I feel like my boyfriends ex only came around again cause I am pregnant: Advice?

You should be his priority and you stand up for yourself girl and say hell no to her being alone in the car with your husband even if the kids are with her because it sounds like shes a psycho pretending like theyre together. If my husband were gonna give rides to his baby mama ill be damned if shes gonna tell me not to come with in MY car and MY husband. Theres gotta be boundaries set and he needs to respect your feelings and more concerned being there for you not her. Im sure she can find someone else to give her rides


No if it were me he’d be gone until shit changed you are prego and high risk you and your unborn come first sounds like she’s trying really hard to get back with him I would put my foot down quick

Seems to me he is being a huge push over. Drop himmmmmmm.

Your boyfriend shouldn’t even allow her to treat you like that. That’s unbelievable


Oh hell no kick him to the curb , men like that don’t change :joy:

The missing appointments part isn’t cool, but I wouldn’t want someone whose neber met my kids around them either.

Dump him. He’ll never be there for you. Look after yourself and your new baby. Do you have family? If so, lean on them if you can.


He’s still sleeping with her. Period. Ray Charles could see that 🤷


Good lord! All three of you sound immature and dysfunctional. He could easily go to court and get visitation and it would be none of her business (legally) who he takes his kids around, but he isn’t doing that so… you should leave and try to mature enough so your child doesn’t have to witness this stupidity and dysfunction.

He needs iron. You know iron frying pan to the head straightens them right up


Well she can’t control who HIS kids are around. Fuck his baby mama. She can pay an Uber.
Also if your name is on the car, report that shit stolen. FUCK HER AND HIM


Seeing the children is an excuse. BS. I know this is a difficult time for you. I think you also need to see reality. He is not respecting you, honoring you at all. Its one thing to see the children and want to see the children but that does not allow to shit all over you. he needs to make a choice and be a Man of honor and integrity. He does not NEED to see the children AND be her taxi. He needs to Man up and do what is right. His priority’s are totally messed up. It really sounds like more is going on here. He is being unfaithful. One can be unfaithful with out actually having sex with another. He is putting this woman above and before you. That is unfaithful. The children are just the excuse. To say you cant be around the children well than he should stand up for you. I am sure she would and could not be like that if he did not allow it. Honestly dear. Your Man is being a POS. You would be better off without him until he wakes up and does right by you. I know that is not what you want to hear and this is very difficult for you but you need to face the truth so you can deal with it. Give him a choice. Her or you. Plain and simple. Easy peasy. Children do NOT always come first in the manner some use it. A job comes first because without a job you can not feed and cloth the children. A healthy environment comes first for without it children suffer. A healthy environment includes emotional well being. BALANCE and BOUNDARIES. Its BS when people say children come first. Buy putting other priorities first you are actually putting child welfare first. The children do NOT need to see their Dad every time Mom needs a ride. Children need to see their Dad when he is emotionally and critically present. Its a common sense kind of thing. To say I am putting the kids first is BS. Anytime someone says that they are full of shit and most likely NEVER put their kids first. Not taking care of your pregnant wife, is NOT putting the kids first. First and foremost the kids need to be taught responsibility and integrity.

Sounds like hes a loser… he can go to court to deal with her bullshit, you should be priority over her… but if he lets her control him like that and youre always left in the dust, girl get you a guy who puts you at the top of his list. Ive been in relationshipS just like this and ill tell you hes got some ulterior motives or just doesnt give a shit about your relationship with him…

She came around because he’s still having sexual relations with her.

His kids come before you. But the ex should NOT come before you.
He needs to see his kids without you
I think thats fine

But if this bitch wanted in MY car…shes gonna be made aware by HIM that ill be there too if she is.
And if he cant do that…honestly id be gone
I come second to NO fuckin woman except your daughter.
Maybe even your mother at times…but not your fucking ex.

Id have a real talk with him and if it doesnt change id get the hell out of there.
If u think its bad now…and he wont.change…wait til baby comes smh

He sounds like a loser lol!

Cowardly boyfriend, sorry.