I feel like a line has been crossed in my relationship

He has a work wife. Big whoop


Personally keep out of his work, that’s for him to sort, and why are you so worried about a women he works with messaging him esp if you’ve seen the messages and they are bossy lol, I think your trying to control everything because your scared he will leave where as he will leave if you try and control him no man will be controlled forever, I think hes old enough to sort his own work out tbh I dont think you need to be angry, upset or uncomfortable with his work


If she was new too maybe she thought I’d like to find a friend .lots of people share numbers in work but if you are so insecure of yourself you will lose him.stop acting like his boss and act like a partner.


You are making a FAR bigger deal out of this than need be
So she comes across as bossy
They started the same time they trained together WHO CARES to be honest I can understand why he didn’t tell you if this is the over thinking and ridiculousness you put into it there is no way you would of accepted it


I can’t deal :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: crazy much?


Block her on his phone or have him block her


Don’t listen to ANY of these dusty women telling you your boundaries are toxic. He INTENTIONALLY hid the fact he has been texting another woman because he knew it cause an argument. If he knew it would then it would clearly make you uncomfortable. Yet he is still okay with doing that? He shouldn’t do anything behind your back that he wouldn’t do with you right next to him. To me that’s sketch and he needs to prioritize how you feel more than texting this other woman when there is no reason at all to text her. Block her from his phone or tell him to block her and end all communication.


He is lying. Too many wrongs.

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Wait…are you sure you’re 37??? This is insane and funny!! I see why the hell he didn’t tell you! You can’t say all these things of how you trust him and blah blah blah and then turn around and have such an issue!! He must be a good one to still be there with you!! This is just too much! :woman_facepalming:t4::joy::rofl:


You are showing how much you don’t trust him and you sound a bit controlling and need to calm down.


I feel bad for your husband honestly.


Is your man good looking or just an average Joe…here ?? Some but not all married men can’t turn down any flattery from a female co-worker …I mean he’s got her number…and she has his .I work in a factory…and have no one’s number there…to exchange phone numbers …it’s the beginning of an relationship…work and out of work…


You are over reacting


This is so stupid. Why doesn’t the admin approve shit beforehand. Has nothing to do with being a mama either.

My marriage is so easy going and drama free, I loooove listening to all the drama spill at work :joy::joy::joy:


Since he was trained by her he may have felt that he had to exchange numbers when approached by her to do so, you did say that she was pretty bossy in her messages. He may have even forgotten at the time that you had asked not to do that as you said months had passed. You checked the messages and they seemed perfectly fine work wise. The whole “did you get stuck working a double?” Maybe they saw each other at work and complained that another shift is short and they have all been having to pull doubles. It was a work question. If you feel that insecure then check the phone bill, it will show texts in and out from that number and see if any were deleted. Sit back and watch his behavior but the more you harp on it, you’re honestly going to push it away:


In my opinion if he feels like he has too lie about something so harmless than maybe take a step back and think about it. Apart from him lying I think you have a lot of growing up to do to in the relationship department✌️


I kinda had the same issue with my now husband and a manager at his work. I even met her talked etc. I trusted him but not her she started texting him jokes at first then a little more then that he told me about it and showed me, he played nice with her cause she was giving him more work hours. But one day she asked him to go for a walk during his lunch. Shit he panicked and called me she knew he came home for lunch everyday. Long story short I called her myself and set her straight. She started calling me and harassed me so I went with proof to HR and they transferred her. It was wrong of him hinding it from you, but it is something you need to talked to him about. Clear things so that it doesn’t fester. Good luck.

Feel crossed girl, that’s exactly how my last relationship went and came to a crashing end.


You say you’re not threatened by this girl but you sure sound very insecure and a bit controlling. If your husband needs your permission to exchange contacts with co workers and any other people he meets outside your home… I feel sorry for him. And if you keep making a big deal out of everything, then he’s going to start hiding things from you


I’m not trying to be rude, but wow. I think you have the reins a bit tight and the horse will buck. I’ll admit I’m a medium jealous - I try not to without reason, and if I start without reason, I approach hubby about it. I also think what’s good for the goose…
I’ve given up a couple friends who couldn’t respect boundaries and so did he, out of respect for each other. I don’t ask him to not make new friends and vice versa. We both also realize we’re human and sometimes we misjudge things (like, giving a phone number to someone and not thinking it’d be an issue to find out it is to the other person). We discuss it and move on.
What I have learned, and I think he has too, the horse will eventually buck.

You obviously don’t trust him, or you have deep seated trust issues, either way you need to talk to a professional about this problem


You’re making something out of nothing. I would be annoyed with you if I were your husband. This just seems like a giant case of insecurity or he did something in the past that you aren’t telling.


Psh he’s with u why worry about him screwing around? Life is too short to worry about infidelity


Some of the people on here are even more toxic than my ex. Sure he could’ve forgotten to tell you, but for 3 weeks straight? Intentionally keeping something from you IS lying because it’s holding back the truth, keeping you in the dark. Trust, I’ve been there. I forgave multiple times and these were red flags that I ignored. That’s not okay. If he knows you like you say he does then he clearly knew that it was the respectful thing to tell you, just as you would’ve him. Respect, communication and honesty needs to go both ways in a relationship, not just one. Your feelings are valid. :heart: I will say, though, maybe try going to see a therapist (if you want to continue growing your relationship with your husband). You both have some growing to do and could benefit from it. Best of luck to you love.


I can see why he didn’t tell u. The fact that u feel like he should have to tell u he gave a workmate his number and the whole I don’t meet new guy friends shows a lot of insecurity. You say you trust him but show that you don’t. If he’s one of the good ones that means he can keep a simply platonic relationship with a female. So stop worrying. Why people get so jealous I will never understand. If he cheats on you or would cheat on you, why would u want him? My thoughts are, you have what ever friends u want because should you choose to step out and disrespect me, I don’t need you in my life. Simple as that. I shouldn’t have to control my man or tell him who he can be friends with. You keep acting like that, he’s gunna leave. Js


everyone is saying you need help yada yada but it is 2022 and anyone can switch on you in a dime. you’re just being cautious so you don’t get screwed and there is nothing wrong with being cautious so you don’t waste your time on someone who doesn’t deserve it.


Why so insecure though? If he’s always been good to you and so on? Talk about your feeling with him, but be careful, people need room to breath and I’d personally feel really hurt if my spouse was in a way over something this trivial.

If you’re uncomfortable all the time like this, it’s not fair to either of you. Maybe you need to make a decision or find some mid ground


I only got to exchange numbers and I’m gonna say… LINE CROSSED !!


Everytime you express an insecurity about something, you go and say that you’re not bothered by it but you are. You can’t be on here asking for advice about something then claim you’re not bothered by it at all. It doesn’t work that way. The only way to move forward is to be honest about your feelings.


The fact that you chose to sit and write a 10 page essay on how your NOT bothered by this only shows the complete opposite that you are certainly insecure and bothered by this! Either accept what is or move on but this is a bit over the top for one phone number!


Does he tell you when he exchanges numbers with male coworkers? I know it’s hard but be honest with yourself and him about your jealousy or it will crash your relationship.


You say one thing but yet your here asking strangers for advice…lol which us messed up cause we ONLY hear your side of the story and its the way you want us to hear it… I have customers numbers in my phone. for 1 cause im like everybody else ppl dont remember ppl number anymore. 2 i can reach them if needed without going to the shop to get their number. DONT mean i/ him/anybody has the number cause there something going on with.
Relax n grow up if you say yall love n bond is strong then yall are ok

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You’re going to mess it up…that’s why it’s called the Green Monster! Be Loving, Proud of him and Trust him.


He shouldn’t have lied and hopefully you can make him understand how devastating loss of trust is in a relationship. With that said, I think your rules related to work communication are unnecessary and inappropriate. Men can have women friends and vice versa. If he is open (phone access, etc ), understands why lieing to avoid ownership of an action is worse, then trust him. Perhaps you should attend a work function and meet his female coworkers.


Ok… So… first of all that was a lot to read. You keep saying one thing then contradicting it. The whole post. So I’m confused. Like you say your his 1 and only serious relationship and then you say he’s been hurt by so many girls. Or you say you don’t care but then you say your super bothered. Figure you’re feelings out. Now it’s ok that your bothered by the fact he didn’t tell you he had her number. All these ppl saying you’re crazy or insecure are being ridiculous. My man would never take any females number and not tell me st least who she was and why he had her on his phone. I agree that’s just basic respect you give your partner so they don’t have to wonder or worry. And that doesn’t make you insecure but so what if you are. Wtf. Being insecure is really hard and ppl acting like it’s something you can control obviously have never felt that way. You can’t just all of a sudden be secure in yourself one day. It’s an actual mental condition. Wtf. Some of you ppl are seriously really terrible. So what if you are ok. Well here’s the thing the first person who woukd know you’re insecure would be your man. He should know that. And any man thats worth a sh1t will never do anything to make his already insecure gf feel worried. It’s not his problem? I hate when ppl say that. It kind of is your problem if you have an insecure gf. It’s really not that hard to help her feel more secure and if a man really loves you he will do things to build up your self confidence and make you feel secure in your relationship. If he knew you would have an issue with the girls number its his job if he loves you and wants to be with you to let you know just for your own sense of security. Duh. Ppl saying he should’ve lied cuz you’re insecure are completely terrible people. You don’t rip an insecure person down and do things to add to their insecurities and hurt them on purpose. Yeah cuz that will really help fix anything right. Wow. He could have told you. But he didn’t. With that said he also let it slip to you in a way that obviously tells you he’s not really hiding anything. She’s so irrelevant to him that he didn’t think anything of telling you she text him. Just talk to him. Don’t be this MUCH though. It’s alot.

It doesn’t sound like he hid it at all


I think you can be cautious of him doing this. If it wasn’t a big deal then why wouldn’t he tell you? Sorry I don’t think it’s insecure. If you’re questioning it then something is going on… especially if you haven’t had this feeling before. Maybe it’s not a serious thing but if it is bothering you and he won’t do anything about it I would question him. My husband and I went through some things with texting. If your feeling some sort of way about it then there is a reason.

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Sounds a bit possessive. Let the man got to work in peace… you checked the phone their was not anything shady… let your good guy be a good guy


Just say your jealous. It’d be easier and faster to read


He shouldn’t have lied but it seems like even if he told you, you still would have been mad… Girl, he is a grown man. If he wants to or not want to be in work gossip he knows how to do not be involved. If you trust him, he’s a good guy, and you know he’s faithful then who cares. If it’s just about work let it be. You being controlling about it will bring more fights then the actual work drama.


Dude…… I have everyone’s number from work. It makes work so much easier! You have issues that you are pushing off on him. We don’t tell one another every time we add a contact that is of the opposite sex! Also, talking to someone of the opposite sex is not disrespectful to your relationship unless you have ulterior motives. Clearly you are a jealous person and need help. That’s a YOU problem.

If I were him, I would be done! Check my phone if you want to but that’s the end of our relationship! Psycho


It doesn’t sound like he hid anything from you. He told you simply how he received his schedule. He probably didn’t mention it beforehand because he didn’t feel there was anything important to mention at all. You are never going to move past this unless you are honest with your partner and honest with yourself. You are definitely jealous some. And that’s okay. Just be honest and let him know that in the future when it happens you would like for him to please let you know and explain it to you so you understand.

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Oh godddd. I exchange numbers at many jobs. You can be surprised how much it helps to have numbers if you need to call out or if your running late. It is very common to also ask if they worked a double or something cause she might be wondering why she didnt get to work a double. Your way over thinking it. Sure wish i had a girl who was about me as you are with him though lmfao

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Like mothers have said, if he wants to cheat, he will.

You are threatened by her. Otherwise you wouldn’t have even questioned it and wouldn’t of made this post :woman_shrugging:t2: That’s okay, but don’t let your insecurities cause problems with you and your husband. And cause him to start venting to other people (or her) about you stressing him out about having her number.

If you truly trust him, then it shouldn’t be an issue. Especially when they haven’t said anything inappropriate to each other, but if you have a gut feeling more is going on or might start going on between them then you don’t really trust him. :woman_shrugging:t2:


If she’s a gossip, she’s digging for info. She asked about work. :roll_eyes:
The fact you are bothered by something and someone who “doesn’t bother you” tells me the exact opposite.
I’m glad you aren’t a military wife bc we get and send texts and chats 24/7. Even to ppl not in our sections. :unamused: Doesn’t men a anyone is cheating or behaving in an untoward fashion.


Work is work. She trained him and he had her number while he was in training. It’s not like he can go back after training and say delete my number because my girlfriend doesn’t feel comfortable with you discussing work with me. The way you’re behaving is exactly the reason why he didn’t tell you about it in the first place. You should be saying to him instead; I wish you trusted me enough that I wouldn’t be upset you’re in communication with ANYONE at work about work. I would have understood had you told me and I do understand NOW. It’s not a problem.
You’re creating a situation if you do not trust him.
Until and unless he starts giving you reasons not to. People make new friends, it is allowed and normal.


Holy Wow. That’s an extremely long post for a whole lot of nothing. This post and all the overthinking and immaturity behind it is exactly why he felt telling you he exchanged s with his Trainer would cause an argument.
She is also sending him the schedule. This sounds like she is above him in position, as a boss, even if she doesn’t officially have the title yet. The rest of your concerns as to her telling him what to do and sounding bossy lmao is because…
She is his Trainer
Checking to see if he got stuck working a double, or how a shift went etc… and being concerned about his welfare …well that’s her being a good Trainer. You are spinning something out of nothing and i feel that you are having to reach pretty far to do it.


You sound super toxic and insecure. Get it together and leave that man the hell alone. Take a yoga class or a chill pill, god damn. I can’t even believe I read that whole post full of nonsense. Your possesive, and extremely controlling and that’s super unhealthy, have you considered therapy to work on your personal issues?

Trust is a must have and from your post it doesn’t sound like it exists in your relationship. You may say you would have been “fine” if he wouldn’t have hidden it from you, he obvious felt you would flip out and wanted to avoid that so omitted the exchange. One thing I’ve learned “pick your battles” if someone is sneaking around on you that’s on them not you, negative energy given to insecurities is a waste, if they are gonna do something inappropriate they will do it regardless of the attention you give to worrying about it! Sorry I really do wish you well just adding my opinion.

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When you make the choice to live your life for others, it can lead to insecurities and normalize familiarity in self betrayal.

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I can’t believe women like this are married but I can’t get a text back. Possessive much. :rofl: what did I just read!


Sounds like he didn’t outright lie, just didn’t tell you. I have given my number or Facebook messenger to any coworker that wants it. It helps improve communication. There is drama everywhere, even when I was turning wrenches in a garage. I think he is handling it well listening but not engaging.

If you show controlling tendency it could destroy a relationship.


You sound a bit crazy and possessive. If you aren’t threatened like you say let it gooooo.


Tell me you r insecure without saying you’re insecure.

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About her texting him get his phone and reply back yep he’s home with me


Drama much? I’ve got all kinds of coworkers phone numbers bosses, peers, male, female, younger, older, etc… most exchanges are work related but not all. Doesnt sound like hes done anything wrong. Just because you’re together doesnt mean you have to tell each other everything. Build your bridge and get over it!

Its unsettling that he had to hide a number from you incase of an argument.

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I should be all kinds of upset at my hubs he gets all kinds of phone calls and text from the two females that work in the office at his job at varying hrs of the day even days off and sick days he’s the lead builder in the field at his job but he has a female office manager and female secretary they HAVE to communicate with him about ordering materials getting measurements on certain site ect…it’s mostly work related but sometimes it’s to bitch about each other I don’t feel threatened at all by it, it’s his job it’s what pays our bills. And he did not have to check with me in order to give his number to them it’s necessary and he’s been there 6 yrs.

So, I’ve had to learn this…“not everyone is like me.” Crazy right!? Lol but this is something I’ve had to learn in all aspects of my life. Not everyone has the same values or expectations as I do. And that’s ok! I think you are so focused on how you are and what your expectations are like when you said you block random guys trying to be your fb friend or you don’t get any new guys number because that is disrespectful etc. Thats how YOU feel and choose to act for whatever reason. Doesn’t necessarily mean that your partner or friend feel that same way. Most guys are “dumb” when it comes to women flirting with them or they don’t see it as deep of an issue like we tend to do. I don’t think this should be cause to start going over every moment from your past with him and analyzing what is a truth or a lie. I think that he hasn’t given you any real reason to not trust him. I think maybe he was trying to protect you from spinning out on this situation knowing how you might already feel some type of way. And is there a reason you go straight to cheating? Has he cheated in the past? Have you been cheated on where this is bringing up old trauma? Have you cheated and feel guilty? You can’t truly be in a real relationship without trust. So maybe it’s time to reevaluate the relationship.

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Lol ummm ur overthinking WAAAAAAAAY too much :face_with_hand_over_mouth: