I found out the guy I am seeing is married: Advice?

Are you seriously getting mad about his wife…like wtf he’s a piece if shit obviously too. So are you knowing he’s married

You’re disgusting!! Tell her and leave that trashbag adulterer the hell alone!!! Wth is wrong with you???


So hes married, still lives with his wife and child, and you really wanna know what you should do? Uh how about be a decent human being about it. Take your proof, show his wife, tell her what’s been going on and that you just found out about her, and cut ties with him.

I mean really it’s not that hard and if you were in her position youd want to know too right?


Honey you will never be his wife he will never leave his wife wake up brush yourself off stand tall cut him off an find someone that loves you an only you if he is married an having an affair with you im sure he has other booties besides just yours an his wife your not the only one


Horrible!!! You are a horrible person to be with a married man !!! and be jealous of his wife !!


All you are is sex… obviously he really loves his wife… which makes sense since they are still married. He could make her work so when he leaves she will be ok… but he’s not cuz he’s not leaving her. He had surgery and ignored you cuz the person he loved and needed was with him. Personally I would tell the wife then go on your own way and leave them alone. The poor wife… I can’t even imagine how she must feel but at least she is being taken care of so that’s a bonus in this sad situation


He does not love you. Leave while you still can

Cut ties with him now.

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If he cheats with you, he will cheat on you! Walk away


leave that shit. :joy: it’s all lies cause if he actually wanted to be with you he would be.

Advice??? Leave this man and his family alone!!! What is wrong with u? U want us to condone this??? Lucky you’re not seeing my husband! Hope she finds out and he stays with his wife and cuts u out


Sweetie, sorry to break it to you, but he’s married. So when you say you notice he still babies her and spoils her, you need to look at the big picture… She has the ring, not you. I am not trying to be rude, but you’re just the side chick that he can run to, to get extra whatever he needs that day. He is never going to leave his wife. What your doing is wrong and he is too.

I would cut ties. If it’s been 6 years and nothing has happened, sadly I doubt it will especially since he knows your just allowing this to go on even after finding out he’s married… Why would he leave her when he can have both? You are just sitting on the shelf waiting to be played with because your the side chick…

I am not trying to be rude, I just cannot wrap my head around the fact that you would continue to have a relationship with a married man whom has kids or at least one son. That is so wrong on so many levels.

Put yourself in his families position and ask yourself would you want him to do the same to you that he’s doing to her? Actually it sickly sounds like you wouldn’t mind if he did…:sob::sob: I agree, I would also let his wife know… I would want to know…


HES MARRIED. Leave him the f alone.


He will not change… ever. So accept being his toy and not having the love you deserve or leave. I’m sorry to be blunt but he is who he is… if you leave… he will replace you with another woman and STILL stay. Good luck.


If he planned on leaving his wife, he would have done it 6 years ago. Leave him and move on and if you ever find out another man you meet is married, leave that very second. You could ruin a family.


Stopped reading after the 3 sentence. :woman_facepalming:t2: leave that married man alone before you end up on snapped.


Youre a low life bitch and karma is going to bite you in the ass!

If I was the wife I’d beat the hell out of both of you then leave y’all to each other.


Dear… You’re the “other woman” the homewrecker. You KNOW he has a family… You’re falling for his “im going to leave my wife” lie… You’re being played and if you continue it… Youre going to be made into such a terrible person for sticking your nose into a marriage. And yes this is his doing as well.


As soon as you found out he was married you should’ve just said bitch bye. If he does it to his wife he WILL do it to you, don’t even kid yourself. And if you continue to be the other woman, no matter what he says, you’re just as a piece of shit as him.

You’re in the wrong. Plain and simple. Of course his wife gets his time when he is home. SHE’S HIS WIFE.
Not to say he isn’t also wrong because he shouldn’t be seeing someone else if he is married. And if he was worried about his kid getting to school because of how irresponsible his wife supposedly is, he would spend 75% of his life out of town, just saying. He would get a job where he could be home every day.


God will never provide you a gift by taking it away from someone else! He’s married, he’s a liar and a cheat!


He’s not available to be yours…what he does to her, he will do to you and it will be deserved…it’s called karma…and it’s only a bitch if you are…and messing with someone else’s man makes that bitch shoe fit ya…so wear them or not is your business…

nobody should be cheating on anybody in marriage is a bond between a man and a woman and there is not space for a paramour


Don’t be a home wrecker. Leave that man and his wife alone! You’re very clearly the side piece and he doesn’t love you he loves her. And he’s never gonna leave her for you. That’s just the hard truth girl​:sweat_smile::v:t3::woman_shrugging:t2:


You havnt had to work for a year because of him? That makes you a prostitute.

He won’t leave her hun.


Dude what. If you were a respectable logical woman and respected other families their marriage and home you would back off clearly he still loves his wife. Hes using you for pu**y…dont ruin a family over your own selfish needs . You need to realize it’s time to walk away from so.eine who is married. That isnt fair and that is disgusting on both yall parts. You’re considered a home wrecker in my book. Back the hell off , h*e


You know the answer to this .
Love yourself enough to respect yourself and walk away from his lies !


News flash he’s NOT A GOOD MAN. If you feel enough guilt to ask this question then you already know the answer. NO ONE in their right mind is going to tell you to hang on and wait. What he’s doing is wrong and now that you know he’s married, what you’re doing is wrong. You all deserve better, if you just want to be sex for someone, find someone who isn’t married


Sorry but your letting him have his cake and eat it too. Not to say that he doesn’t care for you because I’m sure he does but he isn’t going to leave his wife he would have done so by now if he planned on it.

You already know. This is beyond a waste.

Sounds like this post didn’t go as you expected, but OK.


Does his wife know about you? How couldn’t she if you’ve been with him for 6 years…IMO I’d tell her face to face and then leave his ass. This isn’t love. He deserves to be alone…fucking disgusting!

Your a douchebag, he’s not your man. Snap back into reality. This is disgusting.

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Turn him loose!! He isn’t leaving and if he does…your side chic position is open for another woman!!


he would leave now and take son with him if he loved you-just a line to feed you to be a girlfriend-when I found out he was married would have went to his wife and told her

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First of all…you are a homewrecker. Let’s be clear about that. And you were obviously dropped on your head as a child. He will NEVER leave his wife for you. And even if he did, he’s doing this to her, so what makes you think he won’t do it to you?! What an idiotic question to ask in a public forum.


You’re his side piece except it and move on. Are u serious?

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She is his wife! His obligation is to her before you! poor woman deserves all the alimony she’ll get after the divorce. Do yourself a favor and walk away, get yourself a nice single guy and live happily ever after


A lot of people want to say how sorry this guy is,YOU are no better!! You should have cut ties when you found out he was married! But instead you continued,doesn’t say much about you either. Think you are liking that money and things you have not had to work for in the last year!


You already solved your own delema! Cut your ties, all you are is a toy for him to play with!

Sounds like you are being the gutter slut and you need to back off obviously he isn’t leaving her and once you found out he was married you should have walked away

The question you should be asking yourself is why you are on the internet looking for advice as to whether you should stay with a person who has lied to you, his wife and his own children for years. The longer you stay with this person the more pain you will feel.


Taylor Benson wtf did I just read here?!:eyes:


You’ve known for 4 years he is married and it is just now occurring to you that he may not love you? You are a piece of work. You deserve every bit of misery. You are a shitty person.

I think the most absurd thing about this is that you believe he has to be married to his wife to drive his kid to school. :joy::rofl::sweat_smile::joy::rofl::sweat_smile::joy::rofl::relaxed:


You are the OTHER WOMAN what the heck… leave


All his excuses are just to prolong the situation he’s getting the best of both worlds right now. Know your worth girl stand your ground!


Listen if he’s cheating on his wife with you he will do it to you too. Get out before you waste any more time. The right guy will come along. I was dating a guy and we were together 3 years. He was sleeping with someone from his work and one day I confronted him and he admitted to it. Then he told me I was crazy for giving him an ultimatum to pick what he wanted (which was dumb. I was young) and he swore he wanted me. So one day I was going to see him and he told me to wait at a baseball field down the road because she was at his house. After that I ended it and he tried for years up until recently to get me back and of course I’ve moved on lol


He’s a lying cheating rat basturd…kick him to the curb!!!

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If he isn’t divorcing her, he’s just not that into you.

Don’t be the other woman, walk away. Find someone who wants to be with YOU & choose YOU everyday.


Honey if you have to come here asking you already know the answer you are a side chick. You will never be his number one he has a wife and child. I’m not trying to be harsh I’m trying to be honest he is telling you what you want to hear to keep you around. As soon as you found out he was married you should have let him go but you chose not to do that. Since you know he is married and you have chosen to stay in this situation it makes you look like a homewrecker and a whore. I have to be honest with you because that is how I see it. It’s not like you didn’t know he was married the whole time you have known for quite a long time. Get rid of this jerk and find yourself A single man who is not married and not in a relationship

You both sound like a piece of work.


You should’ve left when you found out he was married. He is using you and honestly, speaking out about his wife the way you are well, you’re just as bad. She has no idea what’s happening and you and him are going to cause her a lot of grief and ruin her life over your stupid affair. She’s the one I feel sorry for, not you or the husband. If you’re looking for us to be on your side you are in the wrong place. But I will tell you, leave him and find you somebody who’s going to treat you as priority. Right now you’re just a side piece and nothing more. Do better for yourself and leave that douche.


Find your own damn man! Holy fuck. As if this is even a question

No such thing as a home wrecker…He is letting her in!! We have to get over that myth!!!


Excuses!! If he wanted to be with you he would of been left her from the jump. He wants his cake and eat it too

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You are his play toy!! You should have cut all ties with him when you found out he was married! He will never leave his wife for you. Move on with your life!!


You have received a TON OF GOOD ADVICE!! Now you need to ACT ON IT!!

You are the side Bitch on the shelf!!! Toys R Us went of of business a while back!!! Like my Brother told me “A man will leave a woman he doesn’t want to be with no matter what!!! He loves his wife, and your just there!!!

This guy is getting his cake and eating it too! He is never going to leave his wife so either get used to living like you are now or leave him! If he really wants you over his wife he will divorce her and come to you, but don’t hold your breath!


Um end it duh! Dont be that other woman

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:joy::joy::joy: if he loved
You he would have left immediately OR if he wasn’t a piece of garbage he would have divorced her THEN started seeing you. The fact you stayed after you found out he was married makes you just as gross as him :grimacing::woman_facepalming:t2:


I really hope she outs herself in the comments. :joy:


Once a cheater always a cheater, he Is wrong and now you know he is married so you r wrong also if you dont cut the ties.


I don’t need to read past the first sentence to give you this advice. If it starts out bad it will end bad, any person that’s still in a relationship isn’t in one with you. Walk away and find a man that’s honest and deserves you.

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This a prank?
Girl leave this man you are literally the other woman right now, and he is cheating on his wife with you. That’s terrible ! Advice ? Walk away now !!


God will never send you someone else’s husband.

If he did leave his wife for you, he will end up doing the same to you.

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This is serious? Did you come in here looking for support, like everyone here would be on your side and encourage you to continue to do something so dumb?? Coming from someone who’s husband DID cheat on her, common sense wasn’t enough to tell you to leave him when you found out he was married? It took two years for you to find out he’s married. If he didn’t love you enough to be honest with you from the get go, then he doesn’t love you enough for anything else. You should find your own husband, because that one is already taken…and of course his WIFE was with him when he had surgery. It’s his wife, you’re just the side piece…you don’t even have a place at his table, much less his side🤷‍♀️


You can’t find your own man?


Wow. Guess what your a shit person and so is he…leave that MARRIED man alone

Quit being a home wrecking hoe . Come clean to his wife. Tell her EVERYTHING . You leave his ass too . And never look back

You need advice on this ??? He’s married. What more do you need to know ???

So basically your his sugar baby and that’s it.
Cut his ass out he is married do you really want to be the woman who broke his family apart or do you want another woman breaking yours when he does decide to be with you.

HE ISN’T GOING TO LEAVE HIS WIFE… If he was going to, he would have already of left. Using his children as an excuse is exactly that, AN EXCUSE.

You have wasted 6 years of your life. How many more???

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Your soulmate is not someone else’s husband!!!

So what are you gonna do wait and hope for the best? And get upset if he does leave her for you and then begins to cheat on you with the next mistress… Girl have some self respect and value yourself more than that.!!


You’re trash. After 6 years. Smh.


Ask his wife what you should do


Take a step back and read your post to yourself. Is this the life you want? He’s playing you!
Have some self respect — don’t be the other woman. Leave now, learn from this and do better in the future.

You’re one disgusting filthy individual!


Stop fucking someone’s husband. :woman_shrugging: :joy: duh.

Lol i can’t even take this serious… really :woman_facepalming:t3:


You’re an idiot … nuff said . Homewrecker


How dare you??!! You must be as stupid as you sound


You reap what you sow.


Sounds like the wife needs to divorce him, collect mad money from him & just let you and him have eachother bc you two deserve eachother.


The fact you didn’t leave him when you found out makes you a disgusting ass home wrecker :slightly_smiling_face: I hate women like you. His poor wife probably has no clue and you’re just making it worse on yourself. LEAVE THAT MAN ALONE HES NOT GOING TO LEAVE HIS WIFE THAT BIRTHED HIS CHILD FOR YOU. Leave him. Because if I was the wife and found out I’d beat his ass and then come beat yours cus ur just as bad by keeping seeing him knowing he’s married. YUCK and shameful on ur part.

Youre an idiot. Hes married. Period.


Honestly no words :joy::joy::joy: you think your bad love, Imagine how his wife would feel if she found out about it. #homewrecker #selfishbitch


I Bet You Were Totally Unprepared For The Response Your Post Is Getting


simple… what would you want someone to tell the woman that was having an affair with your husband if she posed this question? Hes not yours. Until he is free and clear, give him back.

He doesn’t love you, he loves the idea. Get out now while you can. He says he will leave her, but if he was going to leave her he would have done it already.

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You can tell some wives have been cheated on and have been through the pain… That’s why some of these comments are way too extra. However you are committing adultry and in that is not good. I am not going to judge you but pray that you leave him…:heart: Your just a tool in his game.


Good grief side dish the main dish will always be the main. Sad cheating lowlife will always choose his wife first. Stop stealing other peoples men and be someone else main dish.


If he spends 75% of his time out of town anyway he’s not making sure his son is getting to school, so if it wasn’t a lie then it is now!


Y’all calling her a homewrecker but the real homewrecker is the disgusting man. Doing this to both woman. You women on here are mean. She’s asking for advice. No matter the background when your in love, your in love. and its hard to make a decision. But girl when a man has a life with kids & a wife & a home he will never leave his comfort zone. So your only hurting yourself.


No. Just no. That is all. Think about it, if y’all got married, he’d need to replace his side hoe… Which is what you are right now. Good luck.

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Get out! … my advice (words from my brother) - why buy the cow, when you can get the milk for free? …

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