I found tiny panties in my house, my husband denies any wrongdoing

Before, accusations, set all what you find aside, time reveals all things, those items will come back into play at the right moment,

And just what IF. You were just simply wrong, if the items truly, are not yours, which we, us, all women. Know, what they own , right down to ten year old bra, we know also, the flags, throw :warning: up caution, there are so many ways, this day n time, do your homework,before ,
Your wreck your home, thinking , before reacting, isn’t always pleasant, but it will be, to a more harmonious outcome, for everyone

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Oh hell, don’t stop bringing it up! If no kids, no family have stayed then push the issue…. You deserve answers

Need more info…where did you find them? Any visitors? Etc… My fiance told me a story once that he and his ex got in a fight bc he was an EMT and did his laundry at the firehouse with his partner and one of her thongs got stuck to the velcro of his pants so he accidentally brought them home (still stuck to the velcro). He is most definitely not one to cheat, ever. I thought it was hilarious.


U found other women clothes in your house. You have your answer. Guilty people gaslight and get mad just as he is doing


Blink security cameras from Amazon. They are cheap. They connect to your phone. U can watch from work, store etc and record it for evidence.


Maybe he’s wearing them :joy:


Well I might be overreacting but I would’ve totally flipped out on him

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Girl he just told you he cheated in dumbass :roll_eyes:

I’m not sure you can call them “tiny” when they are only 1 size smaller than yours lol anyway, get cameras or location on his phone.


Soooo no one noticed a half naked woman leaving… That’s ALOT of clothes to leave behind :joy:


If your the only 2 people in the house I think the unfortunate answer is the obvious one. Tell him what you found. Place them out and wait for the explanation. Then pile his belongings on the front lawn and make a bonfire!


I would like to know what this chick left in… just shoes? Because that’s a whole outfit


Finding another woman’s clothing in your home answers the question itself. Of course he’s going to play dumb, just don’t go along with it!


I would be flipping my s**t of I found another woman’s things in my house. How does he explain that? I would def be putting I some kind of spy cam to get a for sure answer, because I don’t think you’re going to get it from him.


I don’t want to jump to he’s cheating divorce him or dump him but I think we’re missing a little bit of information have you had any visitors over any at all is there anyway laundry could’ve been mixed up?Yall did laundry at some else’s house or someone else did at your house? anything like that if the answer is no then yeah he’s cheating bye :wave:


For me there is only two answers here , he is either cheating or he is the one they belong to , so he is either sleeping with someone else or he is dressing up in woman’s underwear


This is called gaslighting you! It’s a form of manipulation


Look in his phone…. I found similar things when we moved one time. I was naive, he said the moves must have put it there (in one of his dresser drawers).
At least a year later… I went to the bathroom and his phone was sitting on the counter, so I started browsing… I had never looked in his phone and he had never hid it from me. Then a text comes thru with :kissing_heart:
Okayyyyyy so I open it and low and behold. There it all way, the woman’s number was saved under his best friends name. I read thru as much as I could stomach.
I hid the fact that I knew for a while, we had 1 child together at the time and I had to get a plan. He worked nights and when I had my ducks in a row I was waiting for him at 6am when he got home from work. I had written out what I wanted to say on 4 notebook pages. He was caught. He could not deny it. That was nearly 3 years ago.
We were able to work thru it… it was one of the hardest things I had ever had to deal with in a relationship. Don’t want to get into nitty gritty details but fast forward to now, we have been together 12 years, and just got engaged last month. We have another child now too. Things are going very well. It was not an ideal thing obviously but we made it through and I’m sooo glad we didn’t give up on each other or I wouldn’t have my second beautiful daughter. Find your proof, make a plan, and then a confrontation. Best of luck

This is such toxic, manipulative shit.

You have EVERY right to ask him that question. For him to turn it on YOU and get angry at YOU, is so wrong. He has no right to be mad at you because you asked him a question.

And clothes don’t magically appear in a home…… he cheated.

Girl you already know, if they get defensive to don’t be blind on the abvious smh


I’m so petty…I’d post them on facebook . tag him in them asking if anyone knows who they belong too​:joy::sob:


And now he’s lying to you and gaslighting you


If she left without her panties or socks then you must have come dangerously close to catching them in the act, if you let it slide then it’ll keep happening until your old and you’ll come home one day and find another brand and size of Depends in your bedroom

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Let him play dumb while you’re packing HIS bags :briefcase:


Girl, he’s CHEATING . You need to line SOMETHIN up asap. Housing, divorce, his hairline …


We found underwear in the house defo not mine but as family had helped with laundry I assumed they got mixed in from someone else
Could that be part of it? If not have you been away overnight at any point?

Where were they? Do you accuse him often and if so could he have planted them


No boundaries are juniors clothing as is sizing for a 15. Are there teens in your house?


Ya he would’ve been as confused as you if he knew nothing about them…his reaction sounds like he’s cheating


It’s possible that he’s the one wearing them.
Some men like to do that but are ashamed
If a girl left them then what was she wearing when she left??


Do you use a laundry mat? I’ve used laundry mats and found weird things in my clothes before


:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: that is gaslighting


From a mans point of view. My wife on occasion will find random articles of clothing that don’t belong to either of us. Panties, boxers, socks, shirts, shorts everything. Not just male not just female. They’ve turned up over the years from various places. Cleaning out the car after vacations with others, people leaving clothes after parties beach days and we all go back to our place. She had never accused me of cheating. The first time was a sock and panties. Turns out they were her cousins that somehow she had in her car and brought them inside without thinking. Accusations are the worst. Just ask. And not are you cheating. But try do you know where these came from. Approaching in a non confrontational manner usually yields better results.


I mean… his answer kind of makes me believe he’s guilty, but I find clothes in my house all the time of all different sizes but it’s because I have no self control and buy bags and bundles of clothes in random sizes and forget about them🥴

I’ve found panties in my laundry before because they were caught in the dryer at the Landry mat. I’ve taken home baby clothes and socks too lol. ~like literally wasn’t there with the wash, but was with the dry lol~

Not sure if you do laundry at home tho, this is the only good excuse I could think of as to why a whole outfit would be there.

Wether or not you’re right, the way he’s going about communicating (or lack of) to you isn’t okay. Your feelings are valid 100%


I’ve never had just random clothing appear in my house and definitely not my size. If your husband is defensive over it, more than likely he’s guilty.
Pack his bags and tell him to take his girlfriends clothes back to her. :skull:


I’ve never had just random clothing appear in my house and definitely not my size. If your husband is defensive over it, more than likely he’s guilty.
Pack his bags and tell him to take his girlfriends clothes back to her. :skull:

LIAR, LIAR LIAR. Be smart and prepare

He’s like a basketball player being defensive :rofl: I say just throw the stuff at him rather than the garbage for him to know that YOU KNOW

Peg him in his sleep with a ball gag. Say “good boy” when he answers your questions and give him head pats.


Typical narcissistic behavior - throw his butt out

Crazy anger and avoidance sounds like cheating… HOWEVER if you have a teenager, maybe THEY had a special friend over…? :woman_shrugging::grimacing:

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Y’all if these panties and shorts were found what y’all think the chic left nekkid come on think about it but hey ok why not talk about it instead of accusing

If you guys use the laundry mat like I used to, then it might be somebody else’s because I remember on occasion I would get socks or even huge male T-shirts in our clothes. But obviously if you don’t use a laundromat then you shouldn’t even be asking him questions. I would just leave.


Do you go to the laundry mat?

Married 41 years and ive never found random personal items around my house…then I do laundry at home. Im the only driver. My kids friends did stay over but only overnight and took their laundry home
Id probably have asked where they appeared from but wouldnt have accused him of cheating if he hadn’t given me reason to doubt him

Go with your gut instincts. Leave his ass!

Well I could say leave like most have but im not going to
Why?? Because it would be a waste of my time Lol you already know what you should do but I know 100% your not going to do it… waste of time even writing this post especially when I know your guna carry on playing house wife


Install secret cameras if you meet such things again ,when you ask and he acts up then show him footage,if he indeed cheat

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I think it’s pretty normal to question clothing in your house that’s clearly not yours. It’s stupid for him to get upset over it.


My ex said when do I have time to cheat I go to work and come home. Turns out he was cheating while at work. He’s gaslighting you and you damn well know those clothes aren’t yours.

You are not overreacting in the slightest. If you wash/dry all of your laundry in your home, and you don’t have any other family that could be the rain behind the clothing, he’s 100% cheating. He needs to explain the clothing, which he won’t because he’s been caught.


Girl go sit down and be quiet Did you overreact I would’ve turn the fucking house upside down

Girl he cheated and won’t fess up even its evidence in front of him. Time to say goodbye.


I’d ask him where the clothes came from then

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“he doesn’t want me speaking to him” what is he 6?
Lady, that’s proof he cheated. Are you finding other random things in your house ? Like towels, bed sheets, tea cloths ? If not. He’s cheating and you have the evidence in your hands

Girl, throw the whole MAN away and forget about HIM. Seriously forget that kind of gaslighting bs. Sounds like a creepy coward to me.


Left there on purpose to trigger you because he’s too gutless to leave.


Well how else did those items get in your house???


If there’s clothes in your home who aren’t yours then he’s cheating. The fact that he’s upset proves there’s something going on. Respect yourself


That’s kinda confusing… if he had another woman in the house what did she go home in ? Because there’s socks, panties and shorts :face_with_raised_eyebrow: are you missing any clothing ?

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Honey listen to your gut. It’s not your stuff. My ex husband was so angry with me when he got caught cheating. He said to me ‘I’m your husband why are you listening to other people. I would never cheat on you ‘. Nope he cheated on me with multiple women so trust your gut and if he is that angry with you it’s because he got caught. I am sorry you are going through this.

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Did the chick leave naked?


You know the truth x you have the proof you need

Don’t fall for his crap!!!


Is there any chance they fit him?


There’s no question whether he cheated, you already know the answer not only the undergarments that you found, but he is being overly defensive because have every right to question stuff like that being found in your home that aren’t yours unless you have daughters that they belong to there would be no other excuse. My question is what did she wear when she left, did she jump out of a back window of your house only wearing a shirt because you almost caught them? :joy:


I guess Casper enter your home?


Your husbands a twat :woman_shrugging:t2:


Maybe some boxers that aren’t his and a man’s t-shirt that isn’t his should pop up. See what he says and then get mad if he questions you. Could be a little entertaining… seriously, have you had company over who spent the night? Gone to a laundry mat? If not, then I think you know what’s up.


Woah…not my clothes in my house…someone better start explaining something! I also have cameras for security, but that could be an inexpensive way to confirm a cheater! FYI…it’s also how I know when my teenagers come and go and who is in my house!


Do your kids have any friends with those sizes? Maybe left behind during a sleepover? If NOT, he definitely had another woman in your home with out panties on!!!


He is a cheater & you know that! A little b left it there so u could open your eyes & so u can walk away n give her the free space :smirk: no other explanation! Ain’t no one gonna forget that just to forget it she knows what she was doing & you know what u should do!!!


I mean…hear me out here…

Would he fit into those? Because maybe… :man_shrugging:

I’m just thinking thinking of other explanations here. No judgment whatsoever.


“When would I have time to cheat” Is such a bullshit cop out lol oh is that the only reason? Not enough hours in the day?
He sounds like an asshole.

Kick his slime ball ass out your house!!!

Hasn’t got time to cheat … wtf was that his actual answer? It should be ‘I love you I’d never cheat’

As soon as they turn it around on to you, they are lying.


They short are big for small panties. Same person wouldn’t fit both. Lol


Um. I don’t trust this guy, he’s pretty not telling you the truth. Go check on his phone!


He’s gaslighting you. He’s cheating and trying to make it your fault.


I can’t tell u how many times this happened to me when we either lived in an apartment building with shared laundry or using a laundry Mat and they were left in the washer or dryer. If u dont have a shared laundry then he be cheating.


I found clothes that didn’t belong to me in our laundry. We are now divorced lol


Has any family member/friend slept over the past month, or have done clothes? If not then he is definitely cheating. Sometimes my little sister leaves clothes behind or my MIL laundry gets mixed in with my daughters clothes because she does them at her house for me some weekends. He is being really defensive and trying to gaslight you. You have hard evidence another woman was in your house.


Do you do laundry at a laundry mat? They could have gotten in there that way.

Well if they don’t fit you and you don’t have a daughter they would fit or a son that’s old enough to be sexually active then id say you have every right to ask and show proof. I doubt he was wearing them unless there was also a shirt and shoes and if your makeup ain’t being used to

If it was just panties I’d say cheating 100%… but socks and shorts also… WTF… Anyone stay the night recently?.. kids friends, relative? maybe they left clothes?


Mannnnn fuck that vato!! Mandalo a chingar a su madre!!

You asked and the first thing he did was gaslight you.

I don’t know if he’s cheating but he is up to something


Maybe they are his :joy:

Girl you have common sense. Yk they ain’t yours and they must’ve come from somewhere. Does he have sisters? Cousins that ride in his car? No? Then there’s your answer. You have a right to know


Do you go to laundromat?

Gaslighting. U know he’s cheating


You have a reason to be suspicious :thinking:

No Boundaries is a juniors brand, just so you know.


Ummmm :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: Cheater cheater punkin’ eater… So busy he can’t sleep liar liar pants on fire!! Unless you set him up his side chick definitely did because she knows about you and she wanted you to find out about her… Sorry hun shit just don’t appear out of no where…

Girl… if they aint yours, they aint yours. Panties don’t just randomly appear in people’s houses :rofl:


You really gotta ask? You got a whole math quiz listed. I’m sure you know the answer. No one is guna tell you to stay lol :woman_facepalming:t2:


He sounds like a gaslighter. Have you gone to a laundromat recently? Use a community laundry area? Have any family members over within the last 2 months? I could understand underwear, but socks, and shorts? It sounds like the belong to someone who’s stayed over recently…


If he isn’t cheating then there his he is secrectively cross dressing


Ooooohh he’s lying!!!

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Just gonna leave this here! Problem solved.