I found out my wife has been lying to me, what do I do?

Sounds to me like something has been lost in the relationship and she is seeing it in another. Talk to her.

Do not force it anymore. Apparently she is over it as much as it sucks just let it go and find someone that does love you and want to be with you.


No,if you have reasons not to trust her,you need to make a decision…I’d leave

Seriously :woman_facepalming:you already know what to do. You don’t need our validation to do it.

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Might be time to move on

It’s over bud. Sorry to break bad news. Hope you ok. Her loss bud.

Confront her and move on this is so sad :disappointed:

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Go to bank immediately and take everything out of her name and get your own bank account and actually it’s time to move on if she’s keeping secrets do it without her knowing


Leave bro, she’s already made her mind up

you need to leave while you have some Pride, she isn’t worth it


Have a conversation with her. Tell her exactly what you know or believe and take it from there. In my opinion your marriage is over. She said she doesn’t want a romantic relationship with you.


You leave bc the relationship is already over. She has lost respect for you and you deserve better treatment than that

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She doesn’t want to feel tied down or want a romantic relationship why did she get married ?
To me lying is a deal breaker. I wouldnt want to be with someone I couldn’t trust no matter how much I loved them.
Obviously she doesn’t love or respect you and the chances are she wont change her ways even if you confront her.
I’m sorry but looks like a case for the divorce courts…


She knows that you know and by not saying anything is like you don’t care that she is doing it and basically giving her the green light to continue…

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She told you she doesn’t want to be in a relationship!!! Why are you still there? SMH


"i know this may seem harsh , but if u truly "love’ her than let her go ! she maybe hurting inside also , and doesn’t really know how to tell u - so her doing this is only a parting saying all the things she does ! this is my honest answer to u - iIF U REALLY LOVE HER -LET HER GO- I HONESTLY REALLY KNOW IT WILL BE ONE OF THE HARDEST THINGS U HAVE EVER DID ! AND IF THERE R KIDS INVOLVED HOPEFULLY OLD ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND WHAT’S HAPPENING - U REALLY DON’T WANT THERE LIVES UP IN ARMS EITHER - JUST EXPLAIN TO THEM IN YOR OWN WORDS WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENING - AND ASK GOD FOR HELP HE MAY GUIDE U THROUGH THIS PATH! be honest that’s all u really can do!

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Without trust you have nothing


Walk away and find someone who will actually treat you the way you want to be treated. Never settle for less, King :crown:


She is being pretty clear to you, she doesn’t want to be with you. She literally said it. The rest is irrelevant at this point. You have to move out and move on.


You deserve someone who only wants you.


Expose and leave you deserve better


Wow she’s definitely cheating :persevere::pensive::pleading_face::frowning: that’s so messed up so sorry I would just get your affairs in our now this will not end well if you don’t I promise just be ready for the worst


All things will be revealed…

Are you a man or a woman as this is a mama’s page? That’s an important thing to know.


Move on and divorce her it’s only going to get worse

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If she is claiming that she doesn’t want a romantic relationship with you, she’s telling you basically that it’s over, if she loved or respected you she wouldn’t be doing the things she’s doing now. It’s best to pick yourself up and move on.


Ohhh buddy she’s already screwing that guy for sure run now


Well if she’s lying, doesnt want to be tied down and doesn’t want a Romantic relationship with her HUSBAND then you should know what to do. She is either cheating on you, using you for income or both.

Walk away. That doesnt even sound like a relationship to me.


File for divorce. You don’t deserve to be treated like an option.


No no no you put your boots on and go to an attorney file for divorce and say NOTHING give the same as you got …


Time to move on sorry to say

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Dont be a doormat. Leave.


The sad thing is sir is they have to tell one lie to back up another lie.

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She’s not just lying to you she’s also cheating on you. Her co-worker wouldn’t have taken her to an expensive restaurant if they were just friends. Don’t wait for her to expose herself because if you do then you’ll just be waiting. Confront her and tell her what you know.


Tell her what you know and run


It’s time to leave. You deserve happiness


There’s nothing to trust. It’s over.


Take notes. Play dumb. Let her expose herself to pieces. Especially since y’all are married.


Honestly, you need to think about whether you want to stay because of the fear of being alone or that you feel like somehow you are failing in the relationship. Everything you are saying is super suspicious on her part. Nobody here can decide what you need to do, you are the only one who can make that decision.

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she doesn’t want a romantic relationship with you… leave.


Doesn’t want a romantic relationship with you and you’re married? Ummm that doesn’t sound right. Sounds like a lot of red flags to me, that you have to decide if you want to put up with or leave and be happy

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Oh boy you know if she wanted to be with you she wouldn’t be messing about with another man if you are married sue her for adultery expose her for what she is she will probably do it to this other man move on and be happy


File for a divorce. Do not even speak to her about it. Its obvious she is cheating on you with the coworker. And if she doesnt want a romantic relationship with you thats a red flag, you are her husband after all!!! Run!!!


Are you doing anything to keep her?? If she is a good woman they don’t just stray to stray. I mean is there any accountability on your behalf? There are always two sides to a story. Obviously is she is cheating why stay. It’s so hard to move on from that but if she is doing plutonic stuff why is she doing it?

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Is this for real ??
She is absolutely CHEATING on you , move on with your life and stop allowing your wife to treating you like :poop:


At this point where she has outright said she doesn’t want to have a romantic relationship anymore and is obviously avoiding having an emotional relationship with you… It’s time to call it. I suggest you start planning your exit strategy, meet with a lawyer and start filing for divorce now.
I know you’re heartbroken that this is your situation and you don’t want this, but you deserve better.


Leave her, she disrespected you by going out with him and lying

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Ok…she’s your wife and she doesn’t want a romantic relationship with you?? Imo, that screams :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::bangbang: You loving her isn’t a reason to stick around and let someone disrespect you who obviously doesn’t have mutual love for you in return. You only get one shot at life, don’t waste it getting half-assed love. There’s somebody out there who will give you the same love you have to offer.


In the meantime you could get an STD. No I would tell her it’s over and why.


She pretty much told you she doesn’t want to be with you when she said she doesn’t want to be with you romantically. You’re freaking married. Wtf? Why are you letting her use you? Do you pay bills and stuff? If so that’s why she hasn’t already left or maybe she wants to see how things go with this other guy first before she leaves. If it doesn’t work out between them she still has you to fall back on. You need to say something.

Don’t put urself through that just get out now. If it’s been going on for awhile id confront her about it and what u know don’t wait for her to expose herself. But based off what she stated it probably won’t change. By u getting out u can heal from this and then find someone who will treat u right to where u can be happy and not living a lie that she created by going off and doing what she felt like with someone else.


Walk! Away! Don’t look back!

What you fighting for? She doesn’t want you and she told you that. Dig deep down and leave. It will hurt at first but the hurt will fade. Be with someone who wants to be with you.


Leave while you can.

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I’m sorry you are going through this. Nobody deserve to be treated that way, married or not. Only you know deep down what to do. You gotta ask yourself if you are truly happy in your marriage. You deserve to be happy.

Why even confront her at this point? Go file for a divorce and surprise her with the paperwork


Go see an attorney before you say anything to her. She is obviously cheating. Find out your rights and figure out your financial situation first to learn how to secure your own future. You can move on from this in time and will need the money to do so. You deserve someone you can trust who loves you. Put yourself first because that’s what she is doing. Good luck.


Go to the restaurant unexpectedly and introduce yourself, then serve her with papers. True red flags right when she does not want anything romantically with you. Lying is the ultimate goodbye. Till they get caught, then cry and sob…lmao because they are caught. Move on.


Are you being serious or is this like a troll post ?

Leave or make her leave. She’s cheating


You’d be crazy to stay. She doesn’t want you in her life.

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Sweetheart, you need to buckle down and accept what she told you. She knows what she wants. Give her the time and space she wants. You need to walk away and focus with everything else. Unfortunately, it shouldn’t be this way and she should express everything and not hide it from you. You deserve that for one and it is respectful.

But people don’t like to let go of “settling”. You may bring her everything she wants in her life, that she’s can’t get herself, but if she isn’t satisfied with you specifically, yes she will find it elsewhere and continue to go behind your back and use you. Narcissism at its finest.

No matter what, IT WILL BE HARD TO LEAVE! Many people on here are supporting you and hoping for the best I’m sure along with family and friends that know. Good luck and keep your chin up and stay focused! :yellow_heart:

There are studies that once a cheater always a cheater, why do you want to stay with someone who lies to you? You know she’s cheating, those visits are trips away with the guy who took her to the restaurant she’s never been too. You deserve better!!

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Not to be mean but she told u she doesn’t want to be w u and she’s sneaking off to be w someone else …move on …

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She doesn’t want a romantic relationship with you you’re wasting your time

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It’s rough but don’t settle for this. You deserve better. Been there done that and now been with my current hubby 25 years. Do what you know is best for you. Kick her to the curb. No one deserves this crap. Hugs


If I was in your shoes and my partner was lying continuously and then said they didn’t want a romantic relationship with me, then I would leave. Nobody deserves to be treated like that!


“She started hanging out with a coworker” = she’s exploring other options as though she’s single.
“She says she’s never been in that restaurant” but she has = pathological lying and concealing…if she’d lie about a restaurant then what else?
“Lately she’s been visiting family and friends without me” = she’s detaching you from her life and would be willing to bet she’s slandering you to them.
“She doesn’t want to feel tied down” = she feels tied down. Refer to verse one…because she wants to explore other options.
“She tells me she doesn’t want a romantic relationship with me or anyone else” = she no longer wants you, she wants to just bed whoever whenever she wants.

Conclusion: Your relationship is over for whatever reason, she’s already behaving as such with absolute disregard to you, has no qualms about lying to you so will never be trustworthy. She has already detached and cut you out of her life so either you serve a purpose to her that keeps her around, ie…finances, built in sitter…or she’s hoping you’ll leave. Conclusion is built on exactly what I’ve been living. Tell her what you expect and if she cant then you’re leaving and see how she reacts, that will tell you all you need to know. Get in to therapy with a marriage counselor if you need even if it’s on your own. You need support from the outside because your love is blinding you. You can not make a person love you back when they are this selfish. I’d be willing to bet she has a history prior you of Rollercoaster affairs and these people do not change. Do not let this person strip you of what self esteem and dignity you have left.


She’s definitely cheating.


Don’t be dumb for her. She don’t want to hang out with you. She will hurt you more if u decide to keep her.


Definitely leave this is the stupidest post ever.


I would have a conversation, tell her you know about all of it, and file for a divorce. If she doesn’t want to be “tied down” nor wants a romantic relationship with you - yet sneaking around like this, it’s just an excuse.


Go on an extended vacation without her and just see how that works when you get back!

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leave que don’t look back

Leave. Why would you stay? If she’s doing this to you, she doesn’t deserve you. Leave. Organize your life. And you will meet the woman that has been made for you.

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She doesn’t want a romantic relationship with you? Or anyone else? Why would you want to be with someone whom doesn’t even want a romantic relationship with you?


Get a divorce and dont look back

Don’t sit in the pain that was caused by her actions. Confront her, go from there. You deserve to be happy too!!!


You need to confront this head on. The longer it goes on the worse it gets

I’d leave you deserve better then that

Just leave she will never trust her again

If she told you she didnt want a romantic relationship with you that kind of speaks for itself.

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Ooooof I think its time to confront her. The trust is broken. She clearly doesn’t respect you or your marriage. And as much as you want to stay, you deserve better than that. You’re a doormat. :-/

What in the darkness always comes to light however how long will it take maybe years month days or hours are you willing to gamble just to see proof yourself. I always say trust is something earn once broken it hard to regain. Try having an adult conversation ask the hard question how the person react or her response is you will know if she telling the truth or not probably then u know if it’s worth finding out the truth the hard way by seeing them together. But as u say in the post there are signs that trust is broken. Even if u find out the truth forgiving is one but forgetting is another level.

Sounds like someone in my family. Word of advice. Run and run fast!

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Shes cheating! red flag !leave

Leave. she’s just wasting your time.  you deserve to be happy

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You have to put yourself first. If you have children you have to think about them as well. It’s time to stop taking the back burner and put you and possible children first. She’s all about herself doesn’t seem to care about anything else.

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Confront her and leave her!

If she doesn’t want a romantic relationship with you then you’re already broken up

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I would just leave! Be done :white_check_mark:

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She is telling you but you aren’t listening,she thinks the grass is greener, she will learn it’s not. Tell her and when you don’t she will turn everything on you. Ask her does she want a divorce. If yes just shit down until she is willing to talk abt it or leave

I’m so sorry honey, she said she doesn’t want to be in a romantic relationship with you. She gave you her answer.


Get a divorce fuck it

Done Deal. Time to start getting your ducks in a row. Prepare for the split but do it to where she doesnt see it coming. Money, Home, Vehicles. …etc. Once all in order you can bring it up.

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Put on your big boy pants and confront her

Sounds like she’s expressed how she feels towards the relationship. Make the move for her. It’s not fair to you to waste your life in a one way marriage.

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Shes sleeping around she doesn’t love nor want to be with you so why stay

Honestly sounds like shes not wanting to be in a relationship. I would breakup and see if it even effects her. Its ok for someone to want to be single but when your married you cant just lie. I would set her down and have a talk. Just ask her what she wants then tell her what you want and see if she wants to be with you. She already gave you an answer. Worth another try. But in the end walk away with your dignity and look for a better start. You can find love again you can be happy again!