I feel horrible I cannot afford Christmas again: Advice?

If you go to toys for tots they give out toys for the kids :heart: you can try with Salvation Army as well. Im so sorry momma you are doing what you can and thats what matters most


Try Toys for tots, local churches, community “Christmas shops”. My city has a ton of resources for Christmas and it’s not that big. You probably still have time to apply for toys for tots and a lot of towns/cities have little shops set up in community centers of new donated items that you can bring proof of residency and/or income and pick a few things out for each child. Start asking locally, if your older son is school aged I’m sure they will have a lot of resources for you to check out, my daughters school sent home a list of all the Xmas resources which is how I found out any of these things even existed. So I’m sure other places have similar things.


I know exactly what you’re going through. My kids dad is in jail again so it’s just me. I busted my ass working crazy over time being crazy pregnant(had my daughter on the 2nd of Dec) now I’m.on unpaid leave and I can’t do anything for Christmas. I was only able to get my son a blanket and it’s breaking my heart. Luckily he’s only 2 ans a half so he won’t remember. I made sure to try to keep our traditions going. Kike our Christmas eve box I was able to do still so I’m super excited about opening that, making cookies and watching Christmas movies💜 things will get easier💜 best of luck💜

Salvation Army local police station and fire dept do good things for children

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Goodwill is cheap. Or st. Vinneys. Ask local community programs for help, there’s a lot out there. I feel you I have to use my last check to get my kids gifts. It’s hard for a lot of people you’re not alone. Try a few local churches for donations?

Hi, i dont know any places, but for my children from Santa they only get a stocking with a £1 toy a satsuma a chocolate bar and a small pack of haribos, i started doing this when I had a bad Xmas once and i always told them there stocking at the end of there bed was from Santa so they believed they always got something, i hope you manage to find something good luck :kissing_heart:

Check with your local department of social services child welfare Dept most run a charity gift drive to help people on the struggle bus to give their kids good xmasses

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Reach out to your local churches! Also reach out to dhs and chamber of commerce!!! They usually have lists of people/places that can help!


Churches do toys for tots!!! Find one near you you’re not a failure as a mom! Things will get better! Maybe Angle tree also


Join the helping hand group on FB

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Definitely try local churches. I know my church and others have a set amount laid aside for families in need every month. There’s also a special fund specifically for Christmas. When I was younger I remember our youth programs would go out with list and purchase the gifts and wrap them for the children. So I’m sure one can help.

Please don’t beat yourself down. If you did everything you could, that’s all you can do. You aren’t a failure and one day you will be able to give your son an amazing Christmas. Chin up. You’re a good mom. :heart:

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You could make coupons for things to do when you do have money to spend. Like a trip to a trampoline park, arcade, going to the movies, lunch at his favorite restaurant, a “yes” day where Mom has to do all the things he wants. As far as “santa” gifts, check out your local charities and churches and see if they have openings this late.

It doesnt help much now but start shopping just after christmas for next christmas. At least then you will always have some stuff set aside. Local charities and churches will help or charity shops, even selling sites on facebook you may get some stuff.

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The dad/family of the new baby? Grandparents of other child? Churches…
Toys for Tots… a lot of motorcycle clubs this time of year do toy runs…

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Definitely churches and toys for tots… post in your local classified and pay it forward pages, im sure people would be up for donating… utilize ALL the resources you possibly can! Thats what they’re there for!!!

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Salvation Army, fire department, and churches.

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Mama none of this was caused by you! It was all him (your ex). Please don’t stress or tell yourself nasty things about yourself (they are NOT true). Just make sure your baby gets something, a hand-made whatever, a jar of play-doh, anything will do. And it may give you some peace of mind if you start planning and working towards being able to afford your ideal Christmas one day :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::raised_hands:t2::tada:

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Don’t make christmas about toys if you cant afford a big Christmas its okay to go to a local charity and ask for help. Or like others suggest go to dollar tree

Ladies i personally would not recommend sending money. For all you know this same post could be shared on other mom pages or her local area. Woman claiming to be single moms and bad on their luck scam so many good people every christmas.

Instead of money, if OP really wanted gifts for child she would accept toys sent.

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Try joining your local buy nothing group on facebook.

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I save all year a little into my BENDIGO bank Xmas club. Matures Nov 1 and Xmas is paid for

If your child is in school most schools help. It is too late for Toys for Tots in the majority of places but some do emergency toys. This is why I buy small things all year long. Same boat. Been there. Done that. My kids have gotten one small item each year if nothing. Thrift stores are also a good cheap place and if they are faith based usually help out .

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Church’s usually have angel trees so try those and if anything buy a few things from dollar tree. Yea they won’t last long but it’s still something. I dont have money either so that’s what imma try to do but my kids are also in the angel tree program thing and my parents bought my kids clothes. I have 3 kids, pregnant and no job so I completely understand where your coming from.

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It happens don’t beat yourself up over it only thing you can do is try your best there’s all kinds of programs you can sign up for but I’m not sure since it only 2 weeks till Christmas I know all the programs here where I’m from had a certain date you had to sign up before then and also maybe try churches or see about if there’s any Facebook pages that help with Christmas

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Please message me, I’d love to help!


Maybe a local friend with something fun but second hand? Kids don’t care what it is, its the magic! And things will get better! Growing up my Mom struggled to get gifts, and now I respect her so much for what she did get me and for keeping me fed and clothed!

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I am in a similar situation. I got custody of my grandkids back in Jan of this year. We live in a rural area with a small town…none of the daycares had a spot open for them and i couldn’t find a dependable babysitter so i had to give up my career. We’ve made it thru the year living on my 401k i cashed in and unemployment benefits, but that left nothing extra for saving for xmas. They were going to do without. I sucked it up and publicly asked for help, despite my horror at doing so i did it for them. Believe it or not i got several donations to the gofundme i created and someone volenteered fo sponser each child, not just the grandkids but my 17 yr old son as well. They will now have a most excellent xmas due to thw kindness of strangers :heart: i struggled internally about asking bc i am VERY private and embarass easily but bc it was for them i sucked it up and did it. Maybe you should do the same?


Iv walked in your shoes a many miles had 7 I raised buy myself not one penny in child support but we made it made us a stronger family me and my kids are very close there were times we done without Christmas and no Christmas tree had no help was no food stamps then I wish I had got some food was like a present to them

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Dollar store mama!! They have some pretty decent toys, coloring books, crayons, paints, I LOVE the dollar store


Have. You tried local churches? They rovide Needy families with a gift basket which includes all the Fixin’s for Christmas dinner and wrapped presents from Santa Claus to you son. God bless you this season!!

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Go to your local school or churches. There are a lot of groups out there to help provide your kids with Christmas gifts. They don’t have to go without.


I always buy some extra toys for friends and family that fall on hard times. Message me so I can drop some things off for your son. You are a wonderful mother, don’t let this temporary situation break your spirit!


Where there is a will there is a way

There are programs out there to assist in giving gifts for your kids.


Hi dear as young your kids are they understand your situation and they love you so much and will never see you as a failure but as their hero so hang in there it mite take long but your situation will turn around just be honest with them you ll be amazed they will love you just for being their mom which is enough for them.Keep on the faith

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My mom was in your position when my brother and I were little. Talk to your child, he will understand.

Please non message me. I can help x

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Have you tried toys for tots, angel tree or the salvation army? I also know in some states CPS offers free toy vouchers. They helped me one time when I couldn’t afford Christmas.


This breaks my heart💔 these are times when those who can help should pull through for other women.
I really wish I could be your Santa this year and help you. All the best wishes though :heart:

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I have Facebook selling groups in my area and some people have asked for used toys and people have donated! (That’s an option too)


Dollar tree if you have one. I know it will not be much but I have done it. When I had very little money.

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Go to the dollar store !!!


What age is your son? Where are u from? In my area the local community got together and helped people out in similar situations. Over 1100 parcels were gathered and given out. Don’t feel bad. Life is hard. Xxxx


Poundland if you are In Britain has some good bits and pieces in it. X

They have toy drives all over the city… type in free toy drives in windsor and u will be able to get something i did it when i was 19 yeats old on my own and couldn’t afford a christmas for my son i feel so bad for u guys id like to buy something for ur kids…if ur interest u can pm me

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Dollar tree, maybe family friends neighbors, local charities, churches, contact toys for tots, don’t beat yourself up mama. It’s going to be ok.


I’ve really been debating on telling my kids the truth about santa this year. We go to court for an eviction on the 23rd and were already in the middle of a custody battle. The ex wife got upset when she was turned in for identity theft on him. So now she’s taking the kids even though one that isn’t his that he raised for 7 years. Toys for tots will get them each one present that that is all they are going to have this year. We’re putting the Christmas tree up today but I told them there won’t be presents under it​:sob::sob::sob::sob:. I feel for you hun. I know I’m a good mom so I’m sure you are too. It certainly doesn’t make this easy. I feel terrible but I really tried.

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You know people grow up without christmas gifts some years. We grew up poor but our single mother who worked two jobs taught us it was about giving and being with family. You should never feel bad for not being able to “buy” stuff for your children. Make them things and teach them that it’s about giving and believing. If I’m being honest it bothers me that your son thinks that santa will forget him. You can change that without spending a dime. Just tell him all the stories of christmas. They are about adversity, fortitude, faith and miracles. Kids are smart, they will get it.


Dollar tree. Also there is programs out there to help with people in need for Christmas check with your local fire department.

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Look at all this support :heart:. I was recently able to treat my pets for worms with a donation from a vet. I had almost given up on humanity. Ive never struggled with suicidal thoughts but this year has been the worse in my life. I will be praying for you guys. I wish I had better advice. I keep telling myself it can’t rain all the time.

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You’re not the only one. :disappointed:


First of all your a good mom you can’t help it your car broke down go to the salvation army and they can help you with Christmas I’ve have done that before it’s sad but I done it it was hard to do if the dad doesn’t help shame on him I’m sad for you God bless you :pray: for your family


According to their age makes it easier,younger are much easier to buy for?

Hey sweetie, I dont know if you will see this. But I’d like you to send me a PM.

What about the churches in ur area ,they’re r many childr ns parents who have to reach out for help honey look for people n places to help ur children get Xmas


Depending on where you are toys for tots still accepting apps for family’s pick up toys.


Your doing the best you can do don’t be so hard on yourself some places have Angel trees to help with Christmas present. You should have so resource in your town. Don’t be afraid to ask prayers for your family


Toy drives, shop with a cop, churches


It would be helpful to know the state you’re in. But there are programs, churches, what about your family? Can anybody in your family help. We started saving in November. Come January we are saving again. We tend to save up for Christmas. Give it to your parents so you can’t touch it. But call around see if anyone is helping

Go to the dollar store they have legos playdough cars stuff for boys…u can get some puzzles from there you two can do together …make cookies together or do a few gifts and a movie night with him for xmas


Reach out to your community. Churches, local garage sale pages, etc.


What about making up coupons? A coupon for a foot rub. A coupon for reading books together. A coupon for going for a walk together. Things that your children enjoy is most likely time spent with you. Make them coupons and let them cash them in when they want!


Start buying throughout the year. That’s what I do cuz I’ve been in shitty finance car problems. Like 2 months ago we had to put almost 1000 in it nd then our car decided to break off the tire(not really decided we know why but didnt know) but we fixed it nd wont happen again unless something else goes wrong. This year weve had problems with our vehicle about 4 times. So next year start in January I have 5 kids nd in january I start chridtmas shopping nd birthday planning nd shopping each year nd some years r more than other but I can see this year they r getting more clothes than toys but I can say atleast they got something havnt been able to buy Christmas since September nd I’m happy I start early so atleast they have something. Some of the clothes we even bought were $1 amazing sale, brand new nd I wait for those sales.

I’ve been there baby. It’s an awful feeling. Reach out to your local churches & ask for help. They will get Christmas gifts for him. It gets better baby girl. Don’t give up. Sending prayers & hugs your way

You are not a horrible mom. Life happens. Check with your local police department or even city offices. Many of them adopt families for Christmas and may be able to help you out.


The Christmas my girls remember is the misfit Christmas. I was single mom and not much money. So went to goodwill and stuff found a few toys that wasn’t the greatest and no money for tree so made tree out of construction paper and put on Wall hung lights and bulbs. That is still their favorite Christmas. So don’t put so much pressure on yourself


Toys for TOTS can help you


I’m in the same boat. I’m just lucky my baby is still little, so she won’t really remember not having a Christmas again… It breaks my heart, but we’re still together and have some food in the kitchen, and that’s what matters.

You’re not a horrible mother. Life happens. Hang in there Mama.

Find a church near you. They should know of churches in the area that help with gifts. Praying for you that it works out!

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You have very young children who won’t really know they aren’t getting presents (infant and under 2???). Go to dollar store and pick up a couple of items. There may be charities available also. Check goodwill. Sorry for your situation.


I’m sorry that your children will suffer ,this holiday, but there quite a few foundation’s that help. Salvation Army,locals churches,children services.Just look up phone numbers. Don’t wait till the last minute.Call right aways.

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How about explaining What Christmas IS All About!!! And A gift! I went through that when My 2 Sons were growing up, I’m a single parent and I never thought I was Horrible!!! It is what it is!! Girl, I’m Latina, Str8 Up, and SO are my Children!!/ Men!

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Like damn with all these women who broke yet still they pumpum working fine! Then use borth control because it isnt fair to bring a child into this world and not be able to properly care for them.

Truth Tellers, Jesus is Christmas!! Amen to that

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It’s a week and a half to Christmas, most programs aren’t doing sign ups anymore. But they are there for a reason. Life happens but I don’t understand why you didn’t reach out WHEN it happened rather than waiting until the last minute?


You can’t afford presents for Christmas? You can afford another child! What happened to the father of that one. Pray to the one up above!


Try Salvation Army, and Toys for Tots

What about grandparents?they can’t help out with a few gifts?

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On the 21st of December they will be handing out gifts at the ppl center

Any hamper program should help you out. You have to place the call immediately on Monday.

if in Australia go an check out local church’s go out for free lunch for people who can not afford to buy food and those with no family they always have a Santa hand out presents I know salvos won’t turn you away if you explain your situation

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Check with your town office, they may know organizations that help with Christmas. Or check into toys for tots.

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Go to the local church.

When my 4 kids were little I didn’t have money to buy them anything, I had about 5 dollars I when to the dollar tree and bought my 3 girls a doll each and my son a hot wheels car 4 dollars plus tax, I then went home and looked around the house and made the girls clothes for there dollsby hand, and I took a cereal box Ang covered to with material from an old shirt and made a garage for his car. My kids loved that Christmas because it came from the heart


Salvation army but u gotta make the deadline dates call and see

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You aren’t a bad mom for this. You are making sure bills are paid and their basic needs are met first. That being said…there are organizations that could have helped, had you put in for it earlier. I think most have met their deadlines. If it were me, I would do pretty much whatever it takes to get them SOMETHING. Make a post on a local yardsale site seeing if anyone has anything they’d be willing to part with, doesn’t even have to be brand new. I wouldn’t worry much about the baby, maybe just see if anyone has a couple board books or something that you can say is from santa . Good luck Momma, I hope you get it figured.out. keep your head up.

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Make cookies bake a pie and get a movie from walmart they like $5

There is toys for tots that may help ask a church group the salvation army. Make calls early. WWalgreens had toys buy 2 get 2 free

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If you want to message me I will buy your kids a toy from Walmart & you can pick it up at the one closest to you.
Mamas Uncut


You may never see this from how many comments there are but pm me if you see this and I can help you out with gifts for your son :heart: Always pay it forward if you’re able to, is my motto!


I’m sure even just a little present from the $2 is better than nothing ? God id even buy it for ur kids pm me if need be I don’t mind no kid should have to go through that

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Been there shit/life happens just make the best of it the dollar stores are a life saver and a lot of things come with multiple things in the packaging. There have been years I have bought all dollar store gifts opened them and wrapped them separately to look like more, their have been years I have had to postpone Christmas to January and just told my kids Santa got stuck in a blizzard and said he would be here next month to make it up, you do what you can do and don’t feel bad for yourself your kids may not understand now but they will be thankful for what you did for them when they grow up and get older. Keep your head up and breathe it will be ok you are only one person and no one expects you to be Superman your kids will just be happy they have a mom who loves them

The dollar store, they aren’t gonna care how much you spend, just get a little something. Or homemade gifts. I’ve been there, its an awful feeling. There are churches, and other places that if you call them, they will help with Christmas. Do you have family that can help?

Your not a horrible mom, he’s a Horrible dad, eny man that would do that is not a dad& his wife is no better. I hope things turn out for you,

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I have low income my self I love dollar trees

Looks like my kids will be getting iou’s this Christmas
I suffered a traumatic hand injury back in August and my husband has had to miss a lot of work to help me recover from my surgeries so we’re pretty behind on literally everything, rent, electric, gas, and constantly about 200 behind of just getting the bank account even and paying off money loaned to us by friends
I usually sell tamales around the holidays for our Christmas money but with my hand being messed up I’m unable to this year

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Go to like a salvation army they usually give out food so you can have a Christmas dinner & also give out toys for children. You can also go or call fire departments some give out stuff too or church’s. Here in California we have an information help line where they help you find places that give food. Dial 211

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Do please talk to local churches, police departments


I 100% know how you feel but try not to beat yourself up! It’ll cause you to fall into depression, which neither you nor your babies need! Call around and see if any organization can help! But also, what’s your address and what are your babies into? I can’t help out too much but we can send at least a couple toys!


Christmas or Santa could never love him like you do he will understand as he grows into a man

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