So, first question is, did you specifically tell them that they cannot watch that kind of content? Secondly, them being 13 and 15, there isn’t much you can do in regards to them NOT watching it. They will go to a friend’s house and watch it. All you can do is set parental controls on the computer and hope for the best. They are teens. I would choose your battles and have a REAL conversation with them about WHY you don’t want them watching stuff like that and ask them WHY they feel the need to. No yelling, no punishing, no blaming. There needs to be open communication about content like that and how they need to be respectful of YOUR house and house rules.
This is why you should of never give phones or devices. They have game systems that don’t access that stuff. Or better yet turn off the phones
Don’t punish them at all. Educate them on what’s allowed and what’s not, teach them there will be consequences if they break the rules, and what they will be. Make it about consequences, cause and effect, rather than “punishment”.
My kids watch that crap. But he had something one day that offended them and they stopped watchung it. After I had told them would you like someone telling this to your child ?
My son got caught looking things he should online n got internet n phones n tablets token away n not sure when giving it back just yet
On their phones u supposed to put some sort of parental control to avoid these kind of situation
Punish them appropriately and remember you were a kid once too.
What are they watching? Be more informative than YouTube. They are looking for answers. Tell them the truth.
Yeah right we know how you feel. we caught our 6 year old watching that foul mouthed Jeffy.Thought I was going to die.Could not believe what I was hearing. Give them an inch they will take a mile.Just about everything onsocisl media is vulgar so be careful and watch closely what you let them watch.
Jeffy is tame compared to most of whats out there. Teenagers are closer to adulthood than they are to being children. Let it go
They need to be punished for watching youtube?
Thats mild compared to alot of other you tube videos .I agree talk to them but they are 13 and 15 they will find a way to do it anyway I am a mom to teenagers and as much as you think you gave a handle on it they will find a way to do it anyway . It’s nothing like when we were kids the world has become crazy
Family therapy sounds better then Facebook therapy. Try that.
My kids have/had the rule that until they were 18 and I paid the bill I had access at anytime. My 14 yo does watch YouTube but… I let him watch it on the TV with me present so I know what he is watching and can tell him what is inappropriate. He isn’t allowed social media. I have his email attached to my phone and I check his regularly with no warning. He has been caught and hasn’t tried since.
explain why not ok- then tell them again- phones gone
Never heard of Jeffy til today. My kids don’t watch him
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I found out my kids were watching inappropriate videos on youtube: Advice?
I use the parental controls for everything esp YouTube
Jerry is terrible my kids watch it 11 and 7 and I’m constantly yelling at them for it. I usually take whatever they’re watching it on for a week last week it was the living room tv .
Haven’t heard of Jeffy
Parental controls for YouTube, change your wifi password & make them earn it, lock their phones up at night etc
Omg Jeffy is terrible
I watch Jeffy all the time and it’s definitely not for kids, maybe 15 at youngest. The girl I babysit is 11 and watches Jeffy, but she has really bad behavioral issues. Try restricting youtube
Jeffy is BANNED in my home. My 8 year old son use to watch it on YouTube. I just never really paid any attention. But once I found out. It was over for him. If I catch any of them watching Jeffy or anything else inappropriate, I take electronics away.
Get parental controls on their phones asap.
No sense in punishing them being as they were given free range.
Just put a better monitoring system in place and start being more vigilant moving forward.
We completely took the phones away we also made one YouTube account where everyone is connected to we see what they see they can’t watch any adult content without the password and yes I hate that Jeffy Character as well I have tried block every single channel that has Jeffy but it’s kind of impossible because he’s all over the place I just check what they are looking at and that has seemed to solve the problem so far. Good luck
Its not about punishment, its about consequences…ban them from the Internet for a few days, and when you allow them back on you do random spot checks…make sure you explain why you don’t want them watching keep it cool and chilled!
I’ve never heard of Jeffy. Maybe I need to ask my kids. I take their phones away when they’re doing something they’re not suppose to.
Jeffy is awful. I catch my kids watching all the time and make them turn it off.
I found my 7 year old watching this show… with the parental controls on he was still able to watch it… it looks like a puppet show from a distance but when you pay attention to it… oh lord
Here’s the thing with kids. They’re gonna find a way to watch it if they really want to. My almost 6 year old watches Mario and jeffy WITH the knowledge that she never repeat any of the things EVER. I have never had an issue with her being inappropriate or trying to recreate the scenes. We even got her a few of the characters and she loves them. It’s life. she was going to find it sooner or later and tbh I think it’s funny myself.
Change the parental locks on YouTube, I also have Covenant Eyes on their phones where they can’t watch anything above a certain rating ex. G rating or PG, PG13.
I only laughed at this post bcuz I HATE JEFFY!!! Ughhh.
Put an app on their phones so you can track what they are watching
My boys used to watch it until I watched an episode with them and realized it’s something a child should not be watching! I took all their electronics for a week and gave them back. After that, I haven’t had a problem with them watching it. It still popped up on youtube, of course, so I put it to where it doesn’t recommend that channel anymore.
Bye bye internet/ tech privilege’s for a week
What is Jeffy? Does he curse? What does he do that’s bad?
I just looked up Jeffy…i think i lost a few brain cells 30 seconds in. It was the pencil song
Going to see who Jeffy is.
You take internet away from their phone
I think by 15 they know what anything jeffy says means already lol
Change the parental locks?
Yep I had to block Jeffy from all electronics
My advice is dont “punish them” sit down and talk to them. Acknowledge your part in this that you were not properly monitoring their devices, but set down ground rules that it will not be tolerated in the future. Then follow through snd be consistent. If they then do not comply then they lose privledges of their devices.
Take their phones and download a parental control app. I can turn my sons phone off from another state. Lol
I love Jeffy but he is inappropriate
13 and 15 can’t watch YouTube? They’re teenagers, not babies.
Jeffy is targeted towards adults
Yep Jeffy is popular these days with kids!
There’s stuff worse than SML AKA Jeffy
Welp. My 11 year old step daughter was caught watching porn… so I guess it could be worse
in my opinion, don’t punish them for watching an inappropriate video. Talk to them instead and explain why it’s not appropriate, to them honestly it’s funny.
I think by 13 and 15 the r already exposed yo those things from the news. I personally do not think it is that bad and if u punish them at that age they will find something worse to watch. If that is the worse ur kids r watching i don’t think it’s that bad. I would just talk to them and explain to them you can’t really do things like this.
Yea my son was watching jeffy and I instantly blocked that shit … That puppet is a mess and chef pee pee
Jeffy is also banned in my house after I found out that my 7yo was watching him! He lost all technology for a week and now only has YouTube kids and knows that I check it daily, and has a child lock so that only apps I allow can be used.
If thats the worst thing there watching I think your in good shape.
I love Jeffy
That channel is freaking great lol.
I took youtube fron my kids because they used to watch jeffy and I told them many times not to. Then they started to watch a for adly and thats not bad but it’s annoying. I uninstalled it on their tablets and downloaded youtube kids. They dont really like it so they dont really watch it often.
The more you control them , the more they become curious to watch those “inappropriate” videos! Be friends with your kids and openly talk about it… and by the way , they my know more than me and you about sexuality related stuff! Be ok with it!
My 8 yr old watches YouTube you can’t punish your kids for what you don’t like. You as a mother should have been paying more attention you didn’t know they were watching this for how long? …your kids are 13&15 you can’t keep them under a rock forever.
They’re kids. We had stuff too, Happy Tree Friends, Ebaums,… If you want them to rebel and resent you, by all means punish away. But if you want them to make good decisions, trust in your parenting and know that while it may be entertaining to them, are they walking around acting like that? Are they mimicking what horrifies you so much? No? Parenting win. You can’t force them to be who you want.
Trust your kids parents. What were you doing at 15. Yep, I thought so.!!!
Should U punish them for your mistake? It’s your fault you didn’t put restrictions, not their curious minds. If anything you should use this as a teaching tool not punish them. SMH.
Don’t punish, sit down and talk to them.
I have a parental app on my sons phone, he’s also younger though.
I don’t know who Jeffy is though.
Can someone let me know who Jeffery is ?
Honestly if you punish them, they’re going to just become secretive. You need to create a safe open space where your children can talk to you about life and where you can explain to them the how and how nots as well as the why and why nots. In order to create critical thinkers that can also think for themselves. You need to focus less on controlling what content they consume and focus on giving your children the tools that they need in order to process the information they’ve received to decide for themselves. There’s a lot of offensive content.
Lord i caught my 15 year old watching porn could be worse momma
I mean honestly your kids are 13 and 15, they are teens and teens watch weird shit sometimes. My 13 year old watches that and family guy, Rick and morty, etc as long as he doesn’t watch them in front of his 4 year old sister I’m ok with it. If you are really that mortified by it then talk to your kids about it but I feel they are too old to have their stuff taken away over a YouTube video, especially when there is wayyyyy worse out there.
I have all of my kiddos iPads on a lock to only allow YouTube kids and other age appropriate apps to better monitor what they are doing. It’s A much different world than the one I grew up in
Mine watched that years ago, thank God they are finally over it at 13 & 15. The more you try to control every aspect, the more enticing things will be.
My 5 year old was watching jeffy I thought he was just a puppet for kids then I over heard some really foul langue jeffy is blocked now not allowed here
Jeffy is very popular and might not be the best thing for them to watch but it’s better then most shit on there. And it’s considered a kids Chanel by YouTube you can’t punish your kids for using YouTube it’s not a bad site and they probably didn’t know Jeffy is bad as his chanel is for kids apparently. If your that worried about what there watching at TEENS then maybe treat them like children and give them kids YouTube with a parent lock. But ur kids r teens they will start watching this stuff now. No punishment needed just explain why it’s bad
Heading to check out this Jeffy… Brb
Take the phone away and also put parental locks on certain content you don’t want them watching. I check my sons phone everyday n whenever I please and he’s 13. He got caught watching porn 1x and I didn’t yell at him or punish him cause he’s at that age but I talked to him and also told him he cannot under circumstances get any type of photos from other kids his age that shows their body without clothes cause if he does he could get into lots of trouble n my son hasn’t done it again cause I made sure to put parental locks on certain content that he shouldn’t be accessed to. N like I told him before cause he gets mad I look thru his phone I brought the phone I pay the phone n I’ll look thru the phone n he knows it too.
You’re the one who gave them the phones.
You’re the one who allowed them YouTube
And you’re the one who didn’t “check” sooner.
My advice is to download a parental control app like family link and use the controls.
You can set what kind of content they’re allowed to watch on YouTube, if they’re allowed to watch at all and you can also control how long they watch.
That’s probably punishment enough at this point.
13 and 15 I would let it go .my friends let’s her 5 year watch that garbage they could definitely be watching and doing worse .sounds to me like you doing a great job if that’s the most of tour problems with them
Yes block that Jeffy dude !!! He plays with kids characters but uses foul language!!
Talk to them about why it’s inappropriate, and why it has a boundary in your house. But also let it be a conversation. Maybe ask them why they like it?
I think as parents we spend way more time talking at kids and punishing them instead of listening.
Punishment is not a Suitable solution for curiosity, unless you want them to start hiding their curiosity.
Yes the " smack my pp and these hoes" will never get out of my head💀
My 5 yr watches it at times. It’s a good & bad show for me, but it has been educational for my G.Son as well🤷♀️.
Went thru the same thing, took phone away and put a monitoring app on my phone
Jeffery is very inappropriate, I put you tube kids on my kids devices since they kept sneaking to watch it.
STFU! Yes! My sons found this damn puppet and its making them say crazy shit.
My 4 year old watches that I lose my shit
Jesus christ harsh much think you need to get a grip and think about what you was doing at there age
Welcome to the modern version of all the things parents have hated in the past because it was bad for kids: novels, comic books, radio, movies, television. My mother hated the 3 Stooges. I worked with a lady whose parents refused to even have a television in their house. She went to friends houses to watch television and that was in the 1980’s. All you will do is make them hide it, you won’t stop them. Better to know and be willing to discuss what they are watching then try an outright ban.
Jeffy is horrible, at least your kids are older my 7 year old found Jeffy had to end that.
Punish!? Talk to them, tell them what you think and let them choose for themselves.
My son watches it too. He’s 13.
they’re teenagers already. remember strict parents create sneaky children.
they’re teens they’re not kids anymore you can’t stop them from doing what they want only let them know what they SHOULD do give helpful sound advice but don’t try to control them you’ll only push them away it’s your job to raise them right but it’s THEIR job to do right but don’t make them feel like they’re doing anything bad ? like watching youtube videos ? there are MUCH worse they could be doing just be thankful
We don’t let the kids use electric anymore unless and adult is sitting and watching because even the kids YouTube with restricted more has extremely inappropriate stuff in it watch what your kids are watching or take the electronic if they are little
Quit being a helicopter parent.
At 15 I can assure you your child has seen worse and heard worse at school. I was pregnant at 15, married at 16 and I can’t imagine someone trying to tell me what to do at that age. Your kid goes to school with actual drug dealers, rapists and junkies.
Im sorry maybe im crazy but what is the difference from jeffy to when i was a child watching south park?? Im 30. My kids are 10 and 5. I literally just went and watched an episode. Like i get there is cussing and stuff that shouldnt be said but this isnt even close to south park or robot chicken or crank yankers. Maybe im just weird but if you want to control what they watch. Download family link on your phone and put restrictions on it. But the things people complain about today isnt even close to what we watched as kids
Don’t push em away by overreacting. At that age, if looking at a “bad” video is all they’re doing, you’re winning. Just talk and educate them, don’t punish them for something that doesn’t need punished for. Trust me. If you do, they’ll never confide in you when they are intrigued to do something much worse.
Parental controls on their phones?
Depends on which Jeffy you’re referring to. If it’s the one I’m thinking of, my 7 year old loves him. But I don’t put a whole lot of restrictions on my children. I find it backfires when you do. And I’m willing to bet this will on you as well. They’re teens. Putting such harsh restrictions on them will only make them want to watch it more.
I know someone who’s son is allowed to watch this and I’m not even joking the language that he thinks is acceptable to use at his age which is 11 is disgraceful
I thought we were gonna hear they were on X rated site…Youtube? Really? These are teens. I was watching Chucky,Jason, and all those movies with sex and everything else at age 5. Not saying i let my kids watch those…my oldest is 7 and most she watches scary is Harry Potter. They will be fine. Lol. Maybe get them a video game console. Will get them off Youtube but you might not approve of the blood in the games boys play…Just dont buy GTA if that sensitive.