I gave birth to my son in my car and he came out bruised: Thoughts?

So the other night at 11 pm I felt my contractions start, but they were sporadic and 10-30seconds. My doctor insisted on not coming in until they were 60sec long and 5mins apart. My husband and I discussed it, and around 12:40 am, we took the kids to my mom’s house. On the way to the hospital, my water broke. No big deal, right? No?! I had him in the car. I started screaming “noooooo” in my demon pain voice; my husband was frantically saying, “just wait”, and then I remember saying, “his head is out!” “Help me take my shorts off”. My husband pulled over, ran around the car and grabbed our son before he fell. My poor baby is so bruised due to slamming into my pelvic bone sitting up and being delivered so fast, but my question is. This is my FIRST natural birth. I’ve always had drugs and getting to my question… Has anyone had a bruised baby? His poor poor face is terrible. How long did it last? Is there anything I can do to help? He had to stay under lights for low temp, but otherwise, they haven’t said anything about his bruises except they are worried he has jaundice. I feel so bad I bruised my baby!


not ur fault. he will heal. congrats


My nephew was bruised. His whole face was a dark purple. He didnt look alive. But all was well.

I gave birth to my daughter in a hospital bed and her face was completely bruised with broken blood vessels in her eyes

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It can happen and there isnt really anything to stop it or heal it after.

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Bruising is pretty normal a baby has to squeeze out of a hole no bigger then they are and it also depends on head size my son had a few facial bruises but my daughter did not have any her head was also tiny

It happens sometimes mama! Congratulations and big props for being a champ! Do not worry about his face, it’ll heal. :two_hearts:


My son was bruised also, but he healed.

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Dont feel guilty at all. He was in a hurry to come out. My 2nd boy was born at home didn’t make it to the hospital in time.

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My daughter’s face wss bruised. It only lasted about two days or less.

My daughters nose was extremely bruised when I gave birth to her in the hospital she just turned one and now all it is is a tiny little spot on the bridge of her nose

Hell be fine. Try not to worry. :blue_heart:

It happens! Dont feel bad! Congrats and good job doing it with no drugs! He will heal just fine :heart::heart::heart::heart:

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Not your fault mama, don’t blame yourself and it’s common, even when giving birth at hospital.

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My 1 month old was pretty bruised on his nose and upper lip from slamming into my pelvis while I was leaned forward getting an epidural. He came so fast! The bruising went away within the first week.

What an awesome story! It will all be fine. My son was born in the hospital and his head was bruised. It went away in a couple days.

My youngest came out so fast that his face was all bruised up. It went away in a few days and now he’s a happy healthy almost 9 year old

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Your doctor is to blame! Not you!

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My son was delivered by Keillands forceps as he was facing the wrong way and was stuck. His face was all bruised where the forceps had turned him round and pulled him out but it only lasted a few days. He will be 30 on the 29th Dec!

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When you give birth vaginally, it creates pressure when you push! Causes the shallow blood vessels on the surface to to break and thats why hes bruised! No biggie hun. Itll disappear soon enough

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Just be glad he is healthy you are blessed.

It’s not your fault! Big heads have to come out of a smallll area. Bruising is normal and expected which is why they haven’t made a big deal out of it.


I have had 5 babies my last 2 were very bruised in the face midwife told me it was because of how fast they were born please don’t worry baby was in a hurry to meet mummy it will be fine fairly quick please don’t blame yourself xx


When they come that fast bruises can happen. My daughter was born less than 3 hours from first contraction to delivery. We barely made it to the hospital. My girl was bruised too

I came out bruised at birth. My mom had pushed for several hours with no success and she was taken to the OR for a csection. The doctor got all the way in there just to decide that one way or another I was coming out vaginally. She basically ripped my mom open with forceps and forcefully yanked me out (she received over forty stitches afterward and was not able to have a natural birth with my sister because of the injury). I spent weeks in the NICU and was resuscitated twice. Just know that this wasn’t your fault! For future reference, ignore the doctor. If you for any reason feel like you need to go to the hospital, go.


3 of mine were bruised, the nurses called my daughter " madam blueberry" :joy: its nothing that you did, it just happens. Give yourself a break :slightly_smiling_face:

I actually never seen that.

My baby girls head and face were bruised. One of her eyes had a small bleed… it looked so much worse than what it was. All my epidural babies were fine with no bruising. She was my last so I decided to do it with no drugs … anyway it looked horrible for about a week, but faded from there. Remember their little bodies are made for birth!

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Wow… Poor mom… But what a story… Baby will be fine… I’m in wow over you… What strength… Congrats…

Even when people are in the hospital giving birth the babies bruise my former step daughter her son was 8 10 and he shoulders were brusie they were so wide

Well first congratulations!! Thank god you had a safe delivery even though it was in your car​:heart: I’m sure the bruises will go away. If the dr was worried about them, you would already know! God bless you and your baby​:heart::heart:

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It will heal honey. Both my youngest kids came in under 5 minutes. They were extreamly bruised but it healed after a few days

The doctors called it “a slam dunk”. With my son the water didn’t break until he was coming out which made him come extremely fast and his entire face was bruised and swollen for a few weeks. It was so bad even his little eyeballs were red and bruised. It’s hard to look at but he will be fine. Thank goodness you both are safe and healthy. You did a wonderful job. <3

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When you consider how traumatic birth is and how near of a death experience it is for both mother and child, it is surprising more children aren’t born bruised.

Yes. My son came down so hard and fast his little face was bruised. I felt horrible as a Mom. But he was good and healthy. He’s grown now and graduated high school last year. Doing great!

My son was very bruised when he came out. When he dropped into the birthing canal he SLAMMED into my pelvic bone. It was heard on the heart monitor ! His poor little face was black. The bruising and swelling pretty much went away by the next day, but because of the bruising his jaundice levels were high. He had to stay an extra night in the hospital under the light , but he was fine ! Dont worry mama I know it looks so bad and you cant help but think it’s your fault ,but it’s not. He will be fine :heart:

My baby was bruised from quick delivery labour was 6 hours and that was at hospital its normal he had bruises on his face and shoulders/back :pensive:

my son was bruised during birth aswell his little nose was purple for a week… he came out with just 3 pushes… it would have happened even in the hospital… nothing you could have done to prevent it

It can be part of birth trauma. It’s hard for babies and it’s hard for momma.

Totally normal, my second came out looking like she had been in a fight, broken blood vessels in her eyes and everything. She was a very quick birth (2 pushes) compared to my first and that’s really the only reason I can think of but everyone assured me it’s normal and she would be fine.

Not uncommon, even if you gave birth in the hospital with an epidural it could have happened. Usually it goes away after a week or two. You’ll have the best birth story ever. Good job mamma, hope you both are doing well otherwise.

You did fine the bruises will fade. Just thank God you have a healthy baby.

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You didn’t bruise your baby, your baby was bruised by the way he came into the world. Don’t blame yourself for something you couldn’t control. You weren’t expecting him so quickly. You did everything you could have and should have in that moment. You did nothing wrong.


My son was very bruised and it took about two weeks to completely go away but it may not take that long for you. Just love that sweet baby! It’s not your fault.

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My son had a broken collar bone from birth. Your baby will be okay, I promise. These things happen.

My last was bruised from being born fast. We were in a hospital with a doctor. The bruises only lasted a couple of weeks. It happens. It’s not your fault. There’s nothing you could have done any different to prevent it. Congratulations on your new baby!


Its normal and it will go away.

My daughter came out bruised. She healed fine but nothing could help how guilty I felt. I felt I was the one who hurt her. She’s a healthy, happy rambunctious 3 year old now!

Aww don’t feel bad mama never listen when they tell you not to come for future reference you know your body and you can feel the pressure you go when you think you need to go

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My son’s face from hitting bone. He was jaundice and had to have a UV blanket for a few days.

Its normal. I delivered my first really quick(no drugs no anything) I remember that feeling being in the car. Luckily we made it. He was crowning while I was changing into my gown at the hospital. He was bruised. I didnt know what it was until the dr told me. He had jaundice also…

Let’s see a picture of the sweet baby! Congrats

Most likely caused by your position. That’s why they want us laying down flat. But it’s completely normal.

My son was super bruised after I had a very fast labor! It happens momma

Sis you are the MVP you had a natural delivery in a car. Many blessings to you and your entire family :heart::heart::heart::heart:


My son came out bruised. He got slightly stuck coming out, he looked as if he had 5 o’clock shadow. It was gone in a couple days

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My youngest, I had her laying down and in a hospital so thats not it. She came so fast that I did not have time to fully dialate. She got squished and ripped me to sheds causing me to hemorrhage. The bruising on her lasted about 2 weeks, for me much much longer lol

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My son got very bruised in delivery…bruises lasted about a week or 2 if I remember correctly. If they were worried they would say something. If you are worried talk to your doctor.

Don’t feel bad about the bruises! There was nothing different you could do! My firstborn had bad bruising due to a traumatic birth. Because of the bruising, jaundice is more of a concern. They had us bring my son in daily to check his bilirubin and almost readmitted him for light therapy. It took a week for his bilirubin levels to start dropping and a couple of weeks for the bruises to disappear. As long as they are checking his levels regularly (or they stopped checking if the bilirubin levels were trending down), then you have nothing to worry about! The bruises will heal. You are doing great, Mama!

They disappear it’s normal for baby to bruise. All my son’s had bruises from birth. And my last was all natural too hun I delivered him myself.

for the bilirubin, make sure to take him out in the sun for a few hrs each day. that’s a natural way to keep the jaundice under control. If it’s too cold to expose him outside for the sun, if you have an enclosed porch then use that.

Awe congrats mama it’ll go away in time! It’s not your fault at all

Yes I delivered my son 8 weeks early and he was bruised so bad he look africian american. This was in the hospital. He is perfectly fine and 26 years old. I know you are beating yourself up but don’t it just happens. It is unique and so is he

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My 4th baby was born so quickly it ruptured the vessels in his eyes!! The whole whites of his were blood red for about 2 weeks!! Looked horror film horrific! :scream: But is quite common in quick delivery of bigger babies apparently!! :woman_shrugging:t2: xx

My daughter was pretty bruised from delivery. The only issue was that bruising may contribute to jaundice. As long as they monitor baby’s bilirubin levels all should be good. Congrats on your new addition!

Im sry ur baby got bruised hope they get better soon! My 3rd son never bruised but was born in my car as well. Water broke in car called 911 told us what to do and sure enough before I pushed chp&ambulance showed up but never delivered a baby so my husband did it!

My youngest came pretty fast so she came out bruised also. It went away within a few days :slight_smile:

Don’t feel bad! The situation was out of your control!


You are amazingly strong and should be proud of yourself and Daddy for delivering him in the car. Best of luck Momma

My oldest son was bruised, while I was pushing his head went in and out quite a bit, he was just fine :heart:

My daughter was bruised when she was born. She was 5 weeks early. The doc said that because she didnt have a lot of fat, it didnt cushion her during delivery. The bruises went away in time.

My son was bruised and his shoulder got caught on my pelvic bone and he had to be pushed back in and redelivered.

My 3rd boy came out looking like someone beat the heck out of my belly. Doc told me that because he came through my pelvis so fast that it cause bruising.

My son was bruised on his forehead from me pushing. It goes away. Just takes time.

You gave birth in a flippin car. Dont feel bad. You’re a rockstar!!!


Girl, you just had a baby come through your body in a car! You freaking rockstar! I’m sure the bruising is from birth. My son had torticolis from being up against my pelvis for the last 2 weeks. I felt awful, but there is absolutely nothing I could have done. Same with your situation. An alive baby, congratulations mama. You kicked ass!!

My oldest got stuck in my pelvis and came out super bruised. After less than 2 weeks it all cleared. Be on the lookout for a lipoma though! My daughter had one in her arm. They’re harmless sacks of fat, but still!

My son had a bruise from sitting on my pelvic bone for 48 hours. My dr wouldnt give me a section like i kept asking her to do. His bruise went away in week or so.

Don’t feel guilty…Congratulations on your baby

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Yes my daughter was bruised it happens nothing to worry about. She’s a happy healthy 13 year old.

You are sweet. And this proves you will be a fantastic mother but try and tell yourself what everyone knows already and that is you nor anyone can tell a child when to or when not yo come out. It’s entirely up to that child. And God. Your not yo blame you did nothing wrong No one is to blame here.

My babys face was very bruised after he came out.He came so fast,my midwife barely made it to my house!It was a homebirth!My midwife said itsnormal if they come out fast!His face got alot better after a few days!congrats!!

It happens. They’re very resilient, but they have tender thin skin that is easily bruised. Some of my babies had a small amount of bruising during delivery. Sending healing vibes so that your little one can recover from the jaundice.

My daughter was bruised pretty bad around her forehead she has gotten stuck but made it through to her shoulders and was stuck again so they done an emergency c section

You didn’t really bruise your baby

Well done to Mum with Dad’s help. The bruising will go but to put your mind at ease visit your doc? Blessings to you and your family

My 3rd came out so fast she had bruising around her head. It healed like a normal bruise. It will be ok. Don’t blame your self you did nothing wrong. Congratulations on the little one tho.

The same thing happened to me but I didn’t have my son in the car hi Mom I had him at the hospital and his face was completely bruised cuz he hit my pelvis but after a couple weeks just let him get sunlight he will be just fine

My daughter came out natural 10lbs bruised and with a broken collar bone. She healed nicely and fairly quick.

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My son was bruised for about a week after birth. His head was almost out and he was stuck against my pelvis bone. The did a c section and I noticed the bruises on his head chest and shoulders right away.

Drive on smoother roads

Girl my nose was squished to my face when I was born, I came out so fast. Your baby is okay. You did great

It’s not your fault. Sometimes they come so fast it causes bruises. Your baby will be just fine. Congratulations Mama!

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My baby was bruised, and she had a scratch on the top of her head because they broke my water with a tool that looked like an orange peeler, I felt so bad about it.
My contractions were never 60 seconds long, my doctor told me the same but even the contractions I was pushing for didnt make it to 60 seconds long, so I feel like doctors need to stop telling mothers that.
Congratulations on your new baby!!

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My brother had a hematoma. Not sure how long it took to heal since he is older but he did heal and he is fine.

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Oh sweet heart it’s not your fault at all

It happened to my youngest he came quick. I have had 3 kids before him and I was laying in bed and all of a sudden my water broke and I gave birth to him in our bathroom, my husband cought him as he was coming out and on the phone getting someone here. The ambulances are on 2 min from our house. He had slight bruising on his face but he will be a year on the 20th and is super happy and you cant tell.

I had my last baby natural. I had my others with an epidural and waited too long to get it with my last. He came out bruised a little bit but since he came so fast, the blood vessels popped in his eyes. But my Dr reassured me that he was fine

Its not ur fault n it will heal. Congratulations momma u did a great job. I never had regular contractions n with my first i got to the hospital at 7cm needing pitocin to bring them closer n more regular so doctors need to stop with these rules.