I found tarot cards in my daughters room: Advice?

Oh my heavens all of you who think all of that stuff isn’t bad, you really need to talk to a God fearing Paster


Leave her alone, I have the same in my house, Christian background, I chose an alternative path to my spirituality. I still believe in my lord and savior but some of us need a little help with our faith. It’s the intentions behind the practice. If she has good intentions then leave her alone


I thought Christian’s weren’t supposed to judge.


Let her do her thing. It’s all a game anyway.


Young girls have enough to deal with. Me personally I would let her use whatever coping skills she feels comfortable with. Taking that away won’t force her to turn to church, it’ll just drive her away from you.


Pray for her…rebuke the enemy


Jesus taught not to judge, also I don’t see any wrong in having crystal s as there the natural form of man-made polished gems stones, which you find in jewellery, as for tarot cards they don’t open the doors to hell, I do believe ouju boards are more of a damage, as they disturb spirt s that have had a awfull death, and not been albe to cross over Holy to heaven, and half there souls are still on this earth plain, I learnt this much later may I add, as I did try making one onju with my dad once using cut out letter s and numbers and his coffee table, when I was a teen, he thought it was funny, as I saw something about them so I wanted give it ago, need say I m sure my life got a bit miserable after that, I don’t think it anything you need to make a big deal about your daughter to her dad, she has her own bedroom for a reason her own privacy, it would be a bigger deal and obviously one to discuss with her and her father, if her life was in danger, but I do suggest you remove the death card from the tarot pack I do this with my own tarot cards as found the death card to negative and depressing when it came true, but since them, I moved on to much nicer cards like animals, angel s reading cards with a more positive outlook on life, maybe compromise and buy her angel cards


Has nothing to do with the “devil” your husband needs to educate himself. If he has a problem he better stop putting up a Christmas tree and celebrating pagan traditions as well :man_shrugging:


Leave children alone and stop forcing your religions on them seriously

Let the child do, be and believe in whatever she wants
I don’t give a hell of yout husband’s a pastor maybe he should work on himself and being more accepting to other people and their choices in life, stop trying to blame everything that has nothing to do with religion on religion seriously


I would ask how she happened to be interested in this! Seems a little bit off for a kid! Find out if she got interested from a friend.

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I would talk to your daughter first. They might not be hers or she might be curious or really into them. Either way it doesn’t hurt to provide her with both sides and then she can chose.


You leave your husband for being a controlling ass and not letting you or your child have your own separate lives.

Really I don’t think it’s a big deal. Its tarot cards and crystals. Not spells and witchcraft. If that’s the worst youve got, you’re pretty lucky. I’d be more worried if hes that fanatical.


Goodness, if you know he will freak out for no reason why stir the pot with him? You may not want to keep anything from him but what about your child? Is it worth your child’s mental health and your future relationship with your child?


This is not a religious thing, I can guarantee its just for fun and more of a self enlightenment than anything, which is a good thing for a teenager.

I commented just to make it 667.


I’ve read somewhere (and been through it myself) that children will experiment with beliefs. If those children have a parent with a specific belief that hinders or belittles the ones they are trying out, that child is more likely to reject the parents belief. For the parents that let it be, those children actually end up with the same belief as said parents more than not.
So unless you want to ruin your relationship and your child’s relationship with your religion, I would just ask questions, be accepting and supportive of your child and their exploration of independence.


Sounds like you chose the wrong man :woman_shrugging:t4::joy::joy::joy:


She’s not doing anything wrong. Leave her be!


Talk to her ask how serious she believes then talk to dad together if anything needs talked about

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You need to address immediately!! This will come many bad things into your home and into your daughter she’s young and doesn’t understand the fire she’s playing with


Place her stuff back and let her be her own person…


Tarot cards are the new age thing. Not a Christian thing at all. Regardless of how you see it you are inviting evil spirits to be around you. I agree with your Preacher Husband


Tarot is amazing and so are crystals, did you know the original tarot deck uses Christian symbols? You can believe in God and believe in tarot. She is doing NOTHING wrong.


Tarot cards and crystals are a spiritual thing, do some research about it, not everything spiritual screams pagan or Wiccan. Also if she did decide to go down the pagan/Wiccan path there’s nothing wrong with it. I wish Christian’s and other Organized religions didn’t think that paganism and Wicca are evil which is not even close to the truth, I wish people would do their research and not just assume that spiritual religions or unorganized religions aren’t bad or related to “satan.” Maybe she’s trying to clear her mind and get rid of negative energy. Don’t make a big deal out of it.

Dnt push your or your husband spiritually on her or anyone I believe in god and I believe he isn’t a judgemental soul and I believe it takes a strong person with a big soul to find their own beliefs


A lot of children grow up to disbelieve what their parents preach. They will experiment with religion just like most do with sex and drugs. Daddy will have lots to be worried about later why bother with this? Let her be

Shut your mouth that’s what you do. Let her explore and figure out her spirituality for herself. If you tell her dad he punished her with his hell fire and brimstone and will never trust you or talk to you about important things in the future. She need an open minded outlet that can talk to her using logical facts not scare tactics.

My dad made me stop doing yoga because it was the devil and my mom couldn’t look the other way because he is the “head” and it destroyed my healthy workout regimen. Never could get back in the groove after I left home. Now I’m fat and always trying to get it together.

Your husband’s religious choices are his own and shouldn’t be forced upon anyone else. Let her figure out her own path.


no your husband comes before the child


For fucks sake!:clap: PAGANS ARE NOT DEVIL WORSHIPERS! :clap:WICCANS ARE NOT DEVIL WORSHIPERS! :clap:EVEN ATHEISTS ARE NOT DEVIL WORSHIPERS!:clap: The only “devil worshipping” religion might be Satanism. And thats neither here nor there.
Extra information to educate! Stones and crystals all have different energies. Amethyst for instance is a healing stone. Petrified wood is a grounding stone and selenite is a cleansing stone. So on and so on. Leave the girl alone! My mother was such a hardcore catholic, she pushed me away from catholicism and Christianity completely. Leave your daughter to explore different religions if thats what she is doing. Its not hurting you or her or even your pastor husband. Leave👏her👏be👏

You shouldn’t hide this from him. It is very serious. Nothing to play around with.:pray:


Regardless what you believe or what religion you are apart of…tarot cards, crystals, Ouija boards, all of it are doorways for satanis and his minions to attack or have access to you. You can believe whatever you’d like but as a Holy Ghoster who has seen the effects of these “fun n games” have had on people and their lives I would recommend you remove them from your home. Sit down and be honest with your husband…once you start hiding things with your SO it becomes a “dangerous game”. There will be broken trust if your hubby finds out and then it shows your daughter that you aren’t united. Have a talk with your hubby and help him understand that your daughter is in the stage of curiosity of life. No religion should be pushed down a kids throat, they should have the choice just as you and your hubby had. In the end it’s all about choice and how you handle this will determine how your family handles the next couple years. Standing together in unity or hiding, keeping secrets and lying to eachother. Don’t punish your daughter as she is curious as we all are, but sit down and have a talk with her about it and why you are doing as you are. This is just my suggestion, as opinions were asked for :slightly_smiling_face: just because this is what I believe and voicing does not mean I’m forcing it on you or anyone reading these comments. It’s just my truth and experience with these things!


He’ll find out eventually just by the change in her behavior. Careful what you allow in your home.
Read what’s been going on with Kat Von D


I would keep her secret. It’ll only cause a rift and at a young age that can be devastating. She’s doing nothing wrong


Be open. Your not raising yourself.

She’s her own person. So what if she’s exploring? Leave her be or karma will get you and you might lose your daughter and she won’t ever speak to you again.

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Not only keep silent to your husband,speak with your daughter if you have that relationship and weren’t snooping. Help her foster this path she’s chosen and protect her from her bible thumping daddy.

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Depends on her age. A lot of teens explore this avenue and she just may be a gifted one. Depends if she’s following the dark or light side. Those who follow the light side often help those in need and do no harm. They help police find missing ones, solving many investigations for example. If she’s following the white then let her explore and keep it to yourself.

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Her father should know, and the 2 of you should raise your child as you seen fit. It is NOT anybodies business exempt those raising her.


No-one should have to live in fear which it sounds like you might be doing. Your daughter is doing the same thing as your husband; believing in something mythical that she has no proof of. Why should she have to surrender her beliefs? At least non-religious spirituality isn’t evil. Be grateful.


I would tell him, would if the Lord already informed him and your husband is waiting for you to tell him. I don’t believe in hiding things that happens in the household


I don’t see an issue with what she’s doing. She’s exploring. Dad being a pastor or not really has nothing to do with her as a person. Do what you feel you should though.


As a Christian this is a very slippery slope. I know she is still finding herself in the Lord so I would have an open clear conversation about what those mean versus what the Bible says. Even though she is still growing in her relationship with the Lord, you have to guide her through these choices not just let her go blindly.


Why do think she was hiding them from you? Tarot cards and crystals have nothing to do with the devil :woman_facepalming:


Glad I’m not gonna shove my religion down my kids throats and will let them live their own lifes, I feel bad for a lot of y’all’s kids :no_good_woman:


You weren’t supposed to see it so I’d make out I didn’t, that way your not keeping anything from your husband and your daughter won’t think you were snooping in her room. We can’t alway’s get what we want with our kid’s. Hope everything works out for you all :slightly_smiling_face::pray:

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Support her. Learn about what she’s interested in, and ask her questions. Let her teach you. Protect her.


I would sit down and talk to her and see what she thinks about these items. First.

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Common-sense must prevail. She’d not doing drugs…

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If your husband is a pastor and you know he’ll immediately disprove of your daughters choices (crystals and tarot cards are harmless) why would you create a rift that’s already a beginning? She didn’t tell you because she can’t trust you and this right here proves it. Put them back and leave it alone. You didn’t find drugs, you didn’t find alcohol… you found one thing she finds comfort in. If your husband is a pastor maybe you should put a little bit of that faith in your daughter.


So he’s a pastor but chooses to judge his own child instead of following God’s word and loving her? Sounds like a him problem and like he is the reason so many stray and don’t go to church! For God is the only one who can judge any of us and to judge as if you are God is a sin! You guide with love and grace you except all regardless and you show them the same love God shows us all! If we are to believe God talked to the ones who wrote the Bible why is it so hard to believe God can show us things with these cards if used with love and light and why do we believe that God didn’t give us a connection to the earth and that earth can’t heal our spirit when used with love and light! Jesus healed the blind and deaf is that not witchcraft?


She’s hiding them because of emotions like this post. I hate religions!! I love god 🫶🏼


At least It’s not a ouija board lol :rofl:
They are harmless. If anything they help you understand your own thoughts and put words to what’s really in your own mind and on your path. It’s just a form of interpreting what you are going through. Maybe she’s on a hard path being the daughter of a pastor and all. Let her explore. You need to show your child trust or they won’t come to you with the problems that really matter.
Parenting is all about letting your kids learn through the acts of non-dangerous mistake making and being there for them otherwise they don’t learn. Shoving beliefs down their throats causes rebellion. And you weren’t supposed to see them…maybe because she doesn’t trust her parents with a difference of opinion? Or open mindedness? Time to reflect on your relationship with her.

Put them all back. Your daughter trusts you.
Talk to her about it, to make for sure she’s ok.

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How old is she? Find her something else to do.

Every one is entitled to believe what they believe, no one, not even a pastor’s kid, should be forced to ignore their beliefs. While sneaking isn’t the way to go about things, it’s her place to talk to her father about it. I would sit down and talk to her. Explain that you support her but her father will not be on board, and encourage her to do all the research she can, so she has all the information she needs and then go to him and talk to him. It’s the mature thing to do and if she does it, he won’t see it as sneaking around and you can be the supportive parent and encouraging wife at the same time. She needs someone she can trust in your home and telling on her knowing it’s going to lead to trouble and possible consequences is the best way to push her away and lose her trust.

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He needs to let her express herself as well. He will find out sooner or later.

It’s really annoying that any comment that isn’t pretty much telling a parent not to be a parent is laughed at. Yeah let them be their own person but it’s literally your job as their parent to guide them and if YOU AS THEIR PARENT DO NOT AGREE WITH SOMETHING THEY’RE DOING then don’t come to Facebook asking advice because they’ll just tell you to ignore everything and make fun of your beliefs in the process. Educate people instead of downing them. If someone wants to believe in God why is it your job to make them feel stupid for it?


Crystals are of the earth and created by god. What exactly is there to be worried about from them? :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2: also, tell him tarot cards are like playing cards. (They’re not but if he doesn’t believe in them then they might as well be). Things only have power over us when we allow them to and she hid them because she doesn’t trust you.

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Eeew you’re married to someone who practices religion and uses it to control his children? That’s disgusting. Why do people like you have children? And he says it’s the devil :roll_eyes: … it’s you and your man who’s the devil, foh


Hope the cards tell her to runaway from home lol … yall are nuts!


How old is your daughter? Respect her privacy if she’s of age. Unless she gives you a reason to look in her stuff . Respect that! And it’s your home… so you could use that. But again you are not giving her privacy respect.

Let her do her thing. I have crystals and cards and burn sage it’s a spiritual path. Leave her be.

I have a sister who decided when my kids were little, to send this this dort of garbage. Tarot cards, crystals, etc. I threw all of it in our wood cook stove. She knew about faith in Jesus and it was slmost like she was trying to undermine how I was raising my children. So, THROW IT ALL IN A BIG FIRE.

I suggest talking to her about it first. I don’t think you should hide things from your husband but I also grew up a preachers daughter and I know my dad would have flipped shit if he found it or if he knew about half the things I did in general. He was very strict and controlling though. I couldn’t do anything he didn’t allow and it made me very rebellious. I’m not really a fan of being told what I can and can’t do. You know your daughter a d husband best but I think talking to her first is the way to go.

Talk to your daughter, it could be harmless, find out where she got them, don’t make a big deal until you have the fax

Keep her secrete.
I have crystals, a ouiji board, and tarot cards.

My board stays in the basement as I have three kids… but the Crystals are around our house for protection and my boys and I both play with the tarot cards

Why cause a bigger strain in their relationship by saying something

Shes hiding it because you’ve made her that way… shes probably too scared to say anything because of how you’d both react. This is why religion sucks in my eyes.

OMG I feel so bad for your daughter, can you imagine how she feels? Unable to enjoy the life the world has created because her dad is stuck with old world views smh

Grow up already. Believing this nonsense speaks highly of immaturity