I found a bobby pin in my house that was not mine: Advice?

Thought this was a mom page not “I found something, is my man cheating on me” like damn. :person_facepalming:t2: literally the 50th post about this :poop:

Oh No :scream::scream:. Most likely living a double life… wife, kids & a boyfriend. U need to RUNNNNNNNNN… right to a therapist cus it ain’t that serious :unamused:

Could be one of your friends, could be from your mother could be from your sister, his sister, his mother. Who knows.
Doesn’t necessarily mean it’s from some strange woman who was playing tonsil hockey with him while you were out… :thinking:

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Not only is he cheating, she left that there for you to find. Prove me wrong.

Look at your cameras

Have you tried throwing the whole man away?

a couple months ago i found a bobby pin in the car that wasn’t mine. not long after that a small spray can of Axe body spray dropped out from under the couch! (my husband has never used it). when we contacted my son who was the only person to sleep on our couch, he also said he has never used Axe. where these things came from…we both still have no idea!! the thing is, we trust each other. my husband drives , not me. he works , i don’t. so we each have opportunity…but we completely trust each other. we also believe each other when we discussed these things. the answer we came up with…he ghost that haunts our house is now trying to break us up ! lol!

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I’m still finding blue hair on my stuff I haven’t had blue hair in over a year…if you really need to know hook up a hidden camera or something

Leave an open condom wrapper some where it can be found and if he says something about it then, you can ask about the pin and then if he doesn’t say anything about he’ll keep his mouth shut because he will be trying to figure out if he or the lady was the one who left it
:man_facepalming: either way time will tell on him or he will tell on hisself :thinking:

When you find a pair of panties,. Then you should be freaking out!!!

It’s a Bobby pin…you already had trust issues, girl.

Maybe someone broke into your house? :thinking:

One thing, is you should nit look for random advice on FB

Put it in the trash and go about your business.

Look for your husband’s wig.

Husband is cross dressing…just kidding ⁷ he had a hot lady over. Just men

Ask? Or throw it away

A Bobby pin? Could’ve come from anywhere….

You have trust issues

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Lollollollollollol i lole the way you think cuzzin!.