I found out I am pregnant again and need advice and kind words

I’m right there with you Mama! My oldest son is 12, but my daughter is 2 (26 months), my son is 10 months, and I’m expecting AGAIN and I was on oral BC. I wasn’t sure I was done with kids, but I developed hypothyroidism while pregnant with my daughter that’s been going untreated since I’ve either been pregnant or breastfeeding and being pregnant while this heavy was so hard on my body I wanted to lose the weight first. PM me if you need to ever talk

Just be patient. It comes naturally. Try to plan naps at the same time. Just find ways to balance everyone.

My girls are 13 months apart. Wouldnt have it any other way :heart_eyes::heart:

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My two youngest are born the same day a year apart. It is an adjustment but so worth it

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Also please check that the bith control you are on won’t effect the development of baby as some do. Xx

First off, congratulations!
I know it seems scary and impossible right now. But it’ll be okay.
The best advice I can give a mom going from 1 child to 2, figure out a daily routine that works for you, your man and both of your kids. Stick with it for as long as you can.
I always thought going from 1 to 2 was way harder than going from 2 to 3.
But you’ll get the hang of it before you know it.
Good luck! You got this!

You will be more than fine mama❤️ These babies are so blessed to have you!

Try a better birth control or tell your man to get a vasectomy!

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I have a twin. Hang in there u will make it.

I have 5 kids. Pretty much back to back. My daughter wasn’t even a year old when I found out we were having twins. So I went from 3 to 5 quick. It honestly went so perfect! Stop worrying about the unknown, you will find what works best for you and your babies. Don’t rush yourself info figuring it out now.

My daughter turned a year old last month and I’m due in two days with her little brother. It hasn’t been the easiest but this was an easy pregnancy for me. Congrats on your new baby, you’ve got this momma!

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Take it one day at a time. Just out of curiosity, what birth control?

You’ll be fine! My son was 10 months old when i found out i was pregnant again. I was even still nursing. They will be close in age and be good friends like mine are! (Mine are 23 & 24 now!)
Hang in there Momma! :heart:

They grow up to be best friends and if they are the same sex it’s even easier because you will still have everything from the oldest, your gonna be just fine. 2 under 2 is fun

Have an abortion? Or adoption? If you aren’t ready, neither one is a bad option. Just think of the best option for you and your little one already. Everyone is different. If you keep it, I wish the best of luck to you and hope that it’s easy for you


My kids are 2, 3 and 4 and though there are stressful days there will be more happier joyful days. And trust me its all worth it! You got this MAMA :heart:

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At least your 2 children will be almost on the same mental age level and able to play with each other better. It could make them close to get other. I’m sure it will have challenges but your littles ones will get to grow and learn together

I know a lot of people who have told me it was way harder going from 0 to 1 than it was going from 1 to 2 kids! I wish I could have had another one already or that I was already pregnant again. My son is almost 2, I wanted them to be close so they could be friends and learn things together, but my boyfriend won’t be home until at least 2021 so we have to wait :disappointed:

Everything will work out exactly how it’s supposed to. Focus more on the positives!! Good luck to you!!

I became pregnant while on birth control as well. Totally unplanned. Not married. Had two kids already, one a toddler. I was a single full time working mom. The best part is it was my ex husband. Yep.

Fast forward, that little boy is now 2 and he is so amazing. He makes me laugh so hard every day. He has so much personality. I don’t know how I ever lived without him. Also, we reconciled and our family is whole. Our life is amazing and full of blessings. Don’t let a moment of uncertainty fill you with fear. Blessings are coming your way, momma! You can do it! It’s amazing the strength God gives mothers! Congratulations on your happy little accident!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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My boys are 22 mths apart. Its easy. They have a playmate for life. … Then i had a 3rd 3 years later

Congratulations you can do it sweetheart

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what is your heart telling if in dealt you have options.

Congratulations! :baby:t3: Girl, you can do it. I have 6 age 10 and under. My first two are 14 months apart. It’s busy but siblings are great. A routine helps but you’ll figure it out and love it.


Ask for help! Seriously if you get overwhelmed don’t be afraid to ask
For help! From your spouse, family, friends, etc.


I started having kids at age 15. I’m 22 now with 5 kids & just had twins in April. Let me tell you: the struggle is real…doesn’t mean it’s impossible. You decide what you want to make of it. You can do it though. Just take it one day at a time. Congratulations!

I have kiddos 10 mths apart! I love how close they are. It works itself out

Question! What birth control were you on?

Arm implant! No worries about forgetting to take your BC!

You get what you get :woman_shrugging:t2: Enjoy it since they are only lil for a moment.

I had my youngest 3 back to back like that. I will say it’s not always easy but they were very worth it.

My son n wife had 13 months apart n both girls it’s a blessing n days of tired worn out parenting ,take naps when ya can n don’t be afraid r ashamed to ask for help r break when ya get over stressed !! Congratulations

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mine are 3.5 1.5 and 2month, all boys! i found out I was pregnant with my third when my second was nine months.

in my experience watching your children bond so close in age like this in all the ways from getting along to a smack down is really a trip and it’s moments I’m really thankful I get rather than leaving huge gaps and waiting until (I thought) I’d be ready again :sparkles:

best advice my husband and I were ever given is “you’ll never be ready! just enjoy all of it! ”

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Lol Following I’m 8 months with a 1 year old, i just know have a support team ,save money ,and make sure you have 2 pack&plays cuz those save time and money. Prep that freezer and for postpartum as soon as posible and get that birthcontrol plan after pregnancy known early and sign your papers ASAP.

My girls are 2 years a part and best friends. My sister and I and 13 months apart and super close. It’s easier with 2 I think

I had my children in '96, '97 and '98. No it was not planned that way and I wouldn’t change a thing.

I have an almost 3 yr old, 15 month old, and I’m half way through pregnancy #3…I know exactly how you feel!! But you got this momma! You may think you aren’t ready but your momma instincts just kick in and it all works itself out. Plus my 2 girls now are like bffs already and act like twins most of the time :heartpulse: if you need anything just reach out

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It’s great having them that close. Then they always have a playmate. My two oldest are 17 months apart and were best friends until teen years… hopefully again one day soon…

I have 5 kids oldest 9
2nd is 4
3rd is 3
4th 2
5th 8months
I’m pregnant right now w my 6th baby 16 weeks an it has its challenges but I have a great husband they all have 1 dad so thats a plus Because I just deal w 1 man n I also take care of my niece lives w us she is 3 as well so total of 6 kids in my house it’s not as hard as it may seem has its ups n downs but i think it’s fun


Mine are 15 months apart on birth control . I was a mess when I found out and went to the doc in tears. The first 2 years were rough, but it got easier and I was glad I had them close. They are now 27 and 28. !!! I SURVIVED!


If you lived around me, I would help out everyday I was available!! My daughter is 12 now, so i have more free time, and love babies!! Lol

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I just had twins 5 months ago and it’s very hard. Have a great support system. Take help from wherever offers. With that being said, seeing their bond in priceless. They will grow up so close and have an unbreakable bond.


If it wasn’t meant to be you wouldn’t have that new baby on board. God is giving you another gift embrace it. You will feel mom guilt and shame and feel as if your are taking away from your 11m old but your not. They will grow up together and have a partner in crime. I say all this because I’m due in March if our baby makes it to my section date our will be 20m apart! Of course I’m 35 and the clock is ticking so we knew when I got pregnant and had our first at 33 that we would try when our son was one, we got pregnant right off the bat. I have cried and thought about how selfish we are but the reality is now that our 18m old pats my belly and says “mama baby” and kisses my belly I know he will be ok with this new challenge and we made the right decision. Keep your head up mama everything is going to be all right.


Honestly, its easier when they are close in age. All of mine are only 2 years apart (I have 4) and it just seemed easier. You have to go through the “starting over” phase. You’re already in the swing of sleepless nights and diaper changes. Then, growing up, they will be close. I love having mine close in age


I have all 3 of mine 18 months apart and now they are 7 almost 6 and 4 and it’s so much fun, all the sleepless night are so worth it. They are all into the same thing now and same stage its amazing good luck momma!


My situations different I have 2 that are roughly 3 years apart but 1 to 2 was nothing. We came home the first day and I remember worrying it would be so scary. My hubby had to run to the store to pick up some essentials and I remember thinking “okay, this isn’t that hard. I can do this.” And I had SPD which is a truly debilitating condition that doesn’t go away immediately after you go through delivery. I couldn’t walk properly for months but it really wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle, and I’m an anxious mess. You’ll be amazing​:heart::heart:

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Take it as it comes!

My daughter was 5 months old when I fell pregnant again. I was on the mini pill. Took it religiously. I legit set alarms so I wouldn’t forget lol

I was terrified at first. I had no idea how I was going to make it all work. I felt guilty that my daughter wasn’t going to get what she needed from me and I felt my newborn would get what they needed from me either.

But it works. Lol it was difficult juggling the 2 of them at first, and sometimes still is but you get into a routine pretty quickly.

Everything will be absolutely fine :blush:

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Girl, look my kids are 13 months apart I was on the pill and took it religiously and still got pregnant with my boy when my girl was 3 months! I literally cried I had it in my mind that I wasn’t having another and I was so scared that people would judge me for having kids so close but they are so great with each other my daughter is so attached to her little brother that she cries when people try to leave with him and my little boy is always following her around if he gets hurts she rushes to see what happened and she will kiss him on his head it’s so adorable they will grow up and be best friends! As for everyone else they can try to say what they want but they aren’t taking care of or providing for my kids so they can go f*** themselves
You’ll do great mama hang in there its definitely a game changer!

I have a boy and a girl and their 11 months apart…I honestly love it! Their inseparable! They have a special bond, of course they fight but what siblings don’t! It’ll be hard at first, but try to get bigger one involved…ask them to help and get a diaper or wipes, try to have them help as much as possible! And let them know how much you appreciate it And how much of a big help it is!! You got this momma! Congratulations!!

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I think the fact that you have sense enough to have these concerns makes me think that you’re going to do a great job. They will grow up together close in age which is a good thing. It may not have been the plan but good things Will come for you.


My twins were 5 months old when I found out I was pregnant again. I gave birth to my 4th (and last baby) weeks after my twins 1st birthday.
The best thing to do is get them all on the same schedule as soon as possible. My twins are 3.5 and the baby is now 2.5 and they are all so close (I also have one that will be 12 next month)


I don’t know how some of y’all be having 4+ kids! Must love tax season!


I’m 30 weeks pregnant and have a 13 month old and 4 older kids 11,9,8,6 it wasnt expected either but I know I’ll figure out us mommas always do :purple_heart:

We got pregnant with our third when our second was 11 months old. You will be surprised at how quickly you will adjust, and they are very close now!

My boys are 13 months apart and I loved it

Congratulations!!! Having a baby is a blessing, and having another is a double blessing! :upside_down_face: I have a daughter and she has a genetic condition that my family didn’t know we have :pensive: I wish I could get pregnant again and have a baby but I am afraid it will be a sick baby :sleepy::worried: no child should suffer from any sickness. I hope you talk to your husband about what you are feeling :slightly_smiling_face: having another baby is one of the greatest blessing a woman could ever have :heart:


I have a 15, 13 and 12 year old… then we got my tubes untied to have baby #4, we decided after number 3 that with all the medical issues with number 2, sever seizure disorder and on autism spectrum, then with the oldest being 4 and diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, it was never going to calm down… it did, we had baby number 4 who is 20 months and I had the implant, well guess what? Baby number 5 will be here in June. You got this!!

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Same had happened to me. IUD failed. I terminated at 6 weeks.
I know my limits and having another kid wasnt going to be a wise decision for anyone.


Take it One day at a time. You got this!

Having them that close is the best! They will be best friends, they will have more in common. It will be easier to do things with them when they are that close in age because their interests should be similar. If they are the same gender they can share clothes! My boys are 2 years apart and I love that I had them so close together now. They do everything together. They keep each other entertained so momma can get a little break! It may seem a little overwhelming right now. But it will be a blessing :heart:

You’re amazing and you will do great things even when it seems like it’s all diapers and throw up. You are a strong beautiful motivated winner! Ask for help when you need it. If you need a break express it. If you need anything talk to your husband about it, your mama about it, whoever is appropriate for the situation. It takes a village to raise even the queens children!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m here you ain’t alone girl

My babies are 2 weeks old and 11 months old (just turned 11 months the other day) so they are 10 months apart. Now, I was and still am terrified because i have 2 under 1 and neither walking of course. BUT, we have already found a rhythm on how our days and nights go, i can’t say its easy because when ones unhappy and the other gets that way it is a lot, but its much better than how i imagined it before the baby was actually here. You got this <3

Take a deep breath. I know several people this has happened to and it’s not impossible! The sibling pairs (Irish twins, as they are often referred to) are all really close even as young adults.

You must be feeling overwhelmed though . Remember, you don’t have to tell anybody anything right away and more importantly you owe nobody an explanation. Because, there are going to be some rude ass people out there.personally I’d come up with a few good comebacks because I’m obnoxious like that. However,
You have what you need for an infant already, so that’s handy.

You’ve got 30 weeks to figure something out and you will.

Deep breathes - it’s going to be alright. Congratulations.

Dont feel bad.

I have a six month old and im 3 months pregnant :sweat_smile:

None of there dam business. Blessings happen :heavy_heart_exclamation::innocent:

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You dont have to be perfect just be the best momma you can be. Take it step by step as long as you are moving forward instead of backwards.

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You got this! Having a schedule is the best for two kids. Prayers for you❤️

Mine are 15 months apart, it’s hard but, you will figure it out! As they get older they will get to do all kinds of stuff together being so close in age.

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No, zero advice. Just enjoy your babies and love yourself​:heart::heart::heart:

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Just focus on you and your babies and everything will work out :pray:

Everything happens for a reason. You can do this. My son is 9 and has been begging me for a baby brother or sister since he could talk and I havent been able to deliver.

Mine are only 16 months apart girl. I was 20! I did it! They’re 5 and 7. I now have my third. I made sure I got better birth control so I wouldn’t get pregnant !! But it can be done! It’s challenging but I’m sure you will be fine babe :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts: xo!!

I was so scared too and thought people would look down on me for getting pregnant so fast it wasn’t my intention but I realized I shouldn’t care what people think of me or my little family…things happens you will do amazing!!! My son is almost 7 months old and I’m 19 weeks and 4 days pregnant!

I had a 2 and a half year old and a 6 month old when I found out I was pregnant with my third while I was on birth control. I was terrified at first. But now I have 3 boys in 3.5 years who are healthy, happy and super close. Yes they fight and the little years were tough at times, but you get into a groove with it pretty fast and it’s awesome.

My sister and i are 14 months apart. Best friends. Its better to have them close together because theyll have more in common. And a bonus for you would be that they will eventually have their own entertainment and youll probably be able to have a breather now and then. Itll be hard at first but youll adapt! Bestfriends in the making

Mine are 11 months and 2 weeks apart . Stay organized it helps ! You got this :two_hearts: don’t stress over it

Take a breath and hit head on! One day at a time!

You get to be a mum again and smell kiss and cuddle your new baby watch it grow give your baby baths and dress it up put baby powder all the good things you get to re experience and your current child will have a brother or sister thats a beautiful thing to wake up to a beautiful family :family_man_woman_boy:

I have a 22 months, 10 months old. The beginning was the hardest but it gets easier. You have your good days, bad days. Meal prep, dont be afraid to ask for help or ask mommy time. It’s honestly so so important. You can’t pour from an empty cup. one of the most important things DONT BE SO HARD ON YOURSELF! :heart:

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Mom be where 13 months apart … All you have to do is your best. And since you are concerned about it already, you are going to be great!!! :purple_heart: Congratulations btw

It’s exhausting not gonna lie but at the end of the day I would not change a thing! My babies are so close and do everything together! Best decision ever

My daughter is 19m and I’m 5 months pregnant. Its scary but I got faith we can do it. It took me 10years to get preg naturally with my daughter so I thought I’d have trouble again or not be able to. I didn’t get on BC because it causes my seizures to come more but sure enough I got preg again soon after she turned 1. It was a shock an honestly I’m still in shock and scared. But being a momma comes naturally and I guarantee within a couple months of having the baby we will have routines down and it won’t be as hard as were thinking

Take any help you can get .

That’s a really good age gap. They will play together and be really close

I was scared and it was hard enough to have my second a month before my sons third birthday, I can’t imagine this. I have no advice I just want to wish you the best… you got this! Also, always remember… don’t be too hard on yourself, you’re doing great… and take as much help and sleep as offered because you also matter. Congratulations!!!

My boys are 11 months apart, and it was very hard for me to adjust into mommyhood of two boys in one year. All I can say is do what’s best for you and your kids, I was caught so overwhelmed and started getting anxiety bc I was trying to do everything the same way I had been doing. It really helped me when I had a chart to do things to keep me organized and on schedule but fitting everything else around my new life of being a mom & it’s okay to ask for help :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I have 13 month old triplets, a 3 year old, and a nine year old. I have survived and so have all of them. You just adapt to what your new norm is. Us mommas are amazing. You can do this.


There is 18 months between my girls. There are days I want to give up, but I would NEVER change it for the world. You will be fine! Put your big girl panties on and get ready!

Having kiddos close together can be challenging but they play together and that makes it better

I was already 3 months pregnant when my daughter was only 5 months old it’s the best thing in the world but it is so challenging so accept any help you can get

My two oldest boys are like a year and half apart. Honestly it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, was so easy and my older boy helped a lot with the baby. I had him help a lot so there wouldn’t be jealousy etc

It will be fine in 18 years​:rofl::rofl::rofl:

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My 1st two were 11 1/2 months apart. It gets easier as time goes on. Especially when you get a routine down for them. Take it one day at a time.

My son is 14 months old and I’m 21 weeks pregnant with his brother. It will be a challenge but I’m looking forward to reusing all of my baby stuff. :ok_hand:

In june I’ll have a 3 year old. A 2 year old. AND a newborn. We got this mama. The two that are already here are inseparable and adore each other. It’s a lot of work but they love each other and are best friends its beautiful

Ha I got pregnant on birth control two months after I gave birth and was fine it’s not that bad at least you have more time than I did

This is going g to sound harsh but it’s entirely true: you’ll live. But you will. And it won’t be that bad. Somedays you’ll hide in the bathroom with a reese’s cup and sometimes you’ll find poop in your hair… but you’ll live.

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Sometimes it’s better to have kids close together in age, I have 4 daughters aged 9,5,2 and 7 months… at first it’s hard but you find a routine and then it’s not so bad, you will be fine