no more. I don’t have time for people in my life that don’t have time for me.


It wasn’t a mistake that they didn’t come :frowning:


Sounds like they’ve already done that. So stop worrying about them. They’re not worried about you.


My dad’s side of the family except for my cousin youngest cousin on that side is very toxic too & always made myself, little sister, mom & dad (while he was alive, sadly he committed suicide) feel like outsiders & treated us like they were sooooo much better than us & a few months back, because of shit our grandma said to little sis, my sis & I full out blocked them all on everything, even in our phones but honestly, I’ve personally felt so much more at peace & way less stressed since. It sucks hardcore when family members become/are toxic but in the end you’ll be doing yourself a huge favour. Hope everything gets better for u somehow

sounds like they have already cut you out of the family

Honestly, without knowing the whole story, I wouldn’t necessarily cut them out. I wouldn’t go out of my way to involve then either. Don’t go out of your way to extend invites to events your having. If you happen to speak to one, and it comes up, they can come if they want to, but they don’t have to, kind of thing. Match their energy, so to speak.


I totally see where your coming from as my mother, sister and I are the black sheep’s of all sides of family. I invited to everyone to baby showers, wedding, birthdays etc. I love having parties but they never came. For my wedding everyone said they were going ($25 a plate for catering) and no one showed up. I’ve just accepted the fact that they will never involve us and left it at that. You don’t need to say anything. Just accept and move on. Unfortunately on top of no family I also have a narssacistic mother so that’s great too. Just do what’s best for you, it might hurt to accept that this is how it is but it’s better to just move on. :sweat:

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I just got married the 25th & I feel this a little bit. I’m just staying to myself lately. Regardless, we all had a great time.


You want to blame them not showing up on the stepmom that you say trashed you to the family. The trash talking stepmom however took time out of her day to attend while the others didn’t. You also state you have never been close to your family but are mad because they didn’t show up. why invite someone you’re not close to to any gathering of yours. Except the fact that they are not that into you and stop comparing yourself to other people and what someone does for them. You on here stewing about what they did to you and they don’t give a rat’s ass about you or what you feel. Stepmom don’t deserve the blame here…

Go where the love is


Girl same. Except it’s my grandma, not my stepmother. It’s hell. Cut ties, or you’ll drive yourself insane feeling lesser than. It’s their loss


You can’t force people to be in your life. - not saying your trying too. Over the years I have realized I can make the invitation and then it’s out of my control…. I have also realized that I really don’t want to be involved with people who don’t want to be involved with me. I give what I get…. Has brought me a lot of peace! Good luck! :heart:


If people gave off a deadly radiation when they were displaying toxic behaviors Everyone would avoid them and not second guess themselves. Go NC with the toxic people and enjoy your life. It all goes by so quickly, good luck🍀

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You had a first wedding. Don’t expect ppl to attend all your weddings. If ur not feeling them …let them go


My mother-in-law literally planned her class reunion for the same day of my wedding and asked me to change my wedding date. She lives in the same town as us and did not attend our wedding. My father-in-law on other hand flew in from another state, and still planned the rehearsal dinner. How people respond and show up is truly a reflection of how they feel about you. You’re the only one that will know if it’s an overreaction to completely cut them out. My children are getting older now and have asked me why I didn’t let them know how toxic their family is.


Just bc they’re family doesn’t mean you’re obligated to keep them in your life. I cut out my dads entire side and part of my moms just bc they’re so toxic and it’s not worth your peace and happiness. Sounds like they’re gonna talk crap no matter what. Go enjoy YOUR life free from all the BS - it truly is freeing.


You had a wedding in the middle of a pandemic and then your sister got married recently so I mean if your family didn’t come to your wedding then that’s completely understandable because YOU and your family were in the middle of a pandemic. At this point you’re a full grown adult that is fully capable of expressing how you feel and how that situation made you feel to your family. And you made the statement that you and your husband had previous marriages so this wedding was just for enjoyment so you’re contradicting yourself…

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I say keep your distance and let the cards fall how they want too

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You don’t have to CUT YOUR TIES. Just go on living your life. Don’t invite any of them or try to contact them. Have a good and peaceful life


You don’t have to “cut your ties” because there are no ties to cut. You have no control over other people’s actions…but you absolutely can control how you respond and how many times you set yourself up to be hurt. The simple truth is that you have a new husband…that means you have a chance to build a life as a new family…one that’s handpicked by you.


To be honest, if your family cared a lick your step mom wouldn’t be able to drag your name. My family would never fall for it much less allow it. They didn’t show for another reason, I’d find out what it is.


Create a mew family of friends who love you and treat you right. People generally act badly because they hate themselves and then work to make everyone else miserable. Feel sorry for your mother in law because clearly she’s miserable and always will be without therapy and hard work.

“Living well is the best revenge.” Be happy and surround yourself with joy. I have a very small bio family but loving friends of my parents all became “aunts” and “uncles.” My children also have many “relatives” who aren’t related, even though their dad has a large extended family. My friend’s grandchildren call me “Grammy Pammy.” The love between us is real as can be.

But do get therapy to see if there are other explanations, to help you heal, and to learn how to let go. It’ll help. We’re all flawed human beings.

Time to not speak to your step mom and just cut everyone else off.

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Keep your distance…work on you and yours…work on your overthinking. Leave the ball in their court…and live your best life.


Sometimes the signs are so big and loud that we say no way, that can’t be. Find a new family that will love and support your family. They’ve ostracized you and left you off the invite list. Do the same for them. It will hurt and be painful but in time you will find peace.

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You dont have a prayer of rewriting history if your shit talking stepmother is editor of the newspaper, you do you and let karma sort it out - take the high road

Family is who you choose and who shows up for you. I’m so sorry no one showed up for your special day. That’s heartbreaking. People have a way of showing you their priorities and where their loyalties are. You’ve been shown where you stand. Believe it at face value and create the appropriate boundaries that protect your heart and soul. We have a lot of chosen family in our lives, and a lot of blood relatives we don’t speak to. Since creating these boundaries our lives have been much more peaceful and loving. I wish you healing.

You got into it with your stepmom but she came to your wedding?

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Young one - do what makes you happy. Also - you need to divide and conquer- that sounds bad but I don’t mean it that way - approach each individual-separately- and not all in one day/week. These feelings between you have taken years to form - it may take years to develop in a good way. Communication kiddo. Listen to their feelings too. This way you can learn what you may need to do. It’s a two street sweetie-


If y’all were never close then why do you want them to have a bond now. You know what you do and if someone (your step-mother) can influence the rest of your family that way then just let it be. There is no need to try and explain yourself and if they really knew you then they would not believe the lies that are being thrown around. Speak to them as needed and invite them to your events if they come great if they don’t great. Don’t try to force things but also don’t leave them out and at that point the ball is in their court… live your life be happy…whatever the outcome


Living well ( without them) is indeed the best revenge.


Time to let your family go. No need to keep toxic members around. I don’t speak to a single family member except my mom periodically. Absolutely no regrets.


Call Dad or keep in touch with him. Not necessarily your step mom. Ask to have lunch with him or to meet at the park with the kids. I’m sure your children will benefit. He wants you in his life or he would not have gone. Call them one by one and talk to them about your relationship with them. Send them Christmas cards. You can prove her wring by being kind and send birthday cards as well. Let them know how much you care for them. God bless you. :pray:


Keeping your life private and moving forward is all that matters, who wants to be there will. Who doesn’t says everything. Live a full life and don’t worry about living rent free in others heads, we all do. It’s their problem. You don’t have to inform them of your day to day life, it’s your business hun


If they never invited you to family functions and allowed you to feel like an outsider then whatever your step mom is saying is just fuel to the already burning fire tbh. Family shouldn’t treat you like an outcast or not include you in family things…real family doesn’t do that type of shit no matter what anybody else is saying. I’m sry I know it hurts so fucking bad bc I’ve dealt with it a little myself and even tho it hasn’t been this extreme yet it still breaks my heart. That’s not your true family tho…just bc they are your blood doesn’t mean they are your family. Society hasn’t normalized that yet and especially here in the south where family is supposed to be everything it’s a hard thing to accept and learn to be ok with but it doesn’t mean it’s not true! Family loves you, supports you, includes you, celebrates you etc. If all these ppl are doing is excluding you and making you feel bad and you can’t trust them then wipe your hands as much a possible. That’s extremely toxic and nobody deserves that. They might be your “family” by blood but they aren’t your family in your heart or “your tribe” so work on spending less time thinking about them and being hurt and more time finding those ppl in your life who love you unconditionally, include you, celebrate you and show up for you…those ppl are your family! However if you did do something to cause them to act this way towards you (even if you don’t admit you know in your heart if you did or didn’t) then you need to do what is right and try to fix it bc you’ll get nowhere playing the victim. If it is strictly your step mother causing this then ask to get together with your family or have a more respected family member get them together on your behalf and y’all hash it out your step mom included. It’ll be hard and won’t be pretty but some truth will come to light and hopefully it will put and end to the nonsense or give you closure. Good luck…family can be difficult and messy and sometimes flat out not worth the hurt or energy but only you can decide that.

Your own Bottom Line is what you should do. Maybe ONE relative could tell you Honestly if maybe You’re the ‘ cause ‘ of the alienation. I’m kinda getting a vibe of my that.

When my husband & I got married we invited both sides, we lived literally 10 minutes from both of our parents & nobody showed up.

That was our sign, be happy & move on.


Cut them off. You won’t regret it and it sounds like they’ll hardly notice.

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My advice even though it hurts you gotta move on and be happy in your own life. I had a huge falling out with my mom and now I’m the bad person. I don’t get invites, my siblings are cordial in public or at events that I miraculously get invited to but we don’t speak outside of those times. My grandma and a few cousins have a relationship with me. It may hurt but stop dwelling on it. I just do more things with my husband,my in-laws, my children and grandchildren.

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This confuses me. You are mad at your stepmother for the rest of your family not showing up to your wedding but going to your sisters wedding?

Devils advocate here but maybe just maybe the problem isn’t necessarily the step mom.

They can only hurt you if you let them dont let it bother you let it go and go on with your life and be happy with the family that you have made.

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Toxic is toxic family or not.