I found out my husband had an affair: Advice?

Babygirl leave. He doesn’t seem to have any remorse about it. You don’t deserve that.


Girl leave his ass in the dust

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Let the door hit him on the way out.
Use this time to set an example for your son and teach him that you get what you settle for.

This is in no way okay. He made a grown decision to break vows I’d end it there. I also hate how when it takes to long to conceive people always look at the woman like shes the problem. Dont let him place blame like that and dont just let an affair go. Your emotions are valid :heartpulse:


If he blames you for it, he does not deserve your forgiveness and you should leave


He wants u to leave so he can get half of everything and go to her.

Hes a lier and needs to be left if he loved you he wouldn’t of cheated


Once the trust is broken it’s not easy to fix, trust is like a glass you can break it but no matter how much you try to stick it back together you will always see the cracks, but if you value yourself you will shove that glass in the bin and buy yourself a new one :wink: xx


The fact that his only response was “why don’t you leave me…” is telling. He has zero regrets and couldn’t care less about you. He’ll probably cheat again. Leave.


Let him go! No need to stay somewhere you’re not appreciated.

If he’s saying why didn’t you just leave… He’s telling you what he wants by letting it be your decision, so he doesn’t have to feel bad. Typical cheater’s manipulation.


If you don’t leave and he does it again
You can’t blame him
Because you allowed it!


She could be pretty or ugly …when a man have his own intentions he would do anything’s…maybe good sex …leave his ass

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These girls are u telling u to leave him but if they were in ur situation they would do the same thing ur doing.


Leave, it sounds like he was hoping you would make the decision he couldn’t w/o feeling guilty.


Aww… If he cares that little let him go. Know your worth. You deserve better.



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honestly, if he was remorseful, I’d suggest marital counselling but since he’s merely casual and insulting about it, I’d file for divorce, custody and child support/alimony and then kick his cheating ass out the door.

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Only advice I can give is run dont walk. Itll never change.

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See it as a blessing in disguise that u haven’t gotten pregnant by him again


He’s blaming you for his choices and he’s leaving the decision in your hands. He’s trying to be the victim. He’s not a healthy influence on your life. Make your decision based on what you want out of your future.


The question is will you ever trust him again. If he is late getting home from work or doesn’t answer his phone when you call will you be wondering who he is with? If the answer is yes then you have little to build on from here and should leave.

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Marriage counselling if you think the relationship will work…at the very least, individual counselling for yourself so you can move on. You both have a child together and need to commit to co-parenting this child together for the good of the child.

If he was really and truly sorry you would see it in his actions so if your not seeing that then there is your answer. You deserve better!

The reality of it is that it does take time to heal. Breaking the trust, and loyalty of someone you love isn’t something that you could just push aside. 3 months is still very fresh, and people process things differently. The fact that he isn’t sorry, and shows no remorse for his actions would piss me off the most! That would be the red flag that would end everything. I’m sorry. :broken_heart:

Leave him!! He sounds like he doesn’t have remorse and will do it again.

my ex-husband cheated on me and we did try to work it out but it wasn’t going to happen sadly. You have to ask yourself a few things. 1. will you ever trust him again? If he comes home late, he doesn’t answer his phone or even goes out with the guys. It’s tough. 2. if you personally move on and forget it.
Therapy for your marriage is a good start. if you walk away to make sure to go to therapy for yourself. it helps so much.


Advice is what we seek when we already know the answer but don’t want to… :woman_shrugging:t2: you already know girl. Your heart is aching and you’re putting it through more and more. Why!!! Affair… can be forgiven if they are remorseful. If not??? BYYEEEEE


I left and surrounded myself with family, friends and lots of prayers. If you choose to leave, then stay gone. If you are going to be going back and forth then stay but live with the consequences. It’s a very tough situation only family and friends can get you through the toughest part of leaving for good.

Why is everyone telling HER to leave? Throw his ass out!


I wasted 7 years being married to someone who couldn’t be faithful. Trust me if he does it once he’ll keep doing it regardless of what he says. Cut your losses now and move on. Don’t waste your life with someone who clearly doesn’t care about you.


You’re worth more than that!

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I’d take your son and leave. those are the values he’s going to pass to your precious boy. Disrespect for you and women in general. Stop the cycle so your son doesn’t grow up to treat his wife the same way.:confused:

If he asked why you dont leave hum cause you know that is a mahor red flag that he just doesnt care anymore and doesnt deserve you


My opinion is don’t have another child with him until you’ve decided what you’re going to do. I recommend couples counseling. Maybe you can work through it. Best of luck to you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Divorse. And kick him out and keep the kids.

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If he cheats once he’s gonna do it again… once a cheater always a cheater.


It sounds to me like it might be past saving. But if you really can’t let go, make yourself a counseling appointment and let them know you want couples counseling eventually. Then you can get your head straight and make sure you wanna fight for the relationship, before you actually start the emotionally exhausting process with him.

I’m sorry this happen to you.

I’m a child that watched her mom try SO hard to stay with my dad who cheated on her.
My word for my mom: strong and fierce. Bc of watching what he did to her not once, but twice that I know about; I can’t see how she stayed after the first time.

It hurts like hell. You love him. But you first must love yourself and see that when it happened he wasn’t thinking of you or your family at all.

So as much as it may hurt, you can start healing sooner by taking that first step instead of it happening again.


Leave. Don’t be dumb

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Throw him to the curb. Once a cheater always a cheater. :wave:


Once a cheat always a cheat! You will kick yourself forever more if you don’t get rid of him now! Life is too short! If I thought for one minute my husband had even sent a text to another female he would be out the door! I’d rather be lonely than be second best. You are worth so much more!!!


LEAVE!! What’s there to stay for?


talk to an attorney and get your affairs in order. When I split from my first husband I knew after one week of getting phone calls from women from bars and a stripper who was the daughter of his mother’s “SO” giving our phone number to a friend, fellow stripper friend, I was done. They all joked saying it was a joke on me. Well backfired on all of them! My cousin let me use one of their sheds to store some of my stuff, anything not on a damned Sears card account, He got to keep what was on the account and what was his personal. I took what was my personal and anything that was paid for prior to our wedding and our son’s possessions, bed and toys and clothes and I took the car. One of the most important things I did and you should is not having sex with him. As soon as I had a gut feeling, I had a lot of headaches and also told him he wasn’t going to use me is his "Double/multi “Dip” fun. I also had myself checked for any STDs since they were making jokes about it. I wasn’t pissed anymore, I was relieved not having to be around him amymore than I had to be. Good Luck to you! Oh yeah, If he says he wants to have another baby thinking it would make things better run like hell.

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Kick his backside out the front door, for the very fact he blames you for everything, know yourself worth, and keep yourself respect…


Did u ask him Why he cheated? If he says “I dont know” ask him again and again until he tells you. Something is going on with him to cheat on you. Try to see a therapist together. Let him know you love him and you want to work things out. Let him know how you feel. Don’t hold back tell him. Ask him how he would feel if you cheated on him? Ask him what would he do if you cheated. If he says I dont care or have a jackass comment I would leave and never look back.

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They always have a excuse

I don’t believe you can ever get past that kind of betrayal. You’ll never trust him again. The fact that he doesn’t feel a thing about it tells me he’s already checked out. I’m sorry. You and your son will be better off without him.

Throw him to the curb! Usually once a cheater always a cheater and if he’s calling you by her name it sounds like it’s not over. I’m sorry I know how hard it is to be going through this! Keep your head up hun!

Take what is left of your dignity and walk away… You don’t cheat on someone you love. If he done it once, he will do it again, because he is comfortable with knowing that you will let him stay. I pray for you and your son!

Once he cheats and you know and you don’t leave he will do it again knowing you won’t leave.


Dear, I have been in your shoes. My husband did 9 almost 10 years ago. I made the choice to stay. It’s still hard all these years later, I won’t lie. More so around the time it happened. But it’s up to you on if he is worth it. Just remember forgiving is not forgetting but remembering and letting go.

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My husband had an emotional affair with another woman during my pregnancy and the first month of my baby’s life. Things progressed to the point I felt like I was being ghosted in my own house. One night everything came out and we talked for several hours about why he did this and what the appeal was. The result was that he had to choose. He could go and although I would have been devastated especially as a brand new momma, I valued myself enough to not allow him to continue. Or he could stay but there would be conditions while he earned my trust back. He had to get a new phone number, all his friends had to come to our house or I needed photo proof that he was with them and we had to go marriage counselling. During the time it took him to decide, I would be staying at a friend’s house. He decided to stay with in two days. Many of my friends told me to leave him too. But until you are in that situation and are faced with vastness of this decision and tangle of emotions that go with it, things are black and white.
Fast forward it has almost been a year since he decided to stay. Things in our relationship have improved tremendously and yes, I still get flashes of anger and feelings of betrayal, we have moved past what happened.
In your situation, I would suggest talking about it either one on one with him or in a couple session with a therapist. If things aren’t remedied or he is unwilling to put in the work to repair your relationship or you know that this will forever be bothering you, then you can enter that decision knowing you tried. A helpful book to read is The 5 Love Languages. I learned a lot about myself and my relationship with my husband.
I feel for you lady and I wish you some peace through this process.


Just get out girl before you loose YOURSELF in the process of trying to figure out why your not good enough for some man. Husband or not. Father of your kid, it doesn’t matter. You will loose yourself replaying the scenario, over and over again in your head. You will thank yourself later. Let it go love :heart::heart:


First of all “she isnt even pretty”, is just you being a petty whiny bitch because you were cheated on. Ovbiously your man thought she was very pretty or he wouldnt have cheated on you. Second stop blaming her and blame who NEEDS to be blamed, YOUR MAN. He ovbiously doesnt care about you, he literally told you to leave him because you caught him​:woman_facepalming:. If hes blaming YOU for HIM cheating then he doesnt care about you or your son, he doesnt love you. He is the trash, stop being upset with this chick when he broke your marriage not her, she isnt married to you. Your relationship is NOT worth saving anymore and he has shown you this to your face, now leave. Staying with him will only show him that you like being his door mat and you will stay no matter what he does. He made you look stupid, he embarrassed you and your really thinking “how can i save this”. Sleep in the bed you make for yourself :woman_shrugging:


Leave I tried to forgive and forget too and I’m now with my best friend and I know he means everything he says I can honestly say this is the best I ever had and my point things happen for a reason maybe you need to let go move on and you will see later on this isn’t what you thought it was I know I did the best thing is to free yourself and too how do you know this was his first time its just the first time he’s been caught trust me I know my exhusband was and still is all over the place with women so that’s how I know he was like that the whole marriage and from what I heard and seen so that right there tells me too maybe you need to walk away not just for you but for him too I think that’s what he wants anyway he just can’t say it but lots of luck to you hugs

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Honey he’s always going to blame you. It’s projection at it’s finest. If you can’t move past this (no judgement as most women would have a hard time with this), it’s best to leave. If you stay and keep this at the back of your mind, it will only breed contempt.


Most people can’t trust another after this kind of betrayal. If you stay its always going to be on your mind like it just happened yesterday… if you are going to stay ask him for a night of pure honestly where you can ask him anything and everything. Tell him you may get angry and his answers you may cry but you need the honest to God truth from him.


“Why don’t you leave me if you know” said it all. He doesn’t thinking highly of you nor does he think you’ll leave him. I don’t feel as if this was his first time. Threatening you to leave him? Get the crap outta here! Leave his ass and slap him with child support! Also… What state are you in? Look up your laws! Adultery. Also…Some states you can sue the homewrecker. Just saying!


Run their is someone much better out their then an bafoon like him

My husbands ex-wife cheated on him in 2009. He forgave her. She did it again in a few years. He didnt forgive this time and they got divorced. Only to find out there were several in between. Nobody can tell you what to do but you, follow your heart!!

Nothing will ever be the same. Time to pack your bags.


Therapy. Together.
If he won’t, leave him.

love there is no saving it. from the sounds of it, u both r done

This is a strong test of love. But words will not suffice in this situation. It HAS to be actions. He must be an open book before you can just jump back in.

Kick his cheating ass to the curb. Don’t be his doormat

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I would rather fix my relationship because my family is everything to me . I was begging for as much energy he puts into soccer for our older son. He wasn’t giving me enough attention. He was focused on everything else and didn’t realize that we still need time for US. Everything is such a routine for us. work, boys, soccer. Eat. Shower. Sleep. I constantly tell him that I am not one of those ppl that needs to be wined and dined or expensive things. Buy ice cream and lets eat it when the boys KO in the living room. I’m so simple when it comes to dates. Lol. But we do game days as a family but sometimes I just want him to myself. When the kids are KO. He is working on it.
Moral of the story, if he isn’t willing to realize his faults and work it out, he doesn’t deserve you. And how is it your fault that you’re not getting pregnant? It takes 2 to tango. I’m sorry you’re going through this. Best of luck.

That’s what I dont get if your gonna cheat at least let her be prettier than we are that way we know why they cheated but they cheat with women that’s not pretty at all not that looks has anything to do with it but at least if she was prettier than me than maybe I could understand why he/they would still not a good excuse I know, an they always blame us its always our fault when we try to gove them the world plus some, it makes no sense to me if they are that unhappy an they need to cheat they just need to leave the relationship, I’ve tried to forgive to bit its hard knowing they will do it again cause once they do they will again, I’m sorry your going through this but know your not alone

You can always try counseling! If there is love there could be hope. Sounds like you have at least one child with him, if you aren’t ready to walk away, then go to marriage counseling and at the very least it will help you get all your feelings out in the open.


Once a cheater , always a cheater !! Get out while you can !


I’m going through the same thing right now! I caught my husband cheating and I had to find out everything on my
Own. And it still in the back of my head everyday.

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Well you’ll never forgive or forget…you want to think you can but you wont…trust is another thing you’ll struggle with…he cheated on you once he will cheat again…better to walk away then torture yourself mentally and emotionally

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Shortly after my third baby was born and right after my mum’s funeral my fiance cheated with prostitutes… I didn’t find out til months later. He lies about it and his it. I tried so hard to try and fix it for my kids, thinking that they needed a family more than me being entirely happy. That’s wrong. I did do what was best for my kids. I made him lunch, packed his things, and sent him to work. He showed no remorse and I deserved to be loved and not lied to. He didn’t care and it was making me miserable and self conscious. I wasn’t playing with my kids the same. It was ruining me.nit wasn’t worth fixing. My kids deserve happy parents, a happy confident mum. I thought we needed to stay together to be a family, but that’s not true we’ve been separated for over a year and have a great relationship now. We co-parent very well. He calls them every night and they have an amazing relationship. It wasn’t easy but we are a very happy and healthy family. Don’t think there’s just one acceptable way to be a good family. And you deserve to be happy and treated well and your kids deserve a healthy home. Broken doesn’t mean separated, it means not working.


It won’t ever be the same again. Try therapy for the sake of your child. If it fails and he really won’t change, leave. Nothing is worth that much hurt

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Leave and don’t look back. You deserve better.


LEAVE!!! You sound like such a strong women you can do this!!

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While cheating is NEVER ok under any circumstances, looks don’t always equate attraction.

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Life’s too short dealing with their crap. I put up with cheating.for 15 years then had enough when it was brought into my house. 5 months later after kicking her out myself and my son are doing way better without her constant dramas and lack of family commitment. You can do it alone and show your child or.children exactly how strong you can be and what the benchmark for a healthy relationship is.


the old saying once a cheater always a cheater.if you “forgive” him he will do itagain because he got a free pass this time. im not a forgiving person and you can never forget ever


Looks pretty? According to who? Forgiveness isn’t just a 1 time thing. It’s a choice you make every day. Some days you simply cannot. And on those days, he needs to be understanding and take responsibility. Just because you forgive him doesnt mean you trust him. He has to earn that back. And that’s an every day choice that he has to decide to do. Honestly, I would leave if my man cheated in me. Why? I deserve better. And if your SO can look at someone let alone kiss or have sex with them, that is not love. Move on honey. As far as him blaming you, the only fat is in him. I dont care what you did, cheating is solely on the person who commits the act.


Its not ok. And please reconsider having another baby. You dont want to bring up 2 kids alone. He will do it again. He has no family values.


Just leave. Not worth it

Sorry to hear what you’re going through… I think that deep down you know he’s not in it like you are and he’s probably not going to change… So you can either let it go or up and leave or stay in your home and consider him a roommate not a husband who deserves your attention and loyalty…Get your affairs in order, and go about your business… Upside, You’ll have a live in babysitter and someone who helps with the bills hopefully …
Good luck, God bless !

Tagged myself so I could comment, at a time we’re me & my partners communication was breaking down I allowed myself to be convinced by another female that I was in the wrong relationship its no excuse & I blame no one but myself almost after a decade of being together i will never be able to forgive myself for all the pain I caused her & put her through for a moment of weakness until she’s healed, she suffered she still suffers now were trying to find healing our memory’s & moments & our 2 boys outweighed the situation I put us in & any chance I get to put a smile on her face & warm her heart I take :pensive: gaurenteed if I could change things I fucking would I’d give anything to change that shit there’s always a burning feeling reminding me of how much anger & resentment I have towards myself for letting it this happen, & I only commented because majority of the comments are females :blush: which is perfectly understandable it is The Mom Life Uncensored but from a male & hate to say it but cheater perspective true it is degrading as a mother & partner for him to treat & speak to you like that but he’s got something going that he felt he couldn’t communicate with you I’m sorry for your pain & I hope yous find healing :pray: not for yourselves as individuals but for your family

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His reactions say it all you may as well leave now while you have some strength left before he drains you of that too.


I forgave, he did it 6 months after we were married, that was 8 years ago and the trust never fully comes back.xx

#byefelicia not in this life time would I ever stay with an unfaithful pig

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I had an ex like this. Caught him, he swore on everything it wouldnt happen again. Happened again. I was young and dumb so i forgave him again. He did it a 3rd time and my mom finally stepped in to tell me to get out. 9/10 they arent sorry they did jt their sorry they got caught and they will do it again.


Get​:clap: the :clap:fuck :clap:out :clap:


Cheating is a line that I dont think I could forgive. Especially since it seems he does not feel sorry or remorseful…I’m so sorry for your heart and the damage he has done❤


Have you talked to The Other Woman yet? I’d have to confront her and find out if she knows that you even exist in your kid exist.

Its not about you-Its about him - he is broken - not you! Once a cheat always a cheat!


I’m sorry to hear that you’re going through this. Perhaps the reason you can’t let it go is bc he doesn’t actually even seem remorseful. I mean… “why dont you leave if you know?” What is that?! And hes blaming you for not having a second?! He does not seem like a partner at all. I’m sorry to say

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Tough situation, so many comments from others. Bottom line, NOONE can tell you how to feel or what avenue to take, they answers lie within you. Trust is hard to get back once it’s been broken, but not impossible. Lots of work, love and determination. It’s okay to take a break and think things over, after all it’s your life that this affects. You have to decide if it’s worth repairing or to walk away. Only YOU can decide what is right for you.


When my boyfriend cheated (a long time ago), I confronted the other woman and what a mess. She was told I was someone just watching his 2 kids( in reality they were not his but mine from my deceased husband) anyway she got pregnant by him and was talked into an abortion by him as she thought he already had 2 young children to care for. In the end we both dropped him. Best to find out what lies the other woman has been told.


I caught my other half cheating and I couldn’t forget, went to counselling, tried to forget but some days were just too hard and after 7 years it happened again with a different girl, I refused to even talk about it! Ruined me for years until I finally realized he was the problem not me. Hardest thing I have done was walking away with our 3 kids, best decision I made but definitely the hardest. Good luck and I hope things work out how you want them too, hugs!!!


Once a Cheater, always a Cheater


This isnt the same but i would like to share my story with you.
My husband and i have been married a year. We got pregnant dec of 2018 had our son sept 2019. Between me getting pregnant and having him he was offered to have sex with someone. I am not sure if he did or not. He told me a couple months after i had our son. He told me not to have an opinion about it and that if i want to talk about it to take it up with the girl and ahe would beat my ass. Well i continuously think about more so now that he is talking to her again and wanta to leave me. I cant help but wonder if they have had something going on the whole time.


It will ALWAYS be in your mind. The pain will flash back often, at that moment you will feel it in your chest, always! The hurt and anger.


If you feel you can’t trust him, leave him. If he really does change and you never trust him, the marriage will still fail.