I found out my kids were watching inappropriate videos on youtube: Advice?

Easy. Take the phones away for a while.

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Or you could also tell them that you’re taking away the phone and you don’t want them to have the phone and only on personal appropriate things that you could check the number and block it from any kind of program and only use it as a phone number instead of going on the other of kind of you to or any kind of other stuff

I will sit down with them and talk to them and ask them what is the point of Jeffrey or whatever this show is called and explained to them that you don’t approve of it or and if they want your approval or your trust you need to tell them that it is good to have trust in your children or just tell them that it is okay to tell you anything that you want to know or tell them what you want to know and tell them that you feel like if they want to be treated like an adult or a young teenager that they need to respect your say you’re their parent and you should know do not hide anything from they shouldn’t hide anything from you and this is not appropriate for you to be watching and if they need to tell you ask you for an advice or anything like that they should tell you I think this will be a good example of this I had a little experience of this sphere forever stayed with my roommate wanted his son was watching dirty Cardinals on TV different kind of programs on TV and I didn’t like it and they were on pay-per-view and raising up the bill the and I had to pay the bill but I explained to them that I would have to pay them that they need to pay me back but in your situation you’re the parent and the two kids need to respect you and that kind of situation and realized that I could date them or tell them the kids are going to do with the kids and me too but you need to tell them not on that specifically way to do it on your phone or what you could do is put a block on it parenting parenting block is a good thing to have two and they can’t get into it only if they go to the phone company and their parent has to unblock it the phone company and you could find out what they’re doing or what they’re saying on the phone have a child lock on certain kinda stuff and stop it from happening

Take the electronic devices. If they really need a phone, get a basic phone with no data.

Were there rules/boundries in place? If so, take internet access away until they are mature enough to handle it and follow the rules.

How many parents children get on omegle?

Set up controls on all devices in the home to block the sites you don’t want them accessing.

Put parental locks on them.

Talk to your kids about it and put a block on their phone to where they can’t watch stuff like that

You Tube has Parental controls

That show is prevented

Im good.got 2 girls.they stay in poll mostly

Tell them how porn destroys marriages and family. Can lead to sex trafficking.

Be the parent & take the phones away. Make them Earn them Back

Youtube kids… Use ths…its safe n cn be controlled by parents

Explain to them , if you christian pray with them …Confiscate phones for some time

Put the parental lock on it

Go buy one of those hello goodbye phones problem solved

13 and 15 are teens I mean maybe have them talk with you about it you punish and take away they figure out to do things behind your back better growing up my mom always taught me I could tell her anything as long as I didn’t lie and always told on my self and we talked about why I made the decision I did I am doing the same thing with my son he tells me almost immediately when he has done something he is 10 older boys in our neighborhood presured him into trying a vape he came immediately home and told me everything that had happened and he wasn’t in trouble because he told the truth and that was his one an only time he wouldnt get in trouble

Google family app then lock the regular YouTube app so they can only watch the child appropriate version

Don’t punish them but let them know.

You can set parental controls on their phone so you can control what they watch .


Parental controls or no internet

My kids watch all kinds of stuff but that is one thing that isn’t allowed.

Parental Contol … Lock the sites or take their devices

Its what kids do these days. Id recommend parental controls… if that’s not possible removal of devices

Lol they are teenagers, they’re going to watch what they want when you’re not looking. I caught mine looking at pornos and grounded them from their phones. They wait a while and then sneak back on. They just end up deleting their history/activity thinking I don’t know.


I wouldn’t punish them the first time. Tell them it’s inappropriate, and use the parental controls… but it’s no worse than what they hear at school guaranteed… it’s a puppet, not pornography… yet anyway.

You can always put a block on their phones. You can’t punish them; punishment yourself for assuming and not monitoring them. It’s your fault. What did you expect from teenagers!!??

You were supposed to set rules and consequences before they were allowed the privilege of technology.

Barn door open, horses have escaped. Should have been nailed down years ago. You “just found out” Really? Where the hell you been? Clearly not checking in/on your kids. These things dont happen over night, been goin on for a fat minute. Wake up mom.

Life360 App
What they Watch
Apps they Use
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Grandchildren live with ME

What is inappropriate on YouTube?

Why do they have phones? They have special phones only for emergency calls or 911.

Set up family link thru Google and they can’t access anything not pg 13

Be a parent.
You are NOT their friend

Try the BARK app.
Look into it.
It’s really good… and inexpensive…

The show just looks stupid. Why punish them for it? :woman_facepalming:t5:

I would take the phones away for a month.You know you can put parental guidance on them. That way you control their phones from your phone.

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I don’t like that jefffy he is the worst

Parents controls. Don’t let them watch it they are being indoctrinated. Its better for them to be mad at you now then lose them to satanic beliefs later.


Didn’t know what jeffy was so went and looked, it’s disgusting. I would talk to your children and explain why you are forbidding them to watch it. I wouldn’t punish them this time but tell them if you find out they are still watching it there will be a punishment. Actions have consequences. Tell them you trust them to make the right decision.

Always check their history I’m sure at there age they have checked out you porn too.

Not sure what jeffry is , but you are definitely allowed to raise you’re children as u see fit . Teenagers are easy to punish take away what they love the most .

To quote Judge Judy,You know a teenager is lying because their mouths are open,love them but don’t trust them,check on them often and they won’t be on You tube falling off a pier with a beer in their hand.

Tell them nope. Tell them quietly what you dont like. And if they cant comply, shut off their phone until they will. They are on your account. And use block for apps. Dont argue. Explain nicely, then act quietly. They will see you mean it.

I’m not familiar with Jeffy. What’s it all about?

Jeff Is really nasty.

Take their phones away. Case closed. Hard ass mom

Parenting by Facebook poll?

There are many ways to discipline your children.

  1. Counselling :- you are the best counsellor.Tell them what is appropriate.
  2. Mask your children mobile. They can be given simple mobile phones without extra app.

Use parental controls to block what they have access to.

Are you seriously asking this question???

Put parental controls on the phones it will stop

Take their phones away!

Take their phones away

Oh Jeffy…annoying ass character

Simple! Take there phones! Problem solved!

Yeah change the Wi-Fi password. Set up parental controls.

Replace with flip phones.

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Yeah, go on FB for parenting instructions. Poor kids. smh

Seriously they are teenagers let go

Ground them till their 18

Use the parental app on the phone

Turn off the internet

Simple take their phones away.

Cheap phone just for calls. And then only at 16.

Take phones away ,no problem why do you have to think about it

Throw their goddamn phones away

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How about if its not porn, drugs, or killing, let the kids watch it. Let them listen to death metal. Jesus. Kids these days are way too sheltered. Hell, even the bible has whores, murder and genocide; if you want to go that way.

Get the app screen time.

EASY: Take their phones

Shut phones down. Easy

Take their phones away.

Take away their phones!!

Take the phones away!!!

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Take away all electronics.

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Put parental controls on their phones

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Take all electronics away!


Uhm, take the phone away


As long as there no one hurting each other then just let it go

Parental controls are there for a reason. Monitor what is being watched. Leaving children to their own vises is trouble waiting to happen. Communication is the key at all ages.

Find the movie “Childhood2.0” on the internet. Then you will get the FULL story of what you’re up against and possible help.

I would rather know what my kids are doing than them sneak around. If they wanna watch it they will find a way

No get them off of jeffy.this is bad news !

I discovered pornhub at that age lol you’re fine

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lol they’re just glad you didn’t check their history.

Despite being targeted towards adults Jeffy has been a very popular character with children and young people for a long while now. You can even buy Jeffy dolls and t- shirts on Amazon and many other retail stores and despite the adult content in the videos the t-shirts sizes start from age 5 and up.

YouTube usually has restrictions 4AGE but the account has to be set up under a child account not an adult account

You can set your device to connect with theirs. Some shit these kids don’t need to be exposed to. Do the research and your phone will be alerted about everything they watch.

Seems to me a lot of the comments are coming from some very uptight parents of teens or parents of small children.
Kids are not stupid, stop treating like they are. Have a grown up discussion about what you expect from their behaviour. Ask them why they like these videos? Ask them what do they feel is appropriate and go from there. Punishing teenagers for watching videos seems harsh to me, as long as they’re not hurting themselves or anyone else by enacting dangerous, cruel or disrespectful things they see.
My teenagers grew up watching and listening to many songs and videos some parents would think are offensive. But my kids, now 21 and 17 are the kindest most respectful people I know and people comment on their behaviour all the time.
Let them start figuring out who THEY want to be instead of who WE think they should be.
Times have changed people, amd we need to accept that phones and technology are around to stay

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My kids are Not allowed to watch that stupid YouTube show lol. But my kids are 9&5.

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Strict parents create sneaky kids, I see nothing wrong with YouTube. If you have an issue with the content they are watching set their account as a children’s account and you should be able to manage and see what they’ve been watching


Is this the trans guy? My son loves to watch him even though he’s disgusting to me…:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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Your 15 year old is 3 short years from being an adult. I don’t think Jeffey is going to do that much damage. If they’re in public schools I can promise they’ve heard far worse. I grew up on South Park, Bevis and Butthead and Celebrity death match etc and I turned out just fine. I can actually recall my dad rolling in laughter watching shows with crude humor and as a teen never thought it was more than entertainment. It didn’t carry over to my personal life even though I love a good dirty joke :upside_down_face:


You can tell they haven’t been allowed to see this stuff of they are that old and are just now watching Jeffy. I’d say their punishment is that in itself.


My granddaughter discovered Jeffy when she was 5yrs old. As soon I realized it. I removed YouTube from her tablet right away. She only watches YouTube on my phone if in restaurant keep her occupied

I just watched one and it ain’t that bad lol. She learns worse shit at daycare lol

They are 13 and 15… they are going to be having sex real soon if they aren’t already and you are worried about you tube lol. You should be making sure they don’t have discord on their web browser history.


Take their phones for a week to start