I gave my childs father a place to live but he isn't trying to better himself: Advice?

Kick him out! My ex would do this every time he fell on hard times and then would never pull his wieght. A mooch is a mooch, is a mooch, and will always be a mooch.


He is using you as his room and board ticket. Tell him he has to make other arrangements now. He sounds like he is o.k. with being evicted, like from his last place. You cannot afford to support him, and your kids too. Tell him so. He will stay until you kick him out. If he “goes off” on you about it, tell him to leave immediately. He is abusing you in every way.

Get social services or VA involved. Police can evict him He’s your ex for a reason Be a friend, but not an enabler


You are not responsible for another person’s choices/lack of action. Pack his shit and change your locks

Definitely kick him out of your home… Not your job to support a grown ass man… even more so if your not in a serious relationship or married to him… You have done way more then you should have…

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Check the laws on evicting him. You may have to prominently post his eviction notice as well as handing it to him. It should show the specific date you posted and gave him the notice, and the date he is to be off the premises. As soon as he is out, changed the locks. Do not let him back in the house ever again.

No. He isn’t your child and it isn’t your responsibility to get a grown man to get his shit together. He has an income from the VA. That should be enough to get him a studio or something. He is just using you. If he can’t find a place, then he needs to start paying you to stay at your place.

No parents or siblings?

Nope. Kick him out.
Him losing his shit at you is basically him scaring you into not bringing it up again.
Fuck him.
You don’t need that shit

Get the VA involved if you can to help you with this…if you think he could hurt you…then change the locks…so when he does leave…he can’t get back in…

Do you have a partner now? Maybe both of you can talk to him together and say sorry but this is getting really expensive and we can not afford it anymore. If your partner is there with you he might not lose it as he did when you tried to talk to him on your own…

You know the answer when you said am I just enabling him. He has to go use any means available to you


Send him to the store for milk and change the locks when he’s gone. F that loser.


I’d kick his bum ass out…

Kick him out get his thing and put them at the front door or he will keep using you and getting angry so it makes you feel bad

You are enabling him to continue with his bad behavior. See if there are any low rent places for veterans in your town and see if you can get him in. If not then take him to a shelter and change your lock so he can’t come back.

He is making the decision to be homeless. If he has had ample time to get out, then put him on the road and where he goes is His own choice. You d ont need a bum on top of you other responsibilities.

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The problem I have with this situation is why are you working 65 hours a week trying to take care of children as a single mom and allow yourself to get pregnant again? Sounds like you need to learn the word NO not just to this freeloader but to having unprotected sex with all these useless fathers. The kids are the ones that end up paying for their parents actions!!

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Its easy, you bag up whatever belongings he has, set them outside, change the locks. If he isn’t helping himself he’s just gonna suck the life out of you. Don’t let him play the guilt trip on you. Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom before we will even think about bettering ourselves. Good luck.

V A will help him. You say your pregnant. Is it his or do you have a boyfriend that can help you move him out

Time for him go. He is not your responsibility. I would start calling shelters and find him a bed at one. Then inform him of his new accomodations,and a ride there if he needs one. Might sound mean but he asked for help. You’d be helping him out your door. He obviously doesn’t care about your feelings,why should you care about his. I mean atleast he’d have a place to stay. I’ve had to do that,not with an ex,but with someone I also tried to help out,some people don’t/ won’t do for themselves as long as someone will do/ provide for them. Make him be responsible for himself. Otherwise he will stay as long as he can. Yep,find a shelter and point him in that direction

You still need him out? call me cuz