I found out I have an STD and think my husband has had an affair: Thoughts?

Some of you are unbelievable STD and UTI are 2 different things. When a woman is pregnant she is tested for STD’S no way around that. Now she said she have other kids, meaning if he didnt cheat (or her) they would have found it in previous pregnancies. There is no such a thing as getting STD from using the toilet.
My advice to you is get retest, thank God Chlamydia is treatable and as for the husband (if test comes back positive again) lose him. Lord knows what he have been doing.


Sooooo I would have him get a complete STD panel because sadly you could end up with much worse things like HIV… and definitely get retested yourself just to make sure the first test was correct.


Get retested and have him get tested. If both come back positive, I’d leave him and take everything you can.

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It can also stay in your system for up to 10 years if untreated. Couldve just went undetected till now.


So sorry for what you going through. Follow your heart. Do not have the fourth thou.

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Yep either you or him went out and did the nasty and one of you tried to claim innocent. Only way of contracting that is sex.

It can live in a man for years without being detected. It could have been before you guys even met. They also have a lot of false positive results. Dont jump to conclusions yet. Get retested and have him get tested. Pray about it. You have kids involved. But take it slow and get full facts 1st.


Question was this detected on any other tests threw the years!! If not then leave!!

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It can be dormant for years before symptoms arrive

It can lay dormant for years. So it could have came from a past partner or your husbands past partner.

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I would get retested. Have him get tested. And suggest a marriage counselor. Rather you end this in divorce or not you do have children together so he will be in your life rather you like it or not.
I wish you the best of luck and I’m sending good vibes your way!


If he cant 3ven come clean and be honest then there is no future for your marriage. He must come clean about it.

Have him get tested and have yourself tested a second time. These tests can have false positives sometimes. I’m a medical coder, I’ve seen it happen. Yes, it is possible he’s cheated. But be 100% sure before you break apart your family.


I was told I had HPV-the cancer strain of it. Turned out to be someone else’s lab results filed accidentally in my file. My dr was sooooo embarrassed!


Retest! Then if its positive run! He’s a liar and a cheater. You just had a child and they tested then for that baby and you’ve been together for years and it was negative and now all of a sudden uts positive. Bullshit. Run girl.

When I was pregnant with my first I tested positive for it and my husband never slept with anyone but me since we been together come to find out the test was a false positive and I didnt really have it I had them test again because I also thought the same thing so I had my husband tested and he was negative I didnt take the meds they wanted me to to get rid of it till they tested me a second time and the second time it was negative and I never actually had it


I’m reading ppl say it was a false positive or that the disease can lay dormant without detection. This does not make any sense. She’s had children prior, she’s on her third one. Would it not appear or become detected with her other two children? I know with most obgyn they heavily screen and test so the other two explanations is that I’m reading are highly unlikely.


It can be easily treated and sometimes a yeast infection that had been untreated for a very long time can give the same results

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Two very healthy people can give each other diseases. Now, I’m not defending him in no way. But, it is possible. Also, all STDs can lay dormant in your body for many years before showing itself


I was told when I went with a friend, that it lays dormant. Something about HPV. You can get it at anytime, with the right partner. No big deal.

They give an antibiotic and it goes away. But, don’t automatically think he cheated, unless you noticed red flags.

Take him with you go the dr and ask the dr in front of him how it was contacted. Embarrass his a$$. Then think it over. Never make a big decision while mad. So sorry :frowning:


I would seek marriage counseling and try to work through this if it were me in this situation. Prayers for you and your family!

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The amount of misinformation on this thread is mind blowing, holy shit :woman_facepalming:

Get your husband to get tested

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Like people have said false readings etc

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Get your husband to be tested see if his comes back positive!


He may have cheated, but at the same time, it could come from anything or anyone that cross contaminated you.

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Were you ever sexually active with anyone else? You could have gotten the std before you were even together. Sometimes symptoms don’t show. I was diagnosed with an std during pregnancy that could have come from either my husband or myself and we’ll never really know because we hadn’t been tested since we got together and we were both pretty sexually active beforehand. I was pretty shocked at first and thought he was cheating on me too, but only because the doctor didn’t really explain to me that the particular std doesn’t show symptoms for years. I had to push for information from the nurses, and I’m pretty sure I was the one with the std originally.

Do what your heart tells you to do. He’s lieing.


It is possible for a false positive. Have him get tested too. Then you can both be treated. Which you should do anyways.


Umm men can be carriers of stds often without knowing because men usually don’t have any symptoms at all.
My gyno told me a story of a lady who tested positive for herpes after being married 20years.
Of course she accused her husband of cheating and it caused turmoil. My gyno said there are ways to test for herpes to see if it’s a new outbreak or from old recessive.
Anyhow long story short, turned out it was an old form she had an outbreak with for the first time.
Her husbands isn’t cheat. She caught it before they got married.

Basically calm down. There’s two things.
1 he cheated. You now have issues. Or
2 he or you got it years ago and it’s just now showing symptoms


Could be a false positive get retested, have him tested and treated.

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Have the doc test you both n see who transferred it to who :person_shrugging:idk what to tell ya. It’s your life. Went thru the same thing with my ex husband and my stupid ass stayed

Well take your husband to be tested. That’ll tell you if he was messing around or not.

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Everyone is saying it’s no big deal. It can be treated… But the fact her husband may have cheated. Not cool.


If you have never suspected him of cheating get a second opinion and ask lots of questions before you lose your mind


Make him get tested. If he has it, get treated immediately. I heard of false positives for this during pregnancy.


Take your Husband to be tested.

Then if he did cheat, leave and move closer to your family if they’re 70 miles away.

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Go with him when he is tested!

I swear that I just read somewhere that syphilis can live on a toilet for up to 48hours. Just a thought


Make him go to the doctor and go with him to get checked for everything

have him tested :person_tipping_hand:… if hes positive screw the 70 miles make a few phone calls pack up yours and your kids shit and move that 70 miles…

Wow if he wont own up to what he did i would be packing ur shit and leavinh to fo stay with ur family…dont put up with that, If he did it once im sure he will again…they dont just cheat one time…I would never let a man do that shit to me…I have 2 sets of twins and i was a stay at home mom but i left, not because of cheating either, we didnt get along and he got abusive so i left…you dont need him, ur strong and honestly do u want to be with somebody you cant trust? Hes a dog girl, get rid of him…once a cheater always a cheater and his wussy ass wont even fess up to you…hea a dog…

Man, I’d lose my shit. Just being honest. I would be having a long talk with my husband. Tell him you want him tested, the petty side of me says look at his phone but don’t listen to that side. She’s bad advice. :joy:

Hmmm this is super weird you know you could have had it before you got with your husband and it’s now showing positive it’s happened get tested again both of you and then take it from there and if your leaving him don’t use your kids as an excuse to stay kids will not be happy in a unhappy relationship


Well, you already know the truth that it did not come from you…Calm down because you are pregnant and just figure out what your options are? Good luck.

Leave. Hes a liar and a cheater.

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Make that 70 miles home to your family.if he gave you a std and won’t admit he cheated he will do it again

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I say make him get tested. And ask for a retest yourself . Sorry your going thru this. I was married 21 yrs n divorced for 3. Before I became sexually active again with my new partner I was tested and so was he to be assured we where starting on a clean slate . This is something everyone should do before getting into a committed relationship. It’s hard to say who gave it to who in all honesty. But in my opinion he needs to give you a clean bill of health as well. If you guys need to sleep n be separated for the time being until the babies born then do what’s best for your sanity right now. I know it’s hard cuz you cant just up n leave. Also look into councilng and hope if he did cheat he comes clean about why he did it. Best of luck to you .


I had a false positive with std during my last pregnancy ask your doctor for a retest and the reason in case is a false positive on my case it was related to something in my blood nothing related to std i have something that i get blood clots and i was in shots for the rest of my pregnancy …


It’s a reportable disease. State health department will be contacting you. Then they will speak to your husband…

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While this STD can remain dormant for many years and suddenly flare causing a positive, I still wouldn’t let him off the hook. A lot of times if it is lying dormant it will pop up when you’re immune system is compromised. Pregnancy does weaken it little bit, but if you have other children with him and been with him for at least 6-7 years (assuming this based on your oldest child’s age) I would consider the fact that it’s unlikely that it would suddenly show up now. I would go with him to be tested and have him sign a paper releasing you to receive results that way he cannot lie about it or alter it in anyway and you can call the testing facility yourself. If he’s also positive, I would suspect he has done something behind your back. If it’s only you that’s positive, be prepared for him to more than likely accuse you and this whole ordeal backfire whether you did anything wrong or not. In the meantime, in the very least, I would be doing a lot of digging on what he’s been up to🤷🏻‍♀️

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If you truly havent been with anyone else LEAVE. He will only continue to cheat on you. Just lucky clamydia is curable with antibiotics and will not harm your baby.


Just to inform you that chylamydia usally Lys dormant for many many years so it’s most prob you that had it all along so your husband telling the truth also he will have to be tested for it as you will pass it onto him & he will pass it back!

Have your test repeated. Have him tested. Breathe. Get results. Talk to your spouse and Dr about if this can Iay dormant etc. Get all the facts then make a decision. Good luck


It takes two people to fix what’s broken in a relationship. If he’s not willing to be honest, or work on it, he’s not willing to do his part. You have to decide if this is something you can live with it not. If not…you’ve got some tough decisions to make. But I don’t know many people who could live with that.

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For everyone saying it can be dormant for so long, they wouldve had a positive with her 1st or 2nd pregnancy. She/he had to have gotten it after their 2nd pregnancy.


Chlymidia is a bacterial infection so you could have gotten it from either of you not cleaning properly especially after sex


Think? We um, you didnt get it from a toilet seat. Time to wake up and ditch the dude. Next u will catch something antibiotics cant fix.


Only three STIs are transmitted exclusively sexually: gonorrhea, syphilis, and genital warts. There is a SMALL chance you or him got it another way but I would say the 1st step is for him to get tested and you to get retested.

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Id leave he put you and the baby at risk. Cheating is bad enough but to not be safe and use condoms on top of that! Next time it could be HIV

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lol, i caught it from my ‘‘then wife’’, ex now … '‘ooh its caused by nerves’'was the excuse , more lies and half truths , slut

Leave him as quickly as possible you don’t need him go to your family he cheat again once a cheater always a cheater it’s not right he didn’t admit to it he will do again cause he didn’t admit to it you deserve better

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Have a retest done and he get one as well.

He a hoe df you didn’t get it from a toilet seat unless that hubby’s nickname


Y’all love making excuses for these men! He cheating I said what I said I know dudes who will deny even if the caught on tape.


Ok read an article a while back fact of fiction could not tell you because I dont remember who wrote it any the just was on hair tiesand where they were bought anyway the just of it was not to put them I’m your mouth like is moms do putting up either our own hair kid grand kids ect because depending where they came from could have and this is going to sound nasty been made from used rubbers and caused an stiff I remember right it was pretty factual article you know your husband better than we do I
M just saying sometimes things aren’t what they seem you will know in your heart people always know the answer to their own question befor they askwemon know if their husband is a cheat


Take a stand for the truth. Stay with your family until you’re both tested and you are clear of the source. When you have all of your answers you can act accordingly. If your husband continues to lie and not take responsibility - it’s likely he has a personality disorder and you need to give up your dream of four kids with him and run. This may just end up being a blessing in disguise.


Have him get tested but id still leave!


You already know the truth so you will need to make the hard decision to either leave or stay with a cheater and a liar. He obviously has no respect for you if he
#1 cheated on you
#2 cheated on you while you are pregnant and
#3 is straight lieing to you about it


I mean, you were tested with the other kids and they came back negative. I’d re-test. Also, don’t make excuses for him. OFCOURSE he’s gonna deny cheating. He could have at least used a rubber if he’s gonna go sticking his dick in strange places. I’d be more pissed about the fact that he didn’t use protection or show any regard for your health. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a damn duck

Take that 70 mile trip back to family, just you and your kids.


Can they retest you? And test him. If they come back positive a second time just tell
Him that you know what he did and that you can be with someone who would do that to their family. Then, leave and file for divorce. Try to do some snooping to find out who it was, it might come in handy during the divorce. I am very sorry that you have to go through that.


Tell him you’re ending your relationship if he doesn’t tell the truth and see if that helps. Maybe leaving will help with the truth…but at the end of the day, it depends on what you’re doing with that truth. If you decide to stay through it, you really have to forgive, forget and/or seek counseling of some sort. I’m sorry :pensive:

These can come back as false positives. Also have him tested. If he refuses to test, it’s pretty telling there


Idk for sure, but I believe Chlamydia can be carried for yrs without symptoms. But I’m assuming you were tested during your other pregnancies? As embarrassed as you are- talk to your dr about these issues, get all your ‘ducks in a row’, so to speak and confront him again from the angle that you may be able to work this out if he comes clean…
Good luck.


Wow. So many women on here who have believed so many excuses/lies :roll_eyes: Respect yourself and leave.


Happened to me as well .
My ex said I got it from a damn toilet seat :roll_eyes:

So clearly he’s stupid enough to have unprotected sex and expose his wife & children’s mother to and least one sexually transmitted disease and GOD knows what else… so clearly he’s not protecting you or your children’s health… not protecting you physically or mentally…not protecting your heart… I say hit the road jack & don’t waste another min of your time on him…


It depends , if you had it when u were younger it will always come up positive ,just saying ,not judging. But if he has boot his arse once a cheater always a cheater I say ,and if he gets away with it he will continue or do again

Sister Go!
Get your kids and go!
There are battered women shelters that will absolutely help you! They will counsel you and help you get the necessary tools to help you get on your own two feet before releasing you! It’s a good thing! I’ve been through it! It’s a home environment!

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Keep him you have a good man with std

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Get a retest. I once had a doctor tell me I had an std and then call back a week later telling me he told me someone else’s results. Health care providers are human and there can be errors in tests.


First don’t panic it could be that the test was an error a nurse should not give you the results should always be given by your physician so check that first. Also if you all have been together 6 years or so and this is the first major problem talk with your husband if he did slip up once leaving should not be your first choice you could try counseling if that doesn’t work than and only after exhausting all option about don’t think about leaving I wish you the best


Adjust your dream. Go home. Find a man worthy of having a 4th child with.

Or wait until he gives you an incurable disease like AIDS, but don’t act surprised when it happens.


If you know you have not doofed anyone else other than your man, Uummm, sorry to say, but, fuck yes he has been playin?! Sue the bastard!!

If you put up with this you will the rest of your life


both go get retested before making life changing decisions


False positives are <3%. I guess a second test is worthwhile before divorce, but a false positive is HIGHLY unlikely.


He deff cheated It’s up to you to make a decision. Just remember he will take it as a joke and continue to do it because he got away with it. Best of luck with your decision love :two_hearts:

Restest. If positive again then…
I wouldn’t stay. :woman_shrugging: He didn’t just cheat on you… He put your health and your unborn baby’s health at risk and that is something i wouldn’t just look the other way about…
70 miles is far but If possible go back. During pregnancy you need support and reassurance, not lies, games and diseases.


It is asymptomatic if I remember correctly it only shows up in about 10% of Men and 30% of Women.
So it’s pretty clearly he’s been dipping in another pot, and he needs to own up to that.


I am sorry for you, make him get tested, but he may have taken care of it already since you already confronted him…he has cheated and what’s next is up to you. This may have been his first time or just his first getting caught and he put you and baby at risk.

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Get retested. There has been times that tests come back wrong or get mixed up. ( use to work in a lab ). If it comes back positive again then you have to make that decision


You THINK he cheated?! What is wrong with people these days? If you know you didn’t, then… You don’t want to leave because you have kids? Sheesh, lady! Leave for the kids :roll_eyes:


It can lie dormant for many years causing a low grade infection. But can flare up due to the flu, a cold, cancer, or a infection of any kind. He may not have known he has it , it could’ve happened before you. You need to get him tested and don’t overreact, anything can be worked through… Some women are so quick to run from their problems instead of facing them head on. Leaving him won’t fix anything cause he’s probably telling the truth!


Go get retested asap and ask to see the paperwork from the previous test. Also make him go with you and get tested and go from there.

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Nowadays you can get shit from seating on a damn toilet :angry: but that whole STD situations don’t blame your hubby that shit could had been there for years (dormant) but never came out until now, look it up,… Also get a second opinion cuz these doctors nowadays don’t be knowing shit & miss diagnosing their patients,… I know individuals that had cuts from shaving & sat on a toilet seat & caught an STD so yes it can happen for all those nonbelievers, gotta watch where you put your parts at :woman_facepalming:

No chance it came from your previous partner??

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