Tell him if it’s not him he will go get tested and see what he says then
It can lay dormat for years, both get tested to be sure before making any big decisions.
Of you’ve already had kids you’d know if it was dormant! They’d have previously tested! Get checked again Incase false positive, and get him to get checked. Then you know where you got it if you haven’t cheated
Get him tested first.
Get both of you tested asap. Then if you both are positive.
Call a family member/friend that can come help you and
Then work out what you want to do from there.
When it comes to STI’s it’s always a blame game, just as much as you say it’s him, he says it’s you!
Best thing to acknowledge is that both of you need to take good care of yourselves and condomise, I see no reason to break up, it takes a wise woman to realize that a marriage comes in very rough terrain it’s never easy
Sit down as adults, discuss the issue at hand, avoid the blame game, get retested and seek a cure to this. Promote transparency and honesty in your marriage, find it peaceful to forgive one another and together build the family you both have wanted. It’s always easy for people to advice you to leave your husband but you’re the one who’s walked the journey none of these so-called advisors has walked. Take into account the future of your beloved kids and make that decision with patience
Stop telling her it can be dormant for years, she has three kids, they test for Chlamydia with every pregnancy, if she tested negative with her second child, and she’s testing positive now, that’s means she contracted it sometime between her second and third pregnancy. So it sounds like her husband has been messing around if she hadn’t been with anyone else, that’s the only possibility, and no, you cannot get it from a toilet seat.
Among the other comments I want to add one thing… If your husband is saying he didn’t give it to you… There is one way to be sure… Have him tested too, if he’s innocent he will be willing, at which point they can test each strain and see where it originated ~ as in send it to the CDC lab locally for your county/state then co late the records and track it down to the last patient who tested positive with THAT mutation ~ even if mutations occurred in your system. They can LITERALLY follow its life cycle and other test results… it’s how people who are prosecuted for sharing and STD when they knew they had one but didn’t use a condom can be charged or in part… so yea… make some calls NOW.
Make him get tested and u get retested. Test can be wrong
Make him get tested. Kick him to the curb…once a cheater always a cheater…
Chlamydia can lay dormant in the body for years. Before you accused him you should have both been tested.
sometimes it’s caused by hygeen problems too. like wearing clean undies. or cotton ones too.
when I was pregnant with my younger daughter, I somehow got it too. and neither of us cheated on each other.
My doc gave us both pills to treat it and instrutions to avoid it.
just don’t assume anything until you have facts. accusing your partner of cheating without any proof makes you an ass. talk it out and get treated. it’ll work out of you try
That’s a pretty big leap to think your husband is cheating if you’ve never suspected before. As others have mentioned it could be a false positive amd most certainly could have been laying dormant. You may be owing your husband a huge apology
I think I would only respond to him by clapping until he at least fessed up
So sad how many here keep telling her she could have had it for years…she found out from the tests they did with her pregnancy. You know, like they would have done with the other pregnancies fb is so mot the place to come for advice.
I was not sexually active for 2 years and got this. Not sure how but sometimes it does happen.
This happened to my husband with his ex wife when she was pregnant with their daughter. He said there was absolutely no way and said we are going now to get tested together. He went with her and they both got tested and both came back clean. Doctor said it was a false positive. Get re tested and have him tested. If comes back positive after that, then that is a different story, but don’t jump to conclusions until your 100% sure, because it can happen!
While chlamydia CAN be dormant for years it WILL still show up when the person is tested
So there are only 3 possible scenarios here:
- the test was a false positive
- your husband is lying
- you’re lying
I tested negative for a year and just tested positive in October. I had been only with my spouse during that time. Neither of ua cheated
he could be telling the truth. could be a false positive. I tested positive for herpes while pregnant. guess what. I have NEVER had herpes. he did a blood test and all came back negative.
get a blood test.
Damn, that is so terrible! Wow, so not only did he cheat, but doesn’t even use protection!! What a piece of crap! Obviously husband has to be tested too. Honestly though, its about what u want to do. We can all say, leave him, or take the kids and run…but that’s not realistic. He needs to be tested 1st thing, 2nd thing, find out if the woman is just a fling, or what, then, get counseling and try to figure it out …if you want to. You’re pregnant and far away from family. Why should you leave everything you’ve been working for anyways. If hes a total douche, then this is the exact excuse you need to divorce his ass. Good luck
Have him get himself tested and tell him if he can’t be honest there’s no hope of a future because you guys can’t trust each other anymore… Leave either way. Get a job your own place near family and move and file divorce. Or get help from your family to move in with them
He didn’t only cheat & give you a STD. He lied. Dump him! File for divorce. Stay in your home & make him leave. Clearly he has a place to go.
Sorry this has happened to you! Hope u are doing okay, and do what u think is best! If been closed to family will help u then do it, u would need that extra support but wish u all the best not best way to start ur year
I’d get everyone involved tested again, i don’t want to jump to conclusions because you guys do have quite a life together so first thing is first. Both of you get tested again. Than go from there because doctors make mistakes, they hit the wrong buttons, they have faulty tests, there’s 100 things it could be so before you go uprooting you and your children’s lives just make sure. Than I’d sit down and really weigh your options and have a long conversation with yourself about whether or not it could ever be the same again and if you’re willing to live like that forever. Marriage counseling couldn’t hurt either
Ok so if she is a carrier like some are saying, why didn’t it show up in the tests with previous pregnancies. Hun get him tested. If it comes up positive trust your gut it is from him, once a cheater always a cheater
Best get checked for aids also to be safe.
Get retested in case it’s a false positive. Then get him tested. If he cheated and gave it to you then he has to have it.
I just want to say remember you are stronger than you know. You can do this and What ever you decide you will be okay. Remember your pregnant and need to reduce stress so do what you need to do at this point, whether that a stay or go, yell or cry just do it girl. You have been faced with a really sad situation that would be so very hard to endure. So my hat goes off to you for even getting up this morning. Remember your worth gorgeous don’t let any one even him forget that not even for a second! You are worth so much more than you may realize. Good luck either way lovely I’m sorry this is how your starting your year
Make him go get tested and go with him. If its positive then leave him. There are false positives.
My thoughts? Mainly murder plots
My son got that once, sleeping around then. It was cured but possibly could be sterile after. His wife got pregnant though. But just in case get tested again and hubby too. Someone suggested a blood test. Never had it . But if I did I would have myself checked for anything else. Be safe in knowing for sure. Why would your doctor even check for this doing an ultrasound?
My best friend endedup getting an STD from a toilet seat. (We believe) her husband told her he didn’t cheat but she didn’t believe him so he did a lie director test and it came back negative. So they looked into it. And the only logical answer is a toilet seat. They talked to specialists, and sure enough, you can.
I know this because I went with her. But it is indeed true. You can get it from the toilet seat.
Leave and move closer to your family and friends.
Here is says it can stay dormant for up to 20 years… I really hope that’s the case.
Don’t you think if he hadn’t cheated he would have been pissed and accused her.
Maybe before he met you but get it re checked
I would get re tested as seriously mistakes happen. Also l would be asking the doctor how long a man can have it for and not pass it on? Some Stds can be long lasting and not necessarily affect others straight away.
Yes it can be DORMANT for up to 20 years BUT it will still test POSITIVE when tested!!! She has two kids already and she didn’t have it then…
Just an FYI chlamydia in women can sit dormant for years upon years
When your pregnant your blood gets tested for std infections. In earlier pregnancys it will have shown. I think you know truth in yourself.
Me personally would be getting van, packing it up and going 70 miles bk to family and start again with family suport.
Stds can lie dormant for years. Until they are able to test positive.
Why is everyone making excuses for this cheating scum bag? If it were flipped, you all would be telling him to pack his shit, and that shes a nasty hoe!! Wtf!
Have him tested ! And honestly he could be confronting you ! But he didnt . have him tested
Get him tested as he could have it n passing it on to you obviously.if he refuses then hes probly cheating
I’d definitely have him tested! If he really didnt cheat then he should have no problem doing it!
This same thing happened to me ( but he was cheating) ( I bled for three weeks straight and o thought I was going to miscarry) my Dr did tell me it doesn’t necessarily mean it came from my partner at the time. I could have gotten it yesterday earlier and it’s just now showing up or he could of had it.
Answer is easy, get him tested
She wrote," my chlamydia came back".
There was this women who had chlamydia while she was pregnant and kept taking the antibiotics and every time she would test again it came back positive. Her husband kept going back with whoever gave them chlamydia. She tested positive four times. That is a health threat to their baby. Let him get tested and if he gets defensive then he most likely is cheating. I’m sorry you’re going through this
He is such a loser smh
I agree, get him tested. I tested positive for it when I was pregnant with my first child. So, with that being said. If you had chlamydia with your other two you would’ve tested positive for it as well. I’d ask him some questions.
This happened has happened to a couple of people I know and it was a false positive. Have him get tested and have them test you again just in case.
Trust is #1 with true love and if you don’t have it you may as well be sleeping with a stranger… this world is so hurtful but you have someone out there who will and can be honest. Have faith and jump.
I like what Rachel Angeline Hendrick said as well
Move back home and get family support! Don’t stay in an unfaithful marriage because of yours kids…I should know I was one of those kids, it ends badly for everyone.
How did he act when you told him? Was he defensive? Did he try to blame you? If you stay with him, go get counseling… once their is doubt it ruins a relationship. You will drive yourself crazy constantly questioning where he is or what he is doing. That’s not healthy either.
I was stupid. I got Chylmadia 3x from the same person. Once while pregnant & twice after we had baby. The paranoia of where he was or what he was doing drove me crazy & he never quit cheating… that’s my experience, not saying it is yours. If I had to choose again. I would of left him the first time. Not all relationships are the same You know him best, do what’s right for you. Biggest hugs
Everyone saying have him tested well hello he would have it too since they have sex. Can’t verify he had it first.
Hell no, leave, if he’s willing to endanger you and your baby, he’s doesn’t love you or your baby. He has serious problems and the longer you stay with him, SO WILL YOU AND SO WILL YOUR KIDS. It’s 2020, not 1920 or 1990, you can be a single mom and THRIVE! Go back to your family or wherever you feel safe for you and your kids and START OVER girl, you can do it, thousands of women are doing it every day! It has nothing to do with you, he has a problem, RUN!
Have him tested and you retested! However Chylmidia and gohnaria are transferable through surfaces such as a toilet in a public restroom. In our local high school there was a “outbreak” of chylamidia and about 60 girls all got it from the girls bathroom!
Don’t do anything rash as of now.
If hes innocent then he shouldn’t have any problem with taking a test !
Good lord. Leave and go live with your family.
Honestly have them test again and have him get tested. I know people who have been told they have that and it’s just a bladder infection.
Call your family and friends to see if they will take you
I’d ask for a retest. False positives are common
Have him tested. If he refuses, you know why.
I tested positive for it and my husband was definitely not with anyone else you can have it and not know you do he could have had it way before you all got together and he just honestly didn’t know it can be cured it’s common in most people but he does need to be treated when you are or you will just pass it back and forth.
My heart truly goes out to you I cannot imagine the pain you are going through but if you really love your children really love them get out of that situation don’t use the children as an excuse to build a bridge to your husband lying and cheating they will suffer the most and you will have multiple devastations if you stay I always believe there’s a will there’s a way get away from that man he is not your friend he is your enemy
You could actually be the one who contracted it first and spread it to him. You could have gotten it years ago and it’s just now showing up positive.
Just because u have it dont mean he gave it to u. I tested positive when i was prego with my daughter. Me and my bf went threw the same shit at the time and I thought he was cheating but he tested negative even tho we was sleeping together. They didnt know how I got it. Some things can lay dormant for a while before they show on test. But we both got treated. So he needs to be tested before u break it off.
Tested each pregnancy. That’s the protocol. It’s not false due to pregnancy. So he cheated if she didn’t. Either leave or work it out. Counseling and so forth
Contact your family and go, trust and believe family will always be family you need them, but I would not stay especially if you know you didn’t stray.
All of you saying that he could’ve had it before they got together, erm they have 2 other kids which means she’s been previously tested. If he hasn’t taken the meds have him tested to for sure know you got it from him and then make your decision. And also give him the chance to talk… People make mistakes I’m not telling you what to do but do think of how much your family unit is worth and make sure you make that clear to him as well
I understand completely, me and my son had moved from Florida to North Carolina, my husband came up 2 months later. I had been donating plasma before he came up there and everything was great. He shows up and a couple months latet, I get told by the plasma center that I tested positive for an STD. Only person I could of gotten it from was the same person denying it, even told other people I have it to him.
Have you been tested before during the relationship? Only way to know it’s not you is if you got tested before and came back negative while only being with him. And if you’re getting tested again and that’s changed… Leave his ass
As far as I know it’s something that can be in you years before it flares up…the latest pregnancy could have triggered it. If nothing else as caused you to suspect your other half dont throw it all away …
It can lay dormat for years. And the only way it can be transmitted is if it’s active…
When you are pregnant the test can come back positive during and right after you give birth. He could be telling the truth. I know someone who’s test came back positive and accused her boyfriend at the time of cheating come to find out the test was a false positive
Can be dormant for years. Have your husband tested and it he’s negative…you maybe the culprit
Throw the whole man out. Call your family and leave. Also when was your last pap before you found out? Think about that and where you are now. That’ll give you a timeline.
Are you sure you never shared drinks with anyone or taken a bite out of sometimes food after them? Even touching someone who cut their hand or anything.
You can also ask to retake the blood work maybe there was a mix up at the lab. But as stated above it can be in you a while to and something could of triggered it to start up
Or did anyone get any new peircings or tattoos?
It’s not that is lays dormant. Unless you are tested you will never know you have it.
Yes your husband needs tested. Both parties if positive need tested to get proper treatment.
I thought it can be carried for years and be asymptomatic?
Don’t always believe those test do it again I was told I had HPV and Clamidia and I made them do it again it the test came back negative
i was tested positive for HPV when i was 20 weeks pregnant with my last baby and my boyfriend tested negative it may just have been inside you but, not active until now
Chlamydia isnt always symptomatic. You could have had it for years calm down
You know you can get that from sitting on a toilet seat that someone else has been on and has ? Dont jump to conclusions.
So Ashley Marie Gibsony you are saying that the Chlamydia you had was given to you before and lay dorment?
Make him get tested! If he dnt, LEAVE! U do not have to stay with some mf just bc u got kids! Ur pregnant with an STD, bc of HIM! I would be dragging him by the ear to get tested!
Does he have life insurance?
Leave his sorry ass!! Y did it say it twice
How do u have clymidia without something with someone?? Lmfao
have him get tested.
U can contract chlymidia without a sex partner
April Crisci here’s a doozie for ya.
He’d be a dead man. I just had my son & if anything would’ve came back crazy, I’d put that fools head on FLAT. Bacterial you may get while pregnant, but a STD? Nah, stomp his ass out & then I’d be 70 miles away with a new number.
Chlamydia is a std. If you have it and haven’t slept with anyone else besides your husband. For sure have him get tested!! And if it comes back positive he has a lot of explaining to do. No one just randomly gets a std.
Well , if you haven’t had an affair , then yeah , it’s him and he’s a coward for not telling you . You deserve better than a half-assed man
Um does he do drugs like crystal meth cocaine anything that is off the street also can,give you an STDs without sleeping with someone else