I found out my husband is talking and flirting with his exes: Advice?

Follow your gut feeling!!:pray:t5: about it!

ill Pray for you, and your family.

Leave! I hate to say that but the kids being sick wasnā€™t enough for him to say to himself sheā€™s tired. Trying to keep the house running and taking care of sick babies? Thatā€™s his excuse to go talk to the next bish? Negative! How would be feel if you started talking to men? Flirting, sextingā€¦ijw would it be the same conversation and you can tell him, ā€œyou have NOTHING to worry about?ā€

you need to tell him to f off get rid of him

Sorry but he needs to go he will not change

Of course heā€™s blaming you :roll_eyes: Iā€™d kick his ass to the curb

Get out as soon as you can. Heā€™s a master manipulator and a liar. And no, he wonā€™t change, heā€™ll just learn how to hide it better.

He sounds like a selfish, self centered jerk! Sorryā€¦ instead of being a husband and fatherā€¦helping with the kids a fulfilling his duties he is txting previous girl friends and meeting with them and blaming you! Get rid of him and get as much child support as you canā€¦ Iā€™m sorry but men with his attitude usually donā€™t change! Good luck take care of you and your children! :heart:

Value yourself, he is a jerk. People usually donā€™t change. Get out now before it gets worse or he gets one of his exā€™s pregnant

Why isnā€™t he helping with the house work and kids marriage is 50/50 time to see a divorce lawyer and child support

#fuckthatguy you wouldnā€™t be so tired if he was doing his part. Instead of sexting other women he should be helping to share household and child responsibilities. Heā€™s not a man. Go find one and let those other chicks have him.

Listen to your gut!!! Sis, you know the answer and no amount of people on here can tell you what to do. Are we really going to persuade you? We will all tell you the obviousā€¦HEā€™S A POS LIAR, MANIPULATIVE ASSHOLEā€¦but in the end you will stay. GET MADā€¦GET ANGRYā€¦DONā€™T STAY BECAUSE OF YOUR CHILD, LEAVE BECAUSE OF YOUR CHILD!!! This is toxic

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Leaveā€¦ itā€™s always the exesā€‹:joy::roll_eyes:
It will never stop. He is a dirtbag. Biggest red flag was when you had his child and he resented you for it. He had no intention on taking your relationship seriously or none of that would have happened. Sounds familiar! Only if Iā€™d have followed my own adviceā€¦
Best of luck.


DUMP HIS ASS # your too good for him

If you believe nothing happened you are a fool.

What an IDIOT! Tell him to GROW UP or LEAVE!

dump the bum. Heā€™s cheating

Iā€™d definitely say contact somewhere, where you can get some counseling. Itā€™s easy for everyone to say leave. But itā€™s a better idea to try work through things, if you think you can. Even if the relationship is going to end. As breaking up just changes your relationship & youā€™ll still have to have him in your life. All the best for you, such a hard position to be in. Xx

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Leave! You cannot trust him! Thats a big part in a relationship is trust.


Your husband is so selfish its all about him he has no thought for you only himself you shouldnā€™t have to go through life feeling the way you do he dosnt even help you with the children or around the house You & your children deserve much better


I admire you for trying to get through this but honestly if heā€™s making you this uncomfortable and your gut tells you heā€™s fantasizing about other women and his former lovers you need to move on. Donā€™t let him do this to you. There are so many other men out there that would treat you right. Thinking about other women when in a relationship will only lead to deception and pain. He might be the father to your youngest but that doesnā€™t mean that you have to put up with that kind of behavior. Be strong and do whatā€™s right for you and your children.


You can try counseling. But quite honestly youā€™ve answered your own question. Love yourself. Itā€™s healthy for your children also to see that you love yourself. Best of luck to you, whatever you decide for yourself, no one else.


I have been in your shoes. I will say trust your gut. When you come out on the other sideā€¦ the regret will eat you alive for not respecting yourself more.

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you need to get out of this relationship. i hope you find the courage to leave.

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He knows your tired and couldnā€™t give him attention. What an excuse to project and make YOU feel guilty for HIS choice to be unfaithful!
If you are overwhelmed and tiredā€¦ why the heck is he not helping you more and taking on his half of responsibilities. Making a date night. Not all is lost and counceling will help guide you in the right direction. It does not sound like you are ready for any decisions.

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Why are you still there? Get out. When people show you who they are the first time believe them. Once might be a mistake but anything after is a choice and your kids deserve a mom that is happy and thriving


Then why are you with him? Leave that simple obviously he has issues and its not your problem you canā€™t help who he is but you are allowing him to treat you like shit by not leaving heā€™s not worth it there is way better out there

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He needs to help w/the childcare, etc, make him realize by doing so you wonā€™t be so tired, heā€™s being selfish!

Iā€™m sorry but you should not be explaining why you are busy, we are mothers and thatā€™s life. That gives him no right to do what he is doing.


I agree he sounds selfish. And i agree toy shouldnā€™t have to explain. Marriage and being parents should be team work. He shouldnā€™t be having the time to flirt with anyone because he should be helping you.

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He would be gone. I would kick him out real quick fast and in a hurry.


Heā€™s a cheat, itā€™s hard pull to swallow, very painful, but it will go down. You can either find it in your heart to forgive him and try and work things out or find out for sure by asking both parties and leaving if confirmed, just know that whatever you allow will continue. Not every cheater stays a cheat but you know how your spouse is and you know if youā€™re capable of trusting them again and if you love them enough to continue working it out and moving past it and if not then you know the answer even if itā€™s the hard choice which is leaving

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I mean Iā€™d be upset about the other women bs but the fact he treated you so horribly while pregnant would have me wanting to leave because he blamed you and last I checked getting pregnant is a two person jobā€¦ so really ! And dont use the fact you have a child to try to work stuff outā€¦ you shouldnā€™t stay because of children you should stay and work it out if you want to. I hope whatever you decide to do it works out the best it can

There is never a good enough reason to cheat on your spouse. And yes, if he gets away with it, he will surely do it again.

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I would end it personally. He cant be trusted

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You said it yourself it happened before. If it has happened before and still happening it is going to continue to happen.

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He wonā€™t change so if you can accept that fine, but if not Iā€™d move along.

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Typical cheater behavior, gets caught down plays and then turns it around as itā€™s your fault they did A B and C. It will continue Iā€™m sorry girl, this relationship isnt important to him by the way it sounds to me

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Trust your gut momma. You deserve better.

3 1/2 years of resentment toward you. Thatā€™s a lot of weight to carry around hun & for a long time.

For your own sake, you need to go and find your independence again. Find what makes you you. Not as a mother, not as a wife but as you.

Never stay with someone just because of your kids, itā€™s not as healthy as you think it would be. Heā€™s not going to stop.

He wonā€™t change. Best just leave. Talking from experience

Seriously? I think you know the answer to your question.


Leave. Have respect for Yourself.


Sounds like he checked out long ago.

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Time to be done with him. Trust is key and he obviously canā€™t be trusted.

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I would say, get rid x

Go. Lepards never change their spots.

Put yourself and your children first. I separated from my husband last year for some of these exact reasons. I had years of the flirting messages etc on social media ex girlfriends then when our youngest daughter was 11 weeks old he was caught twice at a womenā€™s house (having a cup of tea) split for little while and chose to forgive him as we were married a year and had an 11 week old baby and he promised the world and more. However it continued more messaging to ā€˜old friendsā€™ ā€˜workā€™ meetings in the pub with an ex. In the end it changed me I was a shadow of myself anxious, angry unhappy my other daughter 2 at the time began to see it. Times are hard now but Iā€™m so much happier never having to feel that way again instead respecting and loving myself and giving my children a happy loving home. Do what is best for you and your children. Here if you want to talk xxx

Kick him to the curb dear before things get any worse - and they will!


You know what to doā€¦

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Iā€™m sorry but your husband sounds like a selfish child. Your not a machine designed to accommodate anything he wants, you are a person not his slave. Marriage is a partnership and you gotta share the work load.


A child wont keep a man nor fix your relationship , hes gone to far.

He deserted you because he resented the pregnancy so how dare he complain about not receiving enough attention from you when he pushed you away and used you not giving him the attention he ā€œneededā€ as an excuse to cheat thatā€™s not an excuse point blank ever I donā€™t care how bored they arenā€™t care how horny they are cheating is cheating disrespected disrespect and a trust break is a trust break at the end of the day

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Just curious, are any of those women his kids mom? If so then he will talk to her, if not then heā€™s got issues. Iā€™d leave or kick his butt to the curb.

Itā€™s disgusting that he is blaming YOU for HIS behavior. That is your first red flag of many. He is cheating on you, emotionally for sure, and probably physically as well. Know your worth and leave his lying ass. If he wasnā€™t getting enough attention or affection to his pleasing, he should have spoken with you and the two of you should have worked on that together, thatā€™s what a marriage is, not one lying jerk blaming the innocent party for his betrayal.

not trying to be rude but he clearly doesnā€™t care about your children if they were sick and in and out of the hospital and he was just texting girls to get pussy. Iā€™m glad that you didnā€™t let this affect your parenting and continued to be strong while they were in and out of the hospital.

He sounds like a POS! You deserve better and your kids deserve better.

Leave!!! Heā€™s a dick!!! You deserve better then that. And if the shoe was on the other foot Iā€™m pretty sure he would not be so kind about itā€¦ He would have kicked your ass out a long with those kids.

From a manā€™s perspective I just have to tell you that it took 41years for me to find the person I was ment to be with and Iā€™m happier now than i have ever been in my life. When I met her she had a beautiful 11 year old daughter that became my daughter. We are building a life together because we finally found who we were ment to be with. I have never resented her fir having a child, she gave me a beautiful daughter, something I didnā€™t have the chance to have yet. I have a beautiful daughter thanks to her. Any ā€œmanā€ that resents his wife for having his baby is not a man he is a coward little boy. If he doesnā€™t love his wife, the woman that gave birth to his son, and his own son, do you really think he respects the kids you brought in the relationship? Get rid of this coward boy and let him go back to the trash he is texting because any woman that does what you are saying with a married man with kids is trash. I have never disrespected my wife the he is disrespecting you. You deserve better, you deserve to be happy and your kids deserve to have a father that loves them, not a jealous coward little boy. It will never get better I can promise you that, counseling is a waste of money and your time. There are guys that will love you and treat you like you should be treated. When you leave, and you should as fast as possible, do something for all the good guys out there, and clean this boys fucking plow good. Get everything you deserve, get every dollar of alimony and child support you can and deserve. That way the next tramp he gets will have to write that check and know he had a strong woman once but the boy didnā€™t know how to treat her. Good luck on finding the man you belong to be with because itā€™s not him!!

Bye motherfucker.

Thatā€™s what he would get from me.

You donā€™t deserve that shot girlā€¦move on and find yourself and actual MAN.