I found out my kids were watching inappropriate videos on youtube: Advice?

I caught my 10 and 8 year old watching this. Jeffy and junior lol. But after I banned it I figured out they were getting much worse from their classmates. Ever have a 10 yr old ask u what a BBC is? Yea his friend told him exactly what it is. U can’t band everything.

My son watches the same thing. I sat him and my other kids down and explained to them that things they watch aren’t real and they aren’t to mimic the behaviors they see. YouTube is on all devices so I just make sure to remind them it isn’t real and not ok to act like them.

You are just now realizing your teens are doing bad stuff? It could be worse haha. But yes. Jeffy makes me sick to my stomach. I tell my kids not to watch that crap.

Jeffy? My son is 13, has had a phone since he was a lot younger. We always talk about the importance of internet safety. We have YouTube premium so I can monitor everything. So far he is doing great. He will always bring me his phone if there is a text, or phone call from unknown numbers.

So, it is definitely your responsibility to monitor your children. I just looked up Jeffy, and it is definitely made for adults. So maybe talk to them about what you would like them to watch.

Oh trust and believe YouTube ain’t the only thing they’ve been looking at

They do have a built in parental blocker on youtube you can control what they watch and how long.

Yes I know all about Jeffy and it’s not cause I watched it. :woman_facepalming: It’s horrible and my boys know if I ever find out that they watch Jeffy ever again the PlayStation and every other joy in life is gone. Best of luck!

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Kids are kids… they will eventually end up doing it on their phone or their pc or a friend’s pc or phone… its hard nowadays not to have that kind of thing. I think it’s a matter of just talking and guiding them so that they know that everything has its time and place.
Punishing or judging the parents or the kiddos will not fix the problem.


I remember me and my brother Google imaged search poo bum when we were kids. :joy::joy::joy::poop:

We got in so much trouble, but we didn’t understand why we were in trouble and it was just upsetting and confusing.

Just explain the dangers. Don’t punish them. It not like they’ve done something horrific.

No punishment just reinforcement . And talk to them now it’s time to monitor them, or Parental Controls


They are 15 years old lol a swearing is the least if your worries you really wanna be applaud check their browsing history and their social media :rofl::rofl:

Do you remember being that age? Idk if you were the same way I was but punishment and restriction without explanation just made me want to do whatever bad I was doing even more. Talk to them. Find out what they enjoy about those videos and go from there. Maybe there’s other ones that are similar without the inappropriateness you don’t like

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They’re teenagers, they hear & probably also say worse when you are not around. It’s No different then beavis & butthead or South Park. Although my 8 year old found Jeffy from one of his friends at school. He doesn’t understand some of the jokes yet, but he’s not supposed to be watching it.

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At school they are hearing way worse.

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I love SML they are freaking hilarious! Jeffy is funny too! I bought my 9 year old two of the jeffy puppets the regular one and the rapper one. My son doesn’t act up or act like the videos from the SML channel. Lighten up a little its just for laughs. Teach your kids right from wrong and have a little faith in them! You can’t shelter them from all things inappropriate.

You are in for a surprise. Your kids are probably cussing behind your back and watching god knows what. 13 & 15. That’s the dangerous age where they will challenge you to the max. Punishment with out talking to them is not going to work. They will do it behind your back. Kids are resilient these days. As a parent I’ve learned that our only job is to love and guide our children. Good luck it won’t get better.

I installed a app called Family link and I can control it better. I have a 9 year old that discovered Jeffy and didn’t like it either. Hope that works better for you :hibiscus::sunglasses:

.y boy watches those jeffy videos. I supervise ans use them as a tool to show him what bad behavior is. Its not all we watch and it helps with his curiosity about it. I choose to indulge him sometimes but there will always be objectionable content and I wont always be there. Im teaching him what useless entertainment is.

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My mom couldnt keep my brothers and I away from. 70s penthouse magazines. She let us express our curiosity thus no taboos .

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I know they make a kids tube vs YouTube.

I HATE jeffee the puppet I caught my 8 yr old watching it and that was even on the YouTube for kids so I shut that down . You can’t even block it because it pops up on other channels it’s a never ending battle. So no more YouTube …

Omg I caught my boy watching his videos as well, it’s disgusting. He’s only 6!

I watched worse shit as a kid(not even a teenager yet ) anyone remember albino black sheep . Com? Lol yeah pretty wacky stuff on there and other sites that don’t even compare to today’s stuff​:rofl::woman_shrugging:t2: let them be.

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I mean… your kids are 13 and 15, it’s not like your 5 year old is hanging out watching Jeffy. I watched shows like Ren & Stimpy when I was younger and turned out just fine… for the most part :joy:

I used to watch shane dawson when i was younger than that, they’re fine🙃

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Well. Even of u take their phone, nothing is stopping their friends from showing them in school or when they hang out.

Man I only had start up prodigy as a kid. I feel like I’ve missed out as a kid.
On a serious note. Don’t be mad. They are curious about stuff. Time to start teaching. Maybe take away some screen time, not as a punishment, but to do more family things. Keep their mind occupied on other things. They are going to learn things one way or another. Maybe sit in while the watch and help guide them on things. So they really know right from wrong and what outcomes could come about. Believe me there is so much more in the world I’d be mad about then that.

My 9 year old has watched Jeffy. But he repeated something he said and he’s not allowed to watch anymore. I only let him watch You Tube Kids.

Dude there teens calm down…

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What!!! I thought Jeffy is just a puppet that’s says “ I poop my pants” lol I’m serious :laughing:

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If you punish you’ll only succeed in making sure they hide shit better. Educate instead.


I just asked my 7yo who is Jeffy the puppet she told me he has a pencil up his nose then my 4yo said it’s a crayon then my 7yo said he be saying I eat your butt… is he worst than Family guy? I never heard of jeffy the puppet til now

We watch jeffy in my house. It’s hilarious. So bad for kids. I don’t shelter my kids but they can’t watch sex scenes and stuff. Idc who judges. I was allowed to watch whatever my parents watched. Jeff cusses alot but its all how you raise them. My kids know not to repeat it. They don’t cuss. Never been in trouble 1 time in school. I guess it depends on the kids. Its deff for adults but idk I just feel different when it comes to this stuff. I don’t out them in a bubble. Everyone I know who had their kids like that always rebelled or acted out. And also its funny but also teachable moments. Some cartoons and other shows aren’t as god either. You’d be surprised what you catch watching the show. At first I wasn’t gona let my kids watch Jeff but I died laughing and they watch it all the time. My parents and grandparents all cussed alot and had super funny personalities and sense of humor. So do my kids. They know right from wrong. Even at young ages. Oh and This is just my house. I don’t need anyone’s advice. Not being rude. The more you shelter them and more you hide things the more most kids rebel or hide stuff. I was never sheltered as a kid. My kids actually have the puppets too. They know to never repeat anything and they are 5, 7 and almost 10. :woman_shrugging: what works in one house may not work in the next. Each child’s maturity is different.

Also missed the part of how old your kids are lol ya I wouldn’t be worried at all. But my young kids watch this with me. Its hilarious but not always appropriate

No punishment needed, a conversation needs to take place. Punishment doesn’t teach lessons only causes psychological pain.

Today’s world is not the same 10 yrs ago. You can set wtev rules you want but when it comes to social media you will not be able to shelter your kids from it forever and especially at their ages. You really do have to pick your battles. In the world of battles with teens this one is relatively minor. Don’t put your kids in a position to lie to you. My parenting style has had to change greatly through out the years. In the 90’s my children were more sheltered and really rarely seen anything of strong sexual nature or openly cussing, talking of inappropriate things on regular syndicated TV. Movies that were once rated R in the 90’s are now replayed on AMC. Sitcoms are now covering things that would be rated R back in my days. Radio is the same. As is the internet. My parenting of my teens now has had to adapt from when I parented my older 2. Overall goal has always been to protect then as much as possible, and be the first one they come to when they question something or have a problem. My kids friends have always called me the cool Mom because my kids knew they could tell me anything at anytime. We will discuss it and go from there. My kids are not Angels. They make kid mistakes everyday as I make parenting mistakes everyday but they also know if I don’t like something I’m going to tell them. My teens have 2 hard rules. No sexting. No porn. I’m not a fool though and I’m sure they have looked at porn at some point and sexted, but we frequently discuss the consequences of both and not just my consequences but life’s consequences. Really, just have a good heart to heart talk with them about your expectations of them, that it disappoints you they chose to watch this and not make you aware and then tell them why you don’t like it. Parenting in 2021 especially involving social media is definitely a challenge and it will not get easier or go away. Only thing you can do is make sure the communication is there between you and the kids so you can help dissect all the stuff they run across, or engage in.

Omg my son was watching this YouTube was banned x

By that age I had already discovered rotten.com. Be thankful.:rofl:


They are teenagers its gonna happen. And I’m sure it’s worst at school and what they see and hear from friends. Set the controls if you want but they will find a way no matter what to watch it of they want to.

I can’t help it I think Jeffey is hysterical!:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

You can put child protection on cell phones & even YouTube accounts where any content that’s above general audience will not be viewable on their phones or devices even if they sign out of YouTube accounts & view as an account free user & the lock can’t be turned off without you turning it off with an account you created.
Look on google play there’s free apps out there that will give you full control of what they can & can’t do on said devices “child proof” if you will.
& to download any apps it will send your own phone a notification asking for your okay before it will allow the child’s phone to download it.
From personal experience I will tell you it gives peace in mind cause the internet can be a dangerous place for kiddos these days mentally emotionally ect.
You hold your kiddos hand when you cross a street this is no different reguardless of them being a teen
You bought the devices & pay for the services therefore you have say in what’s okay & what’s not.
Plain & simple.

I don’t censor my kids too heavily so I have no advice :woman_shrugging:t2:

My daughter is 7 and loves Jeffy

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I found out my kids were watching inappropriate videos on youtube: Advice?

There’s an app called family link I believe. You will be able to control what they are allowed on and what not.

Take them or put parental locks on them.


Restrict the YouTube content

U can report those videos . Flag it so YouTube knows they will remove it . U can also keep an eye on their search history in YouTube u can see all videos they have watched. I took my son’s phone for a month. It wasn’t you tube tho lol it was porn hub be thankful it’s just YouTube w all the stuff out there now .There are apps that will monitor what they r watching and searching. Some cost only a few dollars but I use them and they work it even tells u how many texts and calls . They will send u a report.

Put parental controls on.


Take the phones away

Uninstall YouTube.

Parental controls.

Put the parental control on simple


They’re teenagers… they’ll find a way to watch them rather you allow it or not.


it is simple, the punishment parental control on t.v. is easy do it. thats the way its done, otherwise they can watch anything. CONTROL THE T.V, what else do you want?

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Firstly set boundaries.

Tell them what’s appropriate and what’s not.

You can’t throw your kid a phone and expect them grasp it all.

You are there teacher.


Why is punishment the right answer? Just explain to your children why the videos are inappropriate and what your expectations are. If they breach that again after knowing Jeffy is unacceptable then proceed with discipline.
Jeffy is also banned in my home. If I see them watching it they get redirected, not punished. Haven’t seen him on our screens in so long.
The internet is a vast resource of limitless content its expected that they are going to come across something inappropriate from time to time. It should prompt a discussion not immediate consequences.

Download the family link app! You control what they watch, download and how much screen time they have.

My sons was watching that one day I started listening to what was on the TV and immediately shut it off an told them they are not allowed to watch that. I haven’t seen or heard it since that day.

My 6 year old tried to watch those and I quickly took away his tablet and put strict restrictions on it

Children will explore the world its what we have created


Get a family app on your own phone you can control, other peoples phones from it ie lock it set up daily limits, and restrict what sites they go on


You are the one who should be punished for not being a responsible parent. Explain to your kids why the material is inappropriate, why you are FINALLY putting controls now, and that you will continue to have discussions with them about what is morally right and character building.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: wait til they start sneaking out and drinking without you knowledge. Remember when you did sneaky at that age?.. good luck!!!


They will find a way to watch inappropriate videos. They are teens and are curious. Talk to them about what you expect from them if they want to continue having the privilege of the internet. Talk to them about reality vs entertainment and how this is not acceptable and that this guy is absolutely ridiculous and doing it for likes. No other reason.
At this age, communication is important and they are going to make mistakes. The first time make it a learning experience and take advantage of it as a means to have a talk about these things in the world.
Let them know, if it happens again, they will be held accountable and they will be disciplined based on the severity of the offense.
You got this mama, we have all been there and it is never going to be as easy as “taking” anything away.


Have some softcore sex with your husband in front of them to teach them what all the hoo ha is about. Their curiosity will then go away. Trust me this works.


This is why kids don’t need devices.


Put parental control on them and only let them have phones when they go out


Something tells me I don’t want to know but the only Jeffrey I know on YouTube is Jeffrey Star? He does makeup and reviews mostly. If they’re teenagers, they’re going to watch “inappropriate” videos one way or another but I think it’s more important for you to have casual & serious conversations with them about different topics so they feel they can come to you with questions. If “Jeffrey” isn’t the Jeffrey I’m thinking of, then it might he way more wild then I’m obviously thinking but as far as inappropriate stuff goes- kids are doing inappropriate things at a younger age. So, please don’t just shut them down with punishment but rather explain things to them and why certain activities are not okay. Otherwise the saying goes that strict parents create sneaky children :woman_shrugging:t3:

Break their phone upside their head :person_shrugging::joy: jk


I am a mom of 3 teens myself. I know that no matter what I say if a teen is curious they will find a way to figure stuff out on their own. My kids are all on discord and youtube, roblox, you name it they are there. I do not approve of a lot of things they may be watching, however I also have made sure to tell them they need to understand right from wrong and the what not to do list. No teen is perfect. We have to remember that we were teens before as well and I am sure that a great deal of us had our share of getting into some sort of troubles. Todays teens are far different from back in my time as a teen. I do not see punishing them for watching this Jeffy guy is going to prevent it from happening again. If anything it might make them more mad and determined to find another way to see it. You really need to explain to them what you see inappropriate about it. Perhaps find something yourself that is funny and offer to watch with them. Maybe even do something extra with them in the evenings to keep their minds a bit busy if possible. It is possible to limit the amount of time spent on their phones without taking a phone away. It’s also possible to limit the amount of time they are online with the parental controls of the router. Just remember, 1. You got this mom. 2.You are in control. 3. There are moms here for you. 4. Nobody is perfect. 5. When you make a choice stick to it.

Download family link it works with your google account and you will see everything the kids are doing, I have mine set to where I have to approve ALL games downloaded.

So if you’re talking about the puppet Jeffey. Ma’am one of your kids is 15 . Time to loosen the rains a little. Explain to both the rules sure but if you’re freaking out over YouTube then trust me there’s ALOT more they’re hiding from you .

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Dude I freaking hate hate hate jeffy. My kid isn’t even allowed to say that name. It’s one of those shows that gets through the algorithm because it’s puppets… I hate that stupid puppet.

Parent controls on you tube, you need to set them.

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There’s nothing wrong with Jeffy. Those videos are hilarious. My kids watch them all the time and it’s no big deal. You’re one of those sensitive and overly offended people. Get over that so you and your kids can enjoy life.

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parental controls on phone or youtube use those

They’re 13 and 15 not 5 and 7 :woman_facepalming:t2::joy::joy: i hope you didn’t think they were still going to be watching baby shark or cocomelon on YouTube :joy::joy:.

First of all and I mean no disrespect or judgement but why don’t you downgrade it to a simple call and text device. They do not need internet. That’s what my parents did and we turn out just fine.

Take their phones and don’t give them back until you feel like you can trust them!!!

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Have an open conversation with them :woman_facepalming:


Taking it away just makes it way more desirable. There’s nothing wrong with explaining what they are seeing and get them to understand the context. Shaming kids out of bad behavior never works and makes them go inward and not trust you. There’s nothing to be ashamed of in looking things up. But get them to understand what they are looking at and how it computes to the real world. And then decide punishment if they decide to continue crossing the boundaries YOU set for it.


There’s also a horrible speed dating thing thats on YouTube to that my kids told me about n I wasn’t ok with it told them if they did that again phone is gone for good they don’t do it n e more

I’m an old fashioned mom when it comes to alot of things. But when it come to media. I have no filter with my kids. Unless nudity. We always talk about shows and what meanings are or point out people and there actions. I feel, if I block my kids from it. They will be approached by it. I would rather have them educated first by me then them to be approached by friends and not truly understand the meaning. I also noticed the more I said this show is stupid, the less they wanted to watch it. They are kids. The more u push back, the more they will push forward. So be part of there life and learn what they are into. Experience what they are curious about together. I can say this honestly…my kids and I are extremely close. Be cause we are open

It’s part of growing up. If you were any kind of a normal teenager you were looking at Playboy or play girl or Hustler growing up. It’s just evolve to the internet now. But you can use your parental blocks you know


You can block YouTube from you internet.

Kids can be sneeky u sit them down and explain that this is very inappropriate. That u are the parent it is your discretion and this is a no no. Not at thier age. I’m not sure if u can delete this or not but for starters it’s just plain NO

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If your asking on social media. I would start by paying more attention to the kids and not strangers


Parental control through your phone service solves every issue and you have the control of their devices.


They have child YouTube accounts but personally at 15 and 13 they’re teens and they’re curious and you really can’t stop curiosity. Just talk to them and be open with them. I can understand at 6 or 10 being like OMG but they’re leading into adulthood in just a couple of years. I’m sure puberty kicked in already and hormones are raging. I’d rather teach appropriate place and time (maybe the shower or locked door bedroom to avoid walk ins :woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming:).

I just watched it and couldnt stop like hypnosis was weird had to force myself to leave lol

They are teenagers… just have a conversation with them about what is and isn’t appropriate and why you find it disturbing. They will always end up doing what they want somehow or another, but at least you can be the big in their ear helping them relate what they are watching to real life.


Michele Lynn NiCole M Dial Read this


Who’s this Jeffy character so that I know what to watch for?

I would just talk to them about it. There comes a time where parental controls won’t deter. They will just find their way around it. Just talk to them about what they are viewing and what is expected and acceptable.


I’m going to assume you bought these phones for them. My sister created contracts for their children with reasonable MUSTS. Both parents and children reviewed together and kids signed off on it. If they abuse their “privilege” in any way, their phone confiscated til they can earn your trust back.

Omg lmao 13 and 15? Not 3 and 5? Get a grip be happy they’re inside and staying out if trouble


This is why I bought my teenage boys a flip phone. They don’t need all that Internet. My oldest son has watched Jeffy before and thinks it’s hilarious.

The first mistake was trusting teenagers. Second in your house you can control but at that age they have friends. I mean I had a friend at 14 show me a very disgusting well known pornographic video. You can’t stop them from everything but just teach them right from wrong

Basically the new crank yankers but worse

Some of these comments are outrageous… They’re going to find a way so just accept that and that’s it!!! That is ignorant and taking the easy way out and can get them into a whole lot of trouble…trouble most cannot even predict until it happens to their kid. Regardless of whether they are teenagers, the internet is far too vast for them to be trusted on their own to distinguish what’s appropriate and what’s not. They won’t see the harm in looking at things they are curious about unless you explain it to them. Take it from someone with experience in this area… nothing good comes from kids running amok on the internet. You need to speak to them about what’s inappropriate and why… You need to set boundaries and consequences for overstepping…and you need a way to find out when they do. First, at that age, they will figure out how to disable parental controls. You need to put monitoring software on their phones so you can see every website visited and every keystroke typed…and something that will alert you to inappropriate talk or content. You need to set boundaries about when they can use their phone (i.e., take it away at night so they cannot be up all night chatting or web surfing. Nothing good comes of unlimited access!). Have the passwords to all their social media pages and make it known that you can and will inspect regularly. People who have nothing to hide hide nothing. If they break any of your rules, there should be swift consequences. If there is defiance, trade in their smart phone for a flip phone. You need to stay on top of this and one step ahead of them. Too much is at stake. What is seen cannot be unseen…and there is soooo much worse than Jeffy or porn.


Lol this makes me :joy::joy: like seriously Jeffy is not that bad, my daughter is about to be 7 and I watch it with her… She knows the things he does isn’t appropriate and she doesn’t act out with his videos. And your kids are 14 and 15, I’m pretty sure they ain’t that dumb to act like Jeffy. If you don’t like it do the parental controls but if they ain’t dumb they can’t just reverse what you did and they start watching again BEHIND your back and I’m pretty sure that’s not what you want. So with that being said if I was you be a parent and grow up, some kids get into way more stupid shit.