I found out my step-son has been letting my kids play violent games

Sounds like You need counseling not the boys.:joy:


That’s it, that’s all I got for this f*ckery


It’s fine to not like this behaviour. But they’re boys wanting to be like their “cool older brother”. This is relatively normal. Unless they’re having nightmares and stuff like that, I’d leave it be.


No idea why people are being so ignorant towards your concerns. People saying they can tell how you feel about this or that based on how you word things is bullsh*t. Totally unfair to make a complete judgment call based on a few lines on Facebook :roll_eyes::flushed: In my opinions based on the small bit of info above - I’d be upset too. My 10 yo step son plays video games etc and I don’t want my two children (when old enough since they are only 16 months and 4 months) being exposed at that age. Sorry not sorry. I think maybe you’ve went a little far in terms of counselling but again I don’t know the whole story. I’d say if they are showing now violent tendencies counselling sounds appropriate but just being exposed to a violent game doesn’t mean they will go out and kill people. It’s all in balance and a personal parenting call. Hope things work out and you ignore the mean inconsiderate comments


I notice you actively think of your kids and your step son as separate… Which is your perogative I guess, and beside the point.

Honestly… I think you’re making a mountain out of a mole hill. Your 17 year old step son took an active part in his brothers’ lives… At 17… That’s just so so so cool. As a mom and an oldest sibling, that by itself is noteworthy.

This went on for 6 months and you had no clue… How bad was it really for them? Yes, they were up past bedtime and certainly suffered from lack of sleep, and that definitely needed addressed… But counseling? Are they doing anything other than what kids have literally done without video games and movies for centuries? Are they tormenting animals or wetting the bed? (Both signals at their ages of things that need addresses pronto)

Take a moment and breathe. These are your babies, but if you think they weren’t playing pretend in some other violent way before, they were probably hiding it.

You can take this and encourage them to just keep hiding things and push a kid you kinda oughta think of as your kid away and out of their lives, or you can address it in a number of other ways. Truly, there are soooo many ways to address this in a healthy, productive way.

My 6 year old daughter has had a fascinating with death since she was at least 3… Death and violence are things that exist and you can’t shield your kids from either. What you can do is offer a safe place for them to explore those ideas and the morality and issues and questions and everything they have about them.

I hope everything works out, regardless! You sound like an honestly good, caring mom who is doing the best she knows!


If you don’t like your stepson just say that :roll_eyes:.


They will out grow it the longer they aren’t playing it….it’s sad when a step-child or any child does these type of things it was on purpose and no he can’t come back acting like this! His mother is probably putting him up to it #toxic…let him be where he is at because he knows he is wrong


Also how many of yall are paying close attention to the video games these days? They cuss, they have sex, they kill cold blooded. They are not a good influence. They create addiction, desensitization, and laziness. Not appropriate for 6 and 7 year old at all!

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Guns guts and gory is what boys, for the most part, like. What’s more concerning is why he’s waking them up to do it.


I grew up watching horror movies, I watched Yosemite Sam take shots at people and watched cartoons where characters got hit with chairs, pans, etc… I’ve played video games that were kinda violent and Guess what, I’m a law abiding citizen. This is where parents need to explain the difference between right and wrong. You said yourself that they’re PRETENDING to kill each other. Now if you see them physically trying to go after each other with weapons then I would be concerned. :woman_shrugging:t4:


We play PUBG, Fortnite, and call of duty, have watched scary movies and all that but i respect if another parent doesn’t like it or want their kids introduced to it yet. It’s hard for the son too because he’s so much older and if he has no other siblings closer to his age to play games with or friends close by when visiting dad, that’s tough too for him cause it’s way more fun playing with people you know. Let him play of course, but just tell the boys not til they’re older. As for her feeling’s towards the ex, that’s another conversation. Lots of people talk shit about the ex. And we are the ex that gets talked about. Her husband might be the one who is holding the animosity and probably blames his ex for whatever problems come from there because she said " we have grounded them and we took toys away" etc… Oh well. Many people on here are probably hypocrites on here. Anyway, i hope everything gets sorted out, and your older son spends more time because family is family :heart:

My boys watched and played all levels of violent and horror games and movies and have grown up to be exceptional human beings and never hurt anyone. It’s all in how their raised. We can’t blame the movies and games. Maybe have a talk about their views of these games and movies without punishing or hollering. Learning how they feel and think goes a long ways.


This is why these kids started eating tide pods. Absolute freaks for parents


I think the issues are probably:

  1. Breaking the rules
  2. Talking about it in public (school) where is not allowed

Idk why people are telling the mom to get counseling😑


I’d more worry about it scaring them. Just explain that that stuff is for movies and video games only, not real life


If you pulled the stick out of your butt this wouldn’t have went down this way. They wouldn’t hide it, they wouldn’t be acting it out non stop as it would have been just normal life also SS wouldn’t feel like he has to sneak around after you go to bed to be able to do fun things with his little brothers… He did not damage your children. They are acting out the scenes so much because they have had to hide a normal childhood right of passage their entire lives :woman_facepalming:t3: I’m so glad I allow my boys to BE BOYS… My boys(3-19, 5 of them) have almost $1000 worth of Nerf guns & you know what they do with them? Sneak attack me all day! We all keep Nerf guns hidden ALL over the house! To see the smiles in their eyes & hear the incredible joy in their laughs is SO worth it!!! Let cistern be children, just have conversations with them about what is fake & what is acceptable to act out in what places. My kids play all kids of games. We have always had conversations about them & we have never had a problem.

You are a bitter stepmother! You’ve been in his life atleast 8 years now. Time to grow up…


You’re crazy! I get that they shouldn’t be playing those games at that age but it happened so move on. They’re kids and boys at that! Get over yourself! Therapy for that. I hate to see how they’ll end up if you go to those extremes for something like this… good grief lady


Seriously! Jesus those poor kids being forced into counseling… and the poor 17 year old being treated this way! No 17 year old kid is going to sneak into his very young siblings room and force them out of bed to HANG OUT with them and play video games and saying “nothing sexual yet” like your insinuating that a 17 year old kid you have known for at least 8 years is pushing sexual content on his brothers and u just haven’t found out about it YET?! wow PLEASE put yourself in counseling and learn how to react and what’s normal or ok and how to treat a child who’s father YOU MARRIED KNOWING that child would be in your life… I feel so bad for those children.


Wow. 3- 4 year old babies have iPads to keep them quiet and God knows what they are watching. This Mom is concerned and She’s right. The rest of you …start parenting on or you’ll be sorry you didn’t.


You’re putting them in counseling for that? Relax a bit. No good comes from hiding your kids under rocks.


They got out of bed to play video games and watch movies…3 boys and you didn’t hear them ? That concerns me more than what they were actually doing tbh.
Boys will pretend fight all the time. Im really not sure counselling is needed…more a chat on whats pretend and what’s real life.
They are your children and of course its your right to bring them up as you see fit…but I really think you’re over reacting


The violent video game argument is :wastebasket:. Always has been, always will be.


What does the divorce with the mom have anything to do with her question? Bitter much? It had nothing to do with the kid. I personally think you’re being overboard crazy, and your kids will resent you over time with their Half-Brother and taking something any child does around their age? I think you need the counseling…but o.k.


Perfectly normal for boys to pretend play with blood and guts. It was wrong for the older brother to let the younger ones play it but to punish your kids for playing that way? Really?? I guess I should punish my boys and send them to therapy everytime they pretend to hurt each other with their nerf guns… Ease up a little and talk to your stepson how they are too young to be playing such video games.


First hes 17 and the older brother it’s kinda what siblings do​:sweat_smile: but therapy for a video game seems a little extreme and how many 6 and 7 yr olds have you been around they talk about blood guts and playing dead alot lol comming from a mom of two they are wildin out about it because it’s new to them ! Evil within isn’t that bad :woman_shrugging:t4:


Some people enjoy horror and gore… those people were once kids who enjoyed it… unless the children are being made upset about it then I would let them enjoy that time with their brother… my kids and I put on haunted houses for our friends, as I said some people enjoy that type of entertainment. My household is full of horror movie fantastics and we are all sane and normal people. It’s no big deal :woman_shrugging: unless it’s hurting someone


Counseling is a bit much lol. Just don’t let him play games and give him access to what you think is age appropriate. I have a 9 year old son with great behavior and grades that plays fortnight grand theft auto call of duty ect. I did too when I was his age he started playing around 6 so personally I don’t see anything wrong with the content but the disrespectfulness of the 17 year old and disrupting their sleep patterns

Ma’am you clearly are the one who needs therapy. You’re delusional :skull_and_crossbones:


Well damn Karen, boys are boys…counseling really??? Wt actual f…you are a horrible person and I promise you will be the one the kids grow up to resent…

I watched all kinds of horror movies as a kid. The babysitter would let me stay up and watch, as long as I didn’t fall asleep and leave her up alone. If they are no worse for wear. Did you think the old movies weren’t bad? Just because they don’t show the gore but plenty of violence and death. Heck the Bible is packed with all the things you are worried about.

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You need counseling yourself , a small reality check that these things are fine and not a crime , you’re punishing your kids for being kids , they probably like it and big brother is being a big brother , and YET ,? Your are already cornering this older brother for sharing sexually things is fucked up , you’re gross . Nobody cares about your husbands past

I don’t think you’re over reacting about worrying about more than just video games. You can never be too careful with your kids. I’d definitely keep an eye out.
The video games though, most kids will eventually play video games. They’ll be okay! I would keep an eye out though.
You’re not wrong to be a worried mama, you’re a good mom!!!
I understand you with this !!!

I grew up on horror movies and playing resident evil… I always knew the difference between make believe and reality from younger than that. Most games are about fighting evil and what not anyway, I can’t believe your genuinely considering counciling for something minor like this.

Also how did three boys manage to stay up/sneak up without you even noticing?


Really sounds like you have resentment towards the ex wife, and you don’t like your step son. :thinking: but I think that’s just me that feels like that.

I understand breaking rules and talking about certain things at school, but boys play video games. I feel like this whole situation leads back to you getting some type of help or talk to someone and figure out why you have such a problem with the 17 year old… the kids don’t need counseling… this is just my opinion, and I maybe the only one yo feel this way.


Lmfao my sons been doing sword fights and everything before a video game ever entered our house it’s a boy thing and as for video games that’s also a boy thing

Hunni, YOU need the counseling, not your children!! :roll_eyes:


Nothing sexual yet!? Wait listed for counselling :flushed: Your kids brother is actively taking a role in their lives without being asked too. As long as your son’s know what’s real and make believe, there’s no harm done. You’re taking a healthy relationship with their brother and ruining it. My son is 9 and has been obsessed with horror movies, blood, guts, etc since he was a kid. We watched investigation discovery all the time together. You said their pretending to do this and do that, which means that they know its make believe and that it’s wrong to actually cause harm to a person. In my opinion, you’re the one that needs the counselling. Not those kids. You’re making it seem that just because their brother wants to spend time with them means that something is going on. Grow up and let your sons have a healthy relationship. You don’t like your step son’s mom and I can tell through the post that you don’t like your step son, I also think you’re looking for any reason to not have him around and going to extreme lengths regarding it. I feel bad for your husband and all three of his children.


You’ve taken toys and fun time away from a 6 and 7 year because their older brother showed them horror movies and violent video games? Why??


Not to mention having this fear for myself as a kid made it so I wasn’t fearless I never walked the streets late at night alone due to being scared of movies lol I’d say they help abit see the world is a scary place sometimes


My kids have watched horror movies since day 1 with me. Honestly, be happy that they’re doing something with their step brother and maybe just teach them that it’s a game of movie not real life. My son (8) plays a Friday the 13th game on his switch where she has to go around killing people. I mean, in fortnight you go around killing people. As far as counseling, wow, I find that a little extreme. I personally see nothing wrong with any of this And to judge the mother? Wooow that’s a low. Side note, those interested in blood and guts as well as horror gory movies make the BEST healthcare workers.


Thats what older siblings do. Therapy is also a bit much.


You are overreacting so bad omg. You’re making it this huge thing which is only fueling the behavior further. Games don’t create killers geeze.


Omg I absolutely LOVED THE EVIL WITHIN :sob::two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts: I even wanted the main villain tattooed on me( I still kinda do :joy::sob::two_hearts:)
I get the concern, I really do, but at the same time I find it normal for people to still like the genre of horror or action. As long as they know the difference between real life and fake and making sure they don’t actually talk about doing this IRL (I don’t think it happens that often to be too worried unless they seem to already have mental issues that can contribute to that) - otherwise I think they’re just being normal kids let alone normal humans


Counseling over video games? :astonished: It’s not the video games that makes kids bad. It’s normal for kids to play like this. If you show them right from wrong in real life then you shouldn’t have anything to worry about. But forcing them into therapy over it is a crap move. Can’t coddle them their whole lives.

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The 17 year old needs help.


Sounds like a good big brother!!! At least he is showing interest. Could be a lot worse things.
My mom had my girls watching horror movies at that age.


I feel sorry for your kids… and not because of the half brother either :roll_eyes:


Lmao OP needs to sit down and chill.
This is normal for their age, they’re gonna be into blood, guts, games, zombies, etc. they’re BOYS. :rofl:

But good job ruining their relationship with the older brother.

Not to mention Evil Within is actually a really good game to play lol


Their boys, even the big brother! Relax. No need for therapy or counseling. I feel the older brother doesn’t want to come over because you over reacted and said some things you probably shouldn’t have😉. I feel there is more to this story. Also blaming the ex wife? Sounds like your saying she is a bad parent? Just remember, your husband raised that 17 year old also.


Counselling for what? Bonding with their older brother? Shooting/killing video games don’t make kids any type of way. The step son is sneaking around trying to have fun with his brothers because you sound a little loopy… i don’t blame those boys for rebelling.


Let the boys live a little. Shees! No wonder why kids these days are a bunch of pussy’s.

As others have said. It seems like you need the counseling not them.


I don’t understand how the exes infidelity has anything to do with it. Evil within isn’t that bad, there are much more violent games. You can try talking to your son, in a calm, non exaggerated manner, on why you don’t want the younger ones playing. If that doesn’t work you can take the cord off at night or when you guys are unable to supervise game play.


Seems like a boy thing to me… I dont uquite understand what the problem is


I feel bad for your kids. My 6 & 4 year old watch & play horror games. You sound really uptight


Video games and horror movies do not lead to violence and that’s what boys like. And some girls too. I think the older one is just trying to spend quality time with his younger siblings and you and your husband are overreacting big time. Your children do not need counseling for wanting to play video games, that’s ridiculous. If anything your husband and you need the counseling. My brothers are 5 and 6 years younger than me and if one of us couldn’t sleep or just wanted to stay up on the weekend or during the summer, we’d wake the others up and make snacks, watch movies, play video games, and board games. It’s normal and actually shows that they are good brothers.


I get the concern but I mean they are boys, inevitably they will be around “boy things” like “violent” video games and horror movies. I used to sneak horror movies when I was their age bc my parents tried to shelter me from them, I went to friends houses who played and watched horror movies and games. They are being boys. Counseling is a bit extreme. Just let them know what’s real life and what’s in the movies and games are make believe.

Strict and sheltering parents cause for sneaky children as they get older.


Yikes Karen. So bitter


Counseling?! That’s seriously a pretty big overreaction in my opinion. Seems like completely normal boy behavior to me.


Boys will be boys— they like that sh**.


All I see here is an older brother trying to spend time with his brothers without you nosing in. You should be ashamed of how you’re treating him, it’s not his fault HIS Dad married you. Imagine the adjustment he’s had to go through & then now this??! Girl as we say in the South, BLESS YOUR HEART :heart:


l g­e­t p­a­ld o­v­e­r $ 13­0 per hour w­0­r­king f­rom h­0me. l­ ­never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 13510 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.


Focus more on teaching your younger kids the difference between violent games and reality, instead of punishing them and making it taboo—you’re just teaching them to be sneaky. Understand that kids will play and pretend to “kill” each other. It’s up to you to make sure they know appropriate behaviors in the real world.
Do not drive a wedge between your husband and his (and, let’s be real, he’s also yours) son over video games. That’s the worst thing you can do. Maybe have a conversation about not letting the younger kids play if he is actually doing that. More healthy open communication and understanding all around will go a long way.


Little boys love blood and guts…before videogames andmovies boys used sticks as guns and talked about scary stories and killing bad guys …they played cowboys and Indians and war games.
It’s a right of passage and you can keep them away from the games but it’s in there blood …


Sounds like Mama needs counseling. Creating problems that are not there.


OP probably doesn’t have enough to worry about in her life if she’s having a nervous breakdown over this situation. Some people have real problems.

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All I’m hearing is your a Karen and he is trying to be a big brother bonding with his younger brothers.


Those are inappropriate games for a 6 and 7 year Olds. His father should speak to the 17 year old and tell him this is not acceptable in your home. And if it doesn’t stop it will all be removed from the home by his father or it can be taken to his mother home.


Maybe the 17 year old shouldn’t wake the younger ones up in middle of the night. But there needs to be a middle ground here. He is almost an adult. His mom’s problems shouldn’t be brought into this conversation at all. My step daughter who I love completely has a mom really similar to this and even through our fights I would never bring her mom or whatever she’s done into it. My bonus girl is her own person. Boys love video games and violence, but it is our jobs as parents to make sure they understand the difference. I think your 17 year old bonus son was trying to bond with them and you alienated him even further by the way you responded.
When you married your husband, you chose to love your husband AND the son. What happened between the first wife and him isn’t your business. It’s time to let go and love that son like your own. Because what you are doing now is destroying all of your son’s future.


I have seen two fan questions on here today that have made me question why they don’t give mental evaluations to people before they can reproduce. :woman_facepalming:t3:
What does his ex wife’s infidelity have to do with this at all, for one? :joy: Second, they are BOYS. I have a 9 and 3 year old, both OBSESSED with horror and gore everything since they were little. We constantly have nerf gun battles and attack each other with swords, lightsabers, the works. It’s part of having boys. I’d be happy that their older brother is even bothering to bond with them at that age. :woman_shrugging:t3: Third, COUNSELING?! Counseling should definitely be considered but not for the children. :roll_eyes:


You want to put your child in counseling over video games? You probably should’ve had counseling personally prior to having kids. Y’all want to shelter your kids from the world and then they become adults and can’t function because they’re not on mommy’s tit anymore


Ew. These responses from other moms. First of all as the parent it is her prerogative to decide what her children do and don’t do. If she doesn’t find violence and Gore appropriate then that is her choice. I happen to feel the same as her.
But even more concerning is the fact that he was waking them up in the middle of the night, disrupting their sleep cycle. He was also encouraging them to keep secrets and be dishonest from their parents which can lead to all sorts of problems and actually put the kids in danger if someone were to try to victimize them.
All of you parents sitting around judging this mom for caring about her very young children’s mental health and well-being better have absolutely perfect children.
I have a daughter in 6th grade who is almost 12. And I can already hear the eye rolls and the comments from the other moms when I tell them that she is absolutely not allowed to watch anything with any sexuality whatsoever nor is she allowed to watch anything violent. She’s not allowed on social media. Eventually she’ll be older and a teenager but right now she’s still a kid. And then the judging moms want to say well she’s going to hear it at school she’s going to get it from elsewhere or she’s not going to be prepared. Okay well I see plenty of 11 and 12 year old girls walking around looking 17 and running trashy mouths and dancing like strippers because they are emulating tiktok. And you know what that’s your choice that’s your prerogative. I can’t believe the people on here judging the mom for caring about her little kids. The kids are six and seven not 12 and 14. Obviously the brother knew that the games were inappropriate otherwise he would have played them during the day with his siblings. And people saying oh he’s bonding? What about teaching them to play sports or skateboard or building Legos or even Nerf guns… You don’t bond with kids over things that are scary like horror movies and violence and keep it a secret. That’s trauma not family time


What is half brother!!?? That’ll not a good way to call your step son… If they have the same dad they are brothers. Why make a distinction?
I think you are overthinking and the more you focus on that the more they will obsess with it. I would focus on rebuilding the relationship with your stepson and just talk about healthy ways they can spend time together as brothers.
Also… How didn’t you notice that they were all awake watching stuff? That’s on you!
And removing electronics for bedtime is always a good idea especially with teenagers :woman_shrugging:


Lol I grew up watching horror movies as a child at my aunts(Texas Chainsaw massacre,wrong turn kinda things)while I wasnt even allowed to watch Harry Potter at my house bc "it was the devil":sweat_smile::sweat_smile: chill out a little bit those babies will be just fine I promise


The only thing I would be mad about is the fact he woke them up. But, what an awesome memory for them! If they aren’t having nightmares, leave it alone. Boys will be boys.


My son has watched things (not always approved by me) also played games with blood and guts in as well as having toy guns swords etc growing up and he has grown up to be such a lovely young lad, watching and playing these things doesn’t make your child a violent thug it’s how you bring your children up as well as teaching them between what’s right and wrong! Your totally over reacting and bloody counselling? Get a grip!


I understand the deceit. But my son has been playing gta5 since he’s was a toddler, with the volume down of course. And he’s an honor student and very happy well behaved 12 year old today. Ground them, bitch at the teen and ignore the situation and give it no more attention. It’ll will be fine. Worse shit can be going on with kids today than that.

My 4 year old daughter LOVE stranger things, not exactly the same but still- scary, horror/thriller. Especially for her age. Not once has she had a nightmare, she talks about how it’s not real and how it’s a person in a suit then edited, her 10 year old sister showed her the behind the scenes/making of videos. It’s not a big deal if you talk about it and show them the difference between real and fictional.


If they’re into horror, you could find things that are more aimed ar younger kids. Five Nights At Freddy’s is scary, but in a tamer way, for example. Something that the brothers can bond over that isn’t quite at the more violent levels. Don’t push away your husband’s son from all of their lives because you’re uncomfortable with the genre. Check out Creep Show, Twilight Zone, RL Stine and Are You Afraid of the Dark. Find things within the genre that you can be comfortable with and let them bond. Just because you like scary stuff doesn’t make you evil or bad. Horror is popular for a reason. People love to be scared. I get not wanting to have your young sons play some of those more mature games, but there are tamer things out there that your older son will likely enjoy that they could, as well. Don’t make them feel shame for enjoying horror. Shame is where the bad stuff grows from. Putting shame and guilt on your children is a horrible idea.


There’s a difference between reality and video games. I saw so many kids from my school get out who were sheltered and had issues going into adulthood. My two year old loves watching his dad play elden rings and watching him beat up bosses. This all sounds normal besides waking them up in the middle of the night.


You sound dizzy! He’s bonding with his brothers and how do you know for sure that’s he’s waking them up to play? How do you know they didn’t wonder in one night while he was playing and he just let them play and so they know when he stays over to stay up so they can chill with him? What does his mothers infidelity have to do with him? Why was that even a part of your post? Your kids aren’t traumatized, obviously they enjoyed the time spent since they are bragging about it at school.


Are you serious right now??? I’ve been playing video games of ALL kinds since I was that age or even younger. I work full time. I’m getting married in Nov. and I’m completely normal.

You’re being dramatic.


Get the little boys some nerf guns… and talk gun safety…

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Your kids, your rules :woman_shrugging: I wouldn’t want my kids to play them either. My husband and I are gamers but we know which are appropriate for our 2-6 year olds and which aren’t. There’s nothing wrong with wanting them to understand that violence isn’t cool.


I think some counselling for yourself should be first priority


There’s milder versions of similar style games. Fortnite isn’t gore but it’s a FPS, the Jedi knight games are violent but not gore. Pick your battles lady. Let them play interesting well made games that aren’t traumatizing so brother can bond with them and teach them. Join one of the girls gamers group and ask them what are some of the more popular games that aren’t super gnarly that younger kids can play while only being slightly challenged. There’s a solution here without being controlling. Also yea I would take the electronics at night but not from a 17 year old. Stop putting a wedge between the brothers.


I played violent games with my brother (he’s only 2 years younger than me) when I was little too.
But our Dad played with us and he was the one who bought them.
Our Mom was 100% against them. Games like Tomb Raider (one of my favorite games now) and GTA.
My kids aren’t allowed to play the mature games, but we try to play them when they’re in bed. They have seen me play Skyrim and Tomb Raider, but think nothing of it.
Honestly, it sounds like he’s just trying to bond with his little brothers. He enjoys video games, most children, young adults, and even adults do. My brothers and I always did. We also enjoyed playing outside.

My Mom was extremely mad when our little brother was allowed to watch our other brother play Call of Duty.
We didn’t have an older brother, but we did have a Dad who we loved playing video games with.
I’m 28 and perfectly fine. But I know that’s not the case for everyone.
Maybe he can find a more kid friendly video game to play with them.
Like Genshin Impact or Kingdom Hearts.
I don’t know.
There are tons of video games out there though.
My husband was never a violent person and still not, and he played violent video games as a young child and still does as an adult. We play together. Lol :joy:

He also watched horror movies as a child.
I wasn’t allowed to watch Harry Potter. LOL :joy:

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It’s weird he is waking them up to watch movies… but how are they sneaking to play games…are u not around? Is he their baby sitter? Seems like it would be hard for them to be playing “bad” games and watching movies without involved parents knowing… so something seems weird about all of this…


Oh God the horror how ever will you survive this travesty :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Can you sit down and talk to him? Tell him about your concerns.

My daughter’s favorite author is Stephen King :woman_shrugging:


Grow up. I was raised on blood and gore. Heck my daughter is too. We watch the walking dead together. I read her stephen King books.


I promise you they’ll be fine without Counseling :woman_facepalming:t2: It’s 2022 I’ve seen Violence on Pippa Pig :joy:


The kid is about to be 18 and probably won’t hardly be around anymore anyways because of this. At least they enjoyed their little time with him.


That’s a big brother for you.
Lighten up and be glad the brother wants to be involved with the littles
Make yourself a counseling appointment babe


And your bashing his mother why?


I would encourage the bonding, but try seeing if he will not wake them up at night. My little brother just turned 18, and plays video games too.
My daughters (the same ages as your small sons) love games like Roblox, MineCraft, Genshin Impact, and Kingdom Hearts.
I wouldn’t get mad, be mean or hateful to him when he’s clearly trying to spend time and bond with his little brothers. He wants to have a relationship with them, and that’s awesome!

He is almost an adult and one day he may even choose not to visit due to the anger you have towards him. I would most definitely not do anything to cause any tension between you and the oldest son. It won’t end well, trust me.
In the end, you do have rules for your sons. But is this something the Dad agrees with too, or does he not mind? Did he play video games as well as a child?
If you didn’t, then you more than likely would see almost any video game…violent or not as an issue.


My sons been watching horror movies since he was 4/5.:sweat_smile: I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but you can’t shield them forever. It’s not the end of the world. The pretend shooting is just their imagination and I’m surprised they didn’t do that sooner honestly especially with being boys. I don’t think they need any counseling, it’s really not THAT serious.


Honestly my 7 year old loves watching horror movies with me (although I do let him know beforehand that what we are watching is just a fake story, and he understands that it’s not real or okay to behave that way in real life. Maybe just inform your kids? Just my suggestion anyway! Goodluck :blush: