I feel my boyfriend isn't taking any steps to better our future: Advice?

Girl ! He’s using you, stop :raised_hand:letting him sleep over!!! Move on from this ““kid”” who is clearly not ready to settle down. You already wasted a year of your time. You’re really going to sit around and wait? We’re not 20 anymore. Sorry to be so blunt it’s just so obvious

I dated my ex 3 years before we moved in and my current bf we moved in after almost 2 years. Not everyone is ready to move in right away maybe he likes things just as they are if everything else is great then leave it if your souly wanting him to move in to just start a family maybe revisit having kids talk before the move in maybe he doesn’t want to start a family right now.

If you’re ready and he’s not, move on. People can waste whole decades on their significant others timeline. A lot of people are going to say you’re moving fast at a year but if all you want is to open the conversation and figure out an idea of your future, then it should be okay with your partner to discuss that. Go find your happy. Life is too short to wait for it to come around.

I know this will come off harsh, and I was told the same thing. A man knows within the first 3-4 months if he wants to marry you, so after a year and not living together… unfortunately, you’re not the one. I would end things and move on, so that you can move forward with your future of marriage and kids.

I reckon give yourself 6 months. You will have more of an idea on where he is at, where you are at and if he is worth waiting for. If you are feeling like this now then it’s likely you’ll feel like this in 6 months if nothing has changed. If a man wants something then he takes the steps to make it work. Men only do what they want. He doesn’t sound ready or mature enough to have an adult conversation about these things either, plus you won’t have wasted another year of your life. If he wants to move in, get married etc then he will know. The fact he won’t discuss any of it, to me, is a red flag and shows that he is not willing to commit. Best of luck and I hope that should you choose to leave him then you find someone who wants the same things as you Xx

My now husband did the same and i told him you either pay your half arpu d this house your living in or dont come over at all. He moved in the next day. And i know you dont want to rush but you got to be upfront with what you want and be ok if he doesn’t want the same. You can either move foward without someone can stay still. Hope it works out girly

Im close in age to you, and in a relationship little less then a year just like you. My boyfriend talks openly about us needing a home together. We talk future. We have plans. We know what each other want out of life. Hes my partner in every sense of the word. I’m also divorced and my first marriage was how your describing your current relationship. There is a partner out there for you that it won’t feel forced with. You deserve that.

Read Hes Just not that into you. If you were ment to be then it would flow and you would both know and feel it … dig deep and listen to your gut instinct.

End it now if he treats you like that Now he will do the same after marriage or worse wny are you letting him treat like that HE is NOT worth it :fearful::fearful::poop:

Stop planning. It will happen when the time is right. If you plan everything in life, you will always end up disappointed. One year is nothing compared to a lifetime- maybe he isn’t ready…

Waiting maybe worth it. Dump him & move on. You deserve someone better. In the mean time don’t let him spend a night anymore.

If he really wanted to… He would. Move on baby girl he doesn’t sound invested in your relationship. Find better and don’t settle for less.

He may never be ready. He’s getting all the benefits without any responsibility. He’s unwilling to even talk? That’s a telling sign. If he can’t even have a discussion on WHY he feels how he does and what he wants in the future then That’s a problem. I LIVED with a man shk would absolutely not even discuss moving things forward for FOUR years. I literally wasted those years. You are at two different places in life. He may never catch up with you. Are you willing to waste the energy and time of your life waiting on the possibility tbat he may even eventually be willing to have a conversation about it? Cut your losses and find someone who wants the things you do. I did and have no regrets. Twelve years of marriage and two children now.

He is basically one of those that thinks why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free type of guy .Women nowadays sleep with men to soon and then this situation happens and they can’t figure out why .

You say you are 27, don’t want to jump into marriage and babies straight away but don’t want to wait until you are 30? I think you do want to start right away and you should be clear about that. Spell your needs upfront and you will know if you are on the same page or not…

Honestly, I stopped reading part way through. There are red flags everywhere. You’ve been together a year, but he isn’t bringing up future plans. He has no plan of moving in, but more than willing to spend the night. Says he sees you in his future, but can’t give specifics. He probably doesn’t continue the discussion much beyond that comment. You are being used. A guy that thinks you’re the one is interested in discussing the future. He’s not. If you back him in a corner with an ultimatum, he might move in. BIG mistake. If he thinks he isn’t going to find anyone else, he will settle for you. You’ll know this stage because he will start talking future without the excitement going all the way to his eyes. It will be just words. You need to run. If you tell him you’re done, and he suddenly is real interested, he’s just panicking. Don’t believe it. It’s time to find someone that you deserve.

Pay attention. He’s already given you his thoughts on the matter. Life is too short to waste time on people you have to talk into being with you.

Together a year and he still doesn’t know what to do nor does he want to talk about a future with you. I’d say stop wasting your time and move on.

It sounds like you do not have the same goals. I understand if he isn’t comfortable doing it Just yet-but he can at less discuss it. He could give you a reason he isn’t or tell you if he wants it later in life.

I personally agree with other comments that say he isn’t going to want it and is being immature. It’s been a year. Talk of moving in together is usually something that’s at least thought about and discussed or happening by now

He doesn’t want the same as you and he doesn’t feel comfortable talking about it… been there, done that. Made the mistake of spending many years with a guy like that and so didn’t end up having kids until now I’m in my 30’s when I also would have rather had my kids in my 20’s. Don’t waste your time like I did. Move on. :slightly_smiling_face:

No girl
He aint the one n he dont think youre the one stop wasting youre time a man that loves you will do Anything for you ! Ask anyone , sounds like he just keeping you around

If a man is in love he will move mountains to be with his woman.

It isn’t always what you dream of it to be. Don’t rush. Enjoy your life.

Hes not ready, he has been honest with you whether you like that or not. You want different things, you’re aware of his feelings and you csnt enforce yours onto him so either end it or stop complaining?

Definitely need to talk about if he even wants kids cause if you do and he doesn’t, there’s no need to continue with him

Sounds to me…he is keeping his options open.

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You are being used. Get a new man. This guy is disappointing now, imagine the rest of your life. Don’t waste another day. You deserve better. You are not his sugar mummy.

A year is not a “super long time”. You should relax…

Find a new man he is wasting your time!

The way I feel is if you don’t know in a year you never will. Quit wasting time and move on

Why stay in a relationship that not going anywhere

He is telling you who us he and what he doesn’t want. Waste no more time.

Both your goals are not aligning already. You sound like you’ve got your life together and know what you want.

He may not be on the same page as you, OR he may not see those things with you.

Either way, I say you should move on considering you want those things in a couple of years. If that’s the case, you should be focusing on someone who wants the same as you so you could hopefully go by your timeline.

Good luck :four_leaf_clover:

Firstly, stop having him over altogether. He sounds like a complete fuckboy. Secondly, he’s definitely not ready. He’s literally using u. Won’t pay but will stay with u comfortably without doing so. Nah. Don’t live another day like this. Kick him to the curb

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Stop waisting time on him. You need someone with the same goals.

Sounds like he is not ready

If he wanted to, he would.

My man talked about a future within a month of dating and we moved in within 2 months…

Move on. Your wasting your time with a kid. You seem smart. Get better

Why would he do anything like this when he can “have your cake and eat it too” ? He’s not ready after a year usually means he isn’t that into you. Especially if he keeps ignoring the subject even with his family. Men know what they want and of he says he doesn’t then he doesn’t know what he wants with you… I would leave…

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I WOULD NOT live together. You let him move in he will come up with excuse after excuse for not wanting to commit to you. Living together, sharing a bed and sex is not a commitment. And I would stop the spending the night, eating your food and watching your cable or using WiFi. Those are things you pay for not him.

You are not on the same page and don’t have a common goal. Time to move on before you waste too much time and end up “settling”.

Propose to him- that will give you your answer clear as day.

Sounds like hes on a different page then you

Quit being so pushy.

If you’re not on the same page, leave :woman_shrugging:

Leave him now its not worth it

Personally I would try one more time to have a conversation and express why it’s important to me to talk about it. If he refuses then I would tell him that it’s not going to work out. Life is to short to live a life unhappily. If getting married and having kids make you happy then find someone who wants similar goals. Let him be happy doing what he wants

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You need to have a serious discussion about your goals for the relationship because it may be that you need an exit strategy. He doesn’t sound committed to a future with you.

It’s only been a year. Have fun and enjoy each other. Get to know each other better. Rushing things will only make you both have regrets. If he feels pressured into something just so he doesn’t lose you may cause resentment later on. You’re still young. Chill a little.


I’m 72 years old and I’m not ready either. Seem like you are just a convenience to him.

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Move on. Its a total waste of time once a man tells you he is not ready for commitment.

I would start dating other people and let him know that is what you plan to do.

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There is nothing wrong with having kids at the age of 30 … you are able to have multiple kids after the age of 30

For goodness sake get on with your life .drop this guy like a hot porker.

If you mention multiple kids, you might chase him away to South America. Easy does it.

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My now husband moved to live with me after 4 months of dating. When you know somebody is the one, you know. This guy is definitely immature and making excuses to drag things out.

Drop him like a HOT potato or tell him not to come over. That’ll get him thinking.

He’s stringing you along. Let him go.

Kick him to the curb. He’s using you. You are just someone to waste time with. He sounds pretty useless.

Kick his a## to the curb