My 15 yr old watches por@hub so I’d be happy if it was YouTube
Having a heart to heart talk with a teen WITHOUT getting upset is the most effective thing you can do as a parent. You raised them with certain values and tell them you hope they aspire to greatness in their lives and act like good decent people. Long walks and long talks… best medicine for parents and kids.
You sound like a Karen. Be glad it wasn’t Pornhub. And btw… If you think you can control access by taking their phones… More power to you.
My 5 yr old granddaughter got her mom’s phone while she slept… and WOWshe told me some stuff she watched I was horrified…I had a good talk with her mom…phone is out of site now… hope you can work it out…
Parental control. If u control what they watch they won’t see inappropriate stuff you don’t want. That’s the problem with parents. They don’t control what their kids see and get mad when their kids see inappropriate stuff. And the other problem is they don’t wanna take the time to put up parent control. Yet blame the children when ur supposed to be making sure they don’t watch inappropriate stuff. Take responsibility that it’s your fault your children watch inappropriate stuff. Punish yourself and take the time to parent control. It’s that simple. Idc if they are 17yrs old if u don’t want inappropriate stuff control it. I hate parent control but guess what I learned how to use it. When my kid started saying things I didn’t teach him I cut him off so fast. Not in this house.
My son used to watch the show sml with the puppets and ones name is juffy or jeffy … Slow puppet with a pencil up his nose…its not that bad plus YouTube has cracked down on alot of its inappropriate content…my kids are 10 and 14 no parental control on any of their or my devices my kids know what they can and cant watch and if they see something inappropriate they come to me tell me and ask questions…
They’re 15 amd 13. I doubt its really that bad, it’s on YouTube. It’s not like it’s pornhub. It’s normal for kids to watch things they probably shouldn’t. And they’re getting old enough to start understanding what is and isn’t appropriate.
Take their phones, return them with parental control and check daily
Block the Jeffy from their YouTube so it wont appare anymore on YouTube
Family link op Google play store dit jou beste
It’s so scary today.