I found out my husband slept with his ex after we broke up: Advice?

I think you have a right to be upset that he didnt tell you but not that he did it.


Lots of fish in the sea…keep fishing

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Sounds like y’all should never have gotten married to begin with. Doomed.

I feel like the fact he did it right after the breakup would kind of annoy me


Its in the oast. You’re married now. Let it go and move forward you weren’t married.

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If you were broken up I see no issue. You weren’t together. It’s not info that even needs to be disclosed honestly


Maybe he didn’t mention it because it didn’t mean anything to him. Besides you broke up and he probably thought you wouldn’t get back together. Move on or move out. It’s childish, you both slept with other people while you weren’t together.

Yes you’re wrong. He did exactly what you did

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Omg seems like high-school drama bullshit

Y’all were broken up. U decided to be honest he didn’t :woman_shrugging:t4: at the end of the day u weren’t together & it doesn’t matter

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He did it. You did it… Get over it or move on.


Who cares! You were broken up. You fooled around also. Get over it. He doesnt have to tell you anything.

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It’s in the past no …when did this happen…are you like 17 years old?

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So hes the one with trust issues right…and there u have it, they say the cheater is the paranoid one.
Start over…clean slate from him.

Um you did it. And he didn’t have to tell you. You weren’t dating.

These are made up posts aren’t they :rofl::roll_eyes: these can’t be legit


This makes no sense . Basically what I’m getting from this , is you are mad cause you told him , and he didn’t tell you . But y’all both did the exact same thing . If you can’t get over it , you have trust issues . Not only him . Either divorce due to that issue , or move on . It’s done and over with . If your still mad about something he did in the past , this far into a relationship/ y’all future … then y’all don’t need to be together .


So you cab fuck but he can’t?? All because you said something? Honestly…grow up…do you even hear yourself when you re-read what you’ve written??

But you did it too wtf

Well it’s not like you wasted any time jumping on the D. And why wouldn’t you get back with him over that? He was willing to get back with you after some fling beat guts. Either let it go and dont carry it like a disease or get a divorce.


Sounds hypocritical to me. Get over it

Honey, you are mad at him for not telling you yet you said if he had told you wouldn’t have gotten back together with him? That makes no sense whatsoever. Y’all were broken up…what you did was your business and what he did was his business. Now if he had done it while still being with you it would be different. It was over a year ago, let it go or divorce him

Let the past stay in the past…

Umm you did the same damn thing! Your 100% weong to be mad!

If he told you the truth; he lost. He lied; he lost. Sounds like you put the poor guy in this situation. :thinking:


You were not together… you did not want him. It has nothing to do with you carry on or let him go. It happened while you were out more than a year ago… how aa the last year and a halve if this is the only issue get over it

Just get away from him. He will keep cheating and not telling you. Throw him to the curb


What difference does it make what either of you did while broken up?


So he was able to move past what you did but you wouldn’t have done the same for him had he been honest? Do you see why he didn’t tell you? Do you understand that this will probably just create more secrets in your marriage? Tell him he deserves better and let him move on or show him the understanding that he showed to you.


What’s good for the goose is good for the gander (double standard). Why would you be angry at him for doing the SAME EXACT THING you did? Doesn’t make sense.


You can’t get mad, y’all weren’t together. What he did when you weren’t together is none of your business. & you did the same thing. Pick your battles girl & this is one you shouldn’t be picking.


He didn’t do anything wrong. You’re just being possessive. You didn’t have to tell him who you hooked up with while broken up, that’s not his business; and he doesn’t have to tell you who he hooked up with either when you were broken up cause it’s not your business either. And honestly, if you telling him about your hook up hurt him so much he was probably just trying to be respectful and spare you the same pain you gave him by not telling you.
You’re super hypocritical, you sound possessive and you sound like you’re the one with issues.


The one throwing up red flags here is you


You were broken up… You fucked someone too… Boo fucking hoo… Grow the fuck up… So i guess he shouldnt have taken you back since u fucked someone right before getting back together figuring you say you wouldnt have taken him back if u knew he fucked her … Sounds like your being a hypocrite… So what he didnt tell you… YOU WERENT TOGETHER… AND U FUCKED SOMEONE TOO… SUCK IT THE FUCK UP AND MOVE ON

He did nothing wrong. He’s free to do whatever he wants when he was single, just as you were and did. You can’t be mad for him doing exactly the same thing you did.


You split up. You did the exact same thing. Whether he told you or not, you did the same thing. Let it go or leave him.


No your not wrong however just because you came out with it didnt mean he had too.


If you were broken up then it doesnt matter but If you were transparent and he SAID he was too… then now you know youre with a liar.

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You married him? Then learn to love him for his past!!! Period. Otherwise you should have never married him.
This is terrible that you can have sex with a fuck boy but he is expected to have not? That’s a hypocrite. If your were so insecure about the ex you shouldn’t have been with him in the first place. That’s your issue not his.

Seriously… so I’m hearing that you slept with someone else BUT you are mad he did??


If you can’t get to a place where you get over it and forget it y’all will never make it, that goes for both of ya.

It’s totally immature to be mad at him for doing the same thing you did. It’s also totally immature for him to act hurt about you doing the same thing he did.

Some secrets are best left untold for this reason.

Good luck!

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You mean it’s OK for you to do it but not him? You were broke up.TALK ABOUT DOUBLE STANDARDS…

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The onnnllyyyy reason I’d be somewhat on ur side is that he tried to act so heartbroken and hurt when u confessed to him when he did the same thing. Other than that, you can’t really be mad if u did the same thing lol


Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black

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I think YOU are wrong! What goes around…Comes around. Just because you fessed up…doesn’t make him guilty and you not. You both were broke up. Get over it.

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No you’re not wrong because that is exactly the sort of thing that makes trust issues develop and then you know what THAT leads to.
My issue would be though, that he acted so very overly heartbroken about it trying to make you feel bad. THAT is just really sneaky and not good. Things happen but… You seemed like you came at it in a mature way versus him lying and then being so “heartbroken” lol


The only difference between the 2 of you is your the only one who mentioned anything. Have you told your husband about all your previous partners too? Why is it ok for you to sleep with an old ex and him not to? Too many issues in this relationship

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You both are hoes😂 throw the whole relationship away and start over with someone you or he won’t jump into the sack with the second you all break up🤣

Alright so, he can’t be mad at you bc y’all weren’t together. It’s good that you told him. When my fiancé and I split for a couple months we were still close and still good friends and I told him literally everything. He knew I slept with someone else. And he communicated with me as well that he had slept with someone too. We didn’t wanna re-start with secrets, we wanted it all out on the table. So communication is great, yes. HOWEVER, you CANNOT be mad at home for sleeping with his ex bc you guys were broken up and bc you did it too! Ik he didn’t tell you and ya it would have been nice if he had but he wasn’t required to. It happened when y’all weren’t together so it doesn’t even matter.

Dysfunctional… get counseling or get out

So… You slept with someone, it was ok. But if you had known he slept with someone, you wouldn’t have gotten back together?! I understand being upset about him not telling you, but I also understand if he slept with someone right after the breakup that’s a lot less baggage then you sleeping with someone right before you got back together. After the breakup feelings will be hurt and people are revengeful, but right before you guys got together you had to be communicating, on the verge of working it out. Seems a little unfair to say you wouldn’t have gotten back in the relationship had you known, but it was acceptable for you to sleep with someone else🤦


Awe horse shit. What’s fine for the goose, is fine for the gander. You were broke up, you both slept with other people. Dont add unnecessary problems to your relationship.

That’s exactly what he did. I hate to say it hun but it’s time to move on. My ex used to do this to me all the time. On top of cheating on me multiple times including while I was pregnant with his 2nd child (he’s got 2 with me giving me a total of 3 & him 2). long story short. He ended up in jail & I found someone else & honestly could not be any happier.?6 years was 5 years to long to be verbally & physically abused all the time. Get out before children get involved cuz then it’s even harder

Alright this relationship sounds doomed. Just get over it and move on or else you will end up divorced!

Yes, grow up, be adults about it, and get over it. Either you two are happy enough that none of the stuff that may or may not have happened in the past, regardless of when, can tear you apart OR you’re still not happy after getting married and you’re looking for any little thing to stir up some drama…who cares if he slept with her, he married YOU not her! Good luck.

Lol so you did it but it’s fine because you told him? I get what you’re saying he should have told you to start on a clean slate but you can’t be mad if he did it right after you guys broke up or before you got back together. I mean you guys weren’t together, I don’t think timing here is the issue . Plus you’re saying had you known you wouldn’t have got back together? LMAO
either be adults, talk it out, and get over it or break up and go back to fuckin your exes :woman_shrugging:t2:

Youre just hurt he had sex with someone,so what you did too.To say you wouldnt of been with him is not even right when he wanted to be with you after you had sex with another man. Move on and if hes treating you good now dont screw it up with your insecurities about past events that are really none of your business.If youre just looking for a way out now because of other reasons you just need to be honest with yourself and not point your dirty finger at him about it.

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You were not together. Just because you felt obligated to tell him doesn’t mean that he had to tell you what he did while you were broken up. Maybe he knew you wouldn’t take him back and that’s why he didn’t tell you. If you break up with someone, then what they do during that time is their business to share or not share. If you really love him then you’ll base your decision on his actions since you got back in a relationship with him, not on what he did when you weren’t together. Everyone has a past.

So few things here. You both slept with other people while broken up. If you initially broke up with him over trust issues, why get back together to begin with (honestly wondering). I’m guessing he didn’t tell you because he didn’t want it to be a big deal. Yes, you’re allowed your feelings just like he is. But if you expected him to be ok with your sleeping with an ex, why can you not be ok with his doing the exact same thing. If the thought of him having slept with someone else during, what I would say to be a substantial time frame, your break up then why get together again. Why? I hope you can see the double standard being played out in this situation. Yes, in your shoes I’d wanna be told right away and I’d be upset over a secret kept, but you both did the exact same thing. Idk. Sounds like you have a lot of trust issues in your relationships hat require attention.

It’s ok to feel hurt. Can’t help your feelings, but you need to let it go if you plan on a future with your husband

Says more about your morals and his.
Neither of you HAD to tell the other what happened while you were broken up, but you did.
Kind of like a clear your conscious thing maybe… clean slate type of thing.
He chose not to tell you.
Is it wrong? Idk 🤷 I mean, we don’t have N obligation to tell anyone anything …
But like… Kinda wrong ya know? Iffy situation. I’m sorry.


You both left each other vulnerable when you split up and each of you slept with someone else you fessed up right away .he didnt. . did you think he was going to remain celibate ? He might have been to afraid to fess up for fear of losing you . who is he with now ? Are you and he happy despite both of your failures? If so then forgive and forget .time to heal dont let the past define your tommorow. Move on.make happy memories.


just move forward i guess… its past and you were not together when it happened… and you did the same thing he just did not tell you at that time… but i dont know… to me… ill just let it go since its past and we are not together at that time…

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It’s some thing that happened in the past and I think if he didn’t tell you about it at that time it was definitely wrong, but again you are back together you’re married and if you want to move forward with a positive and fresh new start leave that stuff in the past where it belongs.:woman_shrugging:t3: and best thing for you to do is not ever bring it up, all you’re going to do is drive yourself crazy and cause issues in the marriage just let it go.

6 months apart. Thats a break up. Not a break. And u did what he did. How does this post make any sense? Your lack of trust isn’t in him. Its in you. You gatta look closer at yourself.

You feel manipulated, humm that worm will turn again. Don’t count on full disclosure from him…I also have had ex’s but spiteful sex is one thing if I was in love with the guy I did hop in sak with ANYONE else for a long time. You and your man are Young and could use a councilor.

You were both single at the time and it doesn’t matter. What matters now is that you’re faithful in your marriage.

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If you weren’t together, it’s none of your business… do you ask everyone you get with to tell you who they’ve slept with? Past is the past. Leave it there.

Why is it that you wouldn’t have gotten back with him having known he slept with her but you slept with someone? Isn’t that hypocritical?

The past is the past you both moved on I would let it go.

You were not together so what do you think he would do, I do not consider it cheating. You have him don’t you?

Sounds to me they never should of gotten Married to begin with…right before they get married they broke up :woman_shrugging:t2:

try to ignore break up time…and have a loonnnggg talk aboutEVERYTHING

Time to grow up and get over it. :roll_eyes: big girl panties

I cant answer or dont have aan opinion about that to each his own ! Sometimes when someone has delusional thoughts about having a relationship with someone they dont even know I dont no what to say to that and ex are getting booty calls reassurance the relationships are dead not new there!