I got drunk texts from my husbands ex and my mother-in-law

If you find MIL was involved I would handle her with a long handle spoon. And Don’t keep talking about the situation to others. !!!
If MIL ask why the change. Tell her then still handle her with that same spoon

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They’re all playing childish games. Ignore them all. To be quite frank they sound like gutter trash!

Avoid your mil - if she asks why tell her the truth.


Ignore it. You don’t need to know.

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I would let your husband know and communicate how it made you feel.


I would’ve been str8 petty and said it’s because mine smells better :woman_shrugging: so wash urs maybe he’ll want it again :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Let your hubby address .If he does not get out.


As long as you and your husband are happy together, that’s the important thing.

People say rude or nasty comments to get a reaction. Don’t react. Ignore the comments made. However, I would let your husband know that you don’t appreciate being “drunk texted” by his ex. Leave it to him to say something to the ex. If he doesn’t, then the next time it happens, block her. You don’t need to make yourself available to people who you don’t choose to communicate with.

Talk to your spouse and have him handle it


Understand they were drunk and move on.


I’ll be handling that shit myself. I don’t let any in laws make me feel any type of way and not say something. She wouldn’t be allowed in my house again. :tipping_hand_woman:

If ur husband is a real man u won’t have to say anything he will address it and tell his mother that he will not allow it period! As for the ex she’s jealous and just to make myself feel better I would just respond with a simple text like ur right guess that’s why he’s with me and not u now and tell her she’s an ex for a reason and it shows how pathetic she is by trying to hold on to a relationship with him through his mother. She needs to grow up!


Avoid them as much as you can. Talk to your husband about this. Let him know how hurt and betrayed you feel by their actions. And how you dont want to be around them


See this why I don’t do in-laws :unamused::weary: It’s hi and bye :v:t3:


Can’t be to much of a downgrade or he’d still be with her :roll_eyes: she’s clearly jealous hold your head high and dmignire comments from small minded people stress is not worth the effort


Your husband knows what happened , guys talk too. I’d post her messages on FB under “ received these nasty texts from my husbands ex and his drunk relatives. Don’t have time for games , just calling them out on their shit” and let Karma do it’s job.

Rise above their childish games.

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Oof. As hard as this is going to be ignore them both. It’s awful being ganged up on but just ignore them. Been there and just talked to my hubby about how I was feeling. His mom tried to turn me into someone else to him but that backfired. I had to go no contact for a while because the toxicity was too much.

Tell her to
Meet up. :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2: get these hands


Prove them wrong and have cuter kids ;). Ignore it. The truth is, MIL has a history with other woman. So do you best, you are all family, don’t be hurt or angry.

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Carry on living happy with your husband and beautiful babies … the ex is just it … EXIT …


Get rid of the whole family :woman_shrugging::v:t2::joy:


I am no longer tolerant of 2 faced people which it sounds like your MIL might be. Tell your husband you aren’t going over there anymore and let him decide how he wants to handle it! Drunk is not an excuse shame on her and if thats the way she feels about you, like he married down well then you need to be rid of her.


They’re just your in-laws. You better get used to it by the sound of it. Ignor …ignore…

Ya see, People forget they can get they a** whooped. Always on the phone and on the internet talking ish, but never say a word to your face. Ignore the ex for sure like you already did. Have your husband talk to his mom.


My MIL would do this I know it, she got drunk and proceeded too tell me that the ex was better :rofl::rofl: and I was fugly

They are awful to you. I’m sorry. My ex boyfriends ex told me im creepy.lol

Be happy with your man . Who cares who don’t like it. As long as he’s a good man who treats you how you deserve. That’s what matters screw the hatters

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First of all… to go after kids is the lowest of the low. They are innocent and don’t have anything to do with S H I T! Also tell them both to come by and we all will come help u slap them around. :smirk:
anyone with me ??? :grin:


I would tell your husband exactly how you feel & what happened & inform him you know longer want any contact with his mother. And then if he doesn’t support your decision ask of he would support the decision of a divorce because that was ABSOLUTELY beyond inappropriate. I would also, if I were you, screenshot and post the messages on Facebook before they slander YOUR name. Tag your MIL in the post too if you can.


Confront your MIL of course.


Your MIL may have been so wasted she had no clue who she was talking about or to… I’d bring it up to her. Address the issue and go from there.

“MAY” have played a role in the texting while drunk. Pass on this one. Besides once your children are born, you could have a gila monster and she would think it was cute since it is her grandchild! FACT.

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stay away from both of them. Talk to your hubby and let him know how you feel


Best thing is to stand right in front of them and make them aware that you know what they’ve done and let them know you won’t accept being disrespected like that. I’d talk to my husband beforehand and let him know that I’d be having a chat with his mum.


All her out. Ask your MIL why she felt the need to send you messages like that. Never be shy to speak up for yourself


Unless you know for a fact your MIL participated I would just let it ride. You don’t know if she was just in the room or actively telling her what to text. I’d let it go but be cautious about the relationship.

Time for a sober adult sit down with both of them. It needs to be addressed because clearly the ex isn’t over him


F that. I’d cut MIL out of your life. If hubby wants to talk to her he can himself. Ex sounds jelly

I say F*** the in laws


Unless u was a homewrecker and broke their marriage/family I can understand why but if not I would stay clear from that

He needs to step in an stand up for you, then cut contact


I would try and forget about what was written hard but worth it for your own peace of mind Plus It Says a lot about the person who wrote those words to you :slightly_smiling_face:

It hurts I m sorry you went threw this ,so when you have kids tell then. Your kids are too ugly for their time or attention and keep a back bone about it

Im just a downgrade…i hope our kids are cute…it’s probably because im gross PETTY LEVEL UP

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Forget it. They don’t have a combined IQ of 50

Oh I’d definitely call out that childish MIL of yours. Fuck the ex. If they don’t have kids together you legit don’t have to deal with her shit.
“Karen. I got the weirdest texts last night. read them how crazy of her to do that. Right?” Wait for a reply because you know damn well she isn’t going to throw her self under the bus then tell her you know she was a part of it and she’s 40+ years old and needs to grow the fuck up.

This reminds me of all of my SILs & my late hubby’s ex. So disrespectful! Especially the one I really thought I could trust. Hubby wasn’t even cold in his grave and it started with alienation of me and my kids. Their blood family treated them like trash. Things escalated over time and I cut them off one by one. It hurt so terribly because they were family to my hubby. When my sil died, none of us were even notified. When they had the service, I lost it, bc they hadn’t invited any of us, and hadn’t thought to include me and the kids. The ex, though, she was there. Like she was still part of the family, and I was an imposter. That was the last straw for any of my kids and me. No more. I wrote a message to my niece, who was in charge of the invitations, about how their behavior was so rude and all. It still hurts, and it’s been a year since that. But I totally get the OP’s position here. She’s not wrong, and I hope she can deal with this sooner rather than later. The longer it goes, it seems the more it hurts. Like a splinter.