I found tiny panties in my house, my husband denies any wrongdoing

Now I have children (teens) so if you have kids their could be other explanations….if it’s just you two….he’s gotta go!


No boundaries is Walmart. He could of at least picked a not so cheap woman geez :joy:


If you KNOW those aren’t yours, then there is no question.


You never said where you found them. Also do you do laundry at home or another house or the laundromat? I can’t really say one way or the other without that information. I have seen marriages almost end in divorce over the laundromat and people forgetting that is a realistic place for other clothing to be mixed up. Or had family over and completely forgot and the marriage fell through because of lack of trust when nothing was done wrong

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Someone who isn’t guilty, doesn’t mind/react to questions!!! Unless you’re insecure and constantly asking


He’s gaslighting you


My question is why did he say “you only accuse me of cheating when things are going good”? Have you had to accuse him before? In my experience, if you suspect cheating multiple times, there’s a reason.


That girl got some old ass panties cause Walmart brand ain’t even no boundaries anymore , but it makes sense tho she don’t got no boundaries fr smh

Unless you had someone come sleep over or teens… I would definitely be suspicious!

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Throw those items at him and ask who’s they are.

No don’t forget. There needs to be an explanation.

Only 1 reason he’s getting mad


If it wasn’t anything shady, you wouldn’t be here asking. Listen to your gut. :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

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I would have asked the same thing.

I would have asked the same thing.

I would have asked the same thing.

Have you shown him these? They don’t.L appear from thin air. Watch for the reaction on his face and ask calmly that he be honest. I’m so sorry :disappointed:

It is all in the wording next time ask if he knows whos they are so you can give them back… Wait … by his reaction you will know . But you never blamed him so he can’t accuse you unless he did .

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Ask him again and don’t let him play the poor victim because he hates confrontation and is clearly guilty of something

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sounds like he cheated


size 15 if I’m correct sounds like a junior size

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He cheated/is cheating on you. This is classic gaslighting, a form of emotional abuse.


Duh…. Do your man really think you are stupid? How did it get there? Magic? I don’t think so.


What??? How else would those items be in your home?


Really? Ladies clothing that are not yours? Come on now. You know the answer.
And that other woman left those on purpose. Seriously, who forgets socks and shorts and panties.


Is he a cross-dresser?


“Are you cheating on me or do these belong to the ghost?” shows panties


He’s gaslighting and deflecting. He’s guilty. I’d say prove to him the shorts aren’t yours (I would never suggest the panties. That’s just cruel).

Maybe he wears them?


Is it possible he could dress in women’s clothes? Men do it sometimes because it’s comfortable…

Size 15 jeans are not tiny and size 7 in panties is not small either . Those r both for a larger frame lady. Are u sure they r not urs from years ago? If not then the only way they could have gotten in ur house is if he brought someone over. Has anyone spent the night at ur house a friend or relative? Do no u have kids could this be a freinds clothes? Think ab anyone u had in ur house bday parties anything like hat that may have changed clothes. Think really hard ab it before u say anything else. If u can’t think of anyone then that leaves him. I’m 33 and I wear a juniors size 10 just bc they r juniors downs not mean it didn’t belong to a women. All my friends still shop in that section. I saw ppl saying it’s juniors so it’s a younger girl. That is not true.


If you KNOW they’re not yours, your questioned is answered. Not only is he a cheater, but a liar.:woman_facepalming:t4:

The fact he never denied it rather he turns it around in u. Hes guilty. Kick his cheating ass out

Girl throw the panties at him and ask him whose they are and come back and tell us what happens next.


If he’s not a closet cross dresser then she left that on purpose. Side chick audacity is at an all time high. You know the answer.

PS you are worth so much more


Why would you ignore that and not ask him if you know for sure they’re not yours and nobody of that size lives in your house of course she should’ve asked him


If they aren’t yours and you haven’t had any friends over then it seems pretty obvious. I’d be petty Betty and make a fb post with pictures asking “do these belong to you? call for pickup” and tag his ass in it. Right before I packed his crap and sat it in the yard.

Go with your gut, and don’t worry what anyone else thinks.

Okay. If there is literally NO way someone like a family member or friend were in your home and left them he obviously did something. They wouldn’t just appear. Now to me it wouldn’t be odd because my best friend changes here and leaves her clothes all the time but if you don’t have anyone that couldve left them you already know he did something

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I think you know the answer :frowning: I’m sorry he’s gaslighting you.


If you know! 1000% they aren’t yours then obviously he’s cheating I don’t think they just appeared from a sex spirit sweetheart :woozy_face:

Unless you do laundry at the laundry mat something is wrong…

The fact that you are asking these questions is disturbing. You must be in your 20s. Clothes don’t appear out of nowhere :woman_facepalming:t3:


Throw the whole.husband out…on a serious note…if u have no children that are even close.to be.the qge that would remotely give a reason for these items to show up there is no other logical reason in my eyes that he has that could even explain this other than cheating…unless he can wewr them.himself but thats a whole.other secret he.would.need to.explain…i wouldnt drop it

I have no idea where the clothing came from. Yes it
looks suspicious. But is it worth destroying your marriage Let it go for now
Give him attention and reassurance. Just feel this has not been a reoccurring issue


Do you use a laundromat? Could have come in that way.

She CLEARLY left then there on purpose! :eyes:
Let her, have him!!

Unless someone does your laundry at a mat or there is no family/friends visiting then you know what’s up. Also, where did you find them? Under a bed or couch or in the wash?

If they are not yours then I think you have the answer! Don’t settle.

I’d present the items found and ask him again. Tell him you already know the answer. You just want to know if he’s dumb enough to lie about it.

Now “he doesn’t want you speaking to him” lol good it will give you plenty of time to speak to a lawyer. Girl he is 100% cheating. First of all, he didn’t say no, he said “you only do this” as this is somehow YOUR fault. Because you left the tiny underwear there. He thinks you are stupid and if fall for this big display of bullshit, you are.