I found tiny panties in my house, my husband denies any wrongdoing

I am a plus size girl

That will be important later
I found a pair of socks, panties and a pair of shorts.
They are WAY too small to be mine. The socks are Victoria Secrets (I only wear Avia no show socks because they fit properly), a pair of size 15 shorts (i wear a size 18/20) and a pair of panties that are a size 7 in some brand called No Boundaries, I wear a size 8 in Hanes and I only wear Hanes because they are 100% cotton. I asked my husband if he has cheated on me and he started saying “You only do stuff like this (asking if he has cheated) when things are going good, and that he doesn’t have time to cheat on me because he barely has time to sleep” now he doesn’t want me speaking to him.
Did I over react when I asked him? Should I of asked him or should I of just thrown the stuff away and forget about it?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I found tiny panties in my house, my husband denies any wrongdoing

I mean, I’ve found clothes that aren’t mine many times. But I also have kids and people that give us clothes so I just think sometimes people’s things get inside the bags by mistake.


How was their a size 7 panties and 15 shorts?


Girl hell no id flip the fuck out on him

Obviously something is going on if they are not brand new. If they were new I’d assume they were gifts just in the wrong size. But if they are used I’d absolutely believe he’s cheating.


Do you have a teenage son?


If it’ds only you and him and there aren’t others coming and going I’d definitely be concerned.


Fuck that! I’d be out :v:t2:

Teenage son? Or maybe is your husband experimenting with womens clothes?


Is there anyone else they could possibly belong to? I don’t think you were wrong in asking i would’ve too


Do you use a launderette
Maybe been mixed up
But if you don’t use any washing service out of your house I’d be kicking him out


Lmao :rofl: he’s clearly covering up that he FUCKED up BURN ALLLL HIS THINGS BOY BYE

Do you have kids? Do you have guests that come in and out of your home? I think we need more info to determine HOW the clothes got into your home. If its always just you and your husband there then its definitely a red flag to have female clothing that isn’t yours just pop up. I have 3 teenagers & they have friends who come and go. Also I inherited my home recently when my mother passed so between my house, garage,etc I’ve found all kinds of items I wouldn’t typically have laying around in my home. It really depends on if anyone else has access your house.


So if a woman was there she walked out butt naked from the waist down? :thinking:

Ok I’m gonna throw this out there… Are they possibly his clothes??? As in… Does he like to wear ladies clothing when you’re not around??? :thinking::thinking:


Could they be an older pair of yours or a family member? If not he’s definitely had someone in your house….

Do you have a teenage son ? Could be his girlfriends

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I once found a bra at my apartment… turns out it was my MOTHERS who had stayed the weekend with us a couple weeks prior lmfao :rofl::woman_facepalming:
Me: my tits aren’t this BIG WTF (calls mom to see what my next step should be)
Mom: :flushed: that’s mine… I’ve been looking everywhere for that.


Dump him why are you even asking on here do you think a ghost brought them into the house??


I’m watching the show YOU currently so either he’s cheating, or he’s a murderer.


He’s playing mind games don’t give him the chance to do it

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He’s gaslighting you. Something is going on that he’s lying about.



Two questions… you can PM me if you want.

  1. How long have you lived together?
  2. Where did you find them?
  3. Have you had anyone stay recently, a family member?

Honey, he wont speak to you because he cheated. He had a woman in YOUR house. NO YOU SHOULDN’T THROW THEM AWAY AND FORGET ABOUT IT. You should be acting way more concerned toward your husband than you’re acting now. He literally denied there being underwear, shorts, and socks… that aren’t yours… in your home…

Hes cheating or those are old clothes from before you got together, which is why I asked when you started living together.


You weren’t wrong for asking :person_shrugging:


Listen to your gut instinct—-

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He’s cheating , and deflecting the blame onto you .


U know what panties u own love don’t be foolish


They got there some how :woman_shrugging:


Did you ask him or tell him ?

What?? If they’re not yours then who’s are they? They didn’t walk in to your house by themselves…of course your didn’t over react lol


Okay you would KNOW if they were yours or not. So if they aren’t yours then I guess you have your answer

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Just for clarification, how can you wear your a size 18/20 in shorts and a size 8 in underwear? :woman_shrugging:

How would the clothes get in your house unless he is cross dressing?


So are they small enough to fit your husband? I ask this because a lot of men that cross dress hide personal female items around the house for when they have the time to dress… I know somebody who literally let his wife think he had cheated on him once for years instead of telling her that he was the one wearing the panties


Depends…do you have a teenage son? Daughter? If not, pretty sketchy I’d have to ask too.

Indoor security Cams that you can put in rooms of your house!


Could they be your husbands or maybe your child depending how old they are?

I feel like there is soo much missing information.
Do you have sons? Daughters? People who come and stay? New house? Nieces? Siblings who have stayed? My kids friends, my fiances little sister, my siblings, my fiances uncle and little cousins have all left stuff at my house…
I know I have kept older stuff of mine in my drawers kind of just tossed in the back that have made their way out randomly during moves or just drawer cleaning that I never realized I kept knowing I am not fitting the stuff now just kept it lol… Could this have been the case??
Do you go to a laundromat to do your laundry whether you do it yourself there or drop it off and they do it for you??
Where were they found? Hidden? In your bedroom? With other laundry? In your stuff? In his stuff? In the living room?
And how often do you ask him/accuse him?? What other signs have their been if this is a more than once occurrence??


I’m lying, if I didn’t have a son or daughter, I’d done strangled his ass with those panties :woman_shrugging:

It definitely deserves to be talked about. These things are in your house and not your size/ brand. Assuming you are the only woman in your house then there is definitely something that needs explaining

He’s gaslighting you with that response. Men are simple creatures lol he would have said “no” and not entertained the thought of it if he wasnt. He’s literally gaslighting you. Now you’re thinking about his schedule right? How long it takes him to do xyz or what he’s doing when you’re not home? yea girl that’s gaslighting. Good luck and get an STD test.


I mean they didn’t come from nowhere.

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Are u seriously on here asking us this shit? Those clothes aren’t yours right… where TF did they come from? Girl if u believe he’s not cheating IN THE HOUSE YALL LIVE IN TOGETHER you need to get ur head checked.

I would of asked. How else did they get there, you were right to ask

Mmm I’d be more concerned with his over reaction to a fair question considering your find just sayin…


If no one else has access to your home then he’s cheating or he’s wearing them!! No one in the house would sleep until I figured out which one and when I did he’d have to go!!!

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Sounds like a guilty man to me

If a female was there what the heck fid she wear home?


You’re asking the wrong questions. You know the answer it’s pretty apparent. He’s cheating. I’m sorry.

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He’s gaslighting. Some girl planted the panties there unless he keeps them.


He’s fucking gaslighting you. Adios bud

Do you have teen children???


Girl please leave. If I found that in my house, I’d be gone in less than an hour. You deserve so much better🥺 I know it’s hard, but PLEASE.

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Yall use the laundromat? I’ve ended up with random crap in my laundry from the dryers there…:woman_shrugging:

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Hold on.
Soooo is there no possible chance that the clothes belong to someone who comes over often? Like a relative? Bc all that was found seems a little odd. How she leave ALL THAT behind. lol.

BUT if there’s no possible way it belongs to someone y’all know—
Hell yeah he’s cheating… & with a dumb woman at that!


Well if they are not yours then maybe …you’re hubby has taken up cross dressing…that is if they could fit him…if not he is telling you that you are fat and need to loose some weight…ate any rate his ASS is BUSTED…TELL HIM TO MAN UP AND SPEAK THE TRUTH

Men always get upset when your right and they’ve been caught they always try to turn it on you and say shit like your over reacting and get really really upset lol he’s most likely cheating babe

You were right to ask in Any relationship you have the right to ask Any question for clarification the way he reacted would make me think he was cheating but you can’t always go off that I’ve been in a situation similar and I went off the way he reacted and made an ass out of myself

Ma’am you know in your heart he did wrong… there’s not other answer to this… the other person is trying to give you hints…


He sounds guilty. Him turning it around on you is a defensive move.


My STBX husband did the same.
It turned out to be his ex-girlfriend!
He already lied to the Divorce Judge!
So now he has to sell the house to give me my half!
He snuck her in the basement window and had sex with her while I was sleeping on a Sunday morning!


I always ask this question first when I see posts like this: do you go to a laundromat to wash clothes, or do you own a washer/dryer at home?
Has anyone you know visited recently that the clothes belong to? It’s shorts, so unless you live in Florida, no one has worn those for a while :person_shrugging:
The answers to these questions will help you find the real answer your looking for.


Super weird but one time my husband found a guys shirt in our car under the gym bag and I swear I didn’t cheat , we just thought that maybe when we were at the gym he accidentally grabbed it along with his clothes. Is there anyway you could’ve even grabbed her clothing along with yours if you went somewhere like the gym?

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Kick him out when I was married my husband at that time had his women in our bed when I was at work they burn holes in my sheets he didn’t smoke

anyway he could like to wear womens clothes?


Don’t worry about throwing the stuff away ……Throw your husband away.


Let’s say he’s not cheating if he wasn’t guilty he would want to help u figure out who’s stuff it Is instead of acting like he doesn’t want u talking to him


A woman’s instinct are stronger than you know, trust your instincts

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I’m still stuck on the panties sizes…are we talking American sizes? :thinking: either these ladies have no butts… or their panties is too tight. ~whispers~ No Boundaries is Walmart.


Is there a possibility they belong to a relative? Do you have kids? Maybe a friend left them behind?!

IF he’s cheating and a girl left all that behind then she’s trying to tell you.


So if he was cheating, the other woman just…left half naked?


Ummm, he’s very suspicious…unless you’ve had visitors over who they might belong to, or you wash clothes in a laundromat like someone above said…If not girl you know the answer…you found a whole outfit, just missing the shirt and shoes. The fact that he doesn’t want you speaking to him tell me he’s being defensive because he’s guilty…


Why would she leave all her shit there? Like…. Both y’all are crazy.

Trust in your Woman’s Intuition!

They didn’t just magically appear in your house


another woman’s clothes don’t just appear in your home , if it’s not company that stayed over , then yes he cheated


Um…if they arnt yours…theres only one explanation an the way he tried to turn it on you, shows his guilt. Get him tf out.


Is it possible that he’s wearing them? :joy::joy:


Maybe he’s trying on girl clothes……

Where did u find them?

Nope . HĂ© :100: cheated and Is in denail


Put up hidden cameras in the house and connect them to ur phone. Catch him in the act.


Whenever they say “when do I have time” they’re 99% sure cheating Lmfao


The reaction screams gaslighting. If there was a legit reason, he’d have told you. And if he straight up didn’t know, he just would have been confused. But yelling and acting like you’re trying to start shit or treating you like you’re crazy is what gives me red flags

Deffo cheating. A liar always makes you think you’re wrong for asking him. The girl prob did it on purpose as well, the old cliche to lace your panties where the wife will find them.
Put up hidden cameras and he will tell you you’re crazy when you catch him. PUT HIM IN THE BIN


Is there another female like a teenage daughter or someone in the house? If not it’s not even a discussion he 100% had to have cheated as clothes that aren’t yours don’t just magically appear in your home! Trust your gut!


“Some brand called no boundaries” everybody knows that WalMart.


Maybe he’s swiping women’s clothing like Joe from the show You.

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Just throw them away and forget about it? Yeah if you want to continue being his doormat.


I wouldn’t have ask him,but would put them in his drawers with his underwear, socks and shirts and wait. Time will tell you what you want.


He’s gaslighting you babes

Get some hidden cameras… If he brought someone into yalls house he will do it again


Have you had anyone (friend/family) stay at your house in the last few months?
I once found a pair of clean socks in my drawer that my husband put away thinking they were mine, but they were a brand I’ve never purchased. He swore they were mine. I messaged a couple of my cousins who had stayed at our house within the last couple of months, and sure enough they belonged to one of them lol. The same thing happened with a bra that was clearly way to small to be mine-also one of my cousins lol


Either he’s cheating, likes to wear them OR ordered them online because that’s what certain people like to do now if they’ve been worn :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Do you have teenaged kids? Maybe your daughter had a friend over or your son snuck a girl in?

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Be completely blatant and upfront and in his face about it. Not aggressive but very very very straightforward. Show him the clothing items and ask him to explain. If he has no answers or denies it completely or tries to turn it around on you then you simply put the items down, say “okay then,” and walk away. Start planning a new life. He’s a cheater


Were they in a box ? Hidden somewhere?? Lol this reminds me of the YOU series…
In all realness I think you have your answer right in solid proof form… he cheated, or is he wearing these things when you’re gone?

You found another woman’s clothes in your house and need to ask if he’s cheating? Girl. Come on.


Kellie Lanning given the different brands maybe hes a rapist and that’s his trophies…yes I watch to much crime tv too


Is all laundry done in home? If you take it to a laundry mat or something like that, then that would explain it. But if not I would have questioned it as well. It happening once, okay it’s possible somehow. But three items. I don’t believe it.

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