I found out I am pregnant again and need advice and kind words

My boys are 11 months apart. It’s hard at first, but they’ll get on a schedule and it’s great. They’re 19 and 20 now, I wouldn’t change how things were because they’re such great friends now.

Its gonna be hard and scary but you got this!! In most states 10 weeks is too late for an abortion but if you genuinely dont think you can do it, maybe try finding a nice couple looking to adopt? Best of luck to you mama

My son jus turned a year and i just foubd out i was 6 months pregnant with a IUD in lol! Im due may 1…and terrofoed. But i also have an 10 yr okd daughter who helps! Youlll b okay

Routine is key :key: good luck. :heart: I had 2 under 2 and it just comes naturally

Give it time and they will entertain each other. You’re bringing best friend for your other child into the world. I just had my 3rd, and my other 2 are 7&5. They play together constantly. You got this

My boys are 13 months apart and I feel like it’s been super easy compared to a larger age gap… they keep each other occupied and their bond is unbreakable :heart: I’m 10 weeks pregnant with my 3rd that will be 19 months younger than my 1 year old :heart::heart: just go with the stride momma

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15 months apart. Best friends. It’s not easy but it sure is worth it when they love on each other.

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My kids are 11,9,7,4 and 1 month. It may seem tough but you got this. Kids are so much fun. Don’t let your mind over power you too think that you can’t handle it because you got this

Everything will be great!!! My kids are 13 months so i got prego again when my son was 4 months old… It’s super scary but once you have them both at home it all feels right!.. Def stock up on diapers tho! Once they get to 3 and 4 its so much easier from there on out

I got pregnant 4 weeks post partum unplanned and now have an 11 month old and 5 week old. Life is hectic, but its completely doable with lots of Red Bull :joy:

My girls are 18 months to the day apart! And some days it’s hard :disappointed: but the moment my now 3yr old looks at me and says " I love you mommy" is sooo worth it and now my almost 2 year old tries to say I love you momma :heart:. Don’t worry momma you’ve got this

Sucks at first but when they are older u have it out if the way all at once. I had mine 5 years apart and it was like starting all over.

It happened to me. My girls are 16m apart. You will be ok, everything will be ok. It is tough with children so close all hitting different milestones and needing so much attention to do so, but it is doable. Accept help when it is offered, and ask when it isn’t. I sent my oldest to daycare a few hours each day so I could get the 1:1 time with my baby.

You are not the only one

Mine were15 months apart

Mine are 14 months apart. Not gonna lie, it’s hard but doable. You got this, get on a schedule as much as possible now to get the older one used to it.

My boys are 13 months apart… best friends, …you got this!

I got pregnant with my daughter 9 months after giving birth to my 2nd son. Now I have a 7 year old, a 2 year old, and a 1 year old. I love how close my littles are. They love eachother so much! You’ve got his momma! :heart:

I have a 15 year old, a 14 year old and a 1 year old. Honestly, the hardest part was having one that can walk and one that can’t. Getting into the car was the most difficult part. The oldest would always try and run off! I always felt like I should invest in a leash!

My two are 2.5yr gap, I thought it would be so hard but honestly it’s not that bad as my older son just does his norm running around. I can’t wait to watch them grow together, you’ll be absolutely fine x

I wish I would’ve had another baby when my daughter was that age. She’s now 8 and an only child because I couldn’t imagine starting over again. My mom had my brother and I closer together and we were each other’s best friend growing up! (Mainly kept each other entertained so my mom didn’t lose her sh*t lol) we also didn’t have money growing up but my mom always made it work and we had a wonderful childhood❤️ Congrats on your new little blessing!!

17 months apart and she LOVES her sissy!! It’s not as challenging as I thought it would be. Just include your oldest and make him or her feel like they are needed helping with the baby

2 days before my son turned 1 I found out I was pregnant. Give it a week or so and you’ll be ok. I freaked out, and after the 1st appointment I was fine. It took us 2.5 years to get pregnant with maverick (bc of fertility issues) so it blew us out of the water when I got pregnant with the 2nd one. The thought took some getting use to because I feel like we haven’t had much one on one time with maverick, but now we are super excited and thankful.

I found out I was pregnant when my first born was 9months. And now I have two boys who love each other and life is amazing with them. I wouldn’t have it any other way :blue_heart::blue_heart:

Think of this …everyone’s in diapers at the same time. Once you’re done that’s a plus! Close in age gives a built in play mate and friend for life. Plus you are a whiz at this…you just haven’t realized in yet! You got this!

This is the best thing to do! Having to start all over is just crazy! The schedule is much easier and the cooking too! Have you ever had to cook for your husband then toddler and take care of a newborn feeding!

I got pregnant when my son was 3 months old. I have a one year old on the 14th and a one week old In two days. Its rough balancing the attention because of a newborn but my son is so fascinated with his sister.

Mine are 18 months apart and honestly, everyone and their mother told me it was going to be Miserable and i was Dumb, jokes on them, i Love it, yes it can be wild, yes there is a lack of sleep, but they are already buddies, and little bit is not even 1. You got this mama!!

My kids are 17 months apart, I had brain surgery when my baby was 6 months. Hard as hell but I’d never do it different. Has it’s challenges but all worth it, even when they are beating the hell out each other :heart::heart::heart:

Mine are 10months apart. And I love it. Very challenging but when they get older they’ll have a playmate lol.

Best advise I can give is take any help offered to you.
My daughter had twins and felt guilty letting family help.
She finally let us help and her only request was for us to let her sleep for a couple hours.

I had three children all 5 years apart, terrible ideal. If I had it to do over with they would have been very close in age, so they could have played with each other and enjoy more things together. Learning as you go is what works for most moms. Remember if anyone you truly trust offers to help, even if it’s just to watch the kids so you can enjoy a nap or go grocery shopping by your self, take them up on it once in awhile. Enjoy them babies. Debbie

My neighbor had a 6 year old and got pregnant with identical triplets. They were not even out of the NICU and she was pregnant again.5 kids, 4 kids under the age of 1. You got this momma. I had three in three years. My eldest twins were best friends.

Honey I got pregnant with my second not even six weeks after giving birth :joy: they are exactly ten months apart and it was fine! I had my daughter in oct 2011 my son in aug 2012 and my twin sons in sep 2013. They all grew up together and continue growing up together. It’s wonderful because they all play with each other and do around the same things and interests. There’s not that huge gap between ages where they aren’t interested in playing together. It has been hard sometimes and has had its challenges but I wouldn’t change it for the world!

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I had 3 babies in 3 years I was 20 years old I did get to stay at home with them it all come natural to me, I had three more by the time I was 37 I loved raising my kids cooking and keeping house caring for the kids I’m 80 years old now and a widow when I look back on my life I thank God for my 6 kids and they are my life now and the bonus of 12 grandkids and 17 great grandkids !! Hope this makes you feel better you got this!


You will do great! My daughter was 6 months old when I found out I was pregnant again and I couldn’t be more happy. Now I have an 18 month old and a 4 month old. You will do great! As long as you surround yourself with lots of people who support you and who will help when needed.

Honestly I was the same way I found out on my sons 1st birthday that I pregnant again and my 1st is a wild child to the extreme never slept so many food issues tantrums 24/7 so I lost it completely when the test was positive. I cried and panicked and broke down, I started freaking out because how could I love another kid as much as my first and then what if my second was just as bad as my first and how was I going to handle it and then my second son was born and everything just worked itself out, I still have days where it’s hard to juggle everything when both kids are crying and need something at the same time but it wasn’t as hard as I imagined in my head

I have a set of twins so I cnat relate to them being born separately, but I will say as a mom who knows how it is when you have 2 close together/together. It is hard and it is tiring. You will be overwhelmed. But when you see them playing together or even fighting, you know they’re each other’s best friends and they’ll always have each other’s back. My brother and I are like 17 months apart and we fight like cats and dogs but at the end of the day, we had each other’s back if anyone messes with the other. Even our own parents haha

I have two under two. 20 months apart.
The second is easier in my opinion, you’re familiar with everything…
Try not to stress. The love will wash away all your fears :gift_heart:


My two oldest are 14 months apart and i wont lie it was tough at the beginning but now that they’re 4 and 3 its the best

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My older two kids are 14months apart. And while still pregnant with the second I became a single mom.
You can do this. And you are capable. I believe in you

My boys are 19months apart due to having my son 3 months early and while it is hard, if you get organized before hand it is wonderful! I made sure to have a system in place at all times of how i was going to get the kids in and out of the car and into the stroller and i was complemented on my kids behavior constantly because they would play together

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My 1st was 6 and a half years older than older than my 2nd. That wasnt a gokd age gap because they had nothing in common. My 2nd was 1 when I got pregnant with my 3rd and it was so much easier because they could play together. Now my 3rd was 10 when I got pregnant with my 4th and it’s been AWFUL. My 4th has no one to play with at home that’s on his level. In fact right now he’s running around screaming throwing a fit because hes bored and getting into trouble. Hes 2 and I recently found out I’m pregnant with #5 and thats the ONLY thing that keeps me from freaking out… that maybe he will calm the eff down when hes got a playmate in a few years… at least I hope so anyways :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

I have a 14th month old and im currently 26 weeks along- its gonna be hard BUT you got this. Have that support system surround you when you need it the most :blush::blush:

5,3,2,10 months. Your in for a ride my hardest adjustment was one to two after that adding more wasnt as stressful. But they are every close. The key I found is dont expect it go a certain way and take it day by day.

One day at a time is the best advice you got this

You will be fine. They will be buddies. Mine are going to be almost 7 years apart so that’s a big age gap. I guess in my defense I will have another little mama and baby sitter. My daughter is older.

I got pregnant unexpectedly when my first was 14 months. They are now exactly 2 yr apart and love each other so much. They play all day every day and their bond is unwavering. It’s for sure hard in the beginning but so amazing.

Been there…I have 3 kids that I got pregnant with on BC. I was pregnant 6 times in 7 years. My first was born on April 21, my daughter was born the following year June 9th, my next daughter the following year July 1st. Then a year later a miscarriage. Following year a daughter born June 14th, the year after a son on June 7th…last 2 aren’t even a year apart. I have no family to help and my husband is a tugboat captain. He is gone for weeks at a time. Was it easy? Not at all . I loved it. My lids are all so close and get along very well. Keeping a schedule will help. My kids are now 19, 18, 17, 14 &13. You got this!

You’ll do great. If anyone has anything negative to say just simply give them a smile and the fu finger.

Our 1st was 3.5 months when we found out I was pregnant again and she was 17 months when our 2nd was born and all I can say is to try and take it 1 day at a time. Include your current lo in activities so for example : handing you nappy or wipes for changes; maybe helping give bottle and cuddles too- it helps prevent any jealousy from your first born because they know they won’t be getting all of the attention and have to share :sweat_smile:.

I used to include our 1st in the pregnancy by letting her feel baby kick and reminding her that she is going to have a new baby sibling.
Goodluck to you :blush:.

I had my daughter when I was 21 (unplanned) and am currently pregnant with my second child at 22 (unplanned, again :sweat_smile:). They will be around 19 months apart, so I will soon have 2 under 2. Not to mention I am still working at my undergraduate degree in university. Whenever I get stressed or overwhelmed (which happens often), I try to think of the positives like my kids will be close in age and my partner and I will still be young when we become empty nesters. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, as hard as it is to do, and seek out all the resources available to mother’s (there are more than you may realize)!

I found out I was pregnant with my second when my first was 8 weeks old. I was so afraid. My second son was born a few weeks before my firsts sons first birthday and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. This year they are even in the same class (second time). We moved in October and was worried because they were in grade 5&4. But because they had each other they were okay. You can do it!

My kids were born 15 months apart. I was terrified when I found out I was pregnant with my second child so soon. It’s been a huge blessing though! They are best friends & so close. They’re 6 (boy) & 7 (girl) years old now. They still do everything together.

Make a routine try to stick to it .laundry every night after bedtime while u watch t v,better than laundry avalanche.

You can do it. Had 4 of my own, in short had 4 babies under 5yrs at one stage. It is easy, do not - be encouraged, best of friends coming up.

I have two babies under the age of two my oldest is 18 months and my youngest is 6 months and while it was difficult and terrifying throughout the pregnancy and for the first few months it’s been the most amazing experience watching my oldest become the protective big brother and the face my youngest has looking at his big brother in pure joy. It’s difficult but rewarding and looking back on everything I wouldn’t change anything.

I just had twin boys and got pregnant two months after having them. I was almost six months pregnant with my daughter when I found out … and I’ve raised them all on my own! They are now 2 and 1 years :slight_smile: As well as an eight year old boy all on my own! If I can do that girl then You can do this!

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My babies are 11 months apart. Born in the same year. A boy and a girl … So you can imagine!! Honestly, I am blessed to have a full time nanny as I am quite career driven. Yes, they are very busy but the most adorable and best of friends. One and two years of age. But ALL of us, my hubby, the nanny and myself make it work!

In the same boat! I’m terrified! I hope it’s a girl bc I have a son, but Ik if it’s a boy my son’s clothes are still in his room. A boy would be cheaper, but I want my girl. Idk how far I am yet, but my baby is 9.5 months old. I hope we can find comfort along this journey and I mean, hey, shoot me a message!

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2 daughters 13 months apart…not as bad as you think. Im a single mom too now & i only desperately needed help when we were all sick honestly

My nieces are a year apart and are so close to each other. You will be fine.

My sons are believe It or not 10 and 11 years old! my little one who was born in December 2009 and his brother July 2008. So, I do know that going from one to two like that is a jump, but they will help each other out eventually. My older one takes a lot of Care of his little brother because when he was little I used to tell him go get me a pamper for you and one for your brother because you are the only one and I need help just took hyena. Take away the jealousy even though he was never jealous and to also show them that they have to be there for each other. I also tried to do Mom and me times with each separately when I get a chance. Because I am a single mother of two kids it is kind of hard.

Its better you have close gap children according to others, its because your struggles and efforts will be like hiiting two birds with one stone at a time.

My two are 15 months apart my son was a bit of a surprise, they are 3.5 & 2 and the bond they have is amazing I found everything worked of u stuck to a routine, and since I had one in place for my miss it wasn’t hard to adjust slightly for my son.

U can do it. When my first was 16weeks old I found out I was 4weeks pregnant with my 2nd x

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Hang in there you can do it. God never gives us more than we can handle.:heart: i had my 2 18 months apart.give or take a couple days. The hardest part is having 2 kids in diapers. Ugh… But it’s awesome to have them close enough to play together well. No worries your gonna handle it like a pro.

There’s 3 years between my 2 so I might be but help. But going from 1 to 2 is hard work and challenging but it’s so rewarding the pest time they met she pushed her away now they are so close it’s unreal. If I’m making a bottle and she’s unhappy my eldest will go comfort her til her bottle has cooled down and always tries to male her laugh. Will be hard having them that close but it’s amazing to see them having an amazing bond as they grow up together xx

Mine are 19 months apart and I love it. You can do it!

2 is easier than one. They entertain each other x



Just under 2 years apart. So many people kept saying how nuts I was and how stressful it was and how if my first kid was a good baby my second would be a demon spawn… 2nd is now nearly 5 months, slept from 6 weeks old through the night and my 1st has taken to being a big sister so well. Routine is key but don’t freak out from what others say cos you never no :heart:

My daughter’s babies are 10 1/2 mths apart . it’s been hard but as long as u have a great support team u can do it


17 months apart. It’s easier going from 1 to 2 than 0 to 1

We had two under one… 10 months age gap…
you can defo do it, automate anything in your life that you can - practical stuff like getting shopping delivered etc…
plan and feel prepared day to day as much as possible… take some time now to figure out what needs organising and planning and get systems going, write them down and then anyone who’s comes to visit/help can help out without having to ask you all the time…
label everything for that reason too!
First year ish was a totally blur but just go with it, make your home work for you, child proof and with an area of any size that you can corral them in so you can go for a wee!
We keep all kids clothes downstairs to save going up and down all day for changes
I would recommend something in the bathroom for newborn to lie on when you are using the facilities…
let people help with practical things if they offer…
you will work out what works for you, just accept that you are unlikely to do much other than be a parent and you are unlikely to have much life outside the home
IT WILL PASS… you will get your life back and you will be very happy! Xxx

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I didn’t have them right away but I went from a 2yr to unexpected pregnancy with two and having sever ppd after. then from twins being 1 1/2 years and my first being 4 years to finding out I was pregnant again. There’s gonna be times you wanna give up (it’s stressful no lie at having any close together under 10 I feel) and pull your hair out but it’s worth every second of everyday. You’ll do wonderful. Never doubt yourself as a parent! :heart:

i am here to give testimony on how this powerful spell caster called Dr Sebi helped me to fix my relationship. i was heartbroken when my fiancee told me he is no longer interested in marrying me because another lady has used a black magic on him. I cried and sobbed every day, until it got so bad that I reached out to the Internet for help, that was when i read a review about the great work of Dr Sebi then contacted him for help to get my love and my life back, he helped me cast a powerful love spell and to my greatest surprise after 24 hours of doing the love spell my Fiancee came back on his knees begging me to forgive him We are now happily married and all thanks goes to Dr Sebi Wonders for helping me save my relationship you can contact Dr. Sebi through h or call his direct mobile number on whatasapp him +2349055567018 or email him (drebispellcas@gmail. com)

Your house won’t be perfectly clean. You may not manage to be on time for anything for awhile. But you will have such joy seeing your kiddos shriek with their own joy while playing together. Or comforting each other. Less joyful will be watching them chase each other around there house with a sharp object (hey, it happens). You can do hard things. Congratulations, mama!


You will be fine :relaxed: same happened to me 2 lovely boys, now they are 6 and 5 , and I won’t imagine my life without them . You will be blessed my dear . Just keep looking forward and what ever you do , do it for your kids :blush: much love

I had all 4 of my kid close together and it’s hard at first but it gets better it is hard going from 1 to 2 and so on but it is a blessing and they all love each other and my boys were first they are over protective of there sister’s and take care of each other in school help around the house they are 14 13 11 and 9

I got pregnant by choice when when our first was 3 month old. It hard at first when the first baby doesn’t really understand things like be gentle and such, but after that it gets so much easier!! They are best friends and built in playmates. You are stronger than you realize momma and much like with baby number one, you just figure it you! Good luck!!

My sister was pregnant 4 years in a row. The two middle kids are the same age for 1 month. The hardest part for her was having 3 babies in diapers at the same time. You can do it. Just remember they are both babies. My mom basically forgot my sister was a baby when my brother was born. She was 18 months old and was treated as though she was as old as me a wapping 3 and a half. Just love your babies. You can do this.

The worst and only issue IV found from going from 1-2 and then 2-3 is the pushchair… There’s none I love… :joy::joy:
It’s easier going from 1 to 2 than it is 2 to 3 though I’m sure you’ll ace it xxxx

I got pregnant UNEXPECTEDLY at six months postpartum. I was seriously in disbelief + part of me really wondered if I could do it. I now have a six month old daughter & an almost 2 year old son (and although some days are hard, as ANYTHING in life is) it truly is the most beautiful relationship to watch grow. He loves to kiss her head and hug her. She laughs like crazy at all his little things he does to entertain her. They both light UP :bulb: the minute they see one another in the mornings! It’s tough I’m not going to lie to you, you have two small babes who need you, but it is sooo worth it. You find your balance. Your find how to evenly divide attention & time and the love I feel is massive. I didn’t know I could love two people so much at once. You got this, believe in yourself! I told myself God would not give me more than I could handle + I still believe in that! xo.

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19 months between my now 3&4 year old. Found the baby stage the easiest part once my 2nd finally came out of hospital at 6wks old. Its now I struggle with their constant arguing but time flies so before you know it they will be both at school.
Routine is the main key to managing. You got this :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s a hard transition from one to two kids but you got this! We are mothers. The baddest bit*hes on the planet.

Mine were 14 months apart. You can do it.

I got pregnant with my 2nd child when my first was 8 months old. Everyone always stressed me out by saying how hard I’m going to have it and how stressed I’ll be. Honestly, its not much harder then having one. My oldest is now two and my baby is one. They play all the time together and have a special bond being so close in age. I love it! We’re now expecting baby #3! Don’t let others stress you out and scare you. You got this!

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My boys are 18 months apart. We weren’t trying for another baby, we didn’t even know if we wanted another one. It was hard in the beginning but also beautiful! You just have to get yourself into a routine! Everything will be alright!! Good luck momma! You got this!

I got pregnant again right around the time my newborn turned 4months old! They will be a year and 1 month apart in age! Not going to sugar coat it being pregnant again and caring for a baby… its challenging at times especially when your fighting fatigue, nausea, and constant mood swings… and I know as soon as this next baby comes it’s not going to get any easier! BUT these two girls are going to grow up so close and hopefully best friends :two_hearts:… it really is a blessing! Hold onto all the positives, it’s all beautiful and worth it in the end

My daughter had a little girl and 17 month later she had a set of boy twins.she says she doesn’t remember the first year, however she survived.The girl is now 24 years and the twins are 22years. Emma is a RN . Max is a police officer, and Zac is finishing his accounting degree at university this year. I can’t say it was easy but we survive what we must.

I have a 2 year old and 3 year old exactly 12months apart from each other. It’s challenging first few months adjusting to the two and because they both demand attention and are still small so you do feel guilty but trust me it’s the best they grow up so close, it gets easier as the months pass, it’s like having twins you just treat them the same. They end up becoming best friends fighting and playing with each other. My advice would be just get the older use to laying and sleeping on their own next to you or if you have a partner for them to lay with that one from now when it comes to sleep time as when baby comes baby will be more dependent on you especially if you breast feeding. And as they grow get them into the same routine so they start sleeping at the same time giving you a break in between. Bath times the same and play time the same. Also teach them things together.my younger one is very advanced for her age because I teach her the things I do with her brother and she also learns a lot from him. It’s actually better having them close I wouldn’t change it if I had the choice

I was 11 mo. Younger than my brother. I was the youngest of five. Three boys,2 girls. Mom had 5 of us in 6 1\2 years. We were all very close.

Take each day one day at a time. Literally! Don’t stress yourself about tomorrow, focus on today! My kids are 15,13,12,12,10,&7(and I’m in process of adopting an 18 yr old)… Being a Mom isn’t easy, but boy oh boy is it rewarding!

Just breathe I have faith you will rock this

My girls are 11 months apart. Just hang in there.

My kids are 12 months apart… they are best friends.
Your kids will be each other’s best friends, too.

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I had a 3 month old when I found out I was 2 months pregnant… yes I know :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: it was hard at first not gonna lie. But as she’s getting older my oldest LOVES her and tries to play with her. The hardest part is bed time when they both want to be rocked. But it does get better, honestly. The routine becomes second nature, and truly gets easier. I never thought it would, but it does! :blush: they’re 18 month and 8 months, and it’s still rough sometimes but easier than before

Youll be just fine :heart::heart:laugh and have fun

My daughter was 5 months old when I found out I was pregnant with my son. Hard to start, but just find a rhythm and schedule that works and you will do great! You’ve got this!!

I have a 10 month old and I’m pregnant with twins .im scared too :joy::woman_facepalming:t2: