I found an extra phone in my house and my husband was searching adult videos: Advice?

I think getting yourself on diet and a eating plan will help you out. But it’s so easier then said. Even if you can’t get to a gym, there are so many work out videos you can watch and do and replacing bad food with good food.
As long as your husband is not going behind your back, and just watching porn I wouldn’t worry. There is nothing wrong with watching Porn, but not feeling confident about yourself…you need to! Everyone gains weight and loses it, you’ll be back to where you were if you start now! Good luck!

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She didn’t say the phone was hidden. She said an extra phone in the house

Its only porn grow up

Talk to him about it and not strangers on the internet? :woman_shrugging:

I think it’s weird and controlling to tell someone they can’t watch porn. It’s like telling someone how to masturbate.

Simple…you can talk to your blue in the face…It won’t change a thing Or him…

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Maybe he needed to watch because he wanted to jerk off bc he was horny and didn’t want to bother you or make you think that you had to do something sexually with him. Maybe he did it because he knows your exhausted.

How do you even know if the view history was recent?

That would hurt my feelings also. I would have to talk to him and ask him to not do that anymore. Idk why men do this lol

He has an extra phone dedicated to watching porn?? That’s genius!! What the hell. I’ve gotta clear my tabs because my kids go through the damn phone. I need to do that. I’m gonna tell my man to buy a phone for porn.

Talk to him m, non judgemental. See a counselor for you. One day at a time

Please don’t blame yourself for something that is clearly his issue. I would never be okay with my husband lusting after another female, that’s why we said our vows…to each other. I’m glad you are motivated to lose weight but do it for you, not to please someone else!


Doesn’t matter what you day or do. men watch porn. has nothing to do with whether or not or desirable or not…you could be. the most beautiful perfect person and they would still watch porn

More than most likely your husband has always been interested on porn. You just so happened to have found evidence of this. Stay positive and look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are beautiful, loving, and worthy.

My dear…You do, indeed have low self esteem. And you should be applauding yourself…you just went through a long, incredible , miraculous experience and your husband should be so proud of you. Care NOT…whether you displease this self centered man. You continue being motivated for your own sense of satisfaction…He needs to work on his lack of appreciation, consideration and perverse behavior. Let him know,how much he displeases YOU!

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This is a spiritual problem and you ladies did not cause it. It is caused by wrong choices and a perverse spirit. Prayer is an effective weapon and an honest heart to heart with a counselor would help…

The “secret phone” is what bothers me. He’s probably worried That you would get upset. Makes me wonder what other secrets there are… its not you dear. You are beautiful.people get hung up on weight.Im a skinny woman, and can honestly say weight has nothing to do with it. Dont be so hard on yourself!!

Get fitter for you and your lo…certainly not for him!!! I don’t accept the 'he’s a bloke, he has needs or biological wirings" excuse. You’re 6mth pp and he should be focused on his family and potentially too knackered to bother about porn. The fact he has a 2nd, hidden phone would also be an issue. You are entitled to tell him you don’t like it and say how you feel and having a baby is a huge change that needs respect too…X

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Try to love yourself first…think of all the positive things in your life …especially your child…Dont worry about the porn maybe he might learn something.?..kerp strong xx

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It isn’t you, it’s him. The porn must stop! If he refuses then I would definitely seek biblical counseling together and separately. Marriage is work, but it can be done. Porn is not acceptable in a healthy relationship.

Please don’t feel bad about yourself. This also has nothing to do with how you look. Guys like to watch porn for a quick rub n tug to get some relief. Your husband still loves you and I’m sure finds you attractive. You just aren’t finding yourself attractive. Your body just gave you a baby. You’re badass!

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Girl, ease up on yourself. This is a man issue not yours. Let him know you know and how you feel about it. If he chooses to continue just stay your course and let him know payback is a bitch. And say nothing else.

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Cheer yourself up and send yourself some flowers! Buy a card for yourself with a message that makes you feel good. Treat yourself! With understanding you are concerned right now, you need the energy for you and the little one. Build yourself up because whatever he is doing in the dark will come to light. Just be in the strongest frame of mind to handle it and do what you need to do.

If it was on his phone that’s one thing. The fact he got a phone to hide is the problem. You guys need a counselor


I’m more focused on the2nd phone. He could have watched porn on that and then deleted it to spare his wife’s feelings. He could have bought a magazine, but a separate phone? I think there’s more wrong in that marriage

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Lose the weight for yourself. Your husband unfortunately like many other men needs a little getting their motor running. Then when they turn too their wives tell him God gave him 2 good hands, finish the job yourself. I think they watch it for what goes on in those movies. Fantasy land with the action. This is something that you need to discuss, but he already knows you wouldn’t like it because he hid it.

Porn is normal, cheating is not. The biggest red flag is the fact that you FOUND a second phone. That is just, mind blowing to me.

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I can tell you just about every man watches porn. That’s on their mind 24/7 and he’s not gonna stop. It doesn’t mean you’re not beautiful or not food enough but thata just men. They think differently than us women.
However, I’d be questioning him about a second phone because I’m sure more is going on than just watching porn.

Me and my husband both watch porn, sometimes together. And we’re both happy and secure with us and our relationship. When I watch it, it’s not cause I want another man or find my hubby ugly (which he isnt). It’s because I don’t want sex but I’m bored and in the mood. Sit down and have a serious talk about your feelings but be open to his as well.

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You know ladies. God made men with just too much testasterone. ( male hormone) Some men just can’t get enough of viewing sleeping and what ever they do concerning women.

Hi, you have already started to heal yourself by talking about it, continue talking and things will start to work in your favor, share yourself with the world around you and compliment all you see and you will conquer all that is troubling you, ask the lord for some help on your journey. God Bless You

Yep, I agree. Second phone is a problem. Porn should not bother you. Actually if you want a good laugh, watch with him. They can be quite amusing.

Your physical appearance will never be a deal breaker for the right man, so it’s not your fault at all. You need to talk about it, the hidden 2nd phone is the real problem here.

I agree, it’s not about you. Us guys are " Sick Pups " this watching videos, believe it or not helps our Sex drive.

Please get some counseling. If he doesn’t want to, go by yourself.

Don’t blame yourself for something that’s he’s doing wrong

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Nothing to do with you He could be doing worst things

Believe it or not !!! It has nothing to do with you :heart:

Id tell him he has you. Why does he need to watch that? I think maybe hes ashamed.

This has ZERO to do with you…his issue only…he wont be able to have good orgasms without porn after a while…it is a type of addiction too…not your weight or looks its him

He is a sicko and you are better off without him.!

Tbh me and my husband check out porn all the time but he never feels any less about me and same about him. Sometimes he or I are too tired to satisfy each other so we do that until the next time we are good to go. But don’t take it personally

Poor fella, can’t even look at porn.

Oh dear there nothing wrong with you.Now with maybe.God bless you

Here are the facts. Porn in any shape is lust of the flesh, sexually immoral. The more he is involved, the deeper his desires for more.
You got down to about 130lbs. How was your sex life then. Was it pleasing or did you feel used or somewhat abused. Was he wanting you to perform in ways that made you uncomfortable. Signs of an addiction. There’s something missing in your marriage for you to blossom 200lbs. For the sake of your marriage and child get counseling. If he won’t, do yourself a favor a get counseling for yourself. I will also suggest you take it to God. You need to be loved!

Watching it at home is not as bad as going out for it…work on your confidence no matter what size you are you are beautiful .work in getting the weight off for you not anyone else and so you can be there for your child. He will see your hard work trust me

I’m a more mature female when I was younger when my man watch porn. I was married I was self conscious sorta like you but I’m older now. My man that I’m with now makes me feel secure in that area. Of our relationship. So porn doesn’t bother me whatever it takes to get him in the mood.

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Porn is more addicting than drugs. It distorts reality and can desensitize people to sexual violence and twists views of sexual partners. It’s disgusting and it condones cheating. Stop saying it’s ok. It’s not.


Don’t be so tough on yourself. He is the one that has to answer to GOD for watching pornography. Keep doing your exercises and take care of your child. The baby needs you. Talk to him and let him know how you feel. Make yourself happy, don’t wait on others to do it…It will never happen. Praying for you.

This is his problem…and if he is watching porn on a separate hidden phone he is most likely an addict. An appropriate response to your weight gain due to pregnancy is for him to ask how he can help you manage life and to love every bit of you as you had his child. He should be marveling at you and not contributing to porn.

Throw away the husband, keep the phone.

It’s a matter of what you can put up with. Let him keep himself pleasuring himself or you keep him happy. Try a little bit of porn with him, no judgements… you may find out what turns him on. Men are very visual that’s most of it. Good luck.

Loosing weight is hard I know I been big my whole life I struggle, but if that person really loved you they would help you they would be there they would not seek anything else where, talk to your Dr about your hormones pregnancy can cause an imbalance you may need help medically to loose weight, if they love you they will change if not then your baby was ment to be in the world with or without them in it I am a single mother of a 3 year old boy, his father kicked us out when he was 3 weeks old only uses my son to get women and entertain there kids he will never have my son again I tried the sharing and tried to fair about our son and now my son at 3 has PTSD because of a jealous girlfriend of his she tormented my child under his roof he knew about it and did nothing I will not let my son get hurt ever again, do what is best for you and your baby that’s all that matters I want love so bad bit I can’t find it, I learned I have to be patient and just work on me when the time comes it will happen I can’t force it no matter how bad I want it

If you have to ask for opinions, it obviously bothers you.
You need to voice your feelings, and if things don’t change, dump his ass. He will still have to support his child. Don’t let people use you as a doormat. Stand up for yourself!
There is someone better for you out there! Good luck honey!

Do it for yourself…in fact just be polite to him but live like you are alone. There is power in self reflection. Porn is addictive…its his problem made worse by anxiety and depression. What do you think is making him feel that? Some people are unable to talk about feelings for fear of being ridiculed or just not believed…be open to whatever and validate it.

Get rid of loser and find yourself and start loving yourself. No one can make you happy but you. If you depend of someone to make you feel good about yourself then you will never find it.

Smash the phone and throw it in the rubbish job done .

honey… its just porn. try not to worry abt these things. if it was another human being then start worrying…or Craig’s List… lol

You need to talk to him and she has to what he says

Both the porn and extra phone concern me but the extra phone more. Is he chatting with or texting or meeting for that matter using that extra phone.

I would bet there’s a large 1- 800 telephone bill somewhere too

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