I got pregnant by someone who was in a relationship and I do not want his fiance around my child: Advice?

So… because he lied, her child should have a second mother right off the back? When she’s suffered though 2 losses before & this is her first. You guys are weird


This is a toxic situation and unnecessary drama. Give the kid a chance at a better life and put it up for adoption.


Sounds like she wants your baby, run now and don’t look back


She did nothing wrong so you can’t really be like that towards her…
Girl, if my daughters father got a girlfriend, and they were serious. I would hope she would look at my child like her own, take care of her like her own,.let her love your baby…
Seems like they are going to make their relationship work… so If I were you I would go ahead and accept that, the girlfriend is stepmom… which is not a bad thing!!!
I love my daughter’s stepmom.


So let me get this straight…this man got you pregnant while he had a whole family and you’re mad at the woman he did this to? You need serious help and i feel bad for what this baby is coming into on your end. Seek help


It’s time to grow up, she wasn’t in the wrong in this situation, he was. Be thankful you have a baby daddy willing to step up, and take responsibility for his child. Stop being petty.


I agree with everyone else. Sounds like to be a mama you have some growing up too do. I don’t understand how you want to go as far as a stay away order against her, For what? What did she do to you or your baby. You slept with a man cheating on her and got pregnant. He should be the one your fuming against. Of she’s willing to still be with him and be there for your baby and help be glad, alot of us wish we had that. I think.you’re being very petty and childish. Please don’t raise that child with selfless greed for your own sanity.


Well he is the dad and the kid deserves to know him and his family. Broken family are not easy. But you can not stop this happening esp if he has raised a child as his own to him this is the sibling.


You have a lot of growing up mama to do, if she isn’t causing any harm to you or the baby and supports him because of the relationship he has with her kids let her do so. She may turn out to be blessing and you don’t even know it. Stop with the drama, she didn’t lie to you he did. Grow up


girl… grow up, you had sex with someone and you both know what happens when you have sex. He’s the father regardless, if he wants to be apart of his child’s life he should be. You are just immature and can’t deal with the fact he lied to you. She did nothing wrong and by the sounds of it he’s not leaving her anytime soon.

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Don’t put him on the birth certificate! Cut all ties!


But why are you mad at her ? You didn’t say anything about that? You slept with her fiancé ( even though you didn’t know at the time ). She had all rights to mad at you for that and then getting pregnant. My bd went and seen his now wife while I was not even 12hr post birth of his son, and I’m not mad. My son has a bonus mom whom I adore.


You sound unbelievably selfish. Is it a shity situation absolutely. But it is what it is. Grow up I put your baby first because your baby deserves a dad if the dad’s willing to be involved. You clearly have no idea how many moms have it so much harder by no choice or how many kids miss out in your situation you’re causing both of those things


Please read what you are asking. This woman did nothing wrong and you want her not to be around your kid? What is with people taking love away from children? If she wants to love and protect your baby as she is engaged to her father, then why not? I’d be more than happy to have more people out in this crazy ass world protecting my children. Please keep them safe with me is what I would be saying. Hope you grow up.

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:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: So immature!
You don’t have a choice… suck it up and make the best of it. The child will be around the father and his family… this includes the fiancé… like it or not.
You’re going to be miserable and make your kid absolutely miserable if you don’t get along.

All i have to say is grow tf up girl. You sound so selfish. If I was him I wouldn’t want to be with you.


My only question is there a legitimate like life or death reason you do not want her in your childs life. I understand being mad and angry and confused but your baby could be missing out on a whole other extension of a parent figure for “pettiness”. How would you feel if the table was turned and you honestly wanted nothing more than to be a step parent or even just a friend in the situation thrown at you. I know its a hard bullet to bite but as adults I think y’all should make the best out of it. No one is going to suffer more than your baby with the fight and nastiness. But at the end of the day your the babies mother and you need to do what is beat for you.


Please don’t have kids, you all sound fucked :joy:

So you slept with a married man and she can’t see your out of wedlock baby why? You’re the one who slept with him


You are so childish the true definition of “if we’re not together then you can’t see your child”
Do you know how many kids are fatherless because of shit like this and do you know how many single mother’s wished they had a active father in their kids lives? You better hope he doesn’t take you to court for custody cause you seem to be mentally unstable. There’s no harm or flaw that the fiancé has done to you just a lying ass man that want his cake and eating it too

Do you really want someone you can’t trust in your life? You can’t control if birth father wants a relationship or who he exposes the child to. Only them matters is loving your child. Doesn’t sound like she will harm the child. IF birth father says away from her it won’t be a problem… Enjoy now and don’t worry needlessly

All 3 of you need to take a step back and stop thinking about yourselves. It doesn’t matter what you want. It doesn’t matter what he wants. He doesn’t matter what she wants.
You are all childish and the only ones getting hurt are the children.
This whole post is a ‘pity me’ cry. Don’t hook up with someone you don’t know if you aren’t able to be an adult after things like this happen

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I won’t pass judgment on you because that isn’t helpful. You do need to think about the bigger picture. Do you not trust her? Is she neglectful or a bad influence? Believe me, it will be easier and less stressful to just get along and be a team if possible. No, you didn’t ask for these other kids or another woman to be in the picture, but no one ever does. I know you’re hurt and maybe you need to process this and think about it.

I was in a similar situation in 2008ish. I was 20, vulnerable and got pregnant with a guy who told me he and his fiance were finished when I dont think they were. They did end up parting ways but I’m pretty sure I was the other woman for a bit, regrettably. They also remained good friends and I was really spicy about it.

Unbelievably they have both passed away since all that so I’ve had time to think a lot about it. Unrelated to any advice you are looking for so I won’t get into that. My son and his father had a complicated relationship. Not only that but he went and had another baby with someone he cheated on me with who is like 6 months older than our son. (If he cheats with you he’ll cheat on you)… anyway, I regret being childish and not wanting his ex fiance ever seeing our son. She was a nice lady and didn’t deserve my animosity or anything her ex did to her…

It’s not worth it. Protect your kid, but don’t take out your pain on a woman that didn’t do anything wrong to you. If anything, the guy screwed you both over. I hope you find a solution.


It’s about the child’s best interest not your feelings.


First off, why would you even be mad at her? He’s the dumb*** that cheated and got you pregnant, not her. So why be petty?
2nd what did the kids do to you to make you not want the fathers children around their sibling? They are clearly in a toxic marriage but what’s that gotta do with your child and not being around them?
You and him made your filthy bed now lay in it and stop being petty. Your child will resent you when your child is older.
Just curious as well, if you got with this man and he wanted to stay with you and he got his kids whenever the court or fiancé let him, would you still say no to your baby being around their siblings? Stop being petty and grow up! :ok_hand:t3:


You fucked a man who lied about being in a relationship…about being ENGAGED. You got knocked up and you want to punish his fiancée?? Not too bright, are you?? First off, his woman did nothing to hurt you or your unborn child. Second, they won’t technically have a sibling because they aren’t married, so legally they aren’t his. Third, quit acting like a baby mama and start acting like a grown woman who made a mistake. Don’t take it out on someone who’s done nothing wrong. Who doesn’t even know you. You can’t stop the father from not bringing his child around his fiancée and family. You just can’t. You should count your blessings that you’d be able to know that someone who has kids will be there to help the new father. You’re not being selfish nor are you being protective. You’re being childish.

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You said this is embarrassing… and there’s your answer. :woman_shrugging: these all sound like a you issue. You don’t want , you don’t need, you were never told .


You do not want THAT drama, you just want the drama that YOU choose to create. Got it.


What’s she done to you or your unborn baby?!
Your poor baby.
Grow up


Sound like you don’t need no kids!!! Already bitter. For NO reason! Lol That man not with neither of y’all so what’s the issue??


Grow up. You are being EXTREMELY SELFISH…Neither her…not your babies siblings (whether your like it or not…that’s what they are) have anything to do with this! Why are you taking your anger out on innocent people?


You mad at her because of how that little BOY did you ? Girl stop :raised_hand:


It sounds to me like you’re the one starting drama. Unless you choose to not list him on the birth certificate or go for child support, you really can’t do anything. If the two of you have agreed to raise the baby together but not be together, then you have no say as to who he has around his child. Aside from that, what did she do to you? You didn’t know about her and she didn’t know about you. The baby shouldn’t suffer. There are so many men who make babies and don’t take care of them. If he wants to take care of his child, let him. Don’t be the bitter baby momma.


Sounds like you are mad at her and NOT him. She is going through this just like you are and it sounds like she is being more supportive of you than he is. He doesn’t want you he wants her and that’s fine but you need to grow up honestly . You cannot be a mother and selfish you have a lot of growing up to do. If he wants to be in the child’s life then that’s fine but whether you want to believe it or not so is she. Be grateful honestly that she is so willing to welcome your baby… women aren’t always like that and trust me when I say she is hurting the same if not more than you are . She sounds super mature especially for what she has been dealt. Not trying to judge you but you really do need to see the bigger picture and grow up. It is not an ideal situation but be grateful you will never have to worry about your child being cared for. The best thing you can do is the put pride aside and grow up . Pride will lose every time


Let’s go out on a limb and say he got you pregnant on purpose and they’re going to try to take your child. All you can do is move. Cut ties. Start your life over. Tell him it’s not his. We don’t know the whole story, it might not be. No judgement. Just, we don’t know. You’ve got 30weeks to plan a new life for yourself.


For not wanting drama… You sure like drama. Lol. Not about you anymore. You laid down and had the baby, your baby will be around people you might not like. Be an adult. Grow up.


To be honest he’s always going to choose her n their family over u n ur baby… he told you in so many words especially fuc#ing u to get back. At her tbh u should either accept u being a single mom or get an abortion… you can have more kids… its only going to make u bitter and miserable in the end a baby def isn’t going to make him be a dad

Why be mad at the fiancé for the situation? Your babies father wasn’t honest with you when you were sleeping with him. She had nothing to do with it. You can’t control his living situation or how involved he chooses to be with his ex fiancé and her child. He will have rights to your child and you won’t be able to dictate that. My advice is focus on co parenting with him and get on same page with him about how you want your child to be raised and work together.


It’s women like you!


Judge will laugh at u in ur face… SHE did absolutely nothing wrong… u seem really immature and…SELFISH :expressionless::expressionless:

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Why are all the women who are full of drama say things like I dOnT WaNT tHe DrAMA …


Tineeka Elliott check this out!

Well in reality it’s not their sibling since he isn’t those kids father. I see where your coming from. Since she has no ties do what you feel is best.


Get over it. You can’t say when the baby is with him also. You’re making the problem. She didn’t do anything to you.


Be mad at him, not her. What did she do to the baby. She’d probably treat the baby great. Damn, how old are you?

Girl she gonna be around wether you like it or not , god only gave you a child bc you are acting childish af he said thot settle down !


You need to seriously grow up. She’s done nothing. You screwed her man. Geesh…smdh

Grow the hell up girl…QUICK SMART

Oh this is a case of you still want him and think y’all could have a family!!! The quicker you get over it and allow the woman so long as she’s a good person and will be good to your child the better!!!

You sound like a cunt

Sounds like you’re the one who slept w a man that was in a relationship n both of ya are in the wrong & don’t tear apart a family to make whatever fairy tale your trying to make! Both of you are beyond wrong! Don’t bash the other woman and don’t hurt ur unborn child in it it FIGURE IT OUT!

Grow up and its not her fault

Your question is, “are you selfish?”
I will help with that…YES!!!
It no longer matters how you feel!!
Every decision you make HAS to be in the best interest of your child!!
Your child deserves to know their siblings!!
You’re mad at her?? For what???
He is the player in your game.

This entire situation sounds like one great big drama-fest and you are just adding to it with your pettiness. If anyone has a right to be mad it is the fiance. She is the one who was cheated on. The fact that she is willing to accept your child into her family instead of being super bitter and insisting the father cut ties with you shows that she is probably the most mature one of you all! You need to grow up and come to terms now with the fact that you are having a child with a man you’ll most likely never be in a relationship with and you won’t be able to control who he is with or who he has around your child be it this woman or another.


Take your baby and leave them alone. Simple. You don’t want to get rid of it ? Keep it. If the father wants no contact with the baby, be ready to accept full responsibility of the child.
You sound so bitter tbh


Ur mad at herwhen u slept with her man ur a special kind of child grow up!! U will b alone real soon

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It’s not her fault, yeah I understand there might be jealousy but your being petty and if she’s going to be nice and take car of the child if they were to end up back together and he’s the father of your baby if she’s not a threat he can do what he wants. You can’t get an order cause you feel like it. Grow up love, your having a baby and you need to give the baby as much love as possible by as many people as possible.

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You need to grow up asap. The baby isn’t even here and you’re already bitter. Why are you mad at woman that did you no wrong?!! Why would you keep the father out of the baby’s life simply because you’re mad?
Maybe next time don’t sleep with someone you just met or unsure of

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Playing god with a kid that isnt even in the world yet. Grow up and dont be so low using a child as a weapon. She isnt at fault she got cheated on!

Why are you blaming her? She could end up being a huge blessing in your childs life especially since the dad sounds like an ass

First, you are already in drama.
Second, a child can not have too much love!! PERIOD!!
Third, unless this other mother gives you a reason to dislike, or distrust her, embrace her, be grateful for her, and thankful that there will be a female presence there for your child, when you aren’t.
Lastly, be upset with Mr. Man…or yourself, if anyone, before throwing stones at her.
Hope you’re pregnancy goes well, and you all can have a wonderful, blended family.


I get your hormonal but you sound like you deep down really thought you’d play happy little family and then got knocked down and your jealous and petty. SHE. DID. NOTHING. WRONG.
He was the one that cheated and knocked you up… she didn’t. Now he’s laying her down at night instead of you and you’re mad, hurt, angry that you don’t have him (even though you say otherwise).

You have every right to be protective but your battle isn’t with her.


You’re crap. Take the baby and stay out of their lives. I have a feeling you knew about her and just didn’t care.
These are petty childish games you’re playing.
Grow up. For the sake of the child.


Stop the drama and walk away because if u don’t u will end up causing more drama in ur life and your baby’s life. He knew what’s he is doing so better leave .
You seem like a third person for them . Do u wanna be like that ? I guess not so just move and let them leave their lives . U have ur blessing on the way! You ll be so happy that you’ll be laughing when u remember what u gone through.
Do not waste your energy and life with these people because u wil end up sick and they will probably take ur child . U never know .
Better forget about him and raise ur kid happy away from all those bad energies


To be 100% honest with you, you need to grow up and accept the fact that if you are not with your child’s father, he WILL have other women around your child.

He IS the father of your child, that is HIS child too. He is allowed and entitled to have whoever he wants around his child (as long as they are not abusing or causing harm to the child).

I’m not trying to be rude, but you need to have a hard reality check. If you guys are not together, you have no right to tell him who is or ISNT allowed to be in his own child’s life.

Just like he has NO RIGHT to tell you who is or isn’t allowed in your child’s life. How would you feel if he told you that you couldn’t have someone around your child?

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I think she did nothing wrong in this situation!
If he wants to be in the child’s life, let him be, some kids don’t get that. You need to Grow up and let him see his kid weather she’s in his life or not


That’s really unfortunate for your child. You need to grow up…


You sound like a child yourself. This isnt about YOU anymore its about your baby. It deserves a father And if shes the fathers fiancée you dont get a say in that. Honestly i hope he fights you and wins joint custody so you cant be that bitter baby mama and withhold an innocent child from a loving father. Just disgusting


I’m think these comments need closed.

She gets it, y’all just saying the same things on a loop.


You sound bitter as hell. You slept with someone who was in a relationship and didn’t use protection. It isn’t about you and what you want and how you feel. It’s about that baby now. And if she is willing to accept your baby despite the fact that you slept with her man…. Be grateful that she is even willing to do that and isn’t being bitter towards the baby like you are to her. You’re being petty as hell and you have ZERO reason to be petty.


Don’t ever use a baby as a pawn.put yourself in thier place .How would you feel.you are the guilty one.Karma

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I can’t figure out why this woman is being condemned…she didn’t know about the other woman or did I read it wrong? Now they want to play family with her baby? Why is that this woman’s fault?


Girl !!! This is a Hot Mess , She is here to stay !!! Way too much Toxic Stuff already ! Can’t be good for you Or the Baby ! Gather up your Village and Lean on them until he either comes around or doesn’t! You are going to need a Ton of Support .


Please keep things respectful. You can have an opinion without being rude :black_heart:


Litterly you sound like my husband’s ex bitter baby mama. Girl I think you knew about his girl. And I’m telling you he is making up lies so you continue to let him see his child. And its siblings. Don’t ever bring children into adult situations. I spent 200$ on my step daughter and the mom refused us to send the gifts or my husband any communication just because he’s happy with me and I have the life she wants. If the woman never gave you a reason to dislike her. U are wrong and sounds like she’s being the adult understanding the kids are siblings . I swear women these days be so freaking bitter


Soooo your mad at a woman who did absolutely nothing to you … ? But your ok with the bd bouncing back and forth and want him to step up?! Wow this generation is insane :woozy_face::woman_facepalming:t4:… Time to put your big girl panties on hun !!!


She’s the step mama now whether you like it or not. Shouldn’t have had unprotected sex with someone that was in a relationship :woman_shrugging:t3: The time for being immature and petty is over. You chose to keep the child of a taken man, so deal with the cons of that. She’s going to be in your life for a loooong time and I feel so sorry for her.

He has every right as a father, that you have as a mother. The End.


Just wait n c how the child will b hope it stays safe when things like this happens the child come up missing hope this does not happen

You sound like a whole ass mess with extra drama. You realize that if he raised that child it is his child whether by blood or not right? You do not want a child that he raised around your child? Like it or not, that will be your child’s sibling. You have the rest of your pregnancy to hopefully work on yourself and your jealousy issues. You are only going to hurt your baby if you don’t learn how to be an adult. Also, you throwing in what she allegedly did in a relationship that has nothing to do with you is irrelevant. Just stop…

You’re very immature. And extremely selfish. If he’s going to be with the other woman then she would eventually be around your child and you can’t stop that from happening unless she would be a threat to your child. Which is unlikely in this situation. You need to think of the bigger picture. Obviously this mans other son isn’t his real son, so technically no it’s not a sibling to your child. If this man marries his fiancé then they would kinda be siblings. Regardless you need to be the bigger person in this situation. The more people that love your child the better. Focus on you and your baby right now. Think about your baby’s future. If you do anything to prevent the father from being involved your child will resent you. If you try keeping your child from his or her siblings, your child will resent you. Unfortunately you put yourself in a shitty situation but your child should never have to suffer. Your child deserves to see his or her father and siblings. This could all work out better than you think. Always put your child first even if it makes you a little uncomfortable. Obviously if this woman would ever be around your child, you have the right to meet her first. Coparent and always always put that baby first before yourself.

He did you both dirty but you act like she’s the bad guy that lied to you :thinking:. You all sounds kind of exhausting like high school level exhausting.


I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: there are some real mean bitches here.

To the OP… this is messy as hell. If you are going to have this baby, and have this man in the baby’s life, he can do whatever he wants. You guys aren’t married, aren’t together. And unfortunately, we can’t choose who our children’s fathers date/marry. It’s his choice, and if they are serious, she will be in your child’s life. That’s something you all have to come to terms with, and handle gracefully, for your child’s sake. Remember, she didn’t do anything wrong here, he cheated on her. I’m sorry you’re going through this…I know it must be confusing and hurtful and difficult.

My ex husband, before he completely dropped out of my daughter’s life at age 6, had introduced her to 7 different women. 7. And most of them were awful. Some were very nice and I’m still friends with them. I had no say in any of his business, because we weren’t together.

My finances baby momma doesnt like me, initially didnt want me around their daughter and would come up with every excuse as to why I’d be a bad influence. Their daughter loves me and gets excited whenever she sees me, she found out I was pregnant and that their daughter was going to have another sibling, at first she was pissed and talked shit but now we’re getting calls like “when Orion is born, if yall ever need a break from both kids you can shoot them down my way I know how hard it is with a newborn and our daughter, and I’m here to help” I’m fucking grateful that shes finally accepted that my son and I are going to be a part of their daughters life, you sound petty like she did in the beginning and very hateful. He slept with you to get back at HER it isnt her fault that you got pregnant nor is it her fault that he cheated on her with you. You werent with him, and have no right to hate her seeing as how shes willing to accept your baby as her child’s sibling because THATS WHAT YOUR BABY IS.

This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever read :woman_facepalming:t2:

Children can never be loved too much! You should feel lucky, if she wants to be involved, that there is another person that will care about your child.

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Why don’t you want the woman around your child ? She did nothing wrong and I’m sure she’s a great mom
Sorry but the man was in the wrong, sucks you didn’t know he was a pig
I hope you can all overcome this and raise a strong family together

It’s absolutely selfish IMO. That lady had no idea about you. It sounds like you are jealous of her. Please don’t keep a baby from the father and make the situation more difficult than it is. If the baby is being taken care of and in no danger with dad and his s/o then you are being selfish for your own reasons


Grow up?
I know that sounds harsh…but you’re reacting like a child not responding like an adult.
Don’t get me wrong. I get it. I get that you’re hurt and you’re angry…but this man’s fiance is every bit as much of a victim in this situation as you…In some ways even more so.
Being angry with her won’t help and she’s done nothing to deserve that anger.

Eventually that mama card you’re playing right now…that my way or now way… is going to play out. Your baby daddy is going to wise up and take this situation to court.
He will be able to get unsupervised visitation rights (unless there’s extenuating circumstances that would put the child at risk) and you won’t get to call the shots. You won’t get to say his fiance can’t be around his child…because that child is his Too.

All this stance is going to create more drama and more tension in an already tense situation


Wow. You’re truly awful. How is she the bad person in this?! Seriously grow up for the sake of that child.


I don’t understand why you’re so against her, it’s not her fault he lied to you. You’re cool with him being there, but so adamant that she can’t be when she’s the innocent party in this. He’s the liar, cheat, and manipulator, so you really can’t believe a word he says about that girl, it’s probably all a lie. In my opinion it sounds like you just want control over his life and are willing to use the baby to get it.


The messy petty baby mama drama nightmare nobody wants but so many get. You ma’am are a part of the reason why single mothers around the world still have the horrible baby mama drama stigma. GROW UP!!


thats your childs father. You made the choice to lay down with him. You made the choice to keep the child. Now you need to act like a grown woman and not a child. THAT MAN IS THE OTHER HALF OF YOUR CHILD. Whomever he decides to be with will be apart of their life too. You have to suck that pride up for your childs benefit. Not for him for her or you the child is the important part.

Who says he’s even the father? I mean who says he even needs to know when you go into labor or be there when you fill out birth certificate details

You sound like a right wench and btw hashtag relationship what crook of shit

He is the problem, not the fiance. Your anger should be directed at him, HE LIED TO YOU to get in your pants she didn’t. If he cheated with you, he will cheat on you.


Why do you feel that way toward her when HE was in the wrong in the situation? For me I feel like the more love for my child the merrier.
Neither you or the woman knew about each other so neither should have an issue with each other, he is the one that had sex with you out of pettiness to get at her, that’s ridiculous.
Neither of you should be with such a dumb dumb BUT you also need to see that she didn’t do a thing wrong here. If she wants to give your child extra love or a “sibling” ask yourself why you are bothered by that. If that was me, I know there would be a lot of emotions but the mom side of me is like, more love for my child and a sibling for my child, he would be stoked. I love my step children so damn much, with no doubt as much as my birth son so I get him loving her child and being there if he has been for a long time and if her child sees him as his father. How should crushing it would be for that child to lose the relationship with someone he knows as his father or is made to feel like his “dads” child has nothing to do with him.
Think from a child’s prospective :woman_shrugging:t3:

This post is just bait for comments :joy:


Personally I think you need to grow up, the only person your in control of is you. Stop concerning yourself with her and be the best Mom you can be


If they get back together you can’t stop him from bringing the baby around her.

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