I found out my partner was on tinder talking to other women a the start of our relationship: Advice?

Honestly I’d forgive him he stepped up has loved a child who isn’t his and didn’t even defend his actions ? Ma’am you got a keeper. Yes he fucked up yes it will take you a minute to forgive him but that was the beginning of your relationship it’s been what a year since and he ain’t fucked up like that ? Girl you don’t know how lucky you are. I’m not saying you should stay if you don’t think you can move on BUT if there is even a little bit of thought that you guys can make it work do it !! Try to move past it. Don’t give up.


Girl you said he’s great now and an amazing father to your kid…it’s been so long don’t go finding things to push him away. If it’s active then handle it if it was at the start of a dating phase let it go. Y’all are grown and different ppl now. After three dates nothing is certain but once he knew for sure you were it that was all. We are all humans give him the benefit of the doubt he sounds great :purple_heart: very blessed family


I’m confused as to why this would be eating away at you and how trust was broken? When things aren’t official, that is literally how the dating scene works? Your ways may be different where you only talk to one person at a time but not everyone is like that, people play the field! Being unforgiving in a situation that doesn’t exactly call for forgiveness, kinda shows that you more so need to work on yourself, opposed to making him feel like he’s the one in the wrong? Unless you established you two were only talking to each other, literally days after meeting… I don’t see this as him doing something wrong?


I am the same. It is incredibly easy to break my trust and I basically can never truly trust a person after that. It is hard but honestly if it’s that serious, therapy.


he sounds like an amazing man that deserves a second chance. it might hurt to know he was talking to other girls, but he made it clear that once y’all became serious, he cut them off & that’s enough to have respect for him. i’m not a forgiving person either, but it was before y’all were official & it was before y’all were serious & committed. it’s okay to be hurt about it, but it’s not okay to make it a serious issue. things will get better though, if you just forgive :heart:


Move on. People make mistakes, not a single person is perfect…. If you punish him for this, it certainly won’t make him want to be open and honest with you going forward :woman_shrugging:t3: Much worse men out there.


Is this person serious? He was on tinder 1.5 years ago and had since deleted the app when you actually became exclusive and he treats your child like his own and you don’t know if you can move past it? There is literally NOTHING to move passed. He did nothing.


Okay - were you “exclusive” or “not officially together” because you used both terms to define the same time frame. Also, if you have a man who shares the same core values, is a good man, a good partner AND is willing to accept your child from a previous relationship as his own you have hit the jackpot. You are concerned about something he did on tinder when you had gone on THREE dates and weren’t even officially together??? I think he should read this and HE should be the one reassessing the relationship. If this is always going to eat at you, you might want to rethink what you expect from a partner. There is no perfect man/relationship but this one sounds pretty damn good to me. I think you are creating an issue where there is not one.


You said it yourself you are not a forgiving person. How can you move past it if you don’t forgive. Honestly speaking from experience, not having trust, and not forgiving made life a living hell for the both of us. Anytime I was upset with him I would use it as ammunition against him, anytime he walked out the door there was a constant question of where was he going and who with? I grew to resent him and it really felt like a prison. If you honestly believe he’s sincere and can gain your trust then you really need to forgive him. For your and his peace. You don’t need to forget you just need to let it go.


Honestly, this one is forgivable. Truly. Once he chose you, he cut it out AND he apologized, he didn’t blow it off like it was no big deal. I’d let it slide, there’s nothing more to dwell on about it. Hope you’re able to get past it 100% :heart:


I always thought tinder was a big deal until I joined and found out it was all hot air… Give him a chance… If he says he’s never met them, then that’s just it!. Believe him.


If he wasn’t engaged married or living with you and it was the beginning of the relationship aaaaand he also stopped talking to those girls sounds like he did the right thing to me. To me this seems like a more deeper issue that you need to resolve with yourself and something that you need to work on for you. Just my opinion anyways.


I get why you’re upset I probably would be too for a bit but I’d let it go. Sounds like you found a good man. Everyone is going to have something, you just have to figure out what you’re willing to deal with. Be open, have the discussion and then let it go.


U have to start be a forgiving person or u wont ever be able to keep a relationship. Wouldn’t u like someone to forgive u because it should go both ways really. Only ignorant people would laugh at a comment.


If he was willing to own up, apologize, and acknowledge that he made a mistake, I feel that I could forgive that. Of course, you don’t like it, but it’s very possible to move forward from that you just have to decide whether you can or not. If you feel it’s gonna constantly eat at you, then you’re gonna struggle trusting him with anything. It will def stress the relationship and both of you.


You should be open with how it makes you feel and as long as there are no other red flags, you figure out how to move on. In time, it will become much less important and insignificant.


Anything the start of your relationship isn’t something to worry about. Um we allll tindered or other until we were locked down. Keeping options open in the beginning is not a cop out. He was honest. Move on. If he’s been been solid bf than and hasn’t actually communicated with women or cheated since then idk what the problem is.


I’d be upset at first, but once I had time to really think about it, I’m sure I’d be okay. That’s given the description of y’all’s relationship.

It is completely normal for us as humans to want to have a back up plan in case something goes wrong. Maybe he was making sure he had a back up plan in case the two of you weren’t compatible.

At the end of the day if he has stepped into the role of a father, is supportive, and he makes you happy, then I’d get over it. BUT if you move past it but can’t get it off your mind, then you need to step away. You also need to communicate to your partner that if this doesn’t work, he needs to respect your wishes.


are the monogamous ok?
You guys were in the “talking phase “ . I see nothing wrong here and he’s apologizing , even though he has no reason to. There is way more things to worry about in life. You guys are together and happy, why ruin it over something not so serious ?!


You said he is a good man and a good partner. Forgive and move forward hun. As long as he is catching up, showing efforts and all, so all is well. He ended talking to other girls, right? Drop that pride that you got for being an unforgiving person. I guess its worth the shot


So what exactly is the issue?
It’s in the past you weren’t officially dating the account is deleted and he hasn’t done it since so there really isn’t an issue


Girl if you gotta good man, you better put your damn pride to the side. If nothing was established in the beginning, you cant hold that against him. And if his actions haven’t proved enough since yall been exclusive, then you might as well hang it up!


Sounds like some counseling may not be a bad thing. Especially since you said what you said about yourself. But over all he sounds like an ok guy.

Just “moving on” doesn’t always work for everyone and if you see a future you have to work for it.

Good luck!


Get over it! It was before you guys were serious! I think he has proven himself by the way he treats you and your child. Life is too short to be petty. If this was a constant thing, that would be another story. Stop trying to sabotage a good thing by grudge holding


I wouldn’t worry about it. Just move forward. As long as he’s not doing it now and he’s faithful and everything, it’s all good. :heart:


Move on without him. If someone goes behind my back, there are no second chances. What you decide now, sets the example for your kids as well. Women are so quick to forgive someone who probably wouldn’t do the same for you. A betrayal is a betrayal and it’s close to impossible to restore trust in a relationship even if they didn’t cheat.


He ended it. Deleted the account. It was early in the relationship before you were exclusive. Alot of people have other options just in case the worst happens with who they are trying with. If he didn’t cheat, and hasn’t them I would try and get over it and move past it. That’s just me. :woman_shrugging:


You’d be appalled at some dating practices in the old days. Learn to forgive and forget. Move on. Hes committed if he gave it up when it became exclusive. Trust him and yourself. Move on…


Self love . If you have that you can forgive him. If you don’t have that, you need to work on yourself and communicate that to him. If he’s apologizing, acknowledging that he was wrong, and trying to fix it without being negative or making you feel guilty then you ask yourself somethings and figure out how you can grow from this experience.

Don’t throw away a good one.


As I was reading your story it made me think of my relationship I was with someone for 3 months was exclusive was never any conflict both shared the same values and found out they’re not only was he on dating sites but he was in touch with his ex-girlfriend which apparently was a best friend of his and there was so much history he didn’t want to let her go well needless to say I was with him for almost 6 years and even though he profusely apologized and told me it would never happen again it happened the whole entire time he just got smarter with it! My advice to you especially since you have a child involved RUNNNN not only are you going to get hurt again but your child’s feelings are going to be in play in this relationship having some attachment with your boyfriend. Men have a keen gift of telling women what they want to know even though we don’t think that they have common sense at all just beware hun!!


Either you were exclusive or still dating. Can’t be both. He sounds like a good guy and you like each other’s company.


If he told you that you two were exclusive and you were the only one he was with, then did it anyways…that’s still emotional cheating. It probably will cause you to always have the tiniest doubt that pops up now and again. Would you sign up for a membership to something like that?


Let it go girl, if that’s all hes done hang on with both hands. Ain’t a soul on this earth perfect.


If its not happening currently and it was 1.5 years ago, I personally would let it go


The good outweighs the bad here. Reread what you wrote. You guys weren’t official yet and he never even met them AND he cut it off after you guys made it official. …come on now lol…

Honestly this is so minor it sounds like you may be looking for something wrong (for whatever reason. Maybe you’re not used to having a good man around? I wouldn’t be LOL. Maybe you’re afraid of things going well because being alone is easier?) and here it is. But again, just going off the post, the good seems to outweigh the bad.

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I think since “the issue” that arose three days ago is where the problem lies after 1.5 years together. He took down the tinder before she could see it, I’m assuming. She said “he was chatting up girls”, again recent three days ago. Obviously he’s already lying because he said that once he knew they were exclusive he stopped going on tinder but if he really stopped going on tinder how’s he get caught chatting up girls three days ago!? I call BS. He agreed he was wrong because again he was caught on tinder three days ago. I wouldn’t trust him because obviously he’s lying about something if he’s been a tinder for who knows how long but just got caught three days ago. Trust your gut instinct I say, something is sketchy on his part.


Have you thought about doing some couples counseling? Even just a session every two weeks or a virtual session? It may help you all continue to grow closer, let you rebuild trust, and let him have the chance to show you that he’s truly past that. Just a thought! Best of luck to you!

Nope red flag.
Been there. Done that. I’m not sure how old you are but take it from someone who has gone through it. RED FLAG.


I went through a situation where my so cheated on me and did some stuff similar. I’m not a forgiving person myself. Within time it has faded for me. If he’s willing to do the right thing and fight to earn your trust back, I would say give him a chance to prove it to you. Set limits and rules if you must to help make it easier for you.

Sounds like you two weren’t in the same place in the beginning if you thought you were exclusive, but he didn’t think you were serious for some time after- that is past, this is present- is he good to you and your child? If so, make sure your communication is better going forward and let this go

This is a bit tough. I can see why your trust is broken. On one hand, it depends how official and how long he was doing it I guess… on the other hand he did keep it from you instead of being honest. And why say you’re exclusive before you are ready to be?
It would be hard for me to trust him… but also it seems silly if your relationship has become so much more.
Maybe try some couples therapy?

If you’re here asking I can only assume there is more going on. Something is jabbing at you that you don’t want to face. Be truthful to yourself and what you’re feeling and go from there.

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Girl seriously, get tf over it!!! Like wtf!! You’re man did some thing years ago, he gave up everything to be your child’s father. I understand you’re upset but that shits in the past. I can understand if u found out that he’s been doing it behind your back and shit like I did tonight. I swear it sounds like u have a good one. Don’t be Karen over a situation that happened when I first got together. Sorry, I hit a trigger and I had to vent!!

Speaking from experience trust ur instincts if u think its happening again. But lay both ur expectations out of what is acceptable and not now in very clear dumb ass lamens terms so he doesnt have an excuse next time and u dont have to “feel crazy” when its “all in ur head”. It sounds like he sorry and regrets lying and give urself time to heal and understand it wasnt about you personally he just didnt know what he had yet. Its hard to get over lost trust.
My advice try to forgive but if it happens again dont stay. U deserve better. To have No man is better than 1 who lies n hides.

When my husband and I started to get a little more involved, he was still on dating websites, and after we slept together (but not dating yet) he went and slept with another girl just to be sure it wasn’t him getting laid (he hadn’t had any in a while) that made him have strong feelings for me. He said after that, he knew without a doubt. He patiently waited for me to be ready for a relationship. We got together 6 years ago and we don’t bring up anything before our relationship just to start crap. He’s amazing, we got married and he’s a great step dad, and we have a toddler together and a baby due anyday. Anything he did before we were official, that’s his business and he didn’t have to tell me, but he did which I appreciated.

He’s sounds amazing and you’re lucky you found a man who is willing to openly communicate with you and admit when he is wrong. In the nicest way possible…get over your ego, quickly. This conversation could have went south so fast and he stayed honest and open. You holding onto your pride about not being a forgiving person will only lead you to find other things “wrong” with him that you “just can’t forgive” and YOU will be the reason your relationship doesn’t work out. Not his. You guys weren’t committed yet. The beginning stages are still too fresh to make tinder an issue. If he still had it to this day, then that would be a problem. But as far as I’m concerned by what you said in your story, it really seems like you’re reaching to try to stay mad at him. Let the man admit his faults. If you make a big deal out of every time he does, guess what? Hes not going to want to open up to you anymore! Lol relax in your relationship. These things are suppose to be fun and supportive, not a reason for you to make drama where there isnt lol

Don’t self sabotage something good because of something over a year ago. If he hasn’t given you any reason not to trust him besides something in the very beginning of your relationship or before you guys were really official, it’s not worth overthinking it

Girl make like Elsa and let it go. I don’t see anything to forgive honestly. If you have a good man and does everything you’re saying he does, let it go.

I think alot of people do this when dating. I wouldn’t let this ruin our relationship. Yall weren’t officially yet and you said he was only talking.

No, don’t let it eat you up. It was at the start of your relationship. He sounds like a great man. Try to move past this.

My opinion is if they do it once, they will do it always.


I’d be upset at first. But it happened so long ago. Time to accept and “forgive” and move on. He owned up to it and apologized.

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Hmmm… :thinking: after much thought and a year and a half of you guys dating there is NO reason for him to be on any dating sites. If you are exclusive then so be it, get off the other sites! It’s up to you!!!

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For a year and a half he’s been dedicated to you and your son. While it was dishonest, he didn’t know you. We naturally feel less loyalty to people we don’t “know” well. I think the fact the tinder is gone and he’s sorry is enough. forgive him and move on or let him go.

I will say also,i stayed and it just got worse,i couldnt forgive but tried so so hard.that ate at the relationship with the insecurities.so if u stay,dont bring it up it was your choice to stay and deciding to “get past it.”

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How did it come to light three days ago? And I’m sure there is way to get the account back, I don’t know how but nothing is ever really deleted.

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From my personal experience, the fact that he didn’t get defensive right away and apologized sincerely is huge …and he wants to build that trust with you again with actions and not just words…. I wish past guys did that for me. All I got was a lot of excuses, anger and words not action…I look at it as first time is a mistake second time is by choice so I’d give him another chance and if he’s still doing it (which the truth always comes out eventually) then ya walk. Good luck! There’s a lot of good advice here… it is hard to trust again but we all also make mistakes… go with your heart ((air hugs))

Get some counseling to help yourself move past this. He has apologized etc and you’ve blown this into some huge deal when it shouldnt be. It was over a year ago and you guys were not serious as of yet. Chill out a little.

My boyfriend and I have been talking for over a month and exclusive both still have our dating profiles up am not doing anything with mine and I have faith he’s not with his once I know this foundation is solid and it’s going to be long term I’ll delete mine and I have all faith he will as well

You met him 1.5 yr ago an only found out he’s on tinder STILL!!! Why is he still on this DATING APP??? After this length time??? Keeping his options open??? Wake up, your wasting your time, get rid, your worth more than that…

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I say you’re making it into more than it really is. If you were not actually in a relationship yet, move on. Let it go. There’s no reason for you to be hurt or upset over this. Now, if you had been in a relationship and it was known there should be no one else that’s another story. But it doesn’t seem to be the case. Move on and enjoy your relationship. If things are great, why ruin it over something like this? You said yourself things are good between you. Maybe he’s the one needing to look into the relationship if you’re hurt and “can’t forgive him” for something he did before there was even really a relationship.

I can understand how it hurts but if you were not Official that means that you both have the right to see other people even if you tell each other I only want to see you if you didn’t say we are 100% boyfriend girlfriend they have a right to

I know my husband was still talking to his ex when we were first dating I saw her name pop up in his phone after it was a brand new phone number he got while dating me because he switched phone companies
He still to this day won’t I meant to it and I think that’s the part that makes mad

I’ve caught him writing girls on MySpace also after we got married but that’s Obviously when the boundaries are being pushed

Either forgive or get a new man. He’s apologized and UNLESS he has given you any reason to believe he’s been unfaithful, your problem is your problem. I have trust issues as well BUT THAT BEING SAID, I give my man the benefit of a doubt. He gives me no reason to doubt him so I don’t

Number one you should always have a little bit of trust issues it’s normal. Maybe just maybe you should give him this one because you were just starting off and just maybe he wasn’t sure at first if you were worth ( the rest of his life with) it. Sounds like after you were together for awhile he decided you were the only one he wants to be with. Sometimes men have commitment issues for various reasons and you need to break down the wall. Make it plain you won’t have him cheating on you because you’ve got to much respect in yourself for that and stand by it.

You cd publicly flog him and have him walk thru the streets naked, carrying a big sign saying “I spoke to other women before my g/friend and I were exclusive”…? I’d move on and try to find someone Practically Perfect In Every Way. He dsnt deserve your neuroses and it sounds like you’ll bring this up everytime he does something that you consider ‘wrong’. He deserves better than this.

It didn’t happen last week. Let it go! You weren’t in a committed relationship and he was absolutely allowed to keep his options open until you went from ‘exclusive’ to ‘relationship’ he wasn’t sleeping with them so he hasn’t lied!

I went through this as well. It still gets to me at times and I have to just think of something else. i did change our relationship date from sept 5th to Nov since obvious he was not with only me until November.

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Sounds like you have a great relationship. Don’t ruin it by overthinking. Great relationships are rare so don’t punish him for being honest with u or you’ll be lookin petty af

Do you want to screw up something good over something so petty and pathetic its time for you to start growing up and your comment about you don’t forgive are you perfect or something are you Jesus how many times have you done and said something that people have forgiven you for? So again grow up

He was seeking out and WILL do it again.i dealt with this for 3 years of fake profiles and “never doing it again” and “i didnt want anything” THEN THE QUESTION IS WHY IS HE ON A DATING WEBSITE.HE probably has already done more than you think
He wants you but wants someone else too,ask me how they think idk😔he also did it "at the beginning,but honey it lasted 3 years,for me anyway…


Do you have any good reason to doubt what he says is true? You said he’s stepped up in your toddlers life, that sounds like he’s all in. He admitted he was wrong. Have you ever done anything wrong? Do t be a doormat but don’t let a good thing go. Forgive, move on and don’t let the devil sit on your shoulder and whisper BS in your ear. He comes to steal your joy and the love in your life. Don’t allow him foothold in your mind or life. Forgive and move happily forward unless you have GOOD reason not to. :latin_cross::pray::dove:

Allot of this rides on HOW you found out. Did he just come clean & tell you (bizarre after so much time, but ya never know) or did you see the App on his phone, or some other means?
I went through a similar situation - my BF & I were together (and exclusive, or so I thought) for 4 months - we were out on a date & he left his phone in the truck. When we got back to the truck I saw his phone light up with a tinder notification for a new match.
I was mortified, hurt, and freakin pissed. He lied about it at first, but did allow me to see his phone & basically look through everything! It was SO hard reading those messages, I wanted to vomit.
But none suggested he met up with any of them, and he swore he hadn’t.
Long story short - I stayed with him, but did check his phone after that regularly. However it never left my mind, it always plagued me. I kept wondering if he was still doing it, or if he really did meet up with anyone. I wasn’t at peace. He never explained it properly & he just couldn’t be real & deep with me about his feelings on the matter. Never sat right.
We stayed together about 1.5yrs & recently I broke up with him (for totally unrelated issues).
So. Decide what your peace is worth.
If he told you he was exclusive & still on tinder - that’s emotional cheating & he knew what he was doing.

My partner did the same an to be fair so did I. Once we found out we were serious we both deleted the app. Dont dwell on it you’ll only end up hurting yourself.

“Seeing the value of our relationship” is that like seeing potential or is it really present?

Honestly I think he valued your relationship enough to share this as it was probably eating at him. I would honestly believe him and maybe seek counseling to overcome the insecurities and to help with forgiveness. Everyone makes mistakes and I think he is trying to make it up to you. I wish you the best

I wouldnt see a problem. He was honest about his mistake, and hes with you now. Hes deleted the app and has discontinued since becoming exclusive.

My fiance cheated last year, he was drunk and i know who she is so it didnt surprise me but ive forgiven him and know that it hasnt happened again.

If its been that long and between time havent had any other issues, move on. His character then does not reflect his character now

Oh sweetie… if y’all weren’t officially together you have nothing to be mad about.

… Ok. You’re either gonna move on and get past it or you’re not. Sorry to sound blunt
He didn’t lie. You said he didn’t cheat. You just feel ‘icky’

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I don’t think I would loose any trust if that came to light. He was just chatting with them and obviously you’re the one he wanted so Idk move on.

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Why was trust lost? Yall werent married. Yall were barely dating. Talking isnt cheating.

You get over it he didn’t do anything and it was over a year ago

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So which is it? You weren’t official or you were exclusive. You’re backtracking and contradicting yourself … like why are you making excuses for that behavior??

Cheating doesn’t start with a penis and a vagina. Even though it was something he did in the past, he told you that you were exclusive then pursued other women. The lack of physically having intercourse means nothing although I personally wouldn’t believe that he didn’t since he deceived you from the start. If it’s a relationship you’re invested in and want to continue, you both need to actively work to mend this bump in the road. As small as it may seem, it can absolutely grow and eat at you if you let it.

You either trust your partner or you don’t. There’s no middle ground. And without trust you have nothing. If it’s been deleted and he’s apologized and there’s no proof of him cheating on you then let it go. Give the man you say you love the benefit of the doubt. If you can’t do that then there’s your answer.

You will always feel that way years will go by but the feeling won’t change

Have an honest, open conversation with him about it, then move on.

What “brought it to light” after all this time? Was there a trust issue that caused?

He used you for a back up simple as that

Maybe your the one who is not sure this,is it, if you are go before it is too lake

Let it go!!! He apologized, he is good to your kid…what else do you want?

Honey this is something to sweep under the rug

So was he or was he not chatting on tinder the beginning throws me off

You are making a mountain out of a mole hill.

You need to learn how to move beyond this or risk losing someone who sounds like a great guy!

Contrary to what fairy tales would have us believe, it’s not usually happily ever after 3 dates into a relationship.

Although You may have verbally agreed to be exclusive early on, there’s still an understood psychological transition that has to happen when you go from single to dating. His single hobbies faded out ,but they just weren’t completely synchronized with his verbal commitment. But he’s a good dude. He didn’t actually mess around on you. He just continued chatting for a bit.

I hope you are not one of those girls that have to constantly rehash this with him and drive him into a guilty kind of insanity. He said he was sorry. Accept his apology and get over it already. 

I’m not trying to sound harsh, but In my opinion, you either:

  • don’t really love him the way you wish you did. You might know he’s a great guy, and you know he loves you, but you can’t quite get yourself to feel what you were hoping you would. Maybe this is suppressed or maybe you are aware. So this is kind of like a red herring. Maybe you figure that if you focus on this, rather trivial, detail from long ago, it can distract you from having to address your real predicament of not being in love, but wanting so badly to be.

-OR you have some major personal insecurity issues that are spiraling into a unruly tornado of destruction. If this is the case, you have to prioritize yourself and your mental health. It’s no one else’s job to create the self esteem you should already have in yourself.
Harping over something so harmless and insignificant reflects extremely jealous tendencies stemming from low self image.
You need to figure out how you can be more confident in yourself. When you can achieve that, you’ll begin to have a better appreciation for those who just want to love you, without all the drama.


Oh honey, believe him and let him back in. If ya’ll have been together for over a year and a half, the relationship is going great and he is a great father to your child. Stop looking for things to make it go bad when it was literally over a year ago now :heart:
I looked for things in the beginning and sometimes still struggle with it, but he is a man of his word and if I blow it out of proportion he is very patient with me and instead of manipulating me like most boys used to do. He talks to me like a human being and makes it very clear that I am the only one his heart is set on and no one else can come between us.
So you will probably go thru some reassurance like I did until it passes. But understand if the guy wasn’t serious about you. He wouldn’t have stuck around this long and do his best to apologize for what he did and delete the account in the process. I promise it will be okay :heart:

If you want to be in a relationship then you need to learn to forgive.

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You have to decide if you can be at peace with that. It doesn’t matter about him, you know yourself

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Live in the now and enjoy your little family. Life’s too short.

Girl once he lets you know and is honest about it take it personally and be grateful he wanted to come clean to you he wanted a new start with you and your trust …don’t ruin it listen to him and let it go and be happy I made the mistake to take it seriously and ended up fucking it up and I’ve lost the love of my life I pushed him away after he clearly found a way to tell me he wanted me In his own way and I used it against him and now I lost him. Please don’t use it against him he picked you…we all aren’t as lucky keep a good man.

Forgiveness and pardon…:heart:
There are few perfect souls.

eh i will never understand why people project their guilt onto others he should of just kept this to himself