I found out the guy I am seeing is married: Advice?

Girl r u fuckin kidding me :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow: it’s his wife he’s gunna choose her on their anniversary, and you think he’s not gunna do this to you if he “chooses” you. It’s time to kiss all those years good bye, and hopefully karma doesn’t do this to you next time you find someone you love

This is the Onion, right? :thinking:. If this is real, I have no words for you. No respect for anything done from the point you found out he was married. You’re a homewrecker. The next words out of your mouth after you found out he was married should have been “Bye, boy. Call me when you’re single.”. My aunt did this for 30 years. She’s old and alone now, and still a side piece. Where is he? Retired with his wife. There was always an excuse or an “after this happens” scenario. Then one of their kids died in a car accident. Then the wife was sick. Then he worked for a Catholic college and divorce wouldn’t sit well with his employer (but having an affair was A OK). It’s always something.


This is probably the dumbest question I’ve seen all year. First of all, he is a MARRIED man, that means you should’ve left him alone as soon as you found out he was married. He belongs to another woman, not you. Second of all, you’re his play toy. If he was serious about wanting to be with you, he would’ve left his wife to do just that. He knows you’ll always be there when he wants to have “fun”. It’s called, he is using you. Men very rarely ever leave their wives. 6 years if your life wasted. Sad


You are a side chick. Nothing more.


God will never bless you with someone else’s husband👎


He will NEVER,EVER be Yours!!!

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She answered her question already she is simply a doll on the shelf waiting to be played with . He is not leaving his wife. He has feelings for you but he loves his wife. He played you and lied to you . You gotta take that L and leave cuz he’s not leaving his wife for you . He is stringing you along to simply “play” with you when he feels like it .


Respect and trust are a big part of marriage . I would see a counselor to see you through a difficult time . Don’t compromise your values for him take a lesson and move on .


That’s exactly what you are. On the shelf waiting to be played with. Girl gain some self respect.


I couldn’t even finish reading this. You are as gross as he is. You know hes married and are mad because he babys his WIFE??? :woman_facepalming: you’re as as much of a homewrecker as he is. I hope his WIFE finds out and leaves his ass so you two can be together. Just gross.

Girl you should’ve BEEN left him alone. You wouldn’t be so emotionally invested. Finding out he was married would’ve made my skin crawl. I can’t feel bad for you because you choose to be naive.


Really? You want someone here to comfort you and unjudge you? You are a homewrecker. Dont you have heart and conscience at all? How do you sleep at night?


So you’re complaining about your role as a side chick? How do you think his wife feels? Of course she’s the one there during surgery. Of course he ignores you when he’s at home with his wife. You should’ve ended it when you found out he was married. He’s probably never gonna leave his wife. They rarely ever do. He’s playing both of yall for a fool. Letting him have his cake and eating it to. Most of the time the only thing that changes is a different side chick. You get what you put out karma is real💁


You’re a special kind of shitty person. Even if he did leave his wife, which let’s be real, doesnt sound like its gonna happen, you think he’d be faithful to you? Why would he be? He hasnt so far! And honestly, any person who is knowingly with a married person clearly isnt interested in a healthy, faithful relationship anyway. If this man loved you so much, he would be with you. Period.

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You should reread what you wrote and pretend like you’re on the outside looking in. You’re right there with him ruining his marriage and family. Move on with your life. He just enjoys sneaking around if he’s done it this long. You’ve been a potential home recker for 4/6 years now. Who cares if he’s good to you, you know you’re in the wrong, why even wait around for us angry women to tell you off? :v:t2:


You should have left him when you found out about her. He doesn’t love you, and you’re coming between him and his family.


If I were his wife I’d beat your ass lol

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If he hasn’t left his wife while he’s been with u than he ain’t ever gonna. Just leave you’ve done enough damage

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As soon as you found out he was married, you should have ended it. If he loved and respected you, he wouldn’t still be married. Staying with him at this point no matter what is disgusting.


Ok and I mean this in the kindest way possible. You’re being an idiot hes treating you like an idiot and he will not ever stop. You can stop it and deserve better out of your whole life. Live your life for the better the best even.

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Once a cheater always a cheater…
He is living a double life…
What possibly makes u think u should be a side piece?
What is it your looking for that someone else can’t give u…
Love isn’t lying and cheating


You’re the mistress
And will always be.
He has no intentions of cutting ties
With his favorite piece…
He has his cake and eating it too,
You need to go out and find a different Boo!
6 years of lies, hurt and deceit,
To him gurlll you will only be a piece of meat!
The wife is the one
Who has his heart.
If you don’t move on,
You may come out looking like the shart!
Run like hell and find your man amongst the mingle,
As the one you want, will NEVER BE SINGLE!

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LOL of course she was with him, she’s his wife lol she will always come over you lololol


Grow up. Leave him. And yes a trip is a from or providing.

If he does it with you, he will do it to you.
That’s all I gotta say

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Coming from a personal experience …

I started seeing this guy and fell in love with him instantly. We had a connection I had never had before (was with someone prior for 5 years) and I knew that he’d be “the one” I spent the rest of my life with. I found out later on that he had a fiancé and was having second thoughts on them getting married due to not being happy in the relationship. Ever ounce of me told me to leave and I just couldn’t, there was something keeping me around. Eventually I told him that I couldn’t do this anymore because it was hurting me since I was falling in love with him. I told him that he needed to figure things out and gave us space. A few weeks later he called me up and told me he had left his soon to be wife to be with me because he couldn’t see his life without me. We are now happily (almost) married with our beautiful one year old little boy! I wouldn’t have changed anything for the world !

I know people sit here and say that once a cheater, always a cheater blah blah blah but sometimes things work out and it’s just a bad situation. You can’t help who you fall in love with…

I think you should just communicate and tell him how you feel, let him know you deserve better (not treat you like a yo-yo), and that actions speak louder than words. No one will understand your situation since they are not in it and you have to do what’s best for you. Good luck girl & if you ever need to reach out privately through Facebook messenger to have someone to talk to, I’m here(:

Not to be rude but your considered a home wrecker​:grimacing: You know he’s married but still stay with him :woman_facepalming: what if it was the other way around? How would you like it? I would’ve told the wife as soon as I found out he was married and left him​:roll_eyes: why would you want to be with someone like that? Not saying it’s your fault he cheated on his wife but now your helping him cheat on his wife​:pensive: Do the right thing and let him go bc he isn’t yours!


Better yet. Tell this mans wife so she can move on too. Not only are you wasting your time. You are wasting hers too. WTF


Please move on if you do and he comes after you???

Dude. You’ve been fucking around with someone elses HUSBAND. Who are you fooling! Besides maybe yourself. You think he isn’t telling his wife how much he loves her in those vacations? Lmao or while she’s at his bedside after his surgery? Get real. You should have left him the minute you found out he was married. Not only would that be the right thing to do and the smart thing to do, it was a clear sign that he is not to be trusted and he isn’t who you thought he was. I don’t understand how you can look passed such a huge betrayal. He not only lied to you but look how he is lying to his wife?? What kind of person can live a double life like that?? Wake up. Stop being delusional. You are getting what you deserve for staying with him after you found out he was married. That man doesn’t belong to you and he never will. Have some self respect and some respect for other women for crying out loud! Get out of that relationship and do some work on yourself. Why are you letting him play you like this and have his cake and eat it to. Think about the type of person he must be to do this to his wife,to live so many lies. You really want a person like that??? If so you should raise your standards.

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my mom told me years ago a married man WILL NEVER LEAVE HIS WIFE if he does for u he will do same thing to u LEAVE

Yea um how would you wanna be treated if you were here?

You are a horrible person

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My advice… Don’t ever get married because karma is not on your side.

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I can’t believe that is real. You seriously should have left when you found out he was married. Better to detach before you ger pregnant or something. He won’t leave her he will always have an excuse.

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You CAN cut him out. You just WON’T. So you live with those consequences. Which, #1 on the list will be you being #2, always. Even if he does leave her for you… if he cheated with you, he will cheat on you.


Instead of you being with him during his surgery, his wife was with him?? Did you really just say that?? Why dont you just tell her and see what happens next.


This is a dumb question… 6 years and found out 2 years in and you’re still there 4 years later?? :woman_facepalming:

U had no rights since the beginning!!
Should you stay? Absolutely. I want to know what the wife and kids going to do to you.

Honestly?? For you to have no conscious is scary


Please watch this over and over until it sinks in!

He’s married. His wife was there way before you. Get over it and move on :woman_shrugging:t2:


You are The other woman and you know it :woman_shrugging:t3:

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He cheats with you he will cheat on you :woman_shrugging:t3: get some self worth and stop being a home wrecker.


Giiiiirl are u serious???

He got his cake n hes eating it too. First off hes married hes not leaving her. He wouldnt be spoiling her. He probably does that because he feels bad for cheating on her with you. Karma’s a bitch and you’re asking for a swift kick to the face.

He is supposed to spoil his wife lol. You are dumb. And gross. He isn’t leaving his wife. Divorced people can also take their kids to school. That isn’t even a good excuse. He is trash for cheating, but you are worse for doing that to another woman.


Women like you disgust me.


First off, tell his wife because she deserves to know what a pos he is. Second off, yuck, you chose to ruin someone’s marriage by staying once you knew. Third, move on, you ARE a plaything on the shelf for him.


You stole someone else’s man and are jealous becuase he still gives his wife attention well first of all he’s a huge liar and if he wanted you he would be getting divorced a long time ago, put your self in the wife’s shoes. How she would feel if she knew. I would best move on with your life but that’s not who you are… So I would contact the wife so she could live her life and know what’s really up weather the kids are grown or not. Not to start drama but she deserves to know who she married… What kind of advice do you want… Your a low baller and should know what’s gonna happen or were your feelings stand


Wow. Have you sat down with the wife and discussed what has been going on?

You sound like an idiot, honestly. You know he’s married, yet on here asking what needs to be done?


Been there, done that. He will NEVER leave his wife no matter how many times he tells you he will. I here the same line for a little over 5 years. Now I haven’t talked to him in 4 and guess what, he is still married to her. His daughter tells me all the times I ask

Look up the song “stay” by Sugarland. You and his wife deserve better.


You are wrong for staying with him esp knowing he’s married shame on you and him both if I was the wife I’d beat both your asses

Yeah hes lied too much lol cut ties and move on

I think you’re a terrible person. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Quit being a home wrecker and go find your own man. And PRAY karma doesn’t find you.


You’re his beckoned call girl

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What… the absolute… fuckity fuck

U already no the answer my love dump him n move on!

Really, you have to ask?

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Such a classic scenario…he’s not leaving his wife. He may “love” you but let’s be realistic. They don’t leave their wives

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Leave…run… this is just ignorant. Would you like this done to you? Think about if you were the married woman and your husband had a side chick. Do you like the thought of him having sex with her and you?? Probably other girls out there too

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Sorry is this offends but you are seeing a MARRIED MAN, you KNOW he’s married you deserve what you get.

That being said, bet a dollar to a donut, his wife thinks their marriage is fine. Poor woman. As for the “man” grow a pair, if you want a GF get rid of the wife, if you want your wife get rid of the GF!!! Nothing pisses me off more than cheaters!!!

I would 100% let his wife know and then dip. Not worth it honey

Get out. Deal with your emotions.

My other half used to play away from home for 10 years on and off and in that time he never once found a woman he was willing to leave me for ! He won’t leave her your some fun on the side he tells you what you want to hear to get his dick sucked and wet

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Girl seriously?! You should have gotten the f$&k out of the the moment you found out he was married! You are getting played the fool if you believe anything he’s saying!

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lawd have mercy… this is me not saying nothin… cause I ain’t got nothing nice TO say

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He’s MARRIED. You need to move on cause he’s not gonna leave her. Besides if he’s cheating on his wife he’ll cheat on you too.

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This post real??? :woman_facepalming:t3: wow 6 years and u think he’s gonna leave his wife?? The mother of his child? You are the doll on the shelf u are the one getting played with when he wants and hell yeah if my husband was having surgery you best believe HIS WIFE will be there before any other woman how can you even say something like that?!

You mean nothing to him. He is telling you everything you want to hear so he can have his cake and eat it too. If he was really going to leave his wife, he would have. Get some self respect and a man that could be only yours.


HE IS MARRIED! What you really need to do is cut ties. He is being unfaithful to his WIFE. In all honesty the reason why he doesn’t acknowledge you when he is at home with his family is because he doesn’t want to get caught. He has no intentions what so ever of leaving his WIFE AND SON. Just because he has money and makes you feel loved he is doing this in all the wrong ways. He is using you and you are allowing him to use you. You’re his get away person from home. In all reality if he hasn’t left his wife now he never will. You really need to let go and maybe go to therapy it really does help to talk about personal things. Find your worth in life. You need to stop disrespecting yourself. Never be in this situation again. Find things in life that really makes you happy.

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That’s is all!

I’ve been through same exact scenario - and sadly wasted 5 years of my life that I can’t get back . The promises of leaving when kids get older , when the house sells - on and on . I left the relationship when I was in my early 20’s . Well , surprise surprise - it’s now 20 years later and he is still with his wife ! (And he’s had multiple extramarital affairs since) - don’t walk - RUN :running_woman:t3:

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I can’t believe that you actually believe him!!! No wonder he keeps you around…he can have his cake AND eat it too!


So you’re the other women and you’re jealous of his wife? :joy::joy:


Omg. He made vows TO HIS WIFE. His loyalty is with her. You shouldn’t of stayed when u found out his married. Also 2 years in?? C’mon all women are better PI’s than that. His poor wife. This man deserves to be exposed.

Lol , please leave this man alone .

I bet he tells his wife he loves her and fucks her the same. You knew long ago he was married. Your just as shitty of a person as he is.

He is married and you know this, you are a horrible person and deserve every bit of heartache you get and more. You are just as guilty as he is. People like you make me sick




You’re the “other woman”.

This itself is wrong on so many levels. Respect yourself enough to not be dumb. He’s cheating now and it’s working. He will do the same to you. Don’t be naive.

Go find someone who will make you their ONLY woman.

Also- stop seeing him- he’s married and has a family. You really wanna be that kind of person? If he wants to ruin his family that’s on him. If he wants to leave there’s this thing called divorce. If he is concerned about his kid- he can get custody. He’s lying to your face and you’re tolerating it. Stop making excuses and asking for advice- you already know the answer to your question- you just don’t want to accept it because you caught feelings for someone that is unavailable.


Go and get your own man what is wrong with you!!! He’s got a goddamn wife and a kid… you will never ever replace them…


Listen, I know it’s probably hard to leave, but imagine how she would feel. Or how you would feel if there were a third woman while you are waiting for him to be with you. He is playing his wife AND you! Walk away. You’ve invested 6 years. How long has she invested. It’s easy for him to say he doesn’t love her to keep you interested but he does. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t stay with her. His kid wouldn’t be the first to live in a broken home situation. It’s just a way to have his cake and eat it too. Just let go of this man. If he will do it to her, even if he left her, he’d do it to you too.

first sentence. and it was done. move on

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Everyone bashing her, saying shes a homewrecker and stuff like really? He is part of ot too. He’s the one going out and seeing another woman while married. Its NOT just HER. Just like sex, it takes TWO people to have sex, just like takes TWO people to cheat…

So girl, i would leave and find someone else because you cant just wait around on a man… Youre pretry much a backup plan. Plus, if i were you, i wouldnt want something like that on my shoulders for the rest of my life. Plus, its better to work for everything that you have instead of getting handed everything because you’ll appreciate more if you work for it.


Your just a home wrecking bitch go look in the mirror sorry not sorry :woman_shrugging:t2:

How old is the kid? Is he 6? lol.
Eh. I say tell the wife and provide evidence. :tipping_hand_woman:t3:
Ruin his life. Ruin her life. Ruin the kid’s life. Ruin your life. Who cares, right? It’s not like you respect any of the above, and there’s no way this ends well.
Seriously. Rip the bandaid off and see if you all hemorrhage out. Better than bleeding to death slowly. :woman_shrugging:
But make sure to film the whole ordeal (please tag me), because if nothing else, you’ll go viral and make some $$ off this entire nightmare you allowed for. :joy:


I hope his wife is in here and reads this and realizes what’s happening! Sick!


Why would you want to be with a man cheating on his wife? Who is to say he won’t do the same to you?

Cut ties. Cheating assholes aren’t worth it. You’ll end up heartbroken.

Also, as someone who has been the wife in these shoes, don’t do that to that poor wife. She’s going to be devastated. She’s probably at home thinking things are wonderful and has no idea what he’s up to. People are sick and you’re stirring the pot knowing he’s married. Marriage is a big deal and no one takes it seriously anymore.

You are pure f*ckin filth…bottom of the trash barrel no one cleans…lower than the dogshit on his wife’s shoe…

You’re a fool if you think he’s actually going to leave his wife for you. You’re a side chick plain and simple. Get out now.


You’re his side HOE and that’s what you’ll ever be. Seriously 6 effing years of EMPTY promises. Girl he has you brainwashed and manipulated. Lick your wounds and cut him out. If he really loved you he would have cut all ties with his marriage and divorced. Betcha his wife will get everything and he be left broke. You’re the one who is being stupid and not true to yourself and you don’t love yourself. You really need to be alone for some time to rebuild your self love and respect. Put yourself in his wife’s shoes. If she found out how would she feel??? Stop enabling him to continue using you. My comment mean harsh but girl WAKE UP!!! He is all lies and empty promises. Don’t waste your time anymore being with him and this hope. If he’s doing this to his wife now and he divorce and ends up being with you. HOW MANY OTHER WOMEN IS HE DOING THIS TOO??? He’s not going to stop. And I betcha you’re not his only side HOE either


You’re an idiot. For real


He is married you are a side piece he don’t love you


The funniest part was when he said he needs to stay with his wife until his son is 16 for transportation to school yet he isn’t home 3 weeks of the month?? Whose taking his son to school for 3 weeks every month lmao


This happened to my sister in law…same exact promises that when his son turned 16 he would leave, then 18 then till he graduated college…the kid turned 23 and he overdosed and passed away…not because he found out, just because of the love triangle and no one was paying attention to what the kid did…the kid knew since he was 14 she was sleeping in the wife’s bed with him because he made so much money he would send them on trips so he could have his gf around in the house…guess what, the kid is gone and he’s still with his wife…she’s still seeing him spitting out the same garbage that he’s leaving the wife she just needs time to grieve…it’s excuse after excuse…it messes up everyone involved…not only you and the wife, but any kids involved or any kids you bring into the relationship…


It never works out a man will tell you anything if he’s willing to cheat on his wife with you he will do the same thing to you as well


You both sound like selfish HORRIBLE people :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


HE’S MARRIED!!! GTO and have some self respect


I know what his wife is going through it’s very tough to live with that’s what I have been living with for 10 years . Just leave him .